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不同硝化抑制剂组合对铵态氮在黑土和褐土中转化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】添加硝化抑制剂和氮肥增效剂是提高氮肥利用率的有效方法。研究不同硝化抑制剂和氮肥增效剂组合对不同性质土壤中铵态氮转化特征的影响,为科学合理选择抑制剂提供理论依据。【方法】供试生化抑制剂包括2-氯-6 (三氯甲基) -吡啶 (Nitrapyrin,CP)、3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐 (DMPP)、1-甲氨甲酰-3-甲基吡唑 (CMP)、3-甲基吡唑 (MP)、2-氨基-4-氯-6-甲基嘧啶 (AM)、N-guard、二氰二胺 (DCD)。供试土壤为黑土和褐土,以氯化铵为氮肥,按照常用量添加各生化抑制剂制备稳定性肥料,用于室内恒温、恒湿土壤培养试验。试验设不施肥 (CK)、氯化铵 (N)、N + CP、N + CP + AM、N + CP + DCD、N + CP + N-guard、N + CP + DMPP、N + CP + CMP、N + CP + MP等9个处理。在培养第1、4、7、11、15、22、30、45、60、75、90、105、120天取土样,测定土壤含水量、土壤NH4+-N和NO3–-N含量,并计算硝化抑制率。【结果】在黑土和褐土两种类型土壤中,铵态氮转化特征具有显著差异,在弱酸性黑土中硝化反应速率显著低于碱性褐土。在黑土中,不同硝化抑制剂组合N + CP、N + CP + N-guard、N + CP + DMPP、N + CP + DCD、N + CP + CMP、N + CP + AM、N + CP + MP都表现出较好的硝化抑制效果,可以维持黑土中较高的铵态氮含量超过4个月以上。其中N + CP、N + CP + DCD、N + CP + N-guard处理在120天时,其硝化抑制率为37%~40%。而N + CP + AM、N + CP + MP、N + CP + DMPP为32%~36%,N + CP + CMP为26%。在褐土中,N + CP + DCD组合硝化抑制效果最大,在培养120天,其硝化抑制率为20%;其次是N + CP、N + CP + AM,其硝化抑制率在培养第105天时分别为23%、12%,在培养第90天时分别为63%、60%;N + CP + N-guard、N + CP + DMPP、N + CP + MP、N + CP + CMP在培养第75天时硝化抑制率分别为43%、42%、37%、35%,有效硝化抑制作用时间可维持75天左右。【结论】在黑土和褐土2种不同类型土壤中施用氯化铵氮肥,应添加专一硝化抑制剂或组合制成高效稳定性铵态氮肥。在湿润地区pH较低的酸性土壤上,例如黑土,适宜的硝化抑制剂较多,其中N + CP或N + CP + N-guard、N + CP + DCD组合的硝化抑制效果显著且持续时间长。在干旱半干旱的碱性土壤上,例如褐土,N + CP + DCD组合的硝化抑制效果和持续时间优于其他组合,可用于褐土上施用的高效稳定性氯化铵氮肥的生产。  相似文献   

三种硝化抑制剂抑制土壤硝化作用比较及用量研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
【目的】硝化抑制剂是调控土壤氮素转化与硝化作用微生物群落结构的有效途径。本文通过室内模拟试验对3种硝化抑制剂在不同剂量下的硝化抑制效果进行研究,旨在筛选出效果最佳的剂型与剂量,为石灰性土壤硝化抑制剂的合理应用提供依据。 【方法】培养试验在生长箱内进行,25℃黑暗条件培养;盆栽试验在温室内进行。供试硝化抑制剂为双氰胺(DCD)、3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(DMPP)和2-氯-6-三氯甲基吡啶(Nitrapyrin),DCD和DMPP用量均设定为纯氮(N)量的0(CK)、1.0%、2.0%、3.0%、3.5%、4.0%、4.5%、5.0%、6.0%和7.0%;Nitrapyrin用量分别为纯氮量的0、0.1%、0.125%、0.2%、0.25%、0.3%、0.35%、0.4%、0.45%和0.5%,三种硝化抑制剂均设10个水平,每个水平3次重复。盆栽试验氮加入量为每公斤风干土0.50 g,三种硝化抑制剂用量分别为纯氮用量的5%、1%、0.648%。调查比较了三者的硝化抑制效果及对土壤氮素转化的影响及其对小青菜鲜重的生物学效应;采用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)法分析了不同硝化抑制剂对土壤AOA、AOB群落结构的影响。 【结果】DCD、DMPP、Nitrapyrin均可显著抑制土壤硝化作用(P<0.05),各硝化抑制剂处理土壤的NH4+-N含量分别较对照提高了46.2~256.1 mg/kg、291.8~376.7 mg/kg、3.68~372.9 mg/kg。DCD与DMPP处理的硝化抑制率分别为49.3%~79.4%和96.4%~99.4%,DCD表现出明显的剂量效应,但DMPP在1%~7%浓度范围内的剂量效应不明显。Nitrapyrin在0.1%~0.2%浓度范围内有明显的剂量效应。0.25%~0.5% Nitrapyrin的硝化抑制率为98.9%~99.9%,其硝化抑制效果与DMPP处理相同。DCD、DMPP、Nitrapyrin处理的小青菜地上部分鲜重分别比氮肥处理(ASN)提高了12.7%、11.1%、17.6%。施用硝化抑制剂可改变土壤AOA和AOB群落结构,且对AOA群落结构的影响大于AOB,不同硝化抑制剂之间对AOA和AOB群落结构的影响无差异。 【结论】3种硝化抑制剂的硝化抑制效果表现为Nitrapyrin≥DMPP>DCD,均对AOA与AOB群落结构产生明显影响。各硝化抑制剂处理均可提高小青菜地上部鲜重、叶片Vc含量及可显著提高小青菜叶片氨基酸含量(P<0.05)。综合比较,Nitrapyrin硝化抑制效果好于DMPP,DCD效果最差,推荐用量为基于纯氮0.25%的Nitrapyrin添加量。  相似文献   

氨氧化木质素作为硝化抑制剂的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过室内培养实验对氨氧化木质素(AOL)的硝化抑制作用进行了探讨。在相同条件下,分别加AOL和BCD处理的铵态氮质量分数都要比未加硝化抑制剂处理高,相应地,在开始阶段硝态氮质量分数也要比示加硝化抑制剂处理的爸研究结果表明,AOL作为硝化抑制剂是有效果的。  相似文献   

元素硫和双氰胺对菜地土壤铵态氮硝化抑制协同效应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用好气培养法,研究了双氰胺(DCD)、元素硫(S0)和元素硫分解中间物(S2O32-)及其组合对蔬菜地土壤氮素硝化抑制作用。结果表明,在培养试验72 d内,DCD+S0、DCD、DCD+ Na2S2O3处理土壤NH4+-N总量分别是N处理的5. 8、5.1、5.9倍;S0、Na2S2O3处理分别是N处理的1.8、1.4倍;而所有硝化抑制剂(DCD、S0、S2O32-)处理土壤NO3--N含量显著低于N处理,表明DCD、S0和S2O32-均能抑制菜地土壤铵态氮硝化。培养试验开始8 d后,Na2S2O3和DCD对铵态氮硝化抑制产生协同效应,16 d后S0和DCD对铵态氮硝化抑制也产生协同效应,这可能是由于S0 氧化中间体S2O32-、S4O62-具有抑制DCD降解作用,延长了DCD硝化抑制作用时间。建议蔬菜生产上推荐使用DCD+S0组合,以提高氮素利用率。  相似文献   

脲酶/硝化抑制剂对尿素氮在白浆土中转化的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用室内恒温培养方法,研究了脲酶抑制剂(NBPT)、硝化抑制剂(DMPP)及其协同对尿素氮在三江平原白浆土中转化作用效果。研究表明,在白浆土中NBPT有效作用时间小于13 d,作用时间较在棕壤和黑土中短;对土壤中铵态氮、硝态氮及表观硝化率影响与普通尿素基本一致。NBPT与DMPP组合缓释尿素施入4-7 d,能够有效抑制脲酶活性,减缓尿素水解;只添加DMPP与添加NBPT与DMPP协同作用对抑制铵态氮硝化作用效果相同,二者能保持土壤中NH4+-N高含量时间超过80 d。DMPP作用时间可达80 d以上,能有效抑制NH4+-N向NO3--N的转化;在第80 d,土壤中仍有54.58%~56.85%的氮以铵态氮形式存在,表观硝化率只有50%左右。DMPP抑制硝化作用效果十分显著,因此,在白浆土中施用添加NBPT缓释尿素、DMPP缓释尿素、NBPT与DMPP缓释尿素时,应首选添加1%DMPP的缓释尿素肥料。  相似文献   

黑麦有机氮在土壤中矿化的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
试验研究了黑麦(休闲作物)与土壤混合在含水量为12%及不同温度(0,4,10和20℃)培养下其有机N的太化,结果,有机N的矿化极大地受温度的影响。在20℃温度下培养15周后,约有80%的黑麦有机N被矿化。试验后期,矿化的NO3-N从土壤中大量损失,这可能是由化硝化作用造成的,同时,矿化N形态在土壤中的转化过程也随高温度升高而加强。仅在低温条件下,NH4-N能在土壤中积累。  相似文献   

土壤pH值和含水量对土壤硝化抑制剂效果的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
硝化抑制剂如2-氯-6-三氯甲基吡nitrapyrin,通常与氮肥配施来抑制硝化作用提高农田中肥料的利用率,但是其抑制效果会受到土壤理化性质的影响。采用新工艺重新合成后的新型nitrapyrin纯度高达98%,由于杂质减少而具有更好的硝化抑制效果。为了研究土壤pH值和含水量对新型nitrapyrin抑制效果的影响,明确nitrapyrin适合施用的土壤条件,采用室内培养试验,研究了在不同的土壤pH值和含水量下nitrapyrin对无机氮含量动态变化和硝化作用强度的影响,以及其硝化抑制率的变化规律。结果表明:随着土壤pH值的升高,铵态氮含量降低,硝态氮含量和表观硝化率呈现上升的趋势,并且在所有pH值处理下氮肥配施nitrapyrin均显著地降低了矿质氮库铵态氮的转化量,均不同程度地抑制了硝化作用;在培养的第9天,nitrapyrin在pH值7.70处理下对硝化作用抑制效果最好,硝化抑制率达到91.53%,但硝化抑制率的降低速率在高pH值处理上更快;在培养的第45天,当pH值为4.66时,硝化抑制率为36.43%,显著高于其他处理;在整个培养过程中,施用nitrapyrin能显著抑制各处理的硝化作用,硝化抑制率在不同土壤含水量上的表现为:40%WHC60%WHC80%WHC。可见,nitrapyrin更加适合施用在酸性土壤以及旱地土壤上,该研究可以为新型硝化抑制剂nitrapyrin在农田中施用的最优条件提供理论依据。  相似文献   

三种硝化抑制剂在石灰性土壤中的应用效果比较   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
刘涛  梁永超  褚贵新  马丹  刘倩  王健 《土壤》2011,43(5):758-762
在人工气候室内采用25℃黑暗培养法研究双氰胺(DCD)、3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸(DMPP)及2-氯-6-三氯甲基吡啶(Nitrapyrin)在石灰性土壤中的硝化抑制效果。结果表明:施用DCD、DMPP、Nitrapyrin的土壤NH4+-N含量较单施硫酸铵的土壤(对照)分别提高228.45~244.85 mg/kg(砂土)、209.75~254.79 mg/kg(黏土),NO3--N含量较对照分别降低93.85%~94.99%(砂土)、91.82%~95.38%(黏土)。表观硝化率随培养进程增加缓慢,培养期间只增加了1.28%~2.09%(砂土)、2.72%~8.40%(黏土),而对照增加了86.00%(砂土)、80.89%(黏土)。3种硝化抑制剂均显著抑制了石灰性土壤中硫酸铵水解铵硝化作用的进行,并且在砂土中的硝化抑制率高于黏土,硝化抑制效果最好的为DMPP处理,0.54%Nitrapyrin处理次之但用量最小,0.27%Nitrapyrin和10.8%DCD处理抑制效果相对较弱。  相似文献   

【目的】本文研究添加不同种类硝化抑制剂的高效稳定性氯化铵氮肥在黑土中的施用效果,旨在筛选出适合旱作黑土的高效稳定性氯化铵态氮肥。【方法】在氯化铵中分别添加硝化抑制剂3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐 (DMPP)、双氰胺 (DCD)、2-氯-6-三甲基吡啶 (Nitrapyrin,CP)、氨保护剂 (N-GD) 和1种氮肥增效剂 (HFJ) 及其组合,制成9种稳定性氯化铵氮肥。以不施氮肥 (CK) 和施普通氯化铵 (CK-N) 为对照,以9种稳定性氯化铵为处理进行了等氮量盆栽试验。在玉米苗期、大喇叭口期、灌浆期和成熟期测定了土壤中铵态氮和硝态氮含量,在玉米成熟期测定植株生物量、籽粒产量和氮素含量,计算铵态氮肥的表观硝化率、硝化抑制率、氮肥农学效率、氮肥偏生产力。【结果】1) 与CK-N处理相比,9个处理均显著提高玉米的产量,HFJ的效果均为最显著,可增加玉米籽粒产量3.99倍,提高氮肥吸收利用率4.98倍,显著高于8个硝化抑制剂处理 (P < 0.05)。CP + DMPP和CP + DCD处理提高玉米籽粒产量1.90~2.11倍,两个处理之间无显著差异;CP + DMPP玉米生物量显著高于CP处理,而与DMPP和DCD处理无显著差异;CP + DMPP玉米氮肥吸收利用率显著高于CP和DMPP处理,显著提高3.71倍 (P < 0.05);2) CP + DMPP和CP + DCD土壤中铵态氮含量提高2.09~2.42倍,且显著高于CP、DMPP和DCD处理 (P < 0.05),而硝态氮含量和土壤表观硝化率均显著降低24%和66%~68%,与CP和DCD处理存在显著差异 (P < 0.05);苗期CP + DMPP和CP + DCD硝化抑制率高达23.9%~24.3%,显著高于CP和DCD (P < 0.05)。【结论】在黑土中,氯化铵中添加硝化抑制剂组合的硝化抑制率显著高于添加单一抑制剂,能够有效减缓土壤中铵态氮向硝态氮的转化,减少土壤中氮素损失,降低环境污染。CP + DMPP组合玉米的氮肥吸收利用率显著高于CP + DCD组合。氮肥增效剂HFJ显著增加玉米的氮素吸收量,提高氮肥利用率,从而使玉米获得高产并获得较高的收获指数和经济系数。因此,综合考虑产量和抑制硝化作用等因素,黑土区氯化铵作为玉米生产用氮肥时,建议首选添加氮肥增效剂HFJ来保证作物的高产和氮肥高利用率,也可以添加硝化抑制剂组合CP + DMPP,或者CP + DCD制备稳定性氯化铵来提高氯化铵的增产效果和氮肥利用率,减少氮素损失,降低环境污染。  相似文献   

两种硝化抑制剂在不同土壤中的效果比较   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
采用室内培养试验,比较了两种硝化抑制剂3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(DMPP)和双氰胺(DCD)在4种典型农田土壤(水稻土、潮土、黑土、红壤)中的抑制效果。结果表明,在培养期内土壤pH和NH4+-N呈先上升后下降的趋势,NO3--N和表观硝化率呈逐渐上升的趋势。与单施尿素处理(U)相比,添加硝化抑制剂显著增加了土壤NH4+-N含量,降低了NO3--N含量,表观硝化率表现为UU+DMPPU+DCD。在水稻土和潮土中,单施尿素处理的硝化过程到第14天时基本完成,添加硝化抑制剂使硝化过程延长了至少28天。在黑土和红壤中,尤其是在红壤中,硝化过程相对缓慢,施用抑制剂虽然降低了土壤的表观硝化率,但降低的程度低于水稻土和潮土。总之,在推荐用量下10%DCD的硝化抑制效果优于1%DMPP,且这两种抑制剂在不同土壤中的抑制效果不同。  相似文献   

双氰胺对不同质地红壤中尿素的硝化抑制作用研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
试验研究双氰胺(DCD)对不同质地红壤中尿素的硝化抑制作用影响结果表明,尿素在壤土、粘土中水解快于砂壤土;双氰胺抑制了壤土、粘土中尿素水解的铵硝化作用,但促进了砂壤土中硝化作用。砂壤土中加与未加双氰胺的尿素转化需49d,粘土中未加双氰胺的尿素转化仅需35d,加双氰胺后则延长14d,而壤土中尿素水解产生的铵硝化时间则需进一步研究。  相似文献   

双氰胺对不同质地红壤中碳酸氢铵的硝化抑制作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过室内好气培养试验,研究了双氰胺(DCD)对施入不同质地红壤中碳酸氢铵的硝化抑制作用。结果表明,添加DCD明显提高了相应处理的铵态氮含量,降低了硝态氮含量。无论加入DCD与否,砂壤土中碳酸氢铵的硝化时间大约都需7周;轻粘土中碳酸氢铵的硝化时间为35.d,加入硝化抑制剂后硝化时间可延长2周;而中壤土中至培养结束时仍有较高的铵态氮,故铵的硝化时间有待进一步研究。DCD对碳酸氢铵的硝化抑制效果中壤土优于砂壤土、轻粘土;在砂壤土和轻粘土中,DCD对低浓度铵态氮处理的硝化抑制效果好;而在中壤土中对高浓度的抑制效果好。  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of dicyandiamide (DCD) decomposition were studied (at 80% water-holding capacity) in pretreated and non-pretreated soils, using model experiments. DCD was added in different concentrations (6.7, 16.7, and 33.3 g DCD-N g–1 dry soil) and incubated at various temperatures (10°, 20°, and 30°C). Additionally, DCD decomposition was examined in sterile soil (with or without Fe2O3) after inoculation with a DCD-enrichment culture. In the sterile variant, (30°C)the applied dicyandiamide concentration remained constant, even after 36 days. In the sterilized and reinoculated variant, DCD disappeared within 7 days. Addition of Fe2O3 powder to the sterilized soil had no effect on DCD degradation. In the pretreated soils, DCD mineralization started immediately at all temperatures and concentrations without a lag phase. A temperature increase of 10°C doubled the mineralization rate. The mineralization rates were independent of the initial concentrations. In the non-pretreated soils (except at 30°C with 16.7 and 33.3 g DCD-N g–1 dry soil) DCD decreased only after a short (30°C) or a long (10°C) lag phase. These results suggest that an inducible metabolic degradation occurred, following zeroorder kinetics.  相似文献   

The nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) has had variable success in reducing nitrate () leaching and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from soils receiving nitrogen (N) fertilizers. Factors such as soil type, temperature and moisture have been linked to the variable efficacy of DCD. As DCD is water soluble, it can be leached from the rooting zone where it is intended to inhibit nitrification. Intact soil columns (15 cm diameter by 35 cm long) were taken from luvic gleysol and haplic cambisol grassland sites and placed in growth chambers. DCD was applied at 15 or 30 kg DCD/ha, with high or low precipitation. Leaching of DCD, mineral N and the residual soil DCD concentrations were determined over 8 weeks high precipitation increased DCD in leachate and decreased recovery in soil. A soil × DCD rate interaction was detected for the DCD unaccounted (proxy for degraded DCD). In the cambisol, degradation of DCD was high (circa 81%) and unaffected by DCD rate. In contrast, DCD degradation in the gleysol was lower and differentially affected by rate, 67 and 46% for the 15 and 30 kg/ha treatments, respectively. Variation in DCD degradation rates between soils may be related to differences in organic matter content and associated microbiological activity. Variable degradation rates of DCD in soil, unrelated to temperature or moisture, may contribute to changing DCD efficacy. Soil properties should be considered when tailoring DCD strategies for improving nitrogen use efficiency and crop yields, through the reduction of reactive nitrogen loss.  相似文献   

伍少福  吴良欢  石其伟 《土壤通报》2006,37(6):1236-1242
硝化抑制剂不仅能够提高蔬菜氮肥利用率和减少氮肥对环境的污染,有的能改善蔬菜品质。本文对硝化抑制剂对蔬菜硝酸盐累积的控制效果、作用机理、影响因素及其作用效果预测等作一综述,并对硝化抑制剂在蔬菜生产上研究与应用作了展望。  相似文献   

Summary Dicyandiamide (DCD) and neem cake were evaluated for their efficiency in inhibiting nitrification of prilled urea-derived NH 4 + –N in a wheat field. Prilled urea was blended with 10% and 20% DCD-N or 10% and 20% neem cake and incorporated into the soil just before the wheat was sown. Both DCD and neem cake partially inhibited nitrification of prilled urea-derived NH 4 + ; DCD was better than neem cake. The nitrification-inhibiting effects of DCD lasted for 45 days, while that of neem cake lasted for only 30 days. Blending the prilled urea with DCD (20% on N basis) was most effective in inhibiting the nitrification of urea-derived NH 4 + , both in terms of intensity and duration, and maintained substantially more NH 4 + –N than the prilled urea alone and 20% neem-cake-blended urea for a period of 60 days.  相似文献   

硝化抑制剂烯丙基硫脲(ATU)对土壤硝化作用及温室效应的影响及机理尚不清楚。本研究采集典型旱地土壤,进行21天室内微宇宙培养,探究了氮肥与不同剂量ATU(分别为氮素用量的1%, 5%, 10%, 15%和20%)配施对土壤硝化作用及N2O和CO2排放通量的影响,并通过实时荧光定量PCR和高通量测序16S rRNA基因技术监测硝化微生物群落变化,同时与传统硝化抑制剂双氰胺(DCD)进行了保氮减排效果的对比。结果表明,与未施加氮肥的对照相比(CK),单施氮肥(N)显著提高了土壤硝化强度并促进了N2O排放。DCD能显著抑制硝态氮和N2O的积累,抑制效率分别为68.6%和93.3%。而低浓度ATU对土壤硝化作用无影响,仅在高浓度具有抑制效应,且抑制效率最高仅为14.7%。所有ATU处理N2O排放量均显著降低,降幅为60.3~68.2%,仍远高于DCD处理。处理间N2O和CO2的综合温室效应强弱顺序为N>ATU+N>DCD+N≈CK,且不同ATU施用量处理之间差异不显著。相关分析发现氨氧化细菌(AOB),而不是氨氧化古菌(AOA)和全程氨氧化细菌(Comammox),与土壤硝态氮积累和N2O排放显著正相关,与土壤pH显著负相关。高通量测序结果表明Nitrosovibrio tenuis类型AOB对氮肥诱导的硝化过程起主导作用。除此之外,ATU和DCD还能显著提高Cupriavidus,并降低Patulibacter、Aeromicrobium、Actinomycetospora、Defluviicoccus和Acidipila等微生物属在群落中的相对丰度。该研究为深化土壤碳氮循环理论,合理使用硝化抑制剂以及减缓温室气体排放提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Soil compaction is one of the major problems facing modern intensive agriculture. To remove soil compaction and restore soil productivity soil must be ripped to loosen it. Ripping is a costly process involving high fuel consumption, as well as depreciation of the implements through wear and tear. This article shows research into some combinations of tine spacing and ripping depth and their consequences for soil properties and grain yields. Three sites were chosen for these experiments on clayey and sandy soils. Treatments were a factorial of three tine spacings (20, 30 and 40 cm) by three ripping depths (15, 30 and 40 cm) together with the control.Commercial gypsum at 2.5 t/ha was applied to all treatments to maintain soil structure after ripping and the treatments were treatments were monitored for two seasons under wheat and barley crops.The highest grain yield in sandy soil was found with the combination of 40 cm ripping depth and 20 cm tine spacing. In clayey soils tine spacings of 20 cm and 30 cm in combination with 40 cm ripping depth, were equally effective for grain yield. The shallowest depth treatment, 15 cm, did not significantly affect grain yields regardless of tine spacing. It seems that the best practical compromise of tine spacing and ripping depth is 30 cm × 30 cm. The highest stored soil water was obtained from the deepest ripping and the widest tine spacing (40 cm × 40 cm) treatments and the lowest was obtained from the shallowest depth and narrowest spacing (15 cm × 20 cm) treatments which was still higher than the control treatment. However, due to soil re-settlement and re-compaction, the soil water storage obtained in the year after ripping to 40 cm depth was in many cases only equal to that obtained from 30 cm ripping depth. Soils ripped at 30 cm or deeper had significantly higher water infiltration rate than soils ripped at 15 cm depth. Soil bulk density, though decreased significantly in all ripping treatments relative to the controlled treatments in the first year, showed no stable pattern of change in the second year. All shallow ripping treatments (15 cm) regardless of tine spacing had similar soil strength and were not significantly different from the control. The other two ripping depths in general were equal, and significantly better than the controls. It is concluded that ripping to 30 or 40 cm depth in combination with 30 or 40 cm tine spacing was most effective for treating compacted soils.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of temperature on the action of a dicyandiamide nitrification inhibitor was studied during a laboratory incubation after the addition of ammonium sulphate labelled with 15N. In the control treatment, nitrification was only slightly affected by temperature and was rapid; on the 42nd day, two-thirds of the 15N was incorporated into the nitrate fraction while no further tracer was found in ammoniacal form. With the addition of dicyandiamide, the process was slowed down considerably when the temperature was maintained at 10°C, and only about 10% of the 15N was nitrified in 6 months. After 1 month of incubation at 10°C, a temperature increase to 15°C for 4 weeks modified the nitrification kinetics only slightly. However, as soon as the temperature reached 20°C, the beginning of dicyandiamide decomposition and an increase in the quantity of NO 3 - -N was observed. The inhibition was measured by the nitrification index, which was greater than 80% as long as the temperature did not exceed 15°C, and decreased to 10% after 6 months; this value was reached only after 1 year in soil maintained at 10°C. The half-life of the NH 4 + was decreased by raising the temperature. In the experimental conditions described, nitrification was inhibited by the dicyandiamide for at least 6 months provided the temperature did not exceed 15°C.  相似文献   

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