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J. H. Heering  J. Hanson 《Euphytica》1993,71(1-2):21-28
Summary The somatic chromosome number in Sesbania sesban var. nubica, S. goetzei and S. keniensis (Leguminosae; Papilionoidae) was found to be 2n=12. These findings were in agreement with earlier reports on S. sesban and S. keniensis. The chromosome number 2n=12 is a new record for S. goetzei. Similarities in karyotypes were found in the three species. All species had one pair of long metacentric chromosomes; the second pair was submedian, followed by four smaller pairs of metacentric chromosomes. Nucleolar organiser regions in the form of satellites were found on the short arm of the fourth chromosome pair in S. sesban and S. keniensis. Interspecific crosses in all possible combinations were carried out, resulting in pod and viable seed formation for the crosses S. sesban x S. goetzei, S. sesban x S. keniensis, S. goetzei x S. sesban and S. goetzei x S. keniensis. The two crosses with S. keniensis as a female parent were unsuccessful. The hybrid plants established normally and produced viable seeds.  相似文献   

Summary Investigations were conducted on the identification and distribution of yam natural pollinators, flowering pattern and hybridization of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, in order to provide informations for producing hybrid seeds needed for vam genetic improvement.Insects belonging to the Coleoptera (48.0%), Diptera (20.4%), Hymenoptera (20.0%), Hemiptera (5.8%), and Thysanoptera (5.8%) were caught around yam plants and presumed to be pollinators: they entered open-receptive-flowers and their presence on yam plants coincided with the duration of the flowering period.Studies on the flowering pattern revealed that: (i) Male and female clones differed in their periods of flower initiation as well as the flowering duration; (ii) Seed production and conventional breeding methods are feasible if staggered planting, water and soil fertility could be managed to ensure that flowering periods of males and females nick and also extend flowering.Artificial pollinations within white yam and between white yam and yellow yam (D. cayenensis Lam) using the camel hair brush method were successful, but resulted in a relatively low fruit set (31.8% maximum). This method was more effective than natural pollination (19.2%) and can thus supplement it for the production of hybrid seeds for introducing genetic variation in yam breeding populations.  相似文献   

Summary The use of Cruden's index (1977), for studying okra sexual reproductive allocations, indicates a facultative autogamy mode. The purpose of the research described is to obtain more accurate information on the self-fertilization process. For this, self-pollen grain germination was stopped at different times of the day. Twelve varieties of Abelmoschus esculentus were used. Self-fertilization kinetics—expressed by the setting rate—displayed an increase between 7.00 to 16.00 hr. Study of obtained progenies, by stimulated allogamy, confirmed the process and showed that allo-pollen grains deposited on a stigma after midday had only a very little chance of contributing to fertilization. As a result, the polymorphism of the flower structure and particularly the distance between anther and stigmas, insect types and movement habits play major roles in governing okra allogamy. We also show that self-fertilization kinetics can be used to improve controlled hybrid production.  相似文献   

Summary The breeding system of Abelmoschus species is not well known. Although being self-compatibles allogamy reaches 63%. The aim of the study was to place four Abelmoschus species on the log P/O scale devised by Cruden (1977). On this scale P = pollen grains per anther × anthers per flower and O = ovules production. Pollens and ovules productions were therefore assessed for 68 accessions of two cultivated species, A. esculentus and A. caillei, and two wild, A. manihot and A. moschatus. Extreme log P/O values ranged from 1.69 for the variety Clemson Spineliss (A. esculentus) to 2.94 for ORS 278 (A. manihot). Averages of wild species A. moschatus (2.17) and A. manihot (2.19) indicate facultative autogamy. Averages for cultivated species A. esculentus (2.00) and A. caillei (2.05) suggest more autogamy.  相似文献   

Sesbania sesban was amiable to controlled cross pollination when the emasculation and pollination operations were performed in the morning. A medium of 10% sucrose solution was found to be optimal for in vitro germination of the pollen grains. The pollen is quite tolerant of orthodox storage conditions enabling controlled crosses to be performed among accessions that flower in differing seasons of the year.  相似文献   

Summary Eight triazine resistant (Brassica napus x B. oleracea) x B. oleracea interspecific hybrids with chromosome numbers ranging from 25 to 27 were backcrossed a second time to B. oleracea but no seed was formed. However, in vitro embryo rescue on 77 developing ovules yielded nine BC2 plants with chromosome numbers between 19 and 25 and in which the herbicide resistance was still strongly expressed. Three of these plants (NOH-8B2B1, 2n=20; NOH-8B2B3 and NOH-8B2B4, 2n=19) were backcrossed again to B. oleracea. Two of the three plants produced seed which germinated to produce triazine resistan BBC3s with 18, 19 or 20 chromosomes. The triazine resistant B. campestris cytoplasm has now been stabilized in B. oleracea.  相似文献   

P. A. Pool  N. Bermawie 《Euphytica》1986,35(1):217-223
Summary Investigations of the floral biology of Zanzibar type cloves were carried out on five mature trees. The majority of flowers opened in the afternoon. Anther dehiscence occurred shortly after anthesis and stamens were shed almost 2 days later. Nectar appeared around the base of the stigma as anthers dehisced and remained in evidence for approximately 60 hours. Three days after anthesis a constriction around the tip of the stigma became apparent. The stigma tip subsequently withered, turned brown and was shed after a further four days. Maximum pollen viability and stigma receptivity were attained simultaneously, 48 hours after anthesis. Indications concerning the breeding system in clove are discussed and a procedure for artificial pollination is suggested  相似文献   

Four A-genome species of the genus Arachis (A. cardenasii, A. correntina, A. duranensis, A. kempff-mercadoi), three B genomes species (A. batizocoi, A. ipaënsis and A. magna),the AABB allotetraploid A. hypogaea (cultivated peanut) and introgression lines resulting from a cross between A. hypogaea and A. cardenasii were analyzed by RFLP. The A genome species (cytologically characterized by the presence of a small chromosome pair ‘A’) were closely similar to each other and shared a large number of restriction fragments. In contrast, the B genome species differed more from one another and shared few fragments. The results of this study indicate that the absence of the small chromosome pair is not a good criterion for grouping species of section Arachis as B genome species, since their genome might be quite distinct from the B genome of A. hypogaea.The lowest genetic variation was detected within accessions of A. duranensis (17 accessions), followed by A. batizocoi (4 accessions) and A. cardenasii (9 plants of accession GKP 10017).The high level of genetic variation found in A. cardenasii might indicate that not all accessions of wild species of Arachis are autogamous, as reported for A. hypogaea.  相似文献   

A. Elgersma 《Euphytica》1990,51(2):163-171
Summary Seed yield in perennial ryegrass is low and unpredictable. Spaced-plant traits suitable for indirect selection for total seed yield in drilled plots would be very useful. The objectives of this investigation were to evaluate genetic variation for seed yield components and other traits among clones from three perennial ryegrass cultivars differing in seed yield and their open-pollinated progenies. Per cultivar, a random set of 50 genotypes was cloned and on each genotype seed was generated by open pollination. Clonal ramets of the parents were observed for 17 traits in 1986 at two locations. In 1987 and 1988, parents and progenies were observed as single plants in a randomized complete block design with two replications. There was little cultivar-environment interaction for most traits. The parents differed significantly for almost all traits. Half-sib (HS) families differed for only three to five traits. Broad-sense heritabilities (h2 b), based on variance components of the parents, were moderate to high; earliness had the highest hb 2. Narrow-sense heritabilities (h2 n), based on variance components among HS-families, were low to moderate and mostly not significant; for most traits h2 n estimates varied between years and cultivars. Flag leaf width and date of first anthesis showed the highest h2 n. Narrow-sense heritability estimates from parent-offspring regressions (h2 nPO) ranged from non-significant to high, depending on year and cultivar; they were generally higher than the corresponding h2 n estimates. Generally, h2 nPO was highest for earliness, flag leaf width, ear length and the number of spikelets per ear. Breeding methods that capitalize on additive genetic variance, such as mass selection, should result in improvement for these traits.  相似文献   

Bromeliaceae are tropical ornamentals with a variety of colors and inflorescence shapes. Leaves with spined margins are characteristic for the genus Aechmea. Crosses between spineless and spined Aechmea cultivars were attempted in order to obtain a spineless offspring. Crossing spined and spineless genotypes resulted in a progeny with on average 50% spineless plants. The hybrids of two spineless plants had on average 75% spineless leaves. This indicated that the spineless character was dominant. Homozygous plants were selected; these plants are interesting for further breeding and propagation by seed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight species belonging to five genera of the sub tribe Cajaninae; viz., Cajanus(15 species), Rhynchosia (10 species), Dunbaria, Flemingia and Paracalyx were analysed for variations in four chloroplast generegions, rbcL, trnS-psbC, 16S and trnL-UAA. The four chloroplast gene regions were amplified with specific primers and subsequently digested with 15 restriction enzymes. Rhynchosia did not show any inter-specific differences in the four gene regions for any of the enzymes used. In Cajanus, the inter-specific PCR-RFLP profile of the four gene regions for all the enzymes were similar except for the Pst I digests of trnS-psbC gene region. At inter-generic level, rbcL gene region did not show polymorphism with any of the enzymes used; while in trnS-psbC gene region polymorphism was observed only with Pst I and Hae III digestions. Inter-generic PCR-RFLP of 16S did not reveal any variation. The trnL-UAA gene region had restriction site only forEcoR I in which Cajanus and Rhynchosia showed similar profiles while Dunbaria showed a different profile. The trnL-UAA gene region in Paracalyx and Flemingia did not have restriction site for this enzyme. Despite the analyses of four gene regions using 15 restriction enzymes, differentiation at genus level could not be obtained. These observations indicated limited divergence of the chloroplast genome among the four genera of the sub-tribe Cajaninae suggesting close relationships of the taxa. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The average cross-pollination in Egyptian clover under caged and uncaged conditions was 0.51% and 1.44% respectively. The low percentage of cross-pollination under caged conditions was due to the absence of honey bees, calm atmosphere and reduced photosynthesis whereas higher outcrossing under uncaged conditions was both by wind and honey bees activities. Per cent seed set was higher under uncaged conditions (53.0%) compared with that of seeds set under caged conditions (26.3%) and uncaged + hand tripping (52.3%). The honey bees have been found to increase seed set in Egyptian clover by tripping mechanism.  相似文献   

G. Ladizinsky  A. Hamel 《Euphytica》1980,29(2):313-317
Summary The seed protein profile of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) appeared to be highly stable. The standard profile of this cultigen was found in 86 of the 90 accessions examined. Each of the Atylosia species, A. lineata, A. platycarpa, A. cajanifolia and A. scarabaeoides has its own profile but each band of the Atylosia species had a homologue in the standard profile of Cajanus or in one of its variants. This was taken as an indication for the polyphyletic origin of Cajanus from several Atylosia species. The appearance of specific Atylosia bands in some of the electrophoretic variants of Cajanus suggests that gene flow is still effective between pigeon pea and various Atylosia species. The poor solubility of the Atylosia seed protein in comparison to Cajanus indicates that domestication of Cajanus was coupled with increased solubility and perhaps a better nutritional value of this pulse as well.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, several expeditions were made to northern Chile to collect populations of wild tomatoes (Solanum chilense, S. peruvianum) and allied nightshades (S. lycopersicoides, S. sitiens), and obtain information about their geographic distribution, ecology and reproductive biology. Restricted mainly to drainages of the Andean and the coastal cordillera, populations are geographically fragmented. The two nightshade species are rare and threatened by human activities. Adaptation to extreme aridity and soil salinity are evident in S. chilense and S. sitiens (the latter exhibits several xerophytic traits not seen in the tomatoes) and to low temperatures in S. lycopersicoides and S. chilense. All tested accessions are self-incompatible, with the exception of one S. peruvianum population collected at the southern limit of its distribution. Several distinguishing reproductive traits—anther color, attachment, and dehiscence, pollen size, and flower scent—suggest S. sitiens and S. lycopersicoides attract different pollinators than S. chilense and S. peruvianum. The four Solanum spp. native or endemic to Chile provide a variety of novel traits which, through hybridization and introgression with cultivated tomato, could facilitate development of improved varieties, as well as research on a variety of basic topics, including plant-pollinator interactions, abiotic stress responses, and evolution of reproductive barriers.  相似文献   

B. S. Ahloowalia 《Euphytica》1982,31(1):103-111
Summary Aneuploid plants of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) with 2n=15 to 30 chromosomes were obtained by crossing a near-triploid (2n=3x+1=22) with a diploid or on open-pollination with diploids and tetraploids. Aneuploids occurred with a frequency of 83% in near triploid × diploid progeny and 92% on open-pollination with diploid and tetraploid plants. Aneuploid plants with 15 to 18 chromosomes resembled diploids in morphology and those with 19 to 30 chromosomes were akin to tetraploids. Meiotic studies suggested that most aneuploid plants resulted from transmission of aneuploid egg cells (n=8 to 23). Aneuploid plants with 2n=27 to 30 chromosomes in the progeny of 22×14 cross originated from unreduced egg cells. Plants with 19 to 21 chromosomes were recovered only by immature seed culture. Aneuploid plants with 26 to 30 chromosomes and triploids (2n=21) had higher pollen fertility and bigger seeds than plants with 15 to 22 chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Five sterile hybrids (2n=59) between a synthetic amphiploid of Glycine tomentella (2n=38) and G. caneseens (2n=40) as female and soybean cultivars Lincoln and Hark as males have been produced by embryo or ovule culture using transplanted endosperm. The hybrid plants are twining perennials like the female parent but possess a number of morphological characters which reflect the presence of the soybean genome. Indophenol oxidase isozymes from leaf extracts also provide good evidence of the hybrid nature of the cultured plants. These hybrids open the way for the exploitation of the diverse germplasm resources of the perennial Glycine species in soybean breeding.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of pollinators, e.g. honey bees, on canola (cv. O.A.C Triton) increases the germinability of resulting seeds from 83% to 96%.  相似文献   

Summary Controlled hand pollinated pistils of rubber were observed using fluorescence microscopy to assess the efficiency of the universally-employed method for the production of progeny for plant breeding. The controlled hand pollination method conducted in the morning resulted in the deposition of a mean of 15.6 pollen grains on the stigma, with no stray pollination observed. Over 36% of the pistils had the potential to set fruit.Pollinations conducted in the afternoon at the normal time of anthesis, had double the fruit set potential of morning pollinations as measured by penetration of ovules by pollen tubes. Pollinator efficiency also varied, with excessive damage to stigmas resulting in reduced pollen germination and tube growth. There were differences between clones in both female and male fertility, in the proportion of pistils with more than three carpels and in the production of small abnormal stigmas. There was no difference in pollen tube growth following self- or cross-pollination, indicating that the self-sterility mechanism of rubber operates in the ovary. Pollen could be stored for 5 days at 5°C and 75% RH with a 22% loss of fertility.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of different pollination techniques, with and without emasculation and delayed pollination, were investigated to find the conditions for maximum seed set after self-pollination and intraspecific and interspecific crosses of Brassica oleracea var. acephala. The results indicated that the pollination conditions achieving maximum seed set vary with the type of pollination. After controlled self-pollination, the best seed set occurs in bud 3 to bud 10. For the intraspecific cross, the youngest flower and the oldest bud produced the largest number of developed ovules but bud pollination was productive to bud 8. The yields from these two pollination types were best when the female parent was not emasculated. In the interspecific cross with B. campestris cv. Marco the best results came from the youngest flowers and the oldest buds subjected to the standard practice of pollinating directly after emasculation. Possible reasons for these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Nine polyploids (including two mixaploids) were obtained in Trifolium riograndense with three methods of colchicine application to seedlings: immersion, dropping and cotton. The best method showed to be immersion for 6 h in 0.30% colchicine. Leaves with more than 3 folioles were frequently observed in some (but not all) polyploids. The number of pollen grain pores increased from 3 to 4 in tetraploids. Stomatal cell size was not a reliable criterium to distinguish ploidy levels. Two percent of aneuploidy occurred in the C1 generation. Meiotic behavior was characterized by high bivalent and low quadrivalent numbers with suggestions of genetic control of chromosome pairing. Meiotic index ranged from 70% to 98% and pollen viability from 66 to 90%. An apparent tendency to decrease the number of quadrivalents and to increase mean meiotic index and pollen viability from C0 to C1 was detected. The use of these autopolyploids in basic and applied research as well as in genetic breeding is promising.  相似文献   

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