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随着新病原及病原新的致病性不断被发现 ,埃立克体及埃立克体病已经成为预防医学和兽医学研究热点。在已经发现的 1 1种埃立克体病原中 ,有 5种可以直接感染犬 ,引起不同的犬埃立克体病 ;另外 2种为早先分别从人单核细胞埃立克体病和粒细胞埃立克体病患者中分离的病原 ,在流行区的犬体内也可以分离到。资料表明犬对许多埃立克体都极为敏感 ,犬在埃立克体及埃立克体病研究上占有重要地位。鉴于这是我国近年才发现的新病原 ,许多兽医及研究工作者不认识它 ,文章就相关埃立克体对犬的感染和所致疾病以及在流行病学上的意义进行了综述。  相似文献   

我国某养犬基地发现犬埃立克体病   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
从1998年4月起广州市郊某养犬基地发生犬流行病,其主要症状为发热、流鼻血、贫血和白细胞数减少。经动物感染和PCR检测,证实病原为埃立克体属微生物。四环素对该病治疗有效。  相似文献   

我国犬埃立克体病病原分离与鉴定Ⅲ.病原的电镜观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对埃立克体感染犬的单核细胞和血小板进行了透射电镜观察,结果表明,单核细胞的细胞质和血小板中均存在埃立克体包涵体,其中单核细胞的包涵体内病原多达8个,血小板的包涵体内至少有3个病原。这一结果从形态学角度进一步证实了引起了广州市郊栽养犬基地流行犬埃立克体病的病原为2处,即感染单核细胞的犬埃立克体(Ehrlichia canis)和感染血小板的扁平埃立克体(E.platys)。  相似文献   

犬埃立克体病及其临床诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

犬埃立克体实验模型初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将犬埃立克体标准毒株(Florida株)体外细胞纯培养物和我国犬埃立克体病病犬血白细胞分别接种于C3H小鼠,接毒后d,经PCR检测证实均感染成功。本试验为犬埃立克体病小动物模型的建立打下了基础。  相似文献   

为了观察比格犬埃立克体病的病理学变化,用常规病理学方法,对6只人工感染埃立克体(Ehrlichia)的比格犬进行病理解剖学和病理组织学观察。结果:眼观所见最显著的病变是主要器官和皮下出血、淤血,脾、肝肿胀;病理组织学变化的主要特征是淋巴结的严重水肿,脾、肝、肺和肾的血管内及肝血管周围存在浆细胞和淋巴细胞灶性增生,皮肤表皮层变薄、皮肤皮脂腺腺泡上皮和毛囊变性坏死。比格犬埃立克体病的眼观和病理组织学变化与国外文献报道的基本吻合,不同之处是眼观病变更为明显,这可能与分离株的致病性不同有关。  相似文献   

应用PCR检测犬埃立克体病的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用已确证为扁平埃立克体(Ehrlichia platys)和犬埃立克体(E.canis)混合感染的犬全血对6只格犬进行人工感染,通过对其临床症状,血流学变化,血涂片包涵体观察,并将其PCR结果与后来确诊为犬埃立克体病的18只病犬血的PCR结果比较,表明PCR方法能够对早期犬埃立克体病做出准确诊断。  相似文献   

犬埃立克体是一种重要的人兽共患传染性病原体,可引起犬科动物的犬单核细胞埃立克体病。为确诊1例临床上以发热、精神沉郁、黏膜苍白为主要特征的宠物犬病例,进行了血常规、血液生化检查、实时荧光定量PCR检测、犬埃立克体抗体检查,最终确诊该病例为犬埃立克体感染,使用盐酸多西环素治疗后患犬恢复良好。  相似文献   

比格犬人工感染埃立克体病的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了表述比格犬感染埃立克体(Ehrlichia)后的临床表现,用已确证为E.platys和E.canis混合感染的犬血对5条比格犬进行了人工感染,并对临床和血液学变化进行了观察。埃立克体病的潜伏期为6-29天,其后的临床表现为急性发热、眼结膜苍白、厌食、精神沉郁、体重严重减轻、腹泻带血、多处有淤血斑点出现、6-45天内全部死亡。血液学变化显示血红蛋白和白细胞明显减少(P<0.01,P<0.05)。由此可见,比格犬对2种埃立克体(E.canis和E.platys)混合感染的性很高,严重的临床表现与美国学者普遍认为的亚临床状态相左,这可能是中国Gzh981株(E.platys)和Gzh982株(E.casnis)与国外株在毒力上的差异所致。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) is a widespread tickborne infection of canids caused by Ehrlichia canis, a gram-negative obligatory intracellular bacteria belonging to the family Anaplasmataceae. CME is reported to have worldwide distribution, but its presence in a region requires the presence of the vector, the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. OBJECTIVE: This purpose of this report was to describe an outbreak of CME in a colony of dogs resident in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia. METHODS: History, presenting clinical signs, and the results of a CBC, biochemical panel, and serology (using a commercial test for E canis antibodies) were evaluated in 9 male Labrador Retrievers between October and December 2006. RESULTS: The majority of dogs presented with severe lethargy (7/9) and acute anorexia (5/9), and had fever (7/9) and generalized lymphadenopathy (7/9). The most common laboratory abnormalities were anemia (8/9), leukopenia (7/9), and hypoalbuminemia (6/9). Thrombocytopenia was found in only 2 dogs, 1 of which had increased bleeding tendency. Ehrlichia morulae were identified in blood films from 4/9 dogs and serologic test results were positive in 7/9 dogs. Confirmation of Ehrlichia sp infection was obtained in 1 dog by using a genus-specific real-time PCR assay. Four dogs had tick infestation; the ticks on 1 dog were identified as R sanguineus. All of the dogs had a rapid clinical response to doxycycline hyclate. CONCLUSIONS: This report, to our knowledge, is the first to describe the presence of a pathogenic Ehrlichia organism affecting dogs in Saudi Arabia. Additional molecular studies are necessary to confirm E canis infection, and to identify the strain of the organism.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Infection with Ehrlichia canis causes a highly variable, multisystemic disease in dogs. Nevertheless, many clinicians in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, use the presence of only thrombocytopenia to make a presumptive diagnosis of E canis infection. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of E canis in thrombocytopenic dogs from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). METHODS: Following DNA extraction of whole blood samples from 226 dogs, PCR assays were done using primers for rickettsial DNA (including Ehrlichia spp, Anaplasma platys and A phagocytophilum) and using E canis-specific primers (16S rRNA gene). Dogs were grouped as thrombocytopenic and nonthrombocytopenic based on platelet counts. The null hypothesis that there was no difference in the prevalence of E canis in these groups was rejected at P<.05. RESULTS: Thirty-six (32.1%) of the thrombocytopenic dogs and 4 (3.5%) of the nonthrombocytopenic dogs were positive for rickettsial gene sequences (P<.0001). Further, 30 (26.8%) of thrombocytopenic dogs and 4 (3.5%) nonthrombocytopenic dogs were positive for E canis-specific gene sequences (P<.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Although the prevalence of E canis infection was higher in thrombocytopenic dogs, less than one third of these dogs had demonstrable E canis infection. Thus, thrombocytopenia is not specific for the detection of E canis infection and should not be used solely to establish a diagnosis of canine ehrlichiosis, even in a geographic area with relatively high disease prevalence.  相似文献   

从比格犬埃立克体阳性血清中提取犬埃立克体IgG,用此IgG免疫鸡制备出抗抗体,用已建立的ELISA检测法对采集的人血清样本进行检测。143份随机采集的人血清4份呈阳性,阳性率2.78%;52份犬场工作人员血清6份呈阳性,阳性率11.54%。结果表明,广州地区犬场工作人员较一般人群犬埃立克体感染率高。  相似文献   

The purpose of this retrospective study is to report the clinical signs, clinicopathological findings, and response to therapy of 62 dogs from North Carolina and Virginia. Ehrlichiosis was diagnosed in all of these dogs, and previous retrospective studies of ehrlichiosis in dogs were used as a basis for comparison. In this study, the clinical signs commonly associated with ehrlichiosis were observed less frequently than in earlier studies, although previously reported laboratory abnormalities were similar. Flow cytometry revealed an inverted CD4:CD8 ratio in 3 of 4 dogs tested. This finding is suggestive of potential immune dysregulation that could predispose infected dogs to additional disease processes. Concurrent diseases were frequently reported and often contributed to death. Response to therapy was variable, with timely, complete recovery reported in only 27% of dogs; a slow, gradual, but complete recovery in 18% of dogs; an incomplete treatment response in 25% of dogs; and a presumed treatment failure in 16% of dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the spectrum, prevalence and treatment response rate of ocular manifestations associated with natural canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) due to Ehrlichia canis. METHODS: The medical records of 90 dogs that were admitted for primary ocular problems and reacted positive for E. canis serum antibodies were reviewed. All the dogs were treated with oral doxycycline. In 79 dogs, a combination of systemic corticosteroids and/or topical anti-inflammatory, mydriatics/cycloplegics and antibacterial agents were applied. RESULTS: The dogs ranged from 0.5 to 15 years in age; 55 were male and 35 female. A total of 19 breeds were represented. In the majority of dogs, ocular abnormalities were noticed in conjunction with other CME-induced clinical signs. In 30/90 dogs, ophthalmic signs were the sole presenting complaint. Unilateral (22/90, 24.5%) and bilateral (68/90, 75.5%) uveitis was the most common ophthalmic diagnosis and was classified as anterior, posterior or panuveitis in 58 (64.5%), 8 (8.9%) and 24 (26.6%) of the dogs, respectively. Bilateral uveitis was significantly more common than unilateral uveitis (P < 0.0001), and anterior significantly more common than posterior uveitis (P < 0.0001) or panuveitis (P < 0.0001). In addition, corneal ulceration (12/90, 13.3%), necrotic scleritis (10/90, 11.1%), low tear production (8/90, 8.9%) and orbital cellulitis (3/90, 3.3%) were seen. Of the 45 (50%) dogs with a satisfactory follow-up, 25 (55.5%), 11 (24.5%), and 9 (20%) showed complete, partial and poor response to treatment, respectively. The number of dogs exhibiting complete resolution of the ocular manifestations was significantly higher than those with partial (P < 0.0001) or poor (P < 0.0001) response. CONCLUSIONS: CME should be considered a major differential for a wide range of ocular manifestations exhibited by dogs residing in the endemic areas of the disease. Anterior bilateral uveitis appears to be the most prevalent ocular lesion and a favorable outcome to systemic and topical treatment may be expected in the majority of the affected dogs.  相似文献   

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