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Differential growth and response to atrazine were examined in greenhouse experiment with three populations of Chenopodium album from southwestern Ontario: two known susceptible (SI. SII) and one resistant (R). Germination of the resistant biotype was less than SII but the same as SI. R seedlings were not as mature at 16 days and weighed less at 23 days than seedlings of SI and SII. Within SI. early-(ESI) and late-flowering (LSI) variants were recognized. Older plants of R (37 and 44 days) had a greater growth rate than two of the susceptible populations (LSI and SII). In terms of vegetalive, floral, and total biomass. mature individuals of ESI were less productive than the other populations, but devoted a greater percentage of dry weight to floral production. Young plants (37 days old) were sprayed with atrazine at 00125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.25, 2.5 and 5 kg/ha. Population ESI was most sensitive to at razine; height and weight of stems and production of new leaves showed decreases at 0.25 and 0.125 kg/ha. respectively, compared to the untreated. Populations LSI and SII showed greater tolerance and decreases in these characters occurred at a higher rate of atrazine. Leaf weight per plant decreased at 0.25 kg/ha as a result of decreases in weight per unit area of leaf for all susceptible population. Growth of R as measured by the above criteria was not affected by atrazine treatments but leaf weight per unit area was slightly reduced at 2.5 and 5.0 kg/ha Single leaves of 48 day old plants were infused with at razine concentrations of 0.5, 2.0, 3.0 and 20.0 ppm. Leaf chlorosis increased with concentration and injury was greater in populations LSI and SII than in ESI. A small amount of chlorosis occurred in R.  相似文献   

Atrazine [2-chloro-4-(ethylaminol-6-(isopropyl-amino)-s-triazine] resistant biotypes of lamb's quarters (Chenopodium athum L) were reported in the maize growing areas of Ontario, where the herbicide had been used fur a number of years. Field samples from four locations proved tolerant to higber than recommended rates of atrazine in controlled environment screening trials. A resistant biotype was not killed with up to 40 kg/ha atrazine. Diuron at 5 x10-5 M inhibited the Hill reaction with isolated chloroplasts of resisiant and susceptible biotypes of lamb's-quarters. However, with 10-4 M atrazine, the photochemical activity was inhibited in chloroplasts isolated from the susceptible biotype but not in chloroplasts from the resisiant biotype. With maize chloroplasts, inhibition with 10-4 M atrazine was the same as with the susceptible biotype of lamb's-quarters. These studies suggested that a new mechanism of intraspecific resistance in lamb's quarters to atrazine was involved, other than differences in uptake, translocation and metabolism reported with interspecific comparisons involving the s-triazines and other herbicides, It was also concluded that atrazine and diuron did not have precisely the same mechanism of action as photosynthetic inhibitors with lamb's-quarters, and that external and or internal structure or function of chloroplasts in relation to atrazine inhibition can vary significantly even in biotypes of the same species.  相似文献   

Populations of lamb's-quarters (Chenopodium album L.) susceptible and resistant to atrazine exhibited a differential response in regard to the concentration of individual and total amino acids (soluble and protein) in the leaf tissue following atrazine treatment of young plants. The two northern- and two southern-susceptible populations from southern Ontario showed a consistent increase in amino acid levels 1 week after treatment with atrazine at 0.5 kg/ha whereas this did not occur with the corresponding resistant populations. Leaf dry weight was decreased by atrazine in the susceptible populations only but the parallel enhancement of amino acid levels in these populations resulted in no significant decrease in the leaf amino acids per plant except for one southern population. Ammonia increased in concentration in the treated susceptible populations, but not in the resistant. Under the experimental conditions examined a degree of inhibition of photosynthesis by atrazine in lamb's-quarters appeared necessary to bring about the “nitrogen effect” resulting in increases in nitrogen compounds.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variations within four enzyme systems (α-esterase, acid phosphatase, malate dehydrogenase and leucine amino peptidase), were studied for various garden and field populations of Chenopodium album. A correlation was found between the degree of polymorphism for the electrophoretic traits and environmental conditions. The amount of phenotypic polymorphism is very high in gardens, intermediate in an untreated and, low in herbicide-treated fields and nil for a triazine resistant population in a maize (Zea mats L.) monoculture. Furthermore, the tetraploid versus hexaploid ratio is higher within garden populations. Higher variability in garden populations is due, in part, to a high proportion of polymorphic phenotypes, and in part to a low effect of selection pressure in such types of habitat. Although there is a difference between phenotypes of populations from acid soils and those from more basic ones, we cannot be sure that the variation of polymorphism is due only to selection.  相似文献   

Field experiments were made in 1998 and 1999 to determine the influence of tillage and soyabean (Glycine max) row width on predispersal weed seed predation in Amaranthus retroflexus L. (redroot pigweed) and Chenopodium album L. (common lambsquarters). Soyabean was planted in wide (76 cm) and narrow (19 cm) rows with conventional or conservation tillage. Additional control plots without soyabean were also established. The two objectives were to determine (1) whether predispersal seed predation occurs in A. retroflexus or C. album, and (2) whether disturbance (soil tillage) or microclimate (planting pattern) influence predation level. Mean rates of seed predation were 26% and 4% in A. retroflexus and C. album, respectively. Although these levels were low at the population level, individual plants of both species had predation levels ranging from 0% to 80%, however, very few individuals of C. album had levels of predation above 10%. Differences among tillage and row width treatments occurred for A. retroflexus, but not for C. album. Amaranthus retroflexus and C. album growing within the soyabean crop received less light than those in the no‐crop plots, and produced less above‐ground biomass, smaller terminal inflorescences, and fewer seeds per inflorescence. Plant height, terminal inflorescence weight, and total seeds were correlated with predation in both weed species.  相似文献   

Absorption, translocation and metabolism of 14C-pyridate were compared in tolerant maize. moderately susceptible Polygonum lapathifolium and susceptible Chenopodium album. Foliar absorption was limited in all species, but comparatively higher penetration levels were observed in younger leaves of dicotyledonous species. The absorbed radioactivity was not very mobile and translocation appeared mainly sym-plastic. Herbicide selectivity could not be explained on the basis of absorption and transport. Chenopodium and P. lapathifolium degraded pyridate and formed unstable water-soluble conjugates that easily released a phytotoxic metabolite. By contrast, more stable unidentified water-soluble metabolites were found in maize. That metabolic difference could explain the selectivity of pyridate.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition between wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Chenopodium album L., was studied in pots using the replacement series design of de Wit. Competitive interference for phosphorus, and to some extent for nitrogen, between the two species was noted. This played a major part in limitation of growth of wheat plants by C. album, whereas wheat exhibited greater non-competitive interference in restricting potassium uptake by the weed. Increasing interference from the weed resulted in significant reductions in wheat grain size and yield.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In recent years, common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) populations from sugar beet fields in different European countries have responded as resistant to the as‐triazinone metamitron. The populations have been found to have the same D1 point mutation as known for atrazine‐resistant biotypes (Ser264 to Gly). However, pot experiments revealed that metamitron resistance is not as clear‐cut as observed with triazine resistance in the past. The objectives of this study were to clarify the absorption, translocation and metabolic fate of metamitron in C. album. RESULTS: Root absorption and foliar absorption experiments showed minor differences in absorption, translocation and metabolism of metamitron between the susceptible and resistant C. album populations. A rapid metabolism in the C. album populations was observed when metamitron was absorbed by the roots. The primary products of metamitron metabolism were identified as deamino‐metamitron and metamitron‐N‐glucoside. PABA, known to inhibit the deamination of metribuzin, did not alter the metabolism of metamitron, and nor did the cytochrome P450 inhibitor PBO. However, inhibition of metamitron metabolism in the presence of the cytochrome P450 inhibitor ABT was demonstrated. CONCLUSION: Metamitron metabolism in C. album may act as a basic tolerance mechanism, which can be important in circumstances favouring this degradation pathway. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A Chenopodium album L. biotype surviving in atrazine-treated Serbian corn fields (VC) was compared against atrazine-susceptible (S) and atrazine-resistant (R) standards.RESULTS: Atrazine (2 kg ha(-1)) killed S and VC shoot biomass 15 days after treatment (DAT), but R was only suppressed by 42% and survived 8 kg ha(-1). Atrazine at 2 kg ha(-1) only inhibited VC height by 60% as against 100 and 0% for S and R respectively. Chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) and transpiration were insensitive to atrazine in R, but were inhibited by 90 and 100% in S and by 50 and 60% in VC respectively. Decline of Fv/Fm after 2 kg ha(-1) atrazine was stabilized at 3 DAT for the VC biotype.CONCLUSION: A toxicity mitigation mechanism could have facilitated VC survival in an atrazine-treated field. Further knowledge on this mechanism is needed to establish if surviving VC plants are indicators of atrazine resistance evolution in these Serbian corn fields. Variables related to foliar function provided better detection of weed mechanisms to survive herbicide action than the usual shoot biomass measurements.  相似文献   

Growth, development and nutrient accumula tion in Chenopodium album and Senecio vulgaris grown in pure and mixed stands were investi gated through several experiments conducted under glasshouse conditions. Results showed that the two weeds were different in their growth, development and tissue concentration and accu mulation of mineral elements. The mean concen trations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium in shoots of C. album were higher than those of S. vulgaris, while root concentrations of nitrogen, potassium and mag nesium were lower for C. album. Marked dif ferences between the two weed species in their responses to different potassium levels were found. C. album had a high specific requirement for potassium while the reverse was true for S. vulgaris. The competitive ability and accumula tion of nutrients by C. album appeared to be greatly dependent on the availability of high potassium levels in the media.  相似文献   

Chenopodium album became a problem weed in sugar beet production, due to resistance to metamitron, a key herbicide in this crop. Dispersal of the seeds from resistant biotypes may occur due to spread by wind, animals, agricultural machinery or manure. This study examined the effect of ensiling, digestion by cattle and storage in slurry and farmyard manure on the germination and viability of the seeds of one susceptible and three resistant C. album populations. After 4 weeks in a maize silo, seed viability of C. album populations was reduced drastically to 0–5%. Incubation for 24 h in the rumen followed by a post‐ruminal digestion in vitro of intact seeds only resulted in a small reduction in viability in one C. album population. Storage in a slurry cellar for 16 weeks reduced the viability of intact seeds of the C. album populations to 25–60%. Only 0–1% of the seeds remained viable after storage in a farmyard manure heap for 4 weeks. An accelerated ageing experiment showed seed persistence to be population specific and less related to seed weight. Keeping a fresh maize silo closed for at least 4 weeks and heaping farmyard manure are excellent preventive measures to limit the spread of resistant C. album seeds between fields.  相似文献   

Acetolactate synthase (ALS) from one susceptible and two chlorsulfuronresistant biotypes of Stellaria media(L.) Vill. was assayed in the presence of eight known ALS inhibitors. As expected, ALS from the chlorsulfuronresistant biotypes (R1 and R2) showed reduced sensitivity to chlorsulfuron and other sulfonylurea herbicides. The patterns of cross-resistance varied, however, indicating that the alteration in ALS that confers chlorsulfuron resistance does not confer the same level of resistance to other sulfonylurea herbicides. The resistant biotypes were highly cross-resistant to sulfometuron-methyl and DPX-A7H81, but less cross-resistant to triasulfuron. Both R1 and R2 were highly cross-resistant to DTPS (N-[2,6-dichlorophenyl]-5,7-dimethyl-1,2,4-iriazolo[1,5a]pyrimidine-2-siilfoiiamide), but only slightly cross-resistant to imazamethahenz, an imidazolinone herbicide. The differences in the patterns of cross-resistance observed presumably reflect differences in the binding affinity of the herbicides for the altered ALS. The data presented suggest, but do not confirm, that R1 and R2 contain the same ALS mutation.  相似文献   

Herbicide resistance in relation to the infra-specific structure of Chenopodium album Chenopodium album is one of the weeds in which herbicide resistance has developed, especially to triazines. In order to identify herbicide-resistant populations at an early stage, the relationships between subtaxa of this polymorphic species and their response to her bicides was investigated. Using the infra-specific systematics of Aellen (1960) as a basis, a new structure was developed from observations over several years. The genetic stability of several anatomical characteristics was evaluated and as a result, the shape of the inflorescence was taken as the basic characteristic. Tests of her bicide susceptibility showed that the taxon with a pseudo-umbelliferous inflorescence had a higher resistance to triazines. C. album biotypes identified to be triazine resistant in the GDR since 1985 all belonged to this taxon. C. suecicum, which closely resembles C. album and often grows together with it, is highly sus ceptible to triazines. In general there was cross-resistance to triazines and chloridazon. Pyridate, bentazon, metobromuron and bromuron were fully effective against these biotypes. The activity of metribizin and combinations of bromuron or fenuron with triazines was some what reduced. Triazine-resistant biotypes of C. album responded more slowly to bromuron than susceptible plants.  相似文献   

Competitive interactions among Chenopodium suecicum, Amaranthus retroflexus and maize were investigated in a series of variously arranged plot and pot experiments. In the initial phase of growth, C. suecicum occupied the available space more rapidly than A. retroflexus. In later stages of growth, the competitive influence of A. retroflexus on C. suecicum became greater than that of C. suecicum on A. retroflexus. The competitive ratio between C. suecicum and A. retroflexus was dependent on the total density of the stand. At low densities, A. retroflexus was more competitive than C. suecicum, while at high densities the opposite was true. According to the indices of competition, maize yields were affected more by C. suecicum than by A. retroflexus. Reciprocal yield models demonstrated that one A. retroflexus and one C. suecicum plant were competitively equivalent to 0.26 and 1.05 maize plants, respectively, as measured by the effects on maize biomass, while one maize plant was approximately equivalent to 5.5 weed plants, as measured by the effects on weed biomass. In the replacement series of the weeds, the presence of maize reduced the competitive ability of A. retroflexus against C. suecicum. Yield losses of maize increased as the proportion of C. suecicum plants in the mixture increased. C. suecicum plants which were seeded before the crop and those which were not removed until later than 32 days after crop emergence significantly lowered the maize yield. Interaction de Chenopodium suecicum J. Murr, et de Amaranthus retroflexus L. chez le maïs Les interactions compétitives entre Chenopodium suecicum, Amaranthus retroflexus et le maïs ont étéétudiées dans plusieurs expériences au champ et en pots. Lors de la phase initiale de croissance, C. suecicum occupait l'espace disponible plus rapidement que A retroflexus. Dans les phases ultérieures de croissance, l'effet compétitif de A. retroflexus sur C. suecicum devenait supérieur à celui de C. suecicum sur A. retroflexus. Le rapport de compétition entre C. suecicum et A. retroflexus dépendait de la densité globale de l'implantation. A faibles densités, A retroflexus était plus compétitif que C. suecicum, alors qu'à hautes densités l'inverse était vrai. Selon les indices de compétition, les rendements de mais étaient plus affectés par C. suecicum que par A. retroflexus. Des modèles de rendement réciproque ont montré que, du point de vue de l'aptitude è la compétition mesurée par les effets sur la biomasse du maïs, une plante de A. retroflexus et une plante de C. suecicumétaient respectivement équivalentes à 0.26 et 1.05 plantes de maïs. Une plante de maïs était approximativement équivalente à 5.5 mauvaises herbes, son aptitude à la compétition étant mesurée par son effet sur la biomasse des mauvaises herbes. Dans des séries de remplacement des mauvaises herbes, la présence du maïs réduisait l'aptitude à la compétition de A. retroflexusà l'égard de C. suecicum. Les pertes de rendement du maïs augmentaient en même temps que la proportion de C. suecicum dans la culture mélangée. Les plantes de C. suecicum qui étaient semées avant la culture et celles qui n'étaient pas enlevées dans les 32 jours qui suivaient la Ievée de la culture réduisaient de manière significative le rendement du maïs. Konkurrenz von Chenopodium suecicum Murr. und Amaranthus retroflexus L. mit Mais In verschiedenen Freiland- und Topfversuchen über Konkurrenzbeziehungen zwischen Chenopodium suecicum, Amaranthus retroflexus und Mais nahm Chenopodium suecicum in der frühen Wachstumsphase den verfügbaren Raum schneller ein als A. retroflexus. Später wurde die Konkurrenzkraft von Amaranthus retroflexus gegenüber C. suecicum größer als die von C. suecicum gegenüber Amaranthus retroflexus. Das Konkurenzverhältnis der beiden Arten hing von der Bestandesdichte ab. Bei geringer Dichte war A. retroflexus konkurrenzstärker, bei hoher C. suecicum. Entsprechend den Konkurrenzindices wurde der Maisertrag von C. suecicum stärker als von Amaranthus retroflexus beeinträchtigt. Auf der Grundlage der Mais- bzw. Unkraut-Biomassebildung wurde ein reziprokes Ertragsmodell entwickelt, nach dem das Konkurrenzäquivalent von 1 Pflanze Amaranthus retroflexus oder von 1 Pflanze Chenopodium suecicum 0–26 oder 1–05 Maispflanzen bzw. von 1 Maispflanze 5.5 Unkrautpflanzen entsprach. In Unkraut-Substitutionsversuchen setzte der Mais die Konkurrenzkraft von Amaranthus retroflexus gegenüber Chenopodium suecicum herab. Die Maisertragsverluste nahmen mit steigendem Chenopodium-Anteil zu. Vor dem Mais gesäte und erst 32 Tage nach dem Auflaufen des Maises gejätete Chenopodiumsuecicum-Pflanzen minderten den Maisertrag.  相似文献   

Field resistance of Echinochloa spp. to propanil has been previously reported in Costa Rica, Colombia and Arkansas (USA). In this study, the mechanism of resistance was investigated in three resistant (R) and three susceptible (S) biotypes. The shoot fresh weight reduction in pot-grown plants from a post-emergence spray of propanil at 2.44 kg a.i. ha−1 on biotypes R/S from Costa Rica, Colombia and Arkansas was 35/98%, 25/79% and 20/82% respectively. In vitro chlorophyll fluorescence data from leaf tissue incubated in propanil showed that photosynthesis was inhibited in all biotypes, indicating that the propanil-binding site and enzyme were not altered. After transfer to herbicide-free solution, photosynthesis recovered only in resistant biotypes, indicating that the mechanism of resistance was caused by enhanced metabolism of the herbicide. Simultaneous treatment with fenitrothion, an aryl acylamidase inhibitor, prevented the recovery of photosynthesis in leaf tissue in two resistant biotypes. In contrast, the cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenase inhibitor, 1-aminobenzotriazole, did not prevent recovery from propanil in leaf tissue. Application of 14C-propanil to the second leaf of intact Echinochloa plants showed that c . 90% of the radioactivity remained in the treated leaf for up to 72 h after application. No major differences in translocation between R and S biotype plants were found. TLC analysis of tissue extracts from the treated leaves showed substantially less radioactivity associated with propanil, present after 72 h in rice or in the three R biotypes, compared with S biotypes.  相似文献   

Interference of Sinapis arvensis L. (wild mustard) and Chenopodium album L. (lamb's-quarters) in spring rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) was studied under field conditions in 1983 and 1984. Both weed species interfered with rapeseed early in the growing season, causing significant reductions in rapeseed dry weight by June of each year. Sinapis arvensis caused greater rapeseed grain yield reductions than did C. album. With weed densities of 20–80 plants m?2, rapeseed grain yield reductions ranged from 19 to 77% with S. arvensis but only 20 to 25% with C. album. Rapeseed yield reductions caused by mixtures of both weed species ranged from being less than to being equal to the sum of reductions caused by each weed alone, depending on the weed density and year of study. Both weed species were prolific seed producers capable of returning large quantities of seed to the soil. With weed densities ranging from 10–80 plants m?2, S. arvensis produced 5700–30 100 seeds m?2 while C. album produced 3100–63 600 seeds m?2.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对藜叶片干旱诱导蛋白的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用SDS-PA GE(十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺)凝胶电泳法进行蛋白质的分离,研究干旱胁迫对藜叶片干旱诱导蛋白的影响.结果表明:干旱胁迫10 d,中度干旱藜的叶片110.3 KD和103.9 KD及24.8 KD,22.7KD,21.0 KD蛋白谱带明显加强,重度干旱胁迫下22.7 KD,21.0 KD蛋白谱带增强,但弱于中度干旱胁迫;干旱胁迫15 d,中度干旱胁迫下蛋白谱带与第10 d中度干旱胁迫下的蛋白谱带相比,26.4 KD和19.2 KD蛋白谱带增强.这说明干旱诱导了藜一些适应水分胁迫相关基因的表达,或使一些基因的表达量增强,导致一些新蛋白质的出现或某些蛋白质量的增加而增强其对干旱胁迫的抵抗能力.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Essential oils have herbicidal effects, which can potentially be improved by the addition of adjuvants. The present study evaluated (1) the stability and...  相似文献   

Wheat (cv. WH-147) and five biotypes of Phalaris minor Retz. (KR-1, H-4, K-2, H-2 and J-1) were treated with isoproturon in controlled environmental conditions to assess their level of resistance. Resistance of P. minor to isoproturon was found in the order of KR-1 > H-4 > K-2 > H-2 = J-1. Compared with the susceptible (S) biotype (H-2), the resistant (R) biotypes (KR-1. H-4 and K-2) of P. minor required 13.0, 4.5 and 2.7 times higher doses of isoproturon for a 50% reduction in growth (GR50) and 2.4 times that of the S biotype (H-2) by wheat. The corresponding figures for KR-1, H-4, K-2 biotypes and wheat were 18, 4.1, 2.4 and 4.6 times based on dry weight reduction. The effect of isoproturon on photosynthesis was studied in vitro using five biotypes of P. minor and in viro with wheat. KR-1 (R) and H-2 (S) biotypes of P. minor. Under in vitro treatment conditions isoproturon inhibited the photosynthesis of all five P. minor biotypes, whereas in vivo the recovery was greater in the R biotype than in the wheat and the S biotype. Effects on chlorophyll fluorescence were also measured in wheat and the KR-1 (R) and H-2 (S) biotypes of P. minor. A 4-h treatment of excised leaves incubaled in isoproluron solution (0.025 and 0.05 mm concentration) resulted in a decreased fluorescence coefficient (Fv Fm ratio in which Fv= variable fluorescence (Fm - Fo): Fm= the maximum fluorescence and Fo= initial fiuorescence) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and both biotypes of P. Minor. The recovery was, however, greater in the R biotype than in wheat and it was completely recovered within 24 h. No recovery was recorded in the case of the S biotype of P. minor and a greater recovery time was required for wheat than the R biotype. The higher dose required for growth inhibition in the R biotype and rapid recovery of oxygen evolution and fluorescence coeflicient under in viro conditions together with the absence of selectivity in vitro suggests that the target site was unaffected. It can be conjectured that resistance to isoproturon is most probably because of enhanced metabolism or sequestration of isoproturon, resulting in decreased target site delivery.  相似文献   

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