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微生物复混肥对盐碱土及白菜品质改良的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
通过田间试验,研究了施用微生物复混肥对盐碱土微生物量、土壤容重、土壤盐分及白菜品质的影响。结果表明,与不施肥、化肥和基质处理相比,白菜收获后施用微生物复混肥处理的土壤细菌总数分别增加了106.04%,58.99%和48.12%;土壤容重分别降低0.05g/cm3,0.03g/cm3和0.02g/cm3。微生物复混肥对降低耕层土壤含盐量有明显作用,但对1m土体土壤平均含盐量影响效果不明显。施用微生物复混肥能改善白菜品质,比不施肥与施化肥分别降低白菜硝酸盐含量0.14ppm和1.80ppm,可溶性糖量分别提高0.4%和0.8%。  相似文献   

富有机质土壤栽培方式对大白菜产量及品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以田园土壤栽培为对照,研究了以农业废弃物腐熟麦秸与腐熟大粪干及洁净土壤等为主要原料配置而成的富有机质土壤限根和非限根栽培对大白菜产量和品质的影响。结果表明,富有机质土壤非限根栽培的大白菜生长势好,根系活力强,叶绿素含量高,增产效果显著,产量较对照提高了20.68%;亚硝酸盐未检出,硝酸盐含量降低了359mg/kg,降幅达38.26%,富有机质土壤非限根栽培还明显增加了大白菜叶球的干物质含量,增幅为17.2 %;与对照相比, 富有机质土壤非限根栽培的大白菜的粗蛋白含量、总糖含量和维生素C含量分别提高了4.9%、0.9 %和2.44 %。表明富有机质土壤非限根栽培方式对提高白菜产量及改善营养品质效果良好。  相似文献   

叶面施用氨基酸对菜心产量和品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过盆栽试验研究了叶面喷施氨基酸对菜心产量和品质的影响。结果表明喷施200 mg/kg甘氨酸和丙氨酸均能提高菜心产量;喷施氨基酸能够显著提高可溶性糖含量,以200 mg/kg甘氨酸效果最佳;施用氨基酸对菜心叶片叶绿素无明显影响,维生素C含量有所降低;喷施甘氨酸能显著降低菜心硝酸盐和草酸含量,最高降低幅度分别为85.03%和70.19%,而喷施丙氨酸硝酸盐含量降低幅度较小,草酸含量显著增加;同时,喷施氨基酸均能够显著提高硝酸还原酶(NR)和谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)活性,而且甘氨酸处理效果优于丙氨酸。说明喷施氨基酸,尤其是喷施甘氨酸有利于提高菜心产量,改善品质。  相似文献   

对菜心种子在NaCl、MgS04、CaCl2 3种不同盐溶液浓度的胁迫下进行种子发芽研究,观察其发芽率,称量幼苗鲜重.结果表明,在菜心种子发芽期,其萌芽及生长受盐成分及浓度影响较大;团棵期幼苗抗盐能力为0.6%,说明菜心抗中等盐碱.  相似文献   

沼肥对大白菜产量和品质的影响及其环境效应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
摘要:在京郊露地生产条件下,通过6个不同用量沼肥处理田间小区试验,研究了施用沼肥对大白菜产量和品质效应的影响以及该条件下的土壤氮素平衡。当季试验结果表明,大白菜的产量随施氮水平的增加呈线性+平台的变化趋势,当有机肥氮素用量为1055 kg/ha 时,产量达到最高。大白菜收获后,土壤无机氮残留随施氮量的增加呈平台+线性的变化趋势,当有机肥氮素用量超过1019 kg/ha 时,土壤无机氮残留会急剧增加。大白菜-土壤体系的氮素表观损失随施氮量的增加而显著增加。大白菜硝酸盐含量随着施氮量的增加呈现一种直线增加的趋势,但各处理硝酸盐浓度均未超过600 mg/kg,显著低于北京地方规定的白菜硝酸盐食用标准。  相似文献   

大白菜原产于我国,栽培历史悠久,因其味道鲜美,营养丰富,价格便宜,四时有售,故有“菜中之王”的美誉。大白菜在我国南北各地均有种植,是淮河以北特别是东北、华北地区农民冬春季的当家蔬菜,其产量高、贮量大、食用期长,深受人民群众喜爱。现将其增产新技术介绍如下:  相似文献   

香蕉茎秆有机肥对大白菜生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决香蕉收获后废弃物的处理难题,利用香蕉茎杆制备成品有机肥,通过小区试验比较普通商品有机肥和香蕉茎秆有机肥做底肥施用对大白菜生长的影响,并对其经济效益进行评价。结果表明,施用有机肥对大白菜含水量和养分含量影响不大,但对大白菜株高和叶宽促进效果明显,施用有机肥使大白菜增产22.50%~43.10%,在万绿宝有机肥施量为6750 kg/hm2的条件下,大白菜产量最高,达30135 kg/hm2,6750 kg/hm2茎秆有机肥肥次之,在农民习惯施肥水平下(4500 kg/hm2),施用茎秆有机肥可比万绿宝有机肥增产3.50%,收益增加1800元/hm2。香蕉茎秆有机肥作为一种废弃物的再利用产品,其成本较低,应用效果好,在一定程度上可以代替商品有机肥使用。  相似文献   

胶东是大白菜发源地,著名的福山系列大白菜就产自烟台,繁殖大白菜种子在烟台市有悠久的历史,过去一直以繁殖地方品种为主,最近几年,大白菜杂交种制种面积有所发展,为此,我们对烟台市大白菜杂交制种技术进行了研究.  相似文献   

大白菜一代杂种是由两个品种的自交系间相互传粉配制而成的.提高种子产量,必须加强苗期和田间管理,这是提高产量的基础.  相似文献   

Giemsa N-banding pattern in cabbage and Chinese kale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
X. -H. Wang  P. Luo  J. -J. Shu 《Euphytica》1989,41(1-2):17-21
Summary In cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) and Chinese kale (B. oleracea alboglabra) four types of N-bands can be distinguished: pericentromeric, telomeric (terminal), intercalary and satellite bands. Typical NOR bands were not observed. The pericentromeric bands appear at the pericentric regions, possibly even at the centromeres of all chromosomes. Telomeric bands are observed on the short arms of chromosomes 1,5 and 6 in cabbage and chromosomes 1 and 5 in Chinese kale. Intercalary bands stained weakly in the long arms of chromosome 3 in cabbage and chromosome 2 in Chinese kale. Satellite bands cover the entire satellites in both Brassica species. The N-banding pattern is very similar in appearance to the C-banding pattern in both species and much more convenient to apply.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对大白菜幼苗生理生化特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
为了探讨大白菜耐盐机理、筛选耐盐性鉴定指标,建立苗期耐盐性鉴定方法,选用了6个具有不同耐盐性的大白菜材料,用Hoagland营养液水培方法,研究了不同浓度NaCl胁迫处理下大白菜盐害指数、脯氨酸含量、可溶性糖含量、游离氨基酸含量和丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化规律。结果发现,随着NaCl处理浓度的增加以及胁迫时间的延长,大白菜幼苗叶片中的MDA含量、脯氨酸含量、可溶性糖含量以及游离氨基酸含量均呈上升趋势。不同大白菜品种的盐害指数表现出不同程度的增加。盐害指数和MDA含量在不同品种间表现了明显差异,能较好地反映大白菜各品种苗期的耐盐性,可作为大白菜耐盐性的筛选指标。  相似文献   

The effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on postharvest quality and lignification of Chinese chive scapes (Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Sprengel) was examined during storage at 20 °C. The results showed that the treatment with 0.5 μL L?1 1-MCP significantly delayed weight loss and opening rate of flowers, maintained higher chlorophyll and ascorbic acid contents, inhibited respiration, reduced the activities of the enzymes phenylalanine ammonia lyase, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase and peroxidase, and retarded lignin and cellulose accumulation. The results suggest that 1-MCP treatment may be a promising technique to maintain postharvest quality of Chinese chive scapes.  相似文献   

PEG和GA3以及KH2PO4对甘蓝种子活力的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
方玉梅  宋明 《中国种业》2006,(11):33-34
应用PEG(聚乙二醇)、GA3(赤霉素)、KH2PO4(磷酸二氧钾)处理老化的甘蓝种子,可以提高种子活力。但活力提高的效应,在种子老化程度、基因型和处理间有显著差异。其中,老化2d的种子处理后,活力指数明显提高。3种处理中,25%PEG在20℃下处理2d效果最佳。  相似文献   

甘蓝又名包菜、卷心菜、莲花白等,是十字花科芸薹属作物。原产欧洲地中海沿岸,适于阴凉湿润的环境,具有适应性广、耐寒和耐热性较强、病害少、产量高、营养丰富、耐贮藏的特点。因此,在我国大范围种植,是城乡人民主要的食用蔬菜品种之一。随着甘蓝自交不亲合系的选育成功和优质  相似文献   

对近年来我国不结球白菜晚抽薹育种、耐热育种、耐寒育种、抗病抗虫育种、细胞质雄性不育系的利用、组织培养、分子图谱和遗传多样性等领域的研究进展进行了回顾.对今后的不结球白菜育种工作提出了建议.  相似文献   

研究了不同浓度K2SO4溶液对大白菜种子萌发的影响。结果表明K2SO4溶液浓度高于60mmol/L时,在一定程度上抑制大白菜种子萌发。但低浓度的K2SO4溶液(30mmol/L、60mmol/L)几乎没有影响。30mmol/L的K2SO4溶液能提高大白菜种子活力指数,促进幼苗生长,而高浓度时则具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

Traditional breeding methods require more than 6 years to obtain homozygous inbred lines, while isolated microspore culture (IMC) is an effective way to cultivate double haploid homozygous lines in only 2 years. However, low embryogenesis induction frequency in Chinese flowering cabbage remains a key obstacle to the practical application of this technique. Thidiazuron was added at different concentrations to NLN‐13 medium to estimate its effects on microspore embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration. Results showed that three genotypes responded positively. Optimum thidiazuron concentrations produced embryo yields of up to 14.67 embryos per bud and increased microspore embryogenesis frequency with up to 100% survival. Plantlet regeneration rates were up to 81.67%, and the treatment groups showed lower callus formation. We obtained up to 552 diploid plants from the tested genotypes, and the percentage of doubled haploid at different TDZ concentrations showed slight differences, and doubled haploid rates in the three genotypes were above 70%. They showed a high uniformity and can be directly used for hybrid breeding. This method accelerates microspore application in Chinese flowering cabbage hybrid breeding.  相似文献   

云南白菜根肿病有机防治技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择高锰酸钾、石灰或草木灰、腐熟农家肥等有机投入品对根肿病的控制效果和施用方法进行了初步尝试。实验结果表明,有机肥、石灰、石灰水、高锰酸钾可以作为控制根肿病防治的物质,随着使用时间和使用方式的不同,对根肿病和蔬菜的产量的影响不同。石灰或草木灰塘施或对水浇施,腐熟农家肥和石灰或高锰酸钾配合使用对根肿病的发生均有较好的抑制作用;单施农家肥和高锰酸钾对根肿病控制效果不理想,用腐熟农家肥作底肥+1%石灰水播种后浇塘+1%石灰水三叶期浇根+1%石灰水六叶期再浇根的组合模式可以有效地控制对根肿病的发生与危害。  相似文献   

Summary When a local slow bolting variety Osaka Shirona Bansei (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis, syn. B. campestris L. ssp. pekinensis) was grown in a phytotron (25°C, 16 hours day length without chilling treatment), one third of the plants bolted and flowered. In order to clarify the different flowering responses in the variety, a progeny line (FNC) of the flowering plants was chilled for 4 different periods (0, 22, 36 and 53 days) in a chamber of 2 7°C, then transplanted to three different conditions, i.e. PHY: 25–20°C day and night temperatures, 16 hours day length, GHL: 10 25°C, 16 hours day length with supplementary light and GHN: 10 25°C, natural day length (10 15 hours). In PHY, FNC bolted and flowered with almost the same leaf numbers in all 4 different chilling treatments. This means that FNC has very low sensitivity and no requirement to low temperature for its reproductive growth. In GHN (short day length), FNC bolted very slowly. Then the bolting and flowering of FNC were promoted by both long day length and high temperature. The newly found bolting characteristics of Osaka Shirona Bansei could be applied to breed unique slow bolting Chinese cabbage (B. rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) which might be non-sensitive to low temperature and its bolting and flowering would be induced with the combination of long day length and high temperature. Using the unique variety, it might be also possible to establish a new cropping type of Chinese cabbage (late autumn sowing, spring harvest).Abbreviations PHY Phytotron, long day and high temperature condition - GHL Greenhouse, long day and medium temperature condition - GHN Greenhouse, natural (short) day and medium temperature condition - FNC A progeny line of Osaka Shirona Bansei which flowered with no chilling treatment - FC A progeny line of Osaka Shirona Bansei which flowered with chilling treatment  相似文献   

1我国大白菜品种资源基本情况 大白菜地方品种是大白菜品种资源的重要组成部分。如北京小青口、天津青麻叶、山东福山包头、胶州白菜、郑州大包头、江苏连云港小狮子头、浙江慈溪黄芽白、江西赣州黄芽白菜、广东早皇白、福建漳蒲蕾、新疆伊宁连心壮、青海黄芽白、宁夏吴忠包头、内蒙古长炮弹、黑龙江二牛心、吉林大锉莱、辽宁辽阳包头、贵州黄点心等都是我国大白菜品种资源中的佼佼者。 初步统计我国大白菜地方品种有1000个左右,集中分布在黄河中、下游地区,其中山东、河北、河南、山西、北京、天津等6省(市)占总数70%~80%…  相似文献   

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