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The absorption coefficient μa measured at 670 nm in fruit pulp at harvest by time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy (TRS) has been shown to be a good maturity index for early nectarine cultivars. By including individual fruit maturity as a biological shift factor (BSF) into a kinetic model for softening it is possible to select fruit with different shelf-life potential. The BSF approach combined with TRS measurement and kinetic modeling of firmness was applied to a late maturing nectarine cultivar (‘Morsiani 90’), ripened at 20 °C after harvest or after storage at 0 °C and 4 °C, the latter conditions inducing chilling injury. At harvest the absorption coefficient μa had low values and low variability, indicating advanced maturity, while firmness was similar to that of early cultivars. The softening model took into account these differences, showing parameters similar to those of the early cultivars with the exception of the softening rate which was 2-6 times lower, indicating a slower softening in ‘Morsiani 90’ fruit. Decay of μa at 20 °C was also slower. Softening continued during storage at 4 °C, but not at 0 °C. After storage at 0 °C softening was resumed similarly to non-stored fruit, but with much variability. Fruit stored at 4 °C, which showed chilling injury, had a softening rate at 20 °C significantly higher than that of 0 °C fruit. It is suggested that the same changes in cell wall metabolism which induce the appearance of chilling injury also affect firmness and increase softening rate.  相似文献   

The peach melting flesh cultivars ‘Ryan Sun’ and ‘Sweet September’ and the non-melting, ‘Kakamas’ were harvested according to their visually assessed ground color and divided into four, ripeness classes (M1, M2, M3, and M4). The following aspects were determined: fruit mass, soluble, solids content (SSC), ground skin hue angle (h°) and chroma (C*), the absorbance difference at 670 nm and, 720 nm index (IAD), and the texture (fruit firmness measured with a needle, flesh firmness measured, with a 7.9 mm plunger, and uniaxial compression strength). Considering that in peaches, the h° of the, ground color and the IAD are maturity indicators closely associated with ripeness and particularly with, flesh firmness, the texture parameters and their relationship to h° and IAD were examined. The visual, assessment of the ground color was validated as the criterion for sorting the ripeness levels in peaches, as confirmed by h° and IAD. Fruit firmness assessed with the needle and that with the 7.9 mm plunger, were highly correlated with each other and with the h° and IAD, whereas the compression strength, exhibited less correlation with the optical properties of the skin. The non-melting ‘Kakamas’ showed, the poorest correlation between texture and h° and IAD. Comparing both optical properties, the IAD, showed a higher correlation with texture features than the h°. In a second experiment, fruit from the M3 ripeness class was maintained in a ripening chamber (20 °C, and 80% RH) until the flesh was softened for consumption. During postharvest, the first two principal, components of a principal component analysis explained 85% of the total variance of the texture, components and the optical properties of the skin. PC1 (67.2%) was defined positively by the texture, parameters and IAD. The h° of the ground color was negatively related to all texture parameters, and, IAD. PC2 (17.8%) was associated positively with the juice content, and this parameter proved to be, independent of all others.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated a relationship between Md-ACS1 allelotype and apple fruit softening at ambient temperatures. The present study was undertaken to further examine the influence of this allelotype (-1/1, -1/2 or -2/2) and its interaction with harvest season (early or late) on changes in internal ethylene concentrations (IEC) and fruit softening during cold air storage. This was carried out by describing natural differences found among old apple cultivars/species and modern commercial cultivars. For late maturing cultivars, Md-ACS1-1/1 was firmer at harvest than Md-ACS1-2/2 with the heterozygote intermediate. However harvest firmness showed no differences among for the early season Md-ACS1 allelotypes. The Md-ACS1-2/2 allelotype had a slower rate of postharvest IEC increase and flesh softening compared with Md-ACS1-1/1 and -1/2 allelotypes, and late maturing cultivars had a slower rate of fruit softening than early maturing cultivars, which was independent of postharvest IEC. All three late season allelotypes and early season Md-ACS1-2/2 were firmer after storage than early season Md-ACS1-1/1 and -1/2 allelotypes, reflecting differences in both harvest firmness and softening rates. While cultivar variation in final firmness could be explained partially through Md-ACS1-mediated postharvest ethylene increases and subsequent softening, much more variation was accounted for by their differences in harvest firmness. These results are discussed in relation to strategies for breeding cultivars with superior flesh textures that are maintained during storage.  相似文献   

Time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy (TRS), allows for the complete optical characterization (in terms of the absorption and scattering coefficients) of diffusive media such as fruit, in the spectral range 600–1100 nm, probing a volume to a depth of about 2 cm. The hypothesis was made that the absorption coefficient at 670 nm (μa), near the chlorophyll peak, could be an index of fruit maturity at harvest. The aim of this research was to model nectarine softening for fruit of different maturity at harvest, as assessed by μa. Nectarine fruit of two sizes (A and B) were picked in 2002, 2003 (cv ‘Spring Bright’) and 2004 (cv ‘Ambra’), measured by TRS at harvest on two opposite sides and ranked by decreasing μa averaged per fruit (increasing maturity). Fruit were stored at 0 °C for 3, 10 and 6 days, then at 20 °C for 79, 120 and 117 h in 2002, 2003 and 2004, respectively. Firmness was measured by pressure test (8 mm tip) during shelf life, on two sides of each fruit, and then averaged. Softening at 20 °C followed a logistic model as a function of μa at harvest and of time at 20 °C (adjusted R2 = 0.85 in ‘Spring Bright’ and 0.75 in ‘Ambra’). The effects of fruit size and cold storage were negligible. The absorption coefficient μa explained 13–34% of the variation of firmness. Fruit with different μa at harvest softened with the same sigmoidal pattern in time, which was shifted earlier in low μa fruit, and later in high μa fruit. μa accounted for the time shift in softening of individual fruit within the same batch. The value of μa can be regarded as an index of the biological age of fruit. By using this model, it is possible to predict individual fruit softening rates at 20 °C.  相似文献   

Six cling-stone melting nectarine cultivars (‘Big Top’, ‘Luciana’, ‘Honey Royale’, ‘Nectareine’, ‘Big Nectared’ and ‘Nectalady’) were cut and dipped into an aqueous solution of 2% ascorbic acid, 1% citric acid and 1% calcium chloride before being stored in amorphous polyethylene terephthalate trays. Their suitability to be processed as fresh-cut product was then investigated on the basis of their initial quality, browning potential and sensory attributes as well as the changes in these parameters after processing. At harvest, two maturity stages were selected for each cultivar based on their index of absorbance difference. Nonetheless, no significant effect of maturity stage at harvest was observed for most of the physico-chemical and/or sensory parameters during storage. On the contrary, differences among cultivars were emphasized when comparing ethanol and acetaldehyde production, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity, volatiles production, sensory profile, and consumer acceptance. ‘Honey Royale’ and ‘Nectalady’ wedges showed higher volatiles production, whereas ‘Big Nectared’ and ‘Luciana’ had a slightly lower browning index (BI). In the sensory evaluation, ‘Nectareine’ had the highest acceptability scores, whereas ‘Big Nectared’ had the lowest. The significant correlations between volatiles, sensory attributes and degree of liking observed in this study underline the importance of aroma in fresh-cut products.  相似文献   

桃的种类和品种很多 ,就成熟期而言 ,有早、中、晚三大类。早熟桃可提早淡季供应市场 ,经济效益显著。为了给我省的早熟桃的生产栽培提供科学依据 ,1990年我们用国内的几个优良早熟桃品种与“社古桃”进行品种比较试验 ,现将试验结果报道如下 :1 试验材料和方法1.1 试验地点和品种早熟桃品种比较试验园建在省农科院园艺所的桃品种试验园内 ,面积约 0 .33公顷。主要品种是 :春蕾、朝霞、庆丰、早香玉以及我所 1980年从国内农家桃资源中鉴选出的早熟优质桃株系 (暂定名为社古桃 )。即参试品种共 5个。1.2 试验园气候及土壤条件该试验园海拔…  相似文献   

The effects of postharvest application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on ethylene production and fruit quality, and thus on transportation and shelf-life, were evaluated in melting-flesh peaches. AVG (150 mg L−1) significantly reduced ethylene production, and the effect was enhanced in combination with 1-MCP (1 μL L−1). However, fruit treated with AVG alone softened to untreated control levels 2 d after harvest (DAH). Treatment with 1-MCP significantly reduced the rate of softening until 2 DAH, but the fruit rapidly softened thereafter, and reached untreated control levels by 4 DAH. A combination of AVG and 1-MCP significantly reduced fruit tissue softening throughout ripening. The effect of each chemical on flesh firmness indicated that 1-MCP affected fruit response in the early stages of ripening up to 4 DAH, and AVG significantly reduced softening in the latter stages from 4 to 9 DAH. Peaches treated with AVG and 1-MCP retained their ground color during ripening, but the effect of each chemical on color is unclear. The present study indicates that combined treatment with AVG and 1-MCP significantly delays the ripening of melting-flesh peaches.  相似文献   

The effects of postharvest application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on ethylene production and fruit quality, and thus on transportation and shelf-life, were evaluated in melting-flesh peaches. AVG (150 mg L−1) significantly reduced ethylene production, and the effect was enhanced in combination with 1-MCP (1 μL L−1). However, fruit treated with AVG alone softened to untreated control levels 2 d after harvest (DAH). Treatment with 1-MCP significantly reduced the rate of softening until 2 DAH, but the fruit rapidly softened thereafter, and reached untreated control levels by 4 DAH. A combination of AVG and 1-MCP significantly reduced fruit tissue softening throughout ripening. The effect of each chemical on flesh firmness indicated that 1-MCP affected fruit response in the early stages of ripening up to 4 DAH, and AVG significantly reduced softening in the latter stages from 4 to 9 DAH. Peaches treated with AVG and 1-MCP retained their ground color during ripening, but the effect of each chemical on color is unclear. The present study indicates that combined treatment with AVG and 1-MCP significantly delays the ripening of melting-flesh peaches.  相似文献   

辽河流域玉米籽粒脱水特点及适宜收获期分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽河流域处于中国东北春玉米区南部,积温资源相对丰富,在该区域推广玉米机械粒收技术具有较好的热量资源基础,但区域内玉米收获时籽粒含水率偏高,机械粒收的破碎率、损失率偏高等质量问题突出。分析区域内主推品种的籽粒脱水特征、基于热量资源条件确定机械粒收的适宜时间,是解决上述问题的合理途径。2017年选择该区域主推的29个不同熟期玉米品种,在开鲁县和铁岭县开展了籽粒脱水动态观测试验。结合流域内常年春玉米播种日期、不同品种生长发育及籽粒脱水积温需求、历史气象数据等分析结果,建立不同品种在辽河流域适宜机械粒收时期的预测方法。结果显示, Logistic Power模型可以很好地模拟春玉米籽粒含水率变化过程。不同品种籽粒实收含水率与模拟含水率间存在极显著的线性关系,决定系数R2为0.916 (n=45),均方根误差RMSE为1.217。研究建立的不同品种籽粒含水率模型具有极佳的区域适用性,以2017年国审的4个宜机收品种及流域内2个主栽品种研究,明确了不同品种适宜机械粒收时期的分布规律。国审品种中,德育919和京农科728自播种至籽粒含水率降至25%活动积温需求低于3200°C d,在辽河流域大部地区可于9月中下旬达到高质量机械粒收的籽粒含水率要求。泽玉8911和吉单66积温需求低于3400°C d,可于10月上中旬在流域内实现机械粒收,较上述德育919和京农科728晚10~20d。而当地主栽的辽单575和京科968脱水至适宜籽粒含水率的积温需求较泽玉8911和吉单66多200°Cd,无法在当地常规收获期实现高质量的机械粒收。本研究检验了基于LogisticPower模型的籽粒含水率预测模型在区域分析应用中的精度。通过比较国审宜机收品种与当地主栽品种的籽粒含水率变化、成熟和脱水的积温需求以及适宜机械粒收日期的空间分布规律,更新现有品种有助于在辽河流域实现常规收获期内的高质量机械粒收。  相似文献   

早熟与常规熟期冬油菜品种养分吸收规律差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探明南方三熟区早熟与常规熟期冬油菜品种在干物质积累及养分吸收方面的规律差异,为稻-稻-油三熟制油菜施肥提供依据。于2017年冬季至2018年春季在湖南衡阳布置田间小区试验,供试品种为早熟品种湘油420和湘油642、常规熟期品种湘油1035和湘杂油710×1035,间隔10~15d取样,监测4个油菜品种的干物质积累动态,氮、磷、钾元素吸收的时空特征及产量。早熟冬油菜品种与常规熟期冬油菜品种的产量及产量收获指数无显著差异,早熟冬油菜品种的干物质、磷在花期-角果期积累比例最大,分别为79.9%~80.0%、69.3%~79.5%,氮、钾积累量在花期的比例最大,分别为46.8%~47.7%、39.9%~52.3%;常规熟期冬油菜品种的干物质、磷、钾在花期积累比例最大,分别为37.1%~38.6%、44.1%~49.3%、32.8%~36.2%,氮在苗期的积累比例最大(48.6%~73.9%)。相较于常规熟期冬油菜品种,早熟冬油菜品种对干物质及养分的吸收高峰推迟,干物质和磷、钾养分累积多集中在花期-角果期。冬油菜的养分积累量随干物质积累量的增大而提高。早熟冬油菜品种生育期185d,较常规熟期冬油菜品种短15d,能缓解稻油轮作时茬口矛盾;收获期早熟冬油菜品种氮、磷积累量明显高于常规熟期冬油菜品种,氮、磷、钾累积特性适用于缓控释肥养分释放速率慢、周期长的释肥特性。早熟冬油菜品种生育期短且养分积累量高,在南方三熟区存在季节优势和养分积累优势,适宜在南方三熟区大面积推广。  相似文献   

成熟前期马铃薯茎叶挥发性成分研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用水蒸气蒸馏法对成熟前期马铃薯茎叶的挥发性成分进行提取,利用GC-MS联机分析法对提取物进行了成分检测.结果表明,以0.629%(W/W)得油率获得挥发油,联机分析精油共检测出112个成分.通过解析鉴定出占挥发油相对含量79.464%的61种化合物,其中芳香族化合物30.099%、倍半萜20.022%、单萜2.525%、羧酸类化合物8.476%、醛类化合物5.429%、饱和脂肪烃5.338%、酮类化合物3.391%、醇类化合物2.176%.  相似文献   

Y. Hébert 《Euphytica》1990,46(3):237-247
Summary Evidence of genetic variation for early vigour is presented using maize line × tester crosses. The leaf appearance rate and associated variance components are affected by a physiological stress attributable to the transition to autotrophic nutrition by the plant. At this stage, specific combining ability plays an important role in the total genetic variation. It is concluded that differing genetic controls exist in early and late material, and that this difference is also manifested in leaf initiation and elongation rates. The ground coverage rate, as a component of plant development, is genetically correlated to total dry matter yield. The genetic correlations vary according to the growth stage.  相似文献   

Summary Isozyme variation and inheritance were investigated with starch gel electrophoresis in peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) x P. kansuensis Rehd. and peach x P. davidiana (Carr.) Franch. interspecific hybrids. Of five enzyme systems surveyed for polymorphism, four systems were identified as polymorphic [isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH, EC, phosphoglucomutase (PGM, EC, aspartate aminotransferase (AAT, EC, and 6 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (PGD, EC] and may be useful as genetic markers in future cultivar and rootstock development. Analysis of progenies segregating for pairs of loci suggests a possible linkage between the loci coding for Aat-1 and Pgd-2. Independent assortment was observed for isozyme loci Idh/Pgm-2, Idh/Aat-1, Idh/Pgd-2, Pgm-2/Aat-1, Pgm-2/Pgd-2, and Aat-2/Aat-1. The red leaf locus, Gr, assorted independently of the isozyme loci: Idh, Pgm-2, Aat-1, and Pgd-2.  相似文献   

S. M. Githiri    S. Watanabe    K. Harada    R. Takahashi 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(6):613-618
Soybean cultivars are sensitive to flooding stress and their seed yields are substantially reduced in response to the stress. This study was conducted to investigate the genetic basis of flooding tolerance at an early vegetative growth stage. Sixty recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between a relatively tolerant cv. ‘Misuzudaizu’ and a sensitive cv. ‘Moshidou Gong 503’ were grown in pots in a vinyl plastic greenhouse in 2002 and 2003. At the two‐leaf stage, half of the pots were waterlogged by water placed in plastic containers and adjusted to 5 cm above the soil surface. After 3 weeks of treatment, the pots were returned to the greenhouse and grown until maturity. Flooding tolerance was evaluated by dividing the seed weight of the treated plants by that of the control plants. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis using 360 genetic markers revealed three QTLs for flooding tolerance, ft1 to ft3 in 2002. The ft1 (molecular linkage group C2) was reproducible and an additional four QTLs, ft4 to ft7, were found in 2003. The ft1 had a high LOD score in both years (15.41 and 7.57) and accounted for 49.2% and 30.5% of the total variance, respectively. A large QTL for days to flowering was consistently observed across treatments and years at a similar position to ft1. Comparing the relative location with markers, the maturity gene probably corresponds to E1. Late maturity may have conferred a longer growth period for recovery from flooding stress.  相似文献   

In maize, high grain moisture (GM) at harvest causes problems in harvesting, threshing, artificial drying, storage, transportation and processing. Understanding the genetic basis of GM will be useful for breeding low‐GM varieties. A quantitative genetics approach was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to GM at harvest in field‐grown maize. The GM of a double haploid population consisting of 240 lines derived from Xianyu335 was evaluated in three planting seasons and a high‐density genetic linkage map covering 1546.4 cM was constructed. The broad‐sense heritability of GM at harvest was 71.0%. Using composite interval mapping, six QTL for GM at harvest were identified on five chromosomes (Chr). Two QTL located on Chr1, qgm1‐1 and qgm1‐2, explained 5.0% and 10.8% of the phenotypic variation in GM at harvest, respectively. The QTL qgm2, qgm3, qgm4 and qgm5 accounted for 3.3%, 8.3%, 5.4% and 11.0% of the mean phenotypic variation, respectively. Because of their consistent detection over multiple planting seasons, the detected QTL appear to be robust and reliable for the breeding of low‐GM varieties.  相似文献   

鲜食期和成熟期糯玉米粉理化特性的差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆大雷  郭换粉  董策  陆卫平 《作物学报》2010,36(12):2170-2178
以5个糯玉米品种为材料,研究其鲜食期和成熟期籽粒的理化特性。结果表明,糯玉米粉的最大吸收波长鲜食期和成熟期无显著差异,均表现出典型的糯性特征,禾盛糯1512成熟期的蓝值高于鲜食期,其余品种鲜食期和成熟期无显著差异。成熟期糯玉米粉具有较高的淀粉含量和较低的蛋白质含量。成熟期糯玉米粉的结晶度和膨胀势高于鲜食期,而溶解度和透光率低于鲜食期,但不同品种对收获期的响应不一致。中糯319鲜食期的黏度特性较优,其他4个品种成熟期较优,鲜食期收获的粤彩糯1号不能糊化。差示扫描量热仪结果表明,成熟期收获的糯玉米粉具有较低的转变温度(起始温度、峰值温度、终值温度)、热焓值、峰值指数以及较宽的糊化范围,鲜食期收获的糯玉米粉具有较低的回生值。相关分析表明,最大吸收波长与峰值黏度显著正相关(相关系数为0.63,P<0.05),与糊化温度显著负相关(相关系数为-0.86,P<0.01)。结晶度与糊化温度显著负相关(相关系数为-0.70,P<0.05),与热焓值、峰值指数及回生后的热焓值显著正相关(相关系数分别为0.74,P<0.01;0.62,P<0.05;0.74,P<0.01)。回生值与蓝值、最大吸收波长、结晶度及回生后的热焓值显著正相关(相关系数分别为0.64,P<0.05;0.61,P<0.05;0.69,P<0.05;0.96,P<0.01)。中糯319鲜食期收获具有较高的淀粉含量、结晶度和黏度特征值,适宜作鲜食;粤彩糯1号两个时期的回生值远低于其他品种,适宜制作低回生的食品。  相似文献   

为研究不同烤烟品种成熟期氮代谢及次生代谢的差异性,探究不同烤烟品种合适的施氮量。以‘NC71’、‘云烟105’、‘豫烟13号’为试验材料,设置低氮(30 kg/hm2)、中氮(45 kg/hm2)、高氮(60 kg/hm2)3个处理,对成熟期氮代谢关键酶活性及其产物、次生代谢产物的含量进行测定。结果表明,‘NC71’高氮处理、‘豫烟13号’低氮处理、‘云烟105’中氮处理的硝酸还原酶(NR)活性分别为1.474、1.395、1.533 U/g;谷氨酸合成酶(GOGAT)活性分别为218.447、192.276、203.052 nmol/(mg·min);总酚含量分别为6.652%、6.539%、6.076%,差异均未达到显著水平。相关性分析表明,NR活性与类胡萝卜素的相关系数达到0.855,达到极显著水平,与游离氨基酸、烟碱和总酚的相关系数均在0.6以上,呈显著正相关;谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性与其次生代谢产物的相关系数均在0.5以上,且均达到显著水平。改变NR、GS活性会影响氮代谢次生代谢产物含量,有利于烟叶品质改善。...  相似文献   

Summary Barley plants are able to accumulate glycinebetaine (betaine) at high levels in their leaves in response not only to water and salt stress but also to cold stress. Such accumulation of betaine during acclimation to cold is associated to some extent with freezing tolerance in leaves of barley plants, as previously demonstrated with near-isogenic lines that differed only in a single gene for the spring type of growth habit (Plant, Cell and Enyironment 17: 89–95, 1994). We now present evidence that the levels of betaine accumulated during cold acclimation might be associated with the earliness or lateness of the maturity of cultivars, namely, that late cultivars accumulate more betaine than early cultivars. Moreover, the grade of the vermalization requirement of the cultivars seemed unlikely to be associated with the level of betaine acumulated during cold acclimation. However, the trait that controlled accumulation of betaine during cold acclimation was not linked with the earliness or lateness of the maturity of cultivars. The higher levels of betaine in the late cultivars might have resulted from co-selection for lateness of maturity and freezing tolerance, which is generally a requirement in the areas of Japan where such late cultivars were originally cultivated.  相似文献   

黄淮海夏玉米生理成熟期子粒含水率研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为明确夏玉米生理成熟期子粒含水率及其影响因素,2014-2016年,以郑单958、先玉335等玉米品种为研究对象,分别在北京和河南新乡开展品种比较和播期研究。结果表明:生理成熟期玉米子粒含水率平均27.8%,在品种间存在极显著差异,变幅为21.5%~33.1%,按80%置信区间为24.2%~31.4%;环境条件对子粒达到生理成熟的时间和含水率有极显著影响,且环境和品种之间具有明显的交互作用;生理成熟期子粒含水率高低与授粉到生理成熟经历的天数之间相关度较低。夏玉米区主栽品种郑单958、先玉335、农华101、中单909、京农科728、华美1号和农华816生理成熟期子粒含水率平均值分别为28.4%、24.9%、27.9%、29.1%、28.7%、29.2%和29.9%。  相似文献   

The effect of delaying harvest on fruit quality and storage life was measured for the late-season highbush blueberry cultivars ‘Aurora’, ‘Elliott’ and ‘Liberty’. In all three cultivars as fruit ripened, there was a steady decline in TA while SS remained stable, indicating that the fruit were becoming sweeter. This was supported by taste panel perceptions of greater sweetness associated with later harvested fruit. There was also a significant overall reduction in fruit firmness and storage life as the percentage of blue fruit at harvest increased; however, a significant interaction for storage life between crop ripeness and cultivar was observed, indicating that the fruit of some cultivars were less influenced by overall crop ripeness than others. The storage life of ‘Elliott’ was significantly affected negatively by crop ripeness, while ‘Aurora’ and ‘Liberty’ were not. ‘Liberty’ produced the highest percentage of sound fruit of the three cultivars and its fruit stored the longest, suggesting that ‘Liberty’ and ‘Aurora’ fruit can be left longer on the bush before harvesting than ‘Elliott’ without significantly damaging storage life. This would allow ‘Aurora’ to develop a sweeter flavor before shipping. The physicochemical and sensory evaluations were highly correlated, suggesting that TA, SS and firmness can be used as predictors of consumer preferences.  相似文献   

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