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《Applied soil ecology》2006,32(3):239-250
The species frequency of collembolan communities along a gradient of heavy metal pollution in soil of pine forest soils was studied. Sampling plots were established in forests 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 68 and 148 km from the Miasteczko Śląskie zinc smelter. At each plot the plant associations, physicochemical characteristics of soil, and collembolan species composition and abundance were examined. The structure of collembolan communities was analyzed with regard to species distribution, testing geometric series, broken-stick, logarithmic series, log-normal and negative binomial distribution models. Most of the collembolan communities occurring both in contaminated and in uncontaminated soils had structure similar to a negative binomial distribution. In the samples from the oldest forest, the species frequencies could also be fitted to a log-normal distribution. The species frequency model was independent of the degree of soil pollution. Under the assumption of a negative binomial distribution of Collembola from soil samples, it is possible to estimate the theoretical number of collembolan species in the habitats studied. The difference between estimated and empirical numbers of species (the number of species not revealed in samples) was linearly correlated with metal concentrations in soil, indicating the elimination of a number of rare species from severely polluted forests.  相似文献   

The contents of differently mobile heavy metal compounds and their influence on the formation of microbial cenoses (particularly, streptomyces communities) in technogenically disturbed soils are considered. Elevated concentrations of mobile Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd, and Fe compounds are shown to determine structural-functional changes in microbial cenoses that are displayed in a decreasing number of microorganisms and a narrower spectrum of the streptomyces species. Some specific features of the formation of streptomyces communities in technogenic soils were revealed on the basis of the analysis of their species structure with the use of the Margalef, Berger-Parker, and Sorensen indices of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Correct characterization of heavy metal availability is a prerequisite for the management of polluted soils. Our objective was to describe zinc (Zn) availability in polluted soils by measuring the isotopic exchangeability of Zn in soil/solution ( E value) and in soil/plant systems ( L value), by assessing the transfer of Zn and 65Zn in the fractions of a six-step selective sequential extraction (SSE) in incubated soils and by identifying Zn forms in soils by means of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. We distinguished three pools of exchangeable Zn: the pool of Zn exchangeable within 1 minute, which is observed in all soils, Zn exchangeable in the medium term, and the slowly and not exchangeable Zn. The amount of Zn present in the first two pools was similar to the L value measured with Thlaspi caerulescens . The first three steps of the SSE solubilized the first pool and a fraction of the second pool. Most of the second pool and a fraction of the third pool were extracted in the fourth step of the SSE, while the rest of the third pool was extracted in the final steps of the SSE. The EXAFS study conducted on two soils showed that more than half of the Zn was present in species weakly bound to organic compounds and/or outer sphere inorganic and organic complexes. Other species included strongly sorbed Zn species and Zn species in crystalline minerals. The EXAFS study of selected SSE residues showed that the specificity and the efficiency of the extractions depended on the properties of the soil studied.  相似文献   

为了探讨磷酸盐和石灰对重金属污染土壤的稳定效果,采用铅冶炼污染石灰性土壤(镉、铜、铅和锌全量分别为4.12、81.0、455和115 mg·kg-1)、设置磷酸盐和3个不同石灰用量及磷酸盐和石灰同时施用及间隔15 d施用的处理,培养后测定土壤性质。结果表明,两种添加剂间隔15 d施用且石灰用量为250和500 mg·kg-1时,土壤pH和磷有效性均高于同时施用处理。两种添加剂间隔15 d施用时,土壤镉有效性显著低于二者同时施用时(P<0.05,低6.63%~11.82%)、土壤锌有效性显著高于同时加入的处理(P<0.05,高17.64%~28.39%)。两种添加剂的不同施用方式对土壤铅和铜的有效性影响较小。石灰用量为1000 mg·kg-1且两种添加剂间隔15 d施用时,土壤镉和铅有效性最低。以上说明,对于石灰性镉污染土壤,磷酸盐和石灰的施用方式对土壤镉的稳定效果存在重要影响。  相似文献   

The distribution and the availability of Cd, Zn, Cu, and Pb along the entire profile of two highly polluted soils located near Zn smelters have been related to the chemical and mineralogical composition of the soil. Lead and Cu deposits always remain in the surface layers and their availability measured by neutral ammonium acetate extraction was very weak. The behavior of Cd and Zn appears different in sandy acidic podzolic soils and in neutral loamy soils. These metals are associated with the organic matter migration in podzolic soils, while they remain in the upper layers in loamy soils provided that the pH is higher than 6. When the pH drops below 6, the mobility of Cd increases while that of Zn increases only below pH 5. The availability of heavy metals is lower in neutral loamy soils than in sandy acidic soils due to precipitation of carbonates and phosphates. With increasing depth, Cd and Zn are more available if the soil is acid; but, if the soil is neutral and loamy the availability is kept low by adsorption on clays and free oxides. The results of the complex trace metals interactions with the soil components show a higher accumulation capacity for loamy soils than for sandy soils notwithstanding the fact that their CEC is similar.  相似文献   

Pollution-induced community tolerance (PICT) allows finding a cause–effect relationship between pollution and adverse changes in a community. In our previous study we found that functional diversity of bacterial communities decreased significantly with increasing metal concentration, in both forest humus and meadow topsoil. Thus, the aim of the present study was to test whether tolerance of soil bacterial communities had increased as an effect of long-term metal pollution. Bacterial tolerance was tested with the use of the Biolog® ECO plates in soils originating from the most polluted and the least polluted sites from three forest and five meadow transects located near smelters in Avonmouth (England), Clydach (Wales), and Głogów and Olkusz (Poland). We found that tolerance of bacterial communities was significantly increased in polluted meadow soils when compared to control meadow soils. On the contrary, no increase in tolerance was detected in polluted forest humus.  相似文献   

Soil samples were collected to a depth of 0 to 10 cm from several sites near a secondary Pb smelter during the summer of 1976 in order to determine heavy metal concentrations of soil and enumerate soil microorganisms and earthworms. Chemical analyses indicated that abnormally high concentrations of Pb, As, Cd, and Cu decreased with increasing distance from the source and population counts of bacteria, actinomyces, fungi, nematodes and earthworms increased with increasing distance from the smelter. The negative correlation coefficients between bacteria, actinomyces, fungi, and nematodes and the level of Pb, As, Cd, and Cu in the soil were statistically significant. The microflora of the contaminated soil was altered and the marked quantitative reduction or elimination of organisms were attributable to heavy metal pollution emission from the secondary Pb smelter.  相似文献   

The mobility of Pb, Zn, Cd and Cu was examined at two adjacent experimental plots at åmli, southern Norway, B-1 and B-2. Both experiments were established on the same glacifluvial deposits, with forest consisting of uniform stands of Pinus sylvestris L. The forest in B-1 was planted between 1968 and 1970, while B-2 consisted of naturally regenerated trees. The experiments included plots supplied with artificial rain of varying acidity over a period of seven and eight years for B-1 and B-2, respectively, in addition to control plots. In experiment B-1, experimental acidification was carried out both in unlimed plots and in plots applied with three different levels of lime. The two experiments showed distinct differences with respect to effects of the acidification on mobilization of heavy metals from the O horizon. In experiment B-1, the amount of Zn and Cd decreased with decreasing pH in artificial rain, while Pb and Cu were not appreciably affected. The reduction in Zn and Cd concentrations ceased after termination of the acidification experiment. Liming reduced the leachability of Zn, but still appreciable amounts of Zn were obviously leached from the O horizon during the experiment. In experiment B-2 a high retention even of Zn and Cd was observed in the O horizon, probably due to microbial uptake and accumulation.  相似文献   

张玉洁  李洪超  赵之伟 《土壤》2012,44(3):467-473
从云南会泽铅-锌矿区自然生长植物密序野古草(Arundinella bengalensis(Spreng.)Druce)的健康根内分离得到一株深色有隔内生真菌(dark septate endophytes,DSE)。据其形态学特征和ITS1-5.8S-rDNA-ITS2序列分析,鉴定为一株嗜鱼外瓶霉(Exophiala pisciphila)。纯培养条件下研究了其对Pb2+、Zn2+、Cd2+的耐性和超积累作用。结果表明,此菌株在液体合成培养基上可以分别耐受2、3和0.5 g/L的Pb2+、Zn2+和Cd2+;在含Pb2+、Cd2+培养基中生长其菌丝可以富集超过其干重25%以上的Pb2+和5%以上的Cd2+;显示此菌株属于极端耐性并具有超积累作用的真菌。此真菌在植物根系的定殖或许可以通过菌丝体对金属离子的固持作用缓解植物根围土壤微环境中超量金属离子对植物的毒害作用。  相似文献   

This study examined whether earthworm (Dendrobaena octaedra) populations originating from three differently polluted mixed oak-pine forests differ in life history parameters, and whether any observed differences are adaptive. Three forests were chosen: the most polluted forest, near Olkusz, affected by a zinc smelter and on soil containing metal ore; the Niepo?omice Forest, moderately polluted by industry; and the relatively unpolluted Kampinoska Forest. Parent animals (P generation) were collected from each forest and thereafter cultured in the laboratory. From cocoons laid in the laboratory the F1 generation was reared and observed to determine whether it inherited features observed in the parent generation. To distinguish the effect of the metal studied (Cd) from that of soil edaphic conditions, individuals collected in the field were divided into two groups: one cultured in unpolluted medium, the other in medium spiked with cadmium. Earthworms originating from polluted forests (parent generation) exhibited higher cadmium storage capacity, and a higher cadmium concentration factor (cadmium in animal/cadmium in soil). No interpopulation differences in cadmium accumulation were found in their offspring (F1 generation), meaning that the cadmium accumulation ability was acclimatory and not adaptive. Cadmium in low doses negatively affected reproduction parameters: cocoon production, mass of produced cocoons, and reproductive allocation (weight of offspring divided by the weight of adults). The effect of cadmium was stronger in animals originating from the unpolluted forest than in those from the heavily polluted forest. F1 animals originating from the heavily polluted forest exhibited the highest cadmium tolerance (higher mean survival time and median survival time, lower hazard rate probability per time unit that an individual surviving to the beginning of a given interval will die within that interval). The observed tolerance to cadmium (higher reproduction, better survival) in the population from the heavily polluted forest apparently was heritable, suggesting adaptation of D. octaedra to life in a polluted environment.  相似文献   



The objective of this study was to investigate the bioleaching of Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn from sewage sludge using iron-oxidizing microorganisms. These conditions include the solid concentration, initial pH, ferrous iron concentration, inoculum concentration as well as the kinetics of solubilization of metals from sewage sludge to determine whether they impact on bioleaching efficiency.

Materials and methods

The sludge sample containing bacteria used in this study was collected from Fuzhou Jingshan sewage treatment plant. Indigenous iron-oxidizing bacteria were enriched from the sludge. Conditions affecting the bioleaching and application were conducted using batch experiments. The analysis of Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn was carried out with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer, and the pH and ORP were measured using pH meter and ORP meter.

Results and discussion

The data show that 88.5 % of Zn, 79.9 % of Cu, 50.1 % of Pb, and 33.2 % of Cr can be removed from the sludge after 12 days of bioleaching at 30 °C, while only 80.2 % of Zn, 21.8 % of Cu, 10.9 % of Pb, and 10.5 % of Cr were leached out in the control without iron-oxidizing microorganisms. The leaching kinetics study shows that the rate of metal solubilization in bioleaching using iron-oxidizing microorganisms was more effective compared to chemical leaching.


The results suggest that the leaching of metals from sludge can be attributed to two leaching approaches: firstly, chemical leaching; and secondly, bioleaching. However, their effectiveness depends on metal species because of their different bindings in sludge. For example, the leaching of Zn from the sludge was dominated by chemical leaching while the removal of Cu, Pb, and Cr was dominated by bioleaching.  相似文献   


Three types of sewage sludge are applied to the surface of soil columns of Coastal Plain soils and leached with distilled water. The Zn concentrations in leachate samples from a Sassafras loamy sand soil loaded with an industrial sludge increased with sludge loading rate. All leachate samples contained very low concentrations of Cd, Cr and Cu. Hazardous amounts of Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn would not be leached to the groundwater when recommended rates of the tested sludges are applied to Coastal Plain soils under most conditions.  相似文献   

Transport and distribution of heavy metals were determined in soil and vegetation (Acer Rubrum) of intact forest microcosms. Litter from a contaminated forest and baghouse dust from a primary Pb smelter were applied to three of the microcosms, while three uncontaminated microcosms served as controls. Total dosages for Ph, Cd, Zn, and Cu on the treated microcosms were 11.0, 0.128, 0,748, and 0.161 mg cm?2, respectively. All metals were mobilized in soil and were enriched in at least one tissue component of Acer rubrum. Enrichment of Pb, Cd, and Zn occurred in all Acer tissues; Cu enrichment was found only in leaves. Uptake of metals by Acer rubrum was similar to a contaminated forest in southeastern Missouri and decreased in order: Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb. Results of this experiment indicate that intact microcosms may be useful in assessing uptake and mobility of toxic chemicals which may be applied to forest ecosystems.  相似文献   



Our main aim objective was to evaluate the transfer of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn to barley (Hordeum vulgare) grown in various soils previously amended with two sewage sludges containing different concentrations of heavy metals. This allowed us to examine the transfer of heavv metals to barley roots and shoots and the occurrence of restriction mechanisms as function of soil type and for different heavy metal concentration scenarios.

Material and methods

A greenhouse experiment was performed to evaluate the transfer of heavy metals to barley grown in 36 agricultural soils from different parts of Spain previously amended with a single dose (equivalent to 50 t dry weight ha?1) of two sewage sludges with contrasting levels of heavy metals (common and spiked sludge: CS and SS).

Results and discussion

In soils amended with CS, heavy metals were transferred to roots in the order (mean values of the bio-concentration ratio in roots, BCFRoots, in brackets): Cu (2.4)?~?Ni (2.3)?>?Cd (2.1)?>?Zn (1.8)?>?Cr (0.7)?~?Pb (0.6); similar values were found for the soils amended with SS. The mean values of the soil-to-shoot ratio were: Cd (0.44)?~?Zn (0.39)?~?Cu (0.39)?>?Cr (0.20)?>?Ni (0.09)?>?Pb (0.01) for CS-amended soils; Zn (0.24)?>?Cu (0.15)?~?Cd (0.14)?>?Ni (0.05)?~?Cr (0.03)?>?Pb (0.006) for SS-amended soils. Heavy metals were transferred from roots to shoots in the following order (mean values of the ratio concentration of heavy metals in shoots to roots in brackets): Cr (0.33)?>?Zn (0.24)?~?Cd (0.22)?>?Cu (0.19)?>?Ni (0.04)?>?Pb (0.02) for CS-amended soils; Zn (0.14)?>?Cd (0.09)?~?Cu (0.08)?>?Cr (0.05)?>?Ni (0.02)?~?Pb (0.010) for SS-amended soils.


Soils weakly restricted the mobility of heavy metals to roots, plant physiology restricted the transfer of heavy metals from roots to shoots, observing further restriction at high heavy metal loadings, and the transfer of Cd, Cu and Zn from soils to shoots was greater than for Cr, Ni and Pb. Stepwise multiple linear regressions revealed that soils with high sand content allowed greater soil-plant transfer of Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn. For Cd and Ni, soils with low pH and soil organic C, respectively, posed the highest risk.  相似文献   


The analysis of soils, using 0.1 N HC1 as an extractant for the heavy metals, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb on “fine”; textured North Shore and “coarse”; textured Annapolis Valley soils was completed. Results show ranges of 0.012 to 0.469 parts per million Cd; 0.102 to 2.90 parts per million Cr; 0.16 to 29.25 parts per million Ni and 0.12 to 244.8 parts per million Pb. Correlation studies indicate that the heavy metal content of fine textured soils is less influenced by changes in clay content and organic matter than are coarse textured soils. Generally the surface layers (0–15 cms) are higher in extractable heavy metal content than the lower layers (15–30 cms).  相似文献   

用模糊综合评判法评价土壤重金属污染程度   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
通过对南宁市郊 1 2个主要菜区土壤中重金属 ( Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb)含量的调查和分析测定 ,采用模糊综合评判方法对土壤重金属污染状况进行评价。结果表明 :南宁市郊部分蔬菜区土壤不同程度地受到Cu、 Zn、 Pb、 Cd的污染 ,污染程度依次是 :Cd>Pb>Zn>Cu。 1 2个样点污染程度依次为 n2 =n6 =n1 1 >n7=n8=n9>n1 =n4 >n5>n1 2 >n3=n1 0  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and migration of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in two forest soil profiles near an industrial emission source were investigated using a high resolution sampling method together with reference element Ti. One-meter soil profile was sectioned horizontally at 2 cm intervals in the first 40 cm, 5 cm intervals in the next 40 cm, and 10 cm intervals in the last 20 cm. The migration distance and rate of heavy metals in the soil profiles were calculated according to their relative concentrations in the profiles, as calibrated by the reference element Ti. The enrichment of heavy metals appeared in the uppermost layer of the forest soil, and the soil heavy metal concentrations decreased down the profile until reaching their background values. The calculated average migration rates of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn were 0.70, 0.33, 0.37, and 0.76 cm year^-1, respectively, which were comparable to other methods. A simulation model was proposed, which could well describe the distribution of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in natural forest soils.  相似文献   

X-ray fluorescence and X-ray radiometry represent easy and simple methods to determine concentrations of heavy metals in the ash of peat soils contaminated with oil and can be applied for soil monitoring purposes. Oil spills on peat bogs produce two contamination zones differing in the composition of heavy metals. In the zone of primary contamination, the peat surface is covered by a bitumen crust with V, Ni, Sr, Ba, Ce, and La accumulating there. This zone adjoins the zone of secondary peat contamination, where heavy alkaline-earth metals (Sr, Ba) and lanthanides (Ce and La) are accumulated to a lesser extent. Biological preparations recommended for remediation of oil-contaminated peat soils should be tolerant to high concentrations of heavy metals, particularly, V, Ni, and Ba that are present in the oil contaminated soils in relatively high amounts.  相似文献   

不同高粱种质对污染土壤中重金属吸收的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用重金属含量较高的污水污染土壤,以未污染土壤作对照,种植8个甜高粱品种、2个饲用高粱品种和1个粒用高粱品种,检测8种重金属在高粱植物体内不同器官的含量,以研究不同高粱种质对重金属的吸收特性。结果表明:甜高粱对汞(Hg)、镉(Cd)、锰(Mn)和锌(Zn)的吸收在两种土壤间差异显著,对钴(Co)、铬(Cr)、铅(Pb)和铜(Cu)的吸收差异不显著。Mn在甜高粱体内含量表现为未污染土壤高于污染土壤;而Zn含量在不同器官之间存在差异,未污染土壤叶中含量远高于穗,穗中含量远高于茎和根。不同重金属在甜高粱体内的储存部位不同,污染土壤上Hg、Cd、Co、Cr和Zn在根中积累量较高,Cu、Mn和Pb在穗中的积累量较高。甜高粱、饲用高粱和粒用高粱对重金属的吸收、运输及储存在品种之间差异较大,同一品种对不同重金属的吸收也存在差异。饲用高粱表现为叶部对Cr和Zn的储存量较高,而粒用高粱‘晋中0823’则显示了茎对多种重金属的储存能力。高粱根对土壤中重金属的富集系数较高,为0.02(Pb)~0.23(Cd),转移系数变幅为0.21(Co)~3.42(Pb)。对同一种重金属的吸收量品种间差异较大,甜高粱‘西蒙’根对Co、Cr、Cu、Mn、Pb和Zn具有高富集系数,粒用高粱‘晋中0823’茎对Hg、Cd、Mn、Pb和Zn富集系数较高。高粱对重金属的吸收能力与转移能力不同步,甜高粱‘绿能1号’具有对多种重金属的高转移能力,粒用高粱‘晋中0823’只对Zn有较高的转移能力。因此本文认为甜高粱对不同重金属的吸收和转移有选择性。对Zn吸收并转移到地上部后,首先储存在叶和穗中,当吸收量足够大时,茎和根也成为储存器官;对Mn的吸收与其他重金属的吸收存在竞争作用,Hg吸收后很少向地上部转移;而对Cu、Mn和Pb吸收后在穗部的储存量较大。饲用高粱与甜高粱相比对重金属的吸收未显示明显的不同,甜高粱‘西蒙’根对多种重金属具有强储存能力,而粒用高粱‘晋中0823’的茎秆显示了比甜高粱更强的储存能力,甜高粱‘绿能1号’对多种重金属的转移能力较强。所以,选择富集和转移能力均强的高粱品种能更有效地吸收土壤中的重金属,达到修复污染土壤的目的。  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are known to play an important role in plant tolerance to heavy metals (HMs) stress. This study aimed to understand the diversity of AMF communities associated with five selected plant species (Phytolacca americana, Rehmannia glutinosa, Perilla frutescens, Litsea cubeba and Dysphania ambrosioides) from severely HMs polluted soils in Dabaoshan Mine region, China, using molecular methods. Plant roots and rhizospheric soils were sampled from four sites, respectively. Targeting the fungal small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene, PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis indicated that varied AMF communities colonized different plant species, and the AMF communities in rhizospheric soils were different from those in plant roots. Total six SSU rRNA gene clone libraries including four root samples and two rhizospheric soil samples were constructed. Screening clone libraries by DGGE and sequence analysis revealed that Glomus dominated all of the samples except for the roots of D. ambrosioides, while Kuklospora and Ambispora dominated the roots of D. ambrosioides and the rhizosphere of P. americana. This study indicates that diverse AMF are associated with these selected plants, and they are potentially useful to promote the phytoremediation of this HMs polluted area.  相似文献   

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