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To maintain peach and nectarine quality after harvest, low temperature storage is used. Low temperatures induce physiological disorders in peach, but the effect of cold storage on the sensory quality of the fruit before it is damaged by chilling injury syndrome remains unclear. To evaluate the cold storage effect on the sensory quality two peach cultivars (’Royal Glory’ and ‘Elegant Lady’) and two nectarines (’Ruby Diamond’ and ‘Venus’) were harvested at a standardized firmness level and subjected to quality evaluations and sensory analysis at harvest and after storage at 0 °C for 35 d. For both time points, a supplementary ripening followed such that homogeneous flesh firmness and suitability for consumption was achieved.The fruit segregation through the Durofel firmness (DF), evaluated using a non-destructively method (Durofel device), allowed the formation of a uniform group of fruit in terms of flesh firmness (FF), showing scores between 45.1 and 55.9 N. The average FF in fruit ripened immediately after harvest was 22.9 N and 25.6 N in fruit ripened after cold storage for 35 d.The “acceptability” of fruit is highly correlated with “aroma”, “sweetness”, “juiciness”, “texture” and “flavor”. Only the “acid taste” parameter had no significant correlation with “acceptability” or with the other parameters evaluated.It is possible to conclude that the sensory quality and acceptability of peach and nectarine are characteristic of each cultivar and change, depending on the time elapsed after harvest. In general, it was confirmed that nectarine cultivars have a more consistent quality than peach cultivars.  相似文献   

The potential of 1-MCP for controlling ripening in ‘Angeleno’ plum fruit under air and controlled atmosphere (CA) storage was explored, and the possibility that 1-MCP can inhibit development of brown rot caused by Monilinia laxa and internal breakdown in ‘Fortune’ and ‘Angeleno’ plums tested. After harvest, fruit were exposed to 300 and 500 nl l−1 (in 2003) and 500 nl l−1 1-MCP (in 2004) at low temperatures (0–3 °C) for 24 h. After treatment the plums were stored in air at 0 °C and ‘Angeleno’ fruit were also stored in CA storage (1.8% O2 + 2.5% CO2). Following storage, fruit were kept at 20 °C. In ‘Angeleno’ fruit, 1-MCP was effective in delaying the loss of firmness and colour changes during holding at 20 °C. 1-MCP reduced brown rot in fruit stored in CA but no significant reduction was found in air storage. Internal breakdown, a major physiological storage disorder in plums, was inhibited by 1-MCP treatment. Furthermore, since 1-MCP applied in air storage showed better results than the control in CA conditions, an application of 1-MCP before air storage could be the best way to reduce the ripening process for short or medium storage periods (40 and 60 days). CA storage plus 1-MCP treatment could be used for long periods (80 days).  相似文献   

Cultivar segregation according to the sensory perception of their organoleptic characteristics was attempted by using trained panel data evaluated by principal component analysis of four sources per cultivar of 23 peach and 26 nectarine cultivars as a part of our program to develop minimum quality indexes. Fruit source significantly affected cultivar ripe soluble solids concentration (RSSC) and ripe titratable acidity (RTA), but it did not significantly affect sensory perception of peach or nectarine flavor intensity, sourness or aroma by the trained panel. For five out of the 49 cultivars tested, source played a role in perception of sweetness. In all of these cases when a source of a specific cultivar was not classified in the proposed organoleptic group it could be explained by the fruit having been harvested outside of the commercial physiological maturity (immature or over-mature) for that cultivar. The perception of the four sensory attributes (sweetness, sourness, peach or nectarine flavor intensity, peach or nectarine aroma intensity) was analyzed by using the three principal components, which accounted for 92 and 94% of the variation in the sensory attributes of the tested cultivars for peach and nectarine, respectively. Season did not significantly affect the classification of one cultivar that was evaluated during these two seasons. By plotting organoleptic characteristics in PC1 and PC2 (∼76%) for peach and nectarine, cultivars were segregated into groups (balanced, tart, sweet, peach or nectarine aroma and/or peach or nectarine flavor intensity) with similar sensory attributes; nectarines were classified into five groups and peaches into four groups. Based on this information, we recommend that cultivars should be classified in organoleptic groups and development of a minimum quality index should be attempted within each organoleptic group rather than proposing a generic minimum quality index based on the ripe soluble solids concentration (RSSC). This organoleptic cultivar classification will help to match ethnic preferences and enhance current promotion and marketing programs.  相似文献   

We compared the instrumental and sensory quality characteristics of blueberry fruit from ten highbush (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cultivars, Chanticleer, Weymouth, Hannah's Choice, Duke, Bluecrop, Coville, Berkeley, Bluegold, Elliott and Lateblue and two rabbiteye (Vaccinium virgatum Aiton) cultivars, Coastal and Montgomery, grown in New Jersey. Cultivars varied in sensory intensity and acceptability scores. Highbush cultivars, Coville and Hannah's Choice, scored highest among the cultivars in sensory scores for intensity of blue color, juiciness, sweetness and blueberry-like flavor and for acceptability of appearance, color, fruit size, sweet/tart balance, flavor and overall eating quality. In contrast, rabbiteye cultivars, Coastal and Montgomery, and the highbush cultivars, Elliott and Weymouth, scored lowest among the cultivars in sensory scores for intensity of bursting energy, skin toughness, texture during chewing, juiciness, and blueberry-like flavor and for acceptability of appearance, color, fruit size, flavor and overall eating quality. Analytical quality characteristics of surface color, size, compression firmness, soluble solids content (SSC), pH, titratable acidity (TA), SSC/TA ratio, and aromatic volatile concentration also varied among cultivars, but no instrumental measurement adequately predicted consumer acceptability scores. The overall eating quality of blueberry fruit was best correlated with flavor scores followed by sensory scores for intensity of juiciness, bursting energy and sweetness and for acceptability of appearance.  相似文献   

Six cling-stone melting nectarine cultivars (‘Big Top’, ‘Luciana’, ‘Honey Royale’, ‘Nectareine’, ‘Big Nectared’ and ‘Nectalady’) were cut and dipped into an aqueous solution of 2% ascorbic acid, 1% citric acid and 1% calcium chloride before being stored in amorphous polyethylene terephthalate trays. Their suitability to be processed as fresh-cut product was then investigated on the basis of their initial quality, browning potential and sensory attributes as well as the changes in these parameters after processing. At harvest, two maturity stages were selected for each cultivar based on their index of absorbance difference. Nonetheless, no significant effect of maturity stage at harvest was observed for most of the physico-chemical and/or sensory parameters during storage. On the contrary, differences among cultivars were emphasized when comparing ethanol and acetaldehyde production, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity, volatiles production, sensory profile, and consumer acceptance. ‘Honey Royale’ and ‘Nectalady’ wedges showed higher volatiles production, whereas ‘Big Nectared’ and ‘Luciana’ had a slightly lower browning index (BI). In the sensory evaluation, ‘Nectareine’ had the highest acceptability scores, whereas ‘Big Nectared’ had the lowest. The significant correlations between volatiles, sensory attributes and degree of liking observed in this study underline the importance of aroma in fresh-cut products.  相似文献   

The research was conducted to evaluate the relationship between IAD index (index of absorption difference between 670 and 720 nm) values and internal quality attributes of apples treated with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and stored in air and controlled atmospheres (CA). Apples of ‘8S6923’ (Aurora Golden Gala™), ‘Fuji’ and ‘Royal Gala’ were tested. The results with Aurora Golden Gala™ show that IAD index values were maintained at higher levels if the fruit were stored in CA and that 1-MCP had no significant effect on retaining at-harvest values. The IAD values correlated with chlorophyll a content in the peel (R2 = 0.95, P < 0.0001), but not with chlorophyll b content, internal ethylene levels, firmness or titratable acidity. ‘Royal Gala’ apples showed a similar response to Aurora Golden Gala™ apples, showing no correlation between IAD index values and internal quality attributes of those apples when treated with 1-MCP and/or CA. In contrast, ‘Fuji’ apples showed a relationship between IAD index value changes and internal ethylene concentrations (R2 = 0.67, P < 0.05) and titratable acidity changes (R2 = 0.89, P < 0.01), but not firmness. These results suggest that when 1-MCP and/or CA are applied to apples after harvest, that IAD index values do not consistently correlate to any internal quality attributes other than peel chlorophyll a content.  相似文献   

In plant breeding, correlations between the statistics of stability and adaptability of popcorn cultivars are not yet well understood. Therefore, the objectives of the present experiment was to investigate the correlations between sdi2 \sigma_{\rm di}^{2} and bi \beta_{\rm i} from Eberhart and Russell, ωi from Wricke, \textS\texti(1) {\text{S}}_{\text{i}}^{(1)} , \textS\texti(2) {\text{S}}_{\text{i}}^{(2)} and \textS\texti(3) {\text{S}}_{\text{i}}^{(3)} from Huehn, Pi from Lin and Binns and the rank-sum from Kang, and indicate the most reliable method for selecting popcorn cultivars. These statistics were estimated by data of crop yield from 19 Brazilian genotypes under 21 environments and popping expansion under 16 environments. The ωi, \textS\texti(1) {\text{S}}_{\text{i}}^{(1)} , \textS\texti(2) {\text{S}}_{\text{i}}^{(2)} , \textS\texti(3) {\text{S}}_{\text{i}}^{(3)} and sdi2 \sigma_{\rm di}^{2} were positively and significantly correlated indicating that just one in these five statistics is sufficient for selecting stable genotypes although they were not correlated with the means of crop yield and popping expansion. The bi \beta_{\rm i} was negatively and significantly correlated with Pi for crop yield indicating that the most adaptable genotypes tend to have the lowest estimates of Pi. Although Pi was not correlated with ωi, \textS\texti(1) {\text{S}}_{\text{i}}^{(1)} , \textS\texti(2) {\text{S}}_{\text{i}}^{(2)} , \textS\texti(3) {\text{S}}_{\text{i}}^{(3)} , or sdi2 \sigma_{\rm di}^{2} statistics, it displayed positive correlation with the Index 1 (crop yield and popping expansion +  \textS\texti(1) {\text{S}}_{\text{i}}^{(1)} rank) and Index 2 (crop yield and popping expansion + Wi) indicating that superior popcorn genotypes are also stable. Finally, both Pi and the rank-sum are useful statistics in breeding programmes where crop yield, popping expansion and stability are essential traits for selecting genotypes.  相似文献   

Relationships between seed protein, lipid, starch and sugar concentrations and seed yield of 14 pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars were examined under rain-fed conditions in northern Jordan. Significant differences amongst cultivars for each character were noted. The cultivar-by-environment interaction was significant for each character except lipid and starch concentrations. A negative correlation was noted between seed yield and seed protein and fructose concentrations. Positive non-significant correlations between seed yield and seed lipid and starch concentrations were noted. The cultivars DMR-8, P 350-1 and 88P022-6 had similar seed yields, but varied seed chemical components. Seeds of the Praire No. 11 cultivar had the highest protein concentration amongst cultivars, although it produced the lowest seed yield. These results indicate that factors other than seed yield are important for determining the chemical composition of seeds, and that one-sided selection for high seed yield tends to reduce the nutritional quality of the pea seed.  相似文献   

J.B. Hacker  R.L. Cuany 《Euphytica》1997,93(3):271-282
Variation in seed production and its components was investigated between and within four cultivars of the pasture grass Setaria sphacelata, in two experiments over two years, as a basis for future cultivar improvement. The study sought to determine the basis for the considerable differences in seed production of the four cultivars Nandi, Narok, Solander and Kazungula, to determine the extent of genetic variation in the four cultivars in attributes which contribute to seed yield, and to investigate genotypic consistency in seed production over years and seasons. Each experiment comprised 50 genotypes of each cultivar. In the first experiment, plants were harvested a set number of days after median flowering date whereas in the second experiment, which was unreplicated, each genotype was harvested a set number of days after it had flowered. In the first experiment, seed yields were generally highest for Kazungula, lowest for Narok and intermediate for Nandi and Solander. All measured attributes contributing to seed yield exhibited a high order of variation between and within cultivars, but the basis for the large difference in seed yield per plant between cultivars was tiller fertility rather that total tiller number. Averaged over the four harvests, there was a six fold to > 100–fold intra-cultivar genetic range in seed production, associated with differences in tiller fertility, which were associated with differences in date of first flowering. Broad sense heritability for seed yield averaged 0.68 for the four cultivars and showed little change over the four harvests. Genotypes which produced high seed yields in summer were also more productive of seed in autumn and the 0ore productive genotypes in the first year were also more productive in the second year. Cultivars differed in the relative importance of factors which contributed to the high seed yield of high-yielding genotypes. In the second experiment, genotypes with a high seed yield also generally had the highest tiller fertility, even though all genotypes were harvested the same number of days after first flowering. Within-cultivar correlations in seed yield between the two experiments were generally significant and the elite 20% of genotypes from this experiment had 1.2–2.9 times the seed yield of the same genotypes with a very different harvesting regime in the first experiment. It is concluded that opportunities exist in all four cultivars for improvement in seed production and that the selection criterion offering the best opportunity for advance would be fertile tiller number. In Narok, Solander and Nandi, this would result in increased tiller fertility, whereas in Kazungula, it would result in an increase in total tiller number. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

烤烟与晒烟品种同工酶差异初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许明辉  孙雁 《种子》1999,(3):6-7
对来源中国,美国等国家的烤烟品种,晒烟品种9种同工酶进行了聚丙烯胺凝胶电泳分析。结果表明:品种间表现多态性的5种同工酶中,烤烟品种成熟期腰叶乳酸脱氢酶,花蕾中的过氧化物酶分别比晒烟品种多一条带,成为烤烟区别晒烟器品种的同工酶标记,这些标记可应用于烤烟和晒烟的杂交后代单株类型鉴定。  相似文献   

Y. Loarce  R. Gallego  E. Ferrer 《Euphytica》1996,88(2):107-115
Summary The genetic similarities of eight closely related rye cultivars were estimated using two molecular marking techniques: restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Cultivars were evaluated for variation by 11 random cDNA and genomic clones used in combination with four restriction enzymes and 40 decamer primers. A total of 53 polymorphic RFLP fragments and 94 polymorphic RAPD fragments were observed. Based on the presence/absence of fragments, two genetic similarity matrices were calculated which were then used in cluster analysis. Differences between pair of cultivars were observed in RFLP and RAPD dendrograms. RFLP analysis produced estimates of genetic relationships more in accordance with the partially known pedigree of the cultivars than did RAPD analysis. The use of bulk samples of DNA in these analyses affected the sensitivity of RAPD assays more strongly. Dendrograms which took into account all fragments produced, either by RFLP or RAPD, reflected better the relationships between cultivars than did dendrograms based on only one type of marker. This reflects the importance of the number of markers used in determining the genetic relationships between genotypes.  相似文献   

Changes in sensory and physicochemical characteristics of fruit of Actinidia arguta and its hybrid after cold storage (1 °C and 85%RH) in air (AS) versus controlled atmosphere (CA) with low oxygen concentration (1.5%O2 + 1.5%CO2) were examined over a period of four and eight weeks. The investigation was carried out on two cultivars, ‘Ananasnaya’ (A. arguta) and ‘Bingo’ (Actinidia purpurea × A. arguta) harvested at two stages of maturity (6.5–8% and 8–9.5% soluble solids, respectively). During long-term storage the strongest changes in fruit characteristics were in fruit firmness and acidity. Air storage was an adequate method of refrigerated storage of fruit over a short period of 4 weeks. Application of CA can be very useful for storing hardy kiwifruit over a longer, 8 week period. The sensory characteristics of fruit stored in CA and then ripened during simulated shelf-life were similar to those of vine ripe fruit. The most significant negative change in the sensory characteristics of fruit after long-term cold storage was the increase in the intensity of their bitter taste.  相似文献   

The peach root‐knot nematode, Meloidogyne floridensis (MF), infects majority of available nematode‐resistant peach rootstocks which are mostly derived from peach (Prunus persica) and Chinese wild peach (P. davidiana). Interspecific hybridization of peach with its wild relative, Kansu peach (P. kansuensis), offers potential for broadening the resistance spectrum in standard peach rootstocks. We investigated the inheritance of resistance to MF in segregating populations of peach (‘Okinawa’ or ‘Flordaguard’) × P. kansuensis. A total of 379 individuals from 13 F2 and BC1F1 families were challenged with a pathogenic MF isolate “MFGnv14” and were classified as resistant (R) or susceptible (S) based on root galling intensity. Segregation analyses in F2 progeny revealed the involvement of a major locus with a dominant or recessive allele determining resistance in progeny segregating 3R:1S and 1R:3S, respectively. Testcrosses with a homozygous‐susceptible peach genotype (‘Flordaguard’ or ‘UFSharp’) confirmed P. kansuensis as a source of new resistance and the heterozygous allelic status of P. kansuensis at the locus conferring resistance to MF. We propose a single‐locus dominant/recessive model for the inheritance of resistance.  相似文献   

The relationships between the digestibility of organic matter, the net energy value, the gas production from in vitro incubation of tissue with rumen liquid, the quantity of yield and the resistance of a variety to disease were investigated in nine alfalfa ( Medicago sativa ) cultivars. The digestibility of organic matter and the net energy value of particular varieties were evaluated on the basis of chemical composition and the quantity of gas produced, while the resistance of cultivars to disease was evaluated visually by counting diseased plants. Negative correlations (r = - 0.85; P < 0.01) were recorded between the resistance of a variety to disease and in vitro production of gas and between the resistance of a variety to disease and net energy value of a cultivar (r = -0.78; P < 0.05) while a positive correlation (r = 0.74; P < 0.05) was established between DM yield and the disease resistance of cultivars.  相似文献   

八倍体小黑麦新品种的适宜播期范围与稳产性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
供试的6个小黑麦品种(系)根据试验结果可分成3类:Ⅰ类 劲松5号和8323-17,偏春性,分蘖力强,适宜播期比偏春性的小麦对照阿勃还宽,各播期的亩产量均显著高于小麦对照,属稳产性最好的类型。Ⅱ类 1001-45和劲松4号,偏春性,分蘖力好,适宜播期比阿勃宽,各播期的亩产量与阿勃相似,但显著高于春性小麦对照绵阳11号,属稳产性好的类型。  相似文献   

Natto, a traditional soyfood fermented by Bacillus subtilis (natto), is prepared by steaming/cooking of soaked soybean seeds followed by inoculation with the bacteria and incubation. Natto soybean has increased in popularity due to its nutritional value and health benefits. Thus, the natto soybean market provides additional opportunities for farmers. The development of soybean cultivars with improved natto quality characteristics is crucial for maintaining and increasing the natto soybean market. Good‐quality characteristics of natto are determined by soybean cultivar, processing conditions and bacteria strain. Natto quality evaluation generally determined by sensory panels is time consuming. Therefore, indirect selection for natto quality based on seed traits is preferred. Seed morphological and physiological characteristics and seed compositions play an important role in producing natto of good quality. In this review, we have summarized natto processing conditions, natto quality characteristics, seed traits involved in natto quality and their genetic variation, as well as the genetic diversity in food‐grade soybean germplasms and B. subtilis strains. Information presented will be helpful for natto soybean cultivar development and natto manufacture.  相似文献   

北方粳稻不同品种产量及其与穗部性状相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究北方超级稻沈农265和沈农6014的产量及其与穗部性状相关性的结果表明,沈农265和沈农6014产量水平较高.其中沈农265比对照品种辽粳294和辽粳371分别增产7.96%和14.16%,与二者的产量差异均达到了显著水平;沈农6014比对照品种辽粳294和辽粳371分别增产9.50%和15.80%,与它们的产量差异也达到了显著水平.虽然沈农265和沈农6014的千粒重和穗数较低,但可以通过保证较高的每穗粒数来获得高产.结实率与一次枝梗数、一次枝梗粒数、一次枝梗结实率、一次枝梗着粒密度、二次枝梗结实率、二次枝梗着粒密度呈显著或极显著的正相关.产量与着粒密度呈显著的正相关,而结实率与着粒密度的相关性不显著,表明遗传改良已经克服了着粒密度对结实性的不利影响,提高千粒重是超高产品种进一步高产的重要途径.  相似文献   

利用logistic曲线方程对冀西北地区3个裸燕麦(莜麦)品种,4个不同播期的灌浆进程进行了拟合,对获得的曲线特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)裸燕麦灌浆进程符合logistic生长曲线,K值的大小与产量的高低没有直线相关性。(2)中等生育期品种达到最大灌浆速率的时间受播期的影响最大,长生育期品种受影响最小。(3)随着播期的延后,短生育期品种和中等生育期品种表现为先增产后减产,而长生育期品种的产量则持续降低。(4)最大灌浆速率出现在灌浆中期,中期的千粒重增加量最高,约占总灌浆干物质积累量的58%;前期次之,后期最低。(5)该地区各品种裸燕麦均为最大灌浆速率出现在8月中旬时产量最高。  相似文献   

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