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In this study, the influence of sustained deficit irrigation (SDI; 32% of reference evapotranspiration (ET0)) on physicochemical and sensory quality and bioactive compounds of pomegranates stored for 30, 60 and 90 days in air at 5 °C + 4 days at 15 °C, at each storage period, was studied and compared to a control (100% ET0). Fruit from SDI had higher peel redness and greater firmness, soluble solids contents, vitamin C (27%), phloretin (98%) and protocatechuic acid (10%) levels, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) (46%) than the control. Cold storage and shelf-life did not induce significant changes in soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, and chroma and Hue. SDI fruit had retarded development of chilling injury (CI) symptoms, which appeared after 60 days of storage in comparison to 30 days in the controls. Anthocyanins, catechin, phloretin and protocatechuic, caffeic, p-coumaric and caffeic acids contents had greater increases in SDI fruit than in controls throughout the postharvest life. TAC was significantly (P < 0.05) correlated to anthocyanins, gallic acid and total vitamin C contents. Generally, after long term storage, the fruit grown under SDI showed higher sensory and nutritional quality, more health attributes and a longer shelf-life (up to 90 days at 5 °C + 4 at 15 °C) than fruit irrigated at 100% ET0.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of preharvest canopy position and bagging treatments on rind physiological and biochemical properties of ‘Nules Clementine’ mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruit. Before storage, the respiration rate of unbagged outside fruit was significantly higher (21.6 mL CO2 kg−1 h−1) than of bagged inside fruit (16.3 mL CO2 kg−1 h−1). Unbagged fruit outside the canopy had 1.4-fold higher carbohydrates, and 1.1-fold higher dry matter (DM) content than bagged inside fruit. Bagged fruit inside the canopy had higher (24%) weight loss than outside sun-exposed fruit (14%). This corresponded with a higher rind breakdown (RBD) index for bagged inside fruit, compared to sun-exposed fruit which did not develop the disorder. During postharvest storage, rind fructose levels of bagged fruit inside the canopy increased from 62.4 mg/g DM at harvest to 81.3 mg/g DM after 8 weeks, while those of unbagged outside fruit increased from 97.9 to 108.4 mg/g DM. Concomitant with the increase in fructose, sucrose in rind tissue of bagged inside fruit decreased from 42.6 to 27.7 mg/g DM and from 49.3 to 33.4 mg/g DM for unbagged outside fruit. Rind glucose of unbagged inside fruit decreased from 90.6 to 76.2 mg/g DM. Ascorbic acid concentrations remained almost constant during storage, with levels between 3.3 and 6.7 mg/g DM for inside bagged and unbagged outside fruit, respectively. Hesperidin was the major flavanone detected, with concentrations between 35 and 45 mg/g DM followed by narirutin (1.1–2.8 mg/g DM). At harvest, rind of fruit harvested from outside the canopy had lower hesperidin concentration (38.1 mg/g DM) compared to shaded fruit (44.2 mg/g DM). Overall, the results suggest that variations in microclimatic conditions inside the tree canopy during the growing season affect the biochemical profile of the fruit rind, which in turn influences fruit response to postharvest stresses associated with senescence and susceptibility to RBD.  相似文献   

For the first time, a composite chitosan–gelatin (CH–GL) coating was applied to peppers and its effects on fruit quality and storability were examined. Pure chitosan (CH) and gelatin (GL) coatings were studied for comparison. The CH coating inhibited microbial spoilage and prolonged the possible storage period. The GL coating contributed to fruit firmness, but did not allow for prolonged storage. The composite CH–GL coating was associated with a two-fold decrease in microbial decay, significantly (p  0.05) enhanced fruit texture and prolonged the possible period of cold storage up to 21 days and fruit shelf-life up to 14 days, without affecting the respiration or nutritional content of the fruit.  相似文献   

Summary Alloplasmic male-sterile Brassica oleracea L. was synthesized in a backcrossing program through amphidiploid Raphanobrassica by using Early Scarlet Globe radish (Raphanus sativus L.) as the donor of cytoplasm and B. oleracea broccoli and cabbage as recurrent pollen parents. Persistence of radish chromosomes and high female sterility were encountered in the first four backcrosses. Following use of colchiploid 4x broccoli as pollen parent, a BC5 plant was obtained that had 2n=3x+1=28 chromosomes, improved seed set, and no radish traits. The BC6 with recurrent 2x broccoli contained male-sterile plants with 2n=18 or 19 chromosomes, increased seed set, and broccoli morphology. Subsequent generations segregated for male-sterile and restored male-fertile plants, some with variable development of stamens and pollen. Leaf color of the alloplasmic plants, especially seedlings, was lighter green than normal.  相似文献   

Storage methods extend the postharvest life of apples from weeks to up to one year; however, these methods also alter the production of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which amongst others, are important for aroma attributes. While the impact of storage on particular aroma components has been established, high throughput methods for determining the storage history during shelf-life are elusive. Here we show the potential of proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (PTR-MS), an MS-based metabolic fingerprinting technique, for characterizing fruit in the postharvest chain. The VOC fingerprint of apples (Malus × domestica Borkh. ‘Red Delicious’) was analyzed by PTR-MS during four weeks of shelf-life ripening after storage under four different storage conditions: ULO (ultra-low oxygen), DCA-CF (dynamic controlled atmosphere monitored by chlorophyll fluorescence), RLOS (repeated low oxygen stress) and 1-MCP (1-methylcyclopropene) in ULO. PTR fingerprint mass spectra of the apple headspace, obtained in short time without sample preparation or preconcentration, were sufficient to discriminate the four storage conditions during shelf-life. Moreover, we were able to monitor the changes in quality-critical VOC classes, including esters and terpenes, during shelf-life and observe the differential impact of the storage history on these VOCs. This work emphasizes the potential of PTR-MS as a valuable addition to targeted GC–MS-based approaches in postharvest research.  相似文献   

为了更加精确结球甘蓝迟抽薹基因标记。本研究以结球甘蓝冬性强的迟抽薹材料‘P02’和冬性弱的易抽薹材料‘A21’杂交得F1代,F1代自交至F3代为试验材料,并以课题组所设计的特定序列扩增(sequence characterized amplified regions, SCAR)标记的SCN1/248为引物。在F3代的785株结球甘蓝中有711株扩增出目的条带,有74株未能扩增出目的条带。经测序,该序列长度为248 bp,运用该序列共设计3对酶切扩增多态性序列(cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence, CAPS)引物,其中1对引物均扩增出目的条带,多态性消失,另外两对分别命名为SC01和SC02。结合田间127株结球甘蓝抽薹性状调查,有65株表现为迟抽薹,59株表现为易抽薹,3株表现为中间型,与SCAR扩增检测结果基本一致,将SCAR标记转换成CAPS标记,建立CAPS标记体系。本研究进一步精化了分子标记辅助选择,为做精确定位功能基因,选育优良的迟抽薹结球甘蓝品种提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

‘Galia’ (Cucumis melo var. reticulatus L. Naud. cv. Galia) fruit were harvested at the three-quarter slip stage and treated with 1 μL L−1 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) at 20 °C for 24 h. The fruit were processed and stored as fresh-cut cubes and intact fruit for 10 d at 5 °C. Ethylene production of fresh-cut cubes was approximately 4–5-fold higher than intact fruit at day 1. Afterward, the ethylene production of fresh-cut cubes declined significantly whereas that of intact fruit remained relatively constant at about 0.69–1.04 ng kg−1 s−1. 1-MCP delayed mesocarp softening in both fresh-cut and intact fruit and the symptoms of watersoaking in fresh-cut fruit. Continuously stored fresh-cut cubes and cubes derived from intact fruit not treated with the ethylene antagonist softened 27% and 25.6%, respectively, during 10 d storage at 5 °C while cubes derived from 1-MCP-treated fruit softened 9% and 17%, respectively. Fresh-cut tissue from 1-MCP-treated fruit exhibited slightly reduced populations of both total aerobic organisms and Enterobacterium, although the differences did not appear to be sufficient to explain the differences in keeping quality between 1-MCP-treated and control fruit. Based primarily on firmness retention and reduced watersoaking, 1-MCP treatment deferred loss of physical deterioration of fresh-cut ‘Galia’ cubes at 5 °C by 2–3 d compared with controls.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of passive modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), storage temperature (5, 10 and 15 °C) and duration of 14 days on the postharvest quality attributes, compositional change in flavour attributes and microbiological quality of minimally processed pomegranate arils (Punica granatum L.), cvs ‘Acco’ and ‘Herskawitz’. Volatile compounds were extracted via headspace solid phase micro-extraction (HS-SPME) and analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). A total of 17 and 18 volatiles were detected and identified in the headspace of pomegranate juices of ‘Acco’ and ‘Herskawitz’, respectively. Based on the physicochemical attributes and microbial evaluation, the postharvest life of MA-packaged ‘Acco’ and ‘Herskawitz’ was limited to 10 days due to fungal growth ≥2 log CFU g−1 at 5 °C. However, the concentration (%) and compositional changes in volatile compounds indicated that the flavour/aroma life (7 days) was shorter than the postharvest shelf-life based on appearance and other physicochemical (10 days) for both cultivars.  相似文献   

Portulaca (Portulaca grandiflora) is an herbaceous ornamental annual plant that is commonly propagated by shoot-tip cuttings and shipped long distances before they are rooted in greenhouses. During transit and rooting, a significant number of leaves usually abscise, which delays or prevents subsequent rooting. We investigated the effect of preharvest diurnal carbohydrate dynamics on postharvest performance of unrooted shoot-tip cuttings of portulaca ‘Yubi Deep Rose’. The production of ethylene was quantified, as well as the efficacy of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) to improve the postharvest performance. The initial carbohydrate concentrations in cuttings increased with later harvest during the day (8 a.m., 12 p.m., and 4 p.m.). When cuttings were placed into a dark postharvest environment at 20 ± 1 °C for 48 h, cuttings harvested at 8 a.m. had complete leaf abscission, whereas only partial leaf abscission was observed in cuttings harvested at 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. Leaf abscission was negatively correlated with preharvest leaf carbohydrate and stem starch concentrations, but not significantly correlated with postharvest ethylene production during storage. Application of 1-MCP improved the storage quality of cuttings, irrespective of the time of cutting harvest, and did not inhibit the rooting response during subsequent propagation. Collectively, these results indicate that with the increase in preharvest endogenous carbohydrate levels of portulaca cuttings, as the photoperiod progresses, subsequent postharvest ethylene responsiveness decreases, but there is no effect on ethylene synthesis.  相似文献   

Calçots are the immature floral stems of second-year resprouts of the ‘Blanca Tardana de Lleida’ (BTL) onion landrace, and to date, breeding has used only a few populations. So, we aimed to increase our knowledge of the variability of BTL and to explore its characteristics and genetic dissimilarity with other varieties that might be used in calçot breeding programs. We analyzed the agronomic and morphological traits of four populations of BTL, two synthetic varieties of BTL, 20 prestigious Spanish landraces, and 4 exotic onion landraces. Furthermore, we used three combinations of AFLP primers and seven microsatellites to analyze their genetic background. The Spanish landraces (including BTL) shared a large part of their genetic background, which showed considerable variability (heterozygosity around 0.5). Morphological traits also had high variability, so multiple breeding strategies can be used, ranging from intravarietal selection to crossings between populations to take advantage of the heterosis, both for the bulb and for the calçot improvement.  相似文献   

Detector, influencing on system's performances, is one of some key techniques in x ray industrial computed tomography (CT) systems. Considering the existing problems for sensor (or detector) in CT systems, a new sensor is experimented by using optoelectronic integrated technique with optic fiber face plate optically coupling and transmission, and it is proved to be high integrated, high efficiency, high resolution, and low cost in industrial CT systems.  相似文献   

The storage of fruit is characterized by many physiological and biochemical changes, and this study aimed to study respiration rate, ethylene production, and other biochemical variations of ackee fruit arils (Blighia sapida), cheese variety, stored at 5, 10 and 20 °C during eight days. During storage, respiration rate decreased but ethylene production increased. Glucose, fructose, sucrose, and short chain fructooligosaccharides – 1-kestose, nystose and DP-5 – and total phenolic compounds also decreased, however, the decrease was much higher at 20 °C. The L*, a*, b, C* and H* values showed that lower temperatures preserved much better colour and visual quality, and arils stored at 5 °C were rated excellent compared to those stored at 10 and 20 °C. The quality of arils stored at 10 °C also was more than satisfactory, while arils stored at 20 °C were completely spoiled after 8 days and showed high weight losses compared to arils stored at 5 and 10 °C, which did not show any spoilage and very low weight losses. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that ackee fruit arils can be stored in very good conditions for a minimum of eight days under low temperature regimes, although at 5 °C arils showed the best shelf-life.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroids(BRs)are natural growth-promoting products found at low levels inpollen,seeds,and young vegatative tissuesthroughout the plant kingdom.Recently,thenotion that BRs are essential for plant growthand development has been widely accepted bythe discovery of BR dwarf mutants of  相似文献   

The technology of cloning and transferring oflarge DNA fragments in plants is important forhigh-efficient identification of new genes andstudy of gene functions.Tranformation-competent artificial chromosome(TAC)vectorsystem has been shown to be very useful forefficient gene isolation in Arobidopsis thaliana.In order to develop an efficient platform for gene  相似文献   

HD-ZIP Ⅲ基因家族参与植物胚胎发生、分生组织形成、叶极性建立和维管组织分化等过程.本研究利用生物信息学方法,对HD-ZIP Ⅲ成员之一PHABULOSA(PHB)进行鉴定,在甘蓝型油菜、白菜和甘蓝中共获得7个PHB成员,并对其核苷酸和氨基酸序列的基本特征、结构域、保守基序、基因结构和系统进化关系进行了分析.结果表...  相似文献   

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