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Climacteric fruit show an autocatalytic burst in ethylene production during ripening and are therefore able to ripen detached from the plant. This detached ripening of climacteric fruit is a unique feature that is widely exploited by the postharvest industry. Non-climacteric strawberry on the other hand, ripens without the autocatalytic ethylene response. Surprisingly, we found that strawberry was capable of ripening after detachment at the green stage. This apparent ripening process was studied by comparing ethylene production and multiple fruit quality traits between strawberries that ripened on the vine versus detached. Our findings show that ethylene production is hardly influenced by the dissimilar ripening conditions, yet fruit quality is heavily affected. Importantly, detached strawberries did not reach the same fruit mass, lowering the market value of the detached ripened fruit. Furthermore, sugar and acid analysis showed that detached strawberries have a low malic acid, glucose, fructose and sucrose content compared to fruit ripened on the vine, indicating that a continuous supply of photosynthesis assimilates, water and nutrients by the plant is essential for normal fruit ripening. The unique aroma of strawberries was also heavily altered in detached ripened fruit. Detached strawberries had a lower abundance of most volatile compounds, except for alcohols, resulting in less intense aroma and unwanted off-flavors. It can be concluded that detached ripened strawberries are of inferior quality compared to normal vine-ripened strawberries and are unsuitable for marketing.  相似文献   

Flavor is one of the most important attributes of fresh fruit for the consumer, and is affected by several factors, including genotype, maturity stage, and environmental conditions. Flavor-related metabolites were characterized in two important cherimoya varieties, cv. Concha Lisa and cv. Bronceada, during fruit ripening. The most important sugars present were glucose, fructose and sucrose, and only fructose and glucose increased during ripening. The most important acids were tartaric, malic and citric acids, and all increased as ripening progressed. Overall aroma profile was mainly determined by esters and terpenes in both varieties. Ester compounds such as ethyl hexanoate, butyl butyrate and hexyl propanoate increased during ripening. The activity of alcohol acyl transferase also increased during fruit ripening concomitant with ester accumulation. Terpenes, such as α and β-pinene, showed a reduction during ripening, whereas others, such as myrcene and limonene, increased.  相似文献   

1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase and oxidase activities, their gene expression, and ethylene production in apple fruit [Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill. Var. domestica (Borkh.) Mansf.] treated with a synthetic auxin 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-propionic acid (2,4-DP) and n-propyl dihydrojasmonate (PDJ), a jasmonic acid derivative, has been investigated to clarify the action of auxin and jasmonates on ethylene production. The fruit was harvested at 103 d after full bloom (preclimacteric). The expression of MdACS4 messenger RNA (mRNA) at 48 and 96 h after treatment was higher in fruit treated with 2,4-DP than in the untreated control, but those of MdACS1 and MdACO1 were not affected by treatment. The ethylene production in 2,4-DP-treated fruit increased at 96 h after treatment. In contrast, expression of mRNAs hybridized with MdACS1 and MdACO1 probes in the skin of PDJ-treated fruit were higher than those in the untreated control. In addition, ACC synthase activity and ethylene production also increased after treatment. These results show that the ethylene production rate may differ with the kind of genes which were stimulated by auxin or jasmonates.  相似文献   

Fruit drop of banana is due to breaking at the junction of the pedicel and pulp, and we found no true abscission zone. The breakage seems therefore due to weakening of the peel. We investigated pectin hydrolysis and some properties at the rupture zone, using ‘Hom Thong’ (Musa acuminata, AAA Group) and ‘Namwa’ (Musa x paradisiaca, ABB Group) fruit, which show massive drop and no drop, respectively. During the period of finger drop, the water content of the peel in ‘Namwa’ was similar to that of ‘Hom Thong’ and thus water content does not account for the high breakage in ‘Hom Thong’. The peel thickness at the rupture area in the two cultivars was not significantly different. During the period of finger drop, the level of water-soluble pectin in the peel at the rupture area of ‘Hom Thong’ was higher than that of ‘Namwa’, indicating pectin degradation. CDTA soluble pectin and insoluble pectin was lower in ‘Hom Thong’, also indicating more pectin breakdown in this cultivar. Polygalacturonase activity in the peel at the rupture area of ‘Hom Thong’ bananas rapidly increased, but not clearly more than in ‘Namwa’ bananas. Pectinesterase activity in the peel at the rupture area of ‘Hom Thong’ was much lower than that of ‘Namwa’ bananas, and thus does not account for the breakage. Pectate lyase in the peel of ‘Hom Thong’ was considerably higher than in that of ‘Namwa’. The present data indicate that the much higher pectate lyase activity in ‘Hom Thong’ might be responsible, at least partially, for the finger drop.  相似文献   

Papaya fruit ripening processes involve the coordinated action of several hydrolases that causes cell wall degradation. Endoxylanase participates in xylan or arabinoxylan modifications and its importance has been related to papaya softening. However, endoxylanase has been not fully characterized biochemically and kinetically. Semipurified endoxylanase from ripe ‘Maradol’ papaya fruit had an optimal temperature from 45 °C to 50 °C, a pH optimum of 5.5 against Remazol brilliant blue-xylan (RBB-Xylan) and enzymatic activity remained stable during 36 h at 45 °C. The activation energy of the enzyme was 25.5 kJ mol−1, and the Vmax at 32, 37 and 42 °C was 788.9, 888.9 and 1085.6 μg kg−1 s−1, respectively. The Km did not change as a function of temperature and was measured as 1.8 g L−1 and was within the range reported for other xylanases. Total proteins were extracted from color-break, half-ripe and ripe fruit. A pre-endoxylanase at 63.9 kDa was identified in the color-break fruit and an active endoxylanase at 32.5 kDa that was only found in ripe fruit, when the highest enzymatic activity was obtained. Immunodetection on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) protein blots showed three isoforms of the pre-endoxylanase at color-break and ripe stages and, four isoforms in ripe fruit that were absent in color-break fruit. The biochemical and kinetic characteristics of the endoxylanase are crucial to our understanding papaya fruit softening.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical changes in sapote mamey (Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E. Moore and Stearn) fruit during ripening and storage at various temperatures were evaluated. Ripening was associated with flesh softening, an increase in soluble solids content (SSC), and a change in flesh color from yellow or pale pink to a dark pink or red. No changes in fruit skin color or in flesh acidity were observed as ripening progressed. Ripe fruit had 30% or higher SSC, orange or red flesh (hue angle=52; chroma=45; L=60), acidity of 6–8 mM H+, and flesh firmness (compression force) ≤50 N. Flesh turned brown (L* value declined) in overripe fruit. Fruit held at 27, 25, or 20°C ripened in 3.5, 5 or 7 days after harvest, respectively. Fruit kept at 10°C showed minor changes in color and firmness and a slow rate of SSC increase. Fruit stored at 10 or 15°C and then ripened at 20°C had portions of the flesh with a much higher firmness and poorer development of red color compared to other parts of the fruit. This uneven ripening was probably a result of chilling injury. The number of fruit with injury was higher at 10°C than at 15°C, and increased with storage time. The rates of fruit weight loss relative to the initial fruit weight were 0.58, 0.98 and 1.83% d−1 at 10, 20 and 27°C, respectively.  相似文献   

Mature green banana (Musa sapientum L. cv. Cavendish) fruit were stored in 0.5%, 2%, or 21% O2 for 7 days at 20 °C before ripening was initiated by ethylene. Residual effects of low O2 storage in mature green fruit on ripening and ester biosynthesis in fruit were investigated during ripening for up to 6 d at 20 °C. Concentrations of ethanol in mature green fruit did not change during storage in both 21% and 2% O2 atmospheres, but increased in fruit stored in 0.5% O2. The activities of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in 2% and 21% O2 atmospheres remained very low throughout the storage period, but significantly increased with 0.5% O2. After transferring fruit to regular air and trigging ripening with ethylene, yellowing of peel, fruit softening and hydrolysis of starch in fruit stored in low O2 atmospheres were slower than in the control. Fruit stored in low O2 also showed a delayed onset of the climacteric peak. The activities of ADH were lower in the low O2 stored fruit than in the control fruit. Productions of ethyl acetate, isoamyl acetate, and isobutyl acetate were remarkably suppressed by low O2 storage. Alcohol acetyltransferase activity increased gradually with storage time in all treatments, being significantly lower in fruit with low O2 pretreatments. The results indicate that low O2 plus room temperature storage can extend storage life of bananas with the sacrifice of a low production of ester volatiles.  相似文献   

Fruit ripening is a developmental process and is associated with increased susceptibility to mechanical injury, which favours Botrytis cinerea infection. Using ‘Gala’ apples harvested at different stages of ripening, we demonstrated that wounding can activate initial H2O2 accumulation and wound healing ability to defend against B. cinerea penetration. Delaying the harvest date attenuated those responses. Superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase, which are all involved in H2O2 metabolism, were differentially activated by wound stress depending on the stage of fruit maturity. Mature fruit were less able to respond to wounding by increasing phenylalanine ammonia lyase and peroxidase activity, which are associated with reduced phenolics and lignin content in local wound sites. The reduced response in late-harvested fruit contributes to the fruit ripening-induced loss of wound healing ability and increases susceptibility to B. cinerea. In addition, the rapid increase of H2O2 content immediately after wounding in early-harvested fruit was followed by increased phenylalanine ammonia lyase and peroxidase activity. In late-harvested fruit, the reduced ability to increase phenylalanine ammonia lyase and peroxidase activity in response to wounding was consistent with ripening-reduced generation of H2O2 early after wounding, leading to reduced resistance to B. cinerea. Thus, H2O2 accumulation in response to wounding is modulated by fruit maturity and is required for efficient wound healing and resistance to B. cinerea.  相似文献   

Adventitious root formation is a bottleneck during vegetative proliferation.Potassium (K+) is an essential macronutrient for plants.K+accumulation from the soil and its distribution to the different plant organs is mediated by K+transporters named K+transporter (KT),K+uptake (KUP),or high-affinity K+(HAK).This study aimed to identify members of the HAK gene family in apples and to characterize the effects of K+supply on...  相似文献   

Metabolic stress disinfection and disinfestation (MSDD) is a relatively new quarantine treatment in which fruit are exposed to rapid decompression and compression cycles and high CO2 atmosphere, followed by exposure to ethanol vapour under decompression. This study evaluated the ripening response of ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) and ‘Pink Lady’ apple (Malus x domestica) to MSDD treatment, which can control longtailed mealybug (Pseudococcus longispinus). Following the treatments, fruit were held at 20 °C for 7 d for shelf-life assessment, while the remainder were refrigerated at 0.5 °C for 16 weeks. Respiration rate, volatile (ethylene, ethanol and acetaldehyde) production rates, firmness and disorders were measured at regular time intervals. MSDD treatments did not affect the metabolic activities and quality of ‘Pink Lady’ apples. However, firmness was reduced by 4.9 N in non-refrigerated MSDD treated fruit. MSDD treatments did not control superficial scald disorder in refrigerated ‘Pink Lady’ apples. For ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit, treatments increased the respiration rate and ethylene production of short-term refrigerated fruit, promoted endogenous production of ethanol and acetaldehyde in both short-term and long-term refrigerated fruit. MSDD treatments also increased the incidence of rots in refrigerated ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit. MSDD treatments accelerated the softening of short-term refrigerated kiwifruit, but retarded the softening of ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit during the 16 weeks of refrigerated storage. MSDD could potentially be used as a quarantine treatment of apples. Further studies are required on the sensory effect of MSDD treatment.  相似文献   

Fruit softening is thought to result from extensive cell wall modifications that occur during ripening. These modifications are the result, at least in part, of the activity of members of cell wall-modifying enzymes from the same families involved in the cell wall loosening which promote tissue extension and growth. In this work, the activities of a set of pectolytic and non-pectolytic cell wall-modifying enzymes, namely polygalacturonase (PG; endo-and exo-acting), pectin methylesterase (PME), pectate lyase (PL), β-galactosidase (β-Gal), α-l-arabinofuranosidase (AFase), endo-1,4-β-glucanase (EGase), xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET) and expansin, were monitored during growth and ripening of ‘Mondial Gala’ apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) fruit. After optimisation of protein extraction protocols and standard activity assays, activity could be detected in all the assays, except for endo-PG. The overall results suggest that fruit growth and ripening are possibly coordinated by members of the same families of cell wall-modifying enzymes, although different isoforms may be involved in distinct developmental processes. Based on the trend of total activity measured in vitro using equal amounts of protein per developmental stage, the role of EGase seems to be more prominent during growth than during ripening, and XET activity is most important only after the fruit stopped growing and is maintained throughout ripening. β-Gal and AFase activities increased after harvest as the fruit became over-ripe. On the other hand, exo-PG, PL and expansin activities increase from that in unripe fruit to fruit at harvest but are maintained at similar levels thereafter, throughout the over-ripe stages. The patterns of activity observed are discussed in relation to published information about ripening of apples and to results reported using other species.  相似文献   

Tomato is an important crop in terms of its economic and nutritional value. Tomato fruit quality is a function of metabolite content, which is prone to physiological changes related to fruit development and ripening. The aim of this work was to use a metabolomic approach to characterize compositional changes (sugars, acids and amino acids) of tomato during preharvest fruit development, ripening, and postharvest shelf-life. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to identify both polar and volatile metabolites that were involved in fruit development and ripening. Characteristic metabolites for the various fruit developmental stages were identified. Mannose, citramalic, gluconic and keto-l-gulonic acids were shown to be strongly correlated to final postharvest stages. During on-vine ripening, an increase was observed for the major hexoses, glucose and fructose, cell wall components such as galacturonic acid, and for amino acids such as aspartic, glutamic acid and methionine. Major changes were also observed at the level of the TCA cycle, showing a decrease in malic and fumaric acids, and accumulation of citric acid.  相似文献   

江苏省优质软麦品种品质特性与饼干加工品质的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明确软麦品种在大田生产中的品质表现和品质育种筛选指标,对于优质生产及提高育种效率具有重要意义。选用江苏淮南麦区15份优质软麦品种(系),鉴定其高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)组成,开展3个试验点次的大田种植,分析了小麦样本的籽粒硬度、灰分含量、蛋白质含量和质量参数、粉质仪参数、揉面仪参数、溶剂保持力、贮藏蛋白组分含量参数、黏度仪参数等品质性状和饼干加工品质。结果表明,不同类型的品质参数受基因型和环境的影响不同。所有样本的蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、稳定时间均不达国标(GB/T 17320-2013、GB/T 17893-1999),部分品种(系)的沉淀值达标,所有样本的籽粒硬度和吸水率全部达标。相关性分析表明,籽粒硬度、灰分含量和黏度仪参数与饼干加工品质无显著相关性。沉淀值、粉质仪吸水率、粉质仪稳定时间、揉面仪峰值时间、揉面仪衰落角、水溶剂保持力、碳酸钠溶剂保持力、乳酸溶剂保持力、谷蛋白/醇溶蛋白比、不溶性谷蛋白含量和不溶性谷蛋白百分含量与饼干直径呈显著(r≤–0.520)或极显著(r≤–0.652)负相关,相关系数分别为–0.657、–0.601、–0.617、–0.659、–0.6...  相似文献   

油棕CBF基因的克隆及与禾本科植物CBF基因的进化关系   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本研究致力于克隆油棕低温相应转录因子基因CBF。以NCBI网站上公布CBF基因设计引物,对油棕的基因组进行扩增,并对其进行回收,转化和测序。总共测了11个克隆,测序结果显示这11个克隆中有3个不同拷贝的CBF基因序列,它们序列之间的同源性分别是,99%,92%和91%。将克隆的CBF基因与不同物种的CBF基因进行了聚类分析,分析结果显示:这些不同物种的CBF基因可以分为3类,克隆的油棕的3个CBF基因被聚在一块,此外,油棕CBF基因与HvCBF1,OsDREB1E,HvCBF11以及TaCBF11的同源性较高。采用同源序列法,克隆了3个拷贝的CBF基因,通过Blast比对发现,克隆的CBF基因与NCBI数据库现有的CBF基因具有很高的同源性。这些工作将为油棕抗寒的分子选育奠定基础。  相似文献   

Summary Deep water rice varieties in general have certain peculiar characters which are associated with floating habit. These characters are (i) early nodal differentiation, (ii) nodal rooting, (iii) spreading habit, (iv) awned grains, (v) brown hull colour, (vi) red pericarp (red rice), and (vii) seed dormancy. Inheritance of these characters and linkage relationship of genes governing these characters were studied in a cross between Pankaj (non floating) and Nageribao (floating) rice varieties. Nageribao, a cultivar from Assam possesses these characters.Early nodal differentiation was observed to be controlled by a single dominant gene, designated as Nd. Nodal rooting was controlled by two dominant complementary genes, designated as Nr 1 and Nr 2. We found an inhibitory factor for spreading habit and one for brown hull colour in Pankaj; the operation of two dominant duplicate genes An 1 and An 2 for controlling awning characters, a single dominant gene Rd for red pericarp colour and a single dominant gene Gd for grain dormancy. Joint segregations between these characters resulted in the assignment of genes in the X linkage group of indica rices with estimated map distances based on the cross-over values. The genes An (awning), Es (spreading habit), Nr (nodal rooting) and Nd (nodal differentiation) were observed to be associated with each other. The gene for red pericarp (Rd) was observed to be linked with the grain dormaney gene Gd.  相似文献   

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