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Recently harvested peaches and plums were coated with either Aloe vera or Aloe arborescens gels and allowed to ripen at 20 °C for six days. Both coatings significantly delayed ethylene production, the effect being higher in plum which had the highest ethylene production rates. Changes in quality parameters related to peach and plum postharvest ripening, such as colour changes, reduction of acidity and increasing in ripening index (total soluble solids/total acidity ratio), were significantly delayed in coated fruit. In addition, both coatings significantly reduced weight loss, especially the A. arborescens gel. Thus, A. arborescens gel could be even more effective than A. vera gel for use as an edible coating for preserving the quality of climacteric fruit.  相似文献   

‘Galia’ melon is one of the most common cv produced in Spain destined for fresh consumption and/or for the fresh-cut processing industry. Nevertheless, fresh-cut melon is very susceptible to softening during storage, even under chilling and modified atmosphere packaging. This softening process is related to Ca levels in fruit tissue. After preparing trapezoidal shaped sections of ‘Galia’ melons, the pieces were dipped for 1 min a 60 °C in Ca chloride, citrate, lactate, ascorbate, tartrate, silicate, propionate or acetate using a Ca concentration equivalent to 0.4% (0.15 g g−1) pure Ca chloride, combined with 50 mg L−1 H2O2 for controlling microbial growth. Dipping in sterile distilled water (without Ca salt) at 60 °C for 1 min was used as a control treatment. Firmness, pectin methylesterase and polygalacturonase activity, Ca content, microbial growth, respiration rate, and sensory evaluation, were evaluated throughout 10 days of storage at 5 °C under a passive modified atmosphere reaching 4.5 kPa O2 and 14.7 kPa CO2. At the end of shelf life, Ca ascorbate, chloride and lactate provided melon pieces with a lower respiration rate, increased tissue total Ca content, and maintained a good firmness. In addition, those Ca salts reduced microbial growth. Sensory parameters, such as flavor perception, were kept above the upper limits for marketability. A considerable loss of flavor was found in all treatments except with Ca chlorine, lactate and ascorbate, the only treatments found acceptable from the consumer point of view.  相似文献   

A novel edible coating based on Aloe vera gel, accordingly to our developed patent (SP Patent Filed P200302937), has been used as postharvest treatment to maintain sweet cherry quality and safety. During cold storage, uncoated fruit showed increases in respiration rate, rapid weight loss and colour changes, accelerated softening and ripening, stem browning and increased microbial populations, these processes being more intense during the shelf life periods. On the contrary, sweet cherry treated with A. vera gel significantly delayed the above parameters related to postharvest quality losses, and storability could be extended. The sensory analyses revealed beneficial effects in terms of delaying stem browning and dehydration, maintenance of fruit visual aspect without any detrimental effect on taste, aroma or flavours. As far as we aware, this is the first time A. vera gel is used as an edible coating in fruit, which would be an innovative and interesting means for commercial application and as alternative of the use of postharvest chemical treatments.  相似文献   

In this work Aloe vera gel (AV) alone or with the addition of 10 or 2% rosehip oil was used as fruit edible coatings in a wide range of Prunus species and cultivars: peaches (‘Roma’ and ‘B-424-16’ flat type), plums (‘Red Beauty’ and ‘Songria’), nectarine (‘Garofa’) and sweet cherry (‘Brooks’). Following treatments, fruit were stored at 20 °C for 6 days and analysed for the effect of treatments on fruit ripening and quality parameters compared with uncoated fruit (control). The addition of the rosehip oil to AV gel reduced respiration rate in all fruit, and ethylene production in the climacteric ones (peaches, plums and nectarine). In addition, all the parameters related with fruit ripening and quality, such as weight loss, softening, colour change and ripening index, were also delayed in treated compared with control fruit, the effect being generally higher when rosehip oil was added to AV, and especially in those fruit that exhibited the highest ethylene production rates (‘Roma’ and flat type peaches). Although the highest effect was obtained with AV + rosehip oil at 10%, the sensory panel detected an excess of gloss and oiliness on the fruit surface, which was considered as a negative attribute. Thus, 2% rosehip oil added to AV could be used as an innovative postharvest tool to increase the beneficial effect of AV as an edible coating, especially in climacteric fruit showing high ethylene production rates.  相似文献   

This study determined the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal/fungicidal concentration (MBC/MFC) of water and ethanol Satureja hortensis (SH) extract, as well as the antimicrobial activity of pullulan films with an addition of the extracts against test strains. The pullulan coating with an addition of water SH extract was also applied pepper and apple fruit. The concentration of bioactive compounds in the extracts was assessed using HPLC. The analysis included the effect of pullulan coating with water SH extract on weight loss and color change in peppers during storage at 16 °C/14 days, and 16 °C/28 days, and apples at 16 °C/14 days, and 2 °C/28 days. A microscopic image of the coating on materials was evaluated and sensory analysis performed. Polyphenolic compounds from phenolic acid and flavone families were identified in the extracts, and higher levels of phenolic compounds (p < 0.05) were found in the water extract. The activity of pullulan films with SH extracts increased significantly (p < 0.05) with the increase in SH extract concentration (5%, 10% and 20%). Pullulan films with water SH extract inhibited the growth of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and Penicillium expansum more strongly than was the case with those films with an ethanol SH extract. Moreover, coating application resulted in a decrease in weight loss and an extension of storage time, and also protected the material against excessive wilting and wrinkling on the surface, maintaining freshness and consumer appeal.  相似文献   

There is increasing public interest in development of edible natural biodegradable coatings to replace the currently used commercial synthetic waxes for maintaining postharvest quality of citrus fruit. We tested the efficacy of a newly developed polysaccharide-based edible bilayer coating comprising carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and chitosan in preserving postharvest quality of various citrus fruit, including ‘Or’ and ‘Mor’ mandarins, ‘Navel’ oranges, and ‘Star Ruby’ grapefruit after simulated storage and marketing. In all citrus species, it was found that the CMC/chitosan bilayer coating was equally effective as the commercial polyethylene wax in enhancing fruit gloss. Furthermore, the CMC/chitosan bilayer coating slightly increased fruit firmness, especially of oranges and grapefruit, but was mostly not effective in preventing post-storage weight loss. Both the CMC/chitosan bilayer coating and the commercial wax had no significant effects on juice total soluble solids and acidity levels, and had similar effects on gas permeability, as indicated by only slight increases in internal CO2 levels and in juice ethanol accumulation after storage. Sensory analyses revealed that neither the CMC/chitosan bilayer coating nor the commercial wax coating had any deleterious effects on flavor preference of ‘Navel’ orange and ‘Star Ruby’ grapefruit. However, application of the commercial wax, and moreover the CMC/chitosan bilayer coating, resulted in a gradual decrease in flavor acceptability of ‘Or’ and ‘Mor’ mandarins because of increased perception of off-flavors. Overall, we showed that the CMC/chitosan bilayer edible coating sufficiently enhanced fruit gloss, but was not effective in preventing postharvest weight loss. Furthermore, flavor quality was slightly impaired in mandarins but not in oranges and grapefruit.  相似文献   

The effects of different concentrations (0.1%, 0.3% and 0.5%, w/v) of lemongrass essential oil incorporated into an alginate-based [sodium alginate 1.29% (w/v), glycerol 1.16% (w/v) and sunflower oil 0.025% (w/v)] edible coating on the respiration rate, physico-chemical properties, and microbiological and sensory quality of fresh-cut pineapple during 16 days of storage (10 ± 1 °C, 65 ± 10% RH) were evaluated. Coated fresh-cut pineapple without lemongrass and uncoated fresh-cut pineapple were stored under the same conditions and served as the controls. The results show that yeast and mould counts and total plate counts of coated samples containing 0.3 and 0.5% (w/v) lemongrass were significantly (p < 0.05) lower than other samples. However, the incorporation of 0.5% (w/v) lemongrass in coating formulation significantly (p < 0.05) decreased the firmness and sensory scores (taste, texture and overall acceptability) of fresh-cut pineapples. Therefore, the results indicate that an alginate-based edible coating formulation incorporated with 0.3% (w/v) lemongrass has potential to extend the shelf-life and maintain quality of fresh-cut pineapple.  相似文献   

The kiwifruit industry was established on fruit of Actinidia deliciosa (‘Hayward’), which is known as a climacteric fruit with high sensitivity to ethylene. In recent times fruit from Actinidia chinensis have become a substantial component of the kiwifruit market. There is limited information about the sensitivity of A. chinensis to ethylene during refrigerated storage and hence current ethylene management practices for A. chinensis mimic those established for A. deliciosa. This research aimed to quantify the effect of ethylene during refrigerated storage on A. chinensis (‘Hort16A’) quality (firmness, colour and total soluble solids). Three grower lines were stored at 1.5 °C, 95% RH with ethylene in the range of 0.001-1 μL L−1 applied to the environment after 3 weeks of storage for the remainder of storage (17 weeks). Fruit quality was assessed at regular intervals. Loss of firmness was found to be very sensitive to ethylene, with significant differences between fruit stored in 0.001 μL L−1 (as a control) and 0.1 μL L−1 occurring after 2 weeks of exposure. Fruit exposed to 1 μL L−1 ethylene not only rapidly softened, but also increased in hue angle (greenness) and reduced in lightness (darkened) further reducing the quality of the yellow coloured kiwifruit cultivar. Total soluble solids were not heavily influenced by ethylene exposure, with grower differences being maintained throughout the experiment. This work demonstrates that A. chinensis (cv. Hort16A) fruit firmness and colour will be influenced by the ethylene conditions in a commercial storage environment by advancing ripening and senescence.  相似文献   

Aqueous chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has been postulated as an alternative to sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) for fresh-cut produce sanitization with the advantage of avoiding the risks associated with chlorination by-products. However, little is known about its influence on preserving quality and the potential formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) under typical processing conditions. The suitability of aqueous chlorine dioxide (3 mg L−1) as an effective sanitizer of fresh-cut iceberg lettuce stored under active modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) at refrigerated conditions was determined and compared with sodium hypochlorite (100 mg L−1). Fresh-cut lettuce washed with tap water was used as a control. The epiphytic microbiota were characterized by the evaluation of the major relevant microbial groups such as mesophiles, psychrophiles, Pseudomonas spp., Enterobacteriaceae, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and moulds. Additionally, gas composition, sensory quality, vitamin C and individual and total phenolics were monitored after washing and during storage for 3 d at 4 °C followed by 7 d at 8 °C. In general, the natural microbiota of fresh-cut lettuce after washing and storage was equally affected by the different washing solutions, with the exception of yeasts which showed the highest growth after 10 d storage in samples washed with chlorine dioxide. None of the tested washings negatively affected sensory quality, which was acceptable after 10 d storage. Additionally, the content of bioactive compounds was not significantly affected either by washing solution or by storage time. The potential formation of THMs was evaluated by the analysis of lettuce washed in water with a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 700 mg L−1 treated for 30 min with sodium hypochlorite (100 mg L−1) or chlorine dioxide (3.7 mg L−1). Trihalomethane formation was only detected in the process water in which sodium hypochlorite was applied (217 ± 38 μg L−1). However, THMs formation in fresh-cut lettuce was negligible despite the sanitation procedure. The formation of THMs was only detected in fresh-cut lettuce when sodium hypochlorite was used under very extreme conditions where lettuce was washed in water with a high level of organic matter (COD = 1800 mg L−1), high sodium hypochlorite concentration (700 mg L−1) and long contact time (60 min). Our data suggest that aqueous chlorine dioxide is as suitable as sodium hypochlorite for fresh-cut lettuce sanitation with the advantage of preventing the formation of THMs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of 1-methylcyclopropene, 1-MCP (1 μL L−1 for 24 h at 5 °C) on quality attributes and shelf life of fresh-cut strawberries. The 1-MCP was applied before (whole product) and/or after cutting (wedges), followed by storage in a continuous flow of air or air +1 μL L−1 C2H4. The combined effects of 1-MCP and CaCl2 dips (1% for 2 min) and/or CA (3 kPa O2 + 10 kPa CO2) were also examined. The application of only 1-MCP before and/or after cutting did not have a significant effect on firmness and appearance quality during storage for up to 12 days at 5 °C. The exposure to a continuous flow of 1 μL L−1 C2H4 in air during storage did not increase the softening rate. 1-MCP applied before cutting or both before and after cutting of the strawberries increased respiration rates but reduced C2H4 production rates. Exposure to 1-MCP had a synergistic effect when combined with CaCl2 plus CA. The combined treatment of 1-MCP + CaCl2 + CA slowed down softening, deterioration rates, TA and microbial growth. Compared to the control, which had a 6-day shelf life, the shelf life of fresh-cut strawberries subjected to the combination treatment was extended to 9 days at 5 °C.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of sodium chlorite (SC) alone and its sequential treatment with edible coatings on browning inhibition and quality maintenance of fresh-cut d’Anjou pears. Edible coatings were prepared from chitosan (CH) and its water-soluble derivative carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCH), separately. Pear wedges were immersed in SC solution, followed by coating with CH or CMCH solutions. The samples were packed in unsealed bags and stored at 4 °C for subsequent color, firmness, and weight loss measurement. The effects of the SC and coating treatments on polyphenol oxidase (PPO) inhibition and microbial inactivation were also evaluated. Results indicated that SC exhibited significant (P < 0.05) inhibition of browning and PPO activity. The SC treatment was also strongly effective in inactivating Escherichia coli O157:H7 on pear slices. Coating SC-treated pear slices with CH adversely affected the quality of pear slices by accelerating the discoloration of cut surfaces and increasing the PPO activity. On the contrary, coating SC-treated samples with CMCH significantly prevented the browning reaction and inhibited PPO activity. In addition, SC and CH/CMCH coatings maintained tissue firmness and did not affect weight loss. Our study may provide a scientific basis for the use of SC + CMCH treatment as an alternative preservation treatment for fresh-cut fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   

Minimally processed radish forms an important segment of the rapidly growing minimally processed industry worldwide. Radish shreds have a short shelf life thus necessitating the use of chemical additives. However, demand for natural preservatives in foods has increased. Chitosan is a natural antimicrobial biopolymer with a good film forming ability. Hence, it is used as an edible coating on whole and fresh cut fruits and vegetables. The present investigation explored powder coating technique using purified chitosan and chitosan lactate for shelf life extension of shredded radish. Macro perforated LDPE resealable pouches were used to pack the samples. Samples were stored at 10 °C for 10 d. Physicochemical characteristics, phytochemicals, antioxidant activity, respiration rate and color were analyzed periodically. The study also determined microbial load and sensory acceptability in the stored samples. Chitosan treated samples exhibited a lower degree of weight loss, respiration rate, titrable acidity, % soluble solids and higher content of phytochemicals, moisture, and pH compared with control samples. The treated samples also exhibited better sensory acceptability, lower exudate volume, lesser browning and lower microbial load compared to control. This indicated better potential marketability of the coated radish shreds. Chitosan powder coating could be used as an efficient technique for quality maintenance and shelf life extension of radish shreds with feasibility for large scale application.  相似文献   

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