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A new serotype of Pasteurella multocida associated with fowl cholera   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gel-diffusion precipitin tests demonstrated an additional Pasteurella multocida serotype, designated serotype 16. Isolate P-2723, antigenically distinct from the other (previously reported) 15 serotypes, was from a turkey affected with fowl cholera. This serotype is not widely distributed. Isolate P-2723 was of mild virulence in turkeys, resulting in local infections in the hock joint and sternal bursa of only 1 of 9 turkeys exposed.  相似文献   

The protein profiles of Pasteurella multocida serotype 1 isolates and the response of chickens to serotype 1 antigens were investigated using SDS-PAGE. Patterns obtained with Coomassie blue staining of soluble protein extracts were similar. The major difference between isolates was the position of one of the major proteins in the 34-38 kDa region. When chickens were experimentally infected with a clinical isolate of P. multocida serotype 1 various proteins were recognised by immunoblotting, including one with a relative molecular weight of 34 kDa; however, no reactions were observed in the region where LPS is known to migrate. When these infection sera were used in an EIA with purified LPS obtained from Heddleston serotype 1 type strain (X-73) they reacted strongly. Serum used for serotyping isolates in the gel diffusion precipitin test recognised many antigens in common with sera from infected birds, but some antigens were specific to typing sera.  相似文献   

Sixty-four, 10-week-old turkeys were inoculated with a highly virulent field isolate (86-1913) of Pasteurella multocida serotype A:3,4 by an oculo-nasal-oral route. Inoculated turkeys were examined at 4, 8, 16, 20, and 24 hours post-inoculation for bacteremia and histologic lesions. Bacteremia was detected in one of six turkeys 8 hours after inoculation and in four of six turkey poults at 16 hours post-inoculation. Pasteurella multocida was isolated from the spleens of two turkeys at 8 hours and from the spleens of all six poults 16 hours after inoculation. Peak concentrations of P. multocida reached 10(9) colony forming units per ml of blood. At 4 to 8 hours post-inoculation, isolate 86-1913 produced a fibrinopurulent bronchopneumonia followed by severe pulmonary necrosis, pleuritis, vasculitis; and, at 16 to 24 hours post-inoculation numerous extracellular bacteria were observed. Hepatic lesions included focal heterophil aggregates 8 hours after inoculation; these progressed to hepatic necrosis. Numerous extracellular bacteria within sinusoids were present 16 to 24 hours after inoculation. At 16 to 24 hours post-inoculation, there was degeneration of periarteriolar reticular cells in the spleen; these cells progressed to coalescing coagulative splenic necrosis with extracellular bacterial colonies. A second group of 41, 10-week-old turkeys, previously vaccinated with the Clemson University strain of P. multocida serotype A:3,4, were challenged with isolate 86-1913.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Soluble fractions of Pasteurella multocida strain P1059 were extracted from a single source by four methods, and their immunogenicity was evaluated by challenge exposure in turkeys. The fractions were extracted by 1) heating in 2.5% NaCl, 2) 0.5M potassium thiocyanate, 3) 1.0M sodium salicylate, and 4) prolonged stirring in formalin solution followed by pelleting (LPS-protein antigen). Eighty percent to 90% of infected turkeys were protected in two trials by vaccination with the saline extract or LPS-protein antigen, whereas less consistent protection was associated with the other two preparations. Endotoxin content was the highest in LPS-protein antigen, followed by KSCN, Na salicylate, and saline extract in that order. The four fractions contained at least one common antigen, which had previously been shown to be a surface-protective antigen.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Biochemical profiles, restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) and ribotyping were used to investigate Pasteurella multocida isolates from outbreaks of fowl cholera on 7 turkey farms in New South Wales. While only a single isolate was available from 5 of the farms, multiple isolates, 4 and 12 respectively, were available from the other 2 farms. The available field evidence suggested that 8 outbreaks had occurred with one farm suffering 2 outbreaks. The isolates obtained were all confirmed as Pasteurella multocida . Biochemical profiles allocated the isolates to 4 groups, 3 being variants of P multocida subsp multocida and the fourth being P multocida subsp septica . REA performed with Hpall established 7 groups. Ribotyping using the Hpall digests probed with the 16S rRNA operon of Haemophilus paragallinarum recognised the same 7 groups as REA. Unlike the biochemical profiles, both REA and ribotyping provided a fine subdivision that identified outbreaks as either related or unrelated. The REA and ribotyping patterns as well as biochemical profiles were stable for all isolates from the outbreaks in which multiple isolates were obtained from either the same bird or from different birds. REA and ribotyping were found to be superior to biotyping methods for the investigation of fowl cholera outbreaks.  相似文献   

Resistance plasmids of Pasteurella multocida isolated from turkeys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
From 1940 through 1978, fifty-eight strains of Pasteurella multocida (serotype 3) were isolated from turkeys throughout the United States and were examined for R-plasmids. Forty-one of the isolates contained plasmid DNA, of which 7 isolates were found to encode resistance to tetracycline, streptomycin, and sulfonamides, or to streptomycin and sulfonamides. The R-plasmids were 2 to 10 megadaltons, nonconjugal, and contained a moles percent guanine plus cytosine ratio in the range of 57 to 61. The R-plasmids did not belong to any of the 19 incompatibility groups evaluated, including Inc Q. Digestion with restriction endonuclease indicated that 2 of the plasmids from P multocida isolated in 1960 and 1962 were identical, whereas 4 of the 5 plasmids obtained from P multocida isolated after 1966 were identical, with the 5th plasmid closely related to the other 4. The results indicated that R-plasmids were not widely dispersed among P multocida (serotype 3) isolated from turkeys in the United States. The nontransmissible nature of these plasmids was probably the major reason for their lack of dissemination.  相似文献   

The genomes from field isolates of Pasteurella multocida in turkeys and those of P multocida reference CU and M9 vaccine strains were analyzed and compared after cleavage with restriction endonucleases. The electrophoretic profiles obtained with DNA fragments from field isolates and vaccine strains of the same serotype were characteristic and reproducible. These features indicated the existence of differences among the isolates of the same serotype that cannot currently be detected, using available serotyping methods. However, several field isolates had electrophoretic profiles similar to those of either CU or M9 vaccine strain. It was concluded that restriction endonuclease analysis of DNA genomes from P multocida isolated from turkeys provides the information for differentiation of field isolates from vaccine strains of the same serotype.  相似文献   

The role of the capsule in the pathogenesis of fowl cholera was studied in turkeys. Avian Pasteurella multocida P-1059 was used in an encapsulated form, an enzymatically decapsulated form, and a mutant form lacking capsule-productivity (strain T-325). These forms were inoculated intravenously into normal or immune turkeys, and the numbers of viable bacteria in the blood, liver, and spleen were enumerated over a 120-minute period. Both normal and immune birds rapidly removed all three forms of organisms from the blood-stream at similar rates and trapped in the liver and spleen. In the liver of normal birds, the non-encapsulated mutant T-325 was readily inactivated, but the encapsulated P-1059 strain was not. When the decapsulated form of P-1059 was used, the bacterial counts in the liver temporarily decreased at 60 minutes PI. In immune birds, all three forms of organisms were equally inactivated in the liver. In the spleen, however, the bacterial numbers did not change throughout 120 minutes PI with all three forms of organisms in both normal and immune turkeys. The results indicated that the blood-borne P. multocida were readily trapped by reticuloendothelial phagocytes. The trapping process was not affected by encapsulation of the organism or by the immune status of turkey. Both factors, however, appeared to greatly influence the subsequent killing of P. multocida by hepatic, but not splenic, phagocytes.  相似文献   

Swabs of the oropharynges of 801 live turkeys (621 meat birds and 180 breeders), collected from 15 flocks that had experienced an outbreak of fowl cholera and from 12 non-outbreak flocks, were screened for the presence of Pasteurella multocida. Turkeys from outbreak flocks were sampled within 2 to 9 weeks of the outbreak. Forty-nine isolates of P. multocida were recovered from turkeys in 11 of the outbreak flocks, and none were recovered from turkeys in non-outbreak flocks. Isolation rates varied from 0 to 72% of turkeys sampled in a flock. Nineteen isolates were tested for virulence by injecting them intravenously into turkeys, and 14 were lethal. Results demonstrated that for purposes of disease control, meat birds in fowl-cholera-outbreak flocks should be considered carriers of potentially virulent P. multocida for the life of the flock.  相似文献   

Outer membrane protein (OMP)-enriched extracts of avian strains of Pasteurella multocida were examined by use of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Culture medium did not have a significant effect on the OMP profiles of strains of P multocida examined; however, in vivo propagation had an appreciable effect on the OMP profile composition of the reference strain P-1059. Such bacteria, expressed several additional OMP in the 27-kD, 48-kD, 56-kD, 60-kD, 80-kD, and 94-kD molecular mass regions. These OMP were not detected in the electrophorogram of strain P-1059 grown in vitro. The OMP profiles of reference strains of the 16 serotypes of P multocida did not identify any serotype-specific protein markers. Field strains of serotype A:3 had variation in OMP profiles and did not express OMP that all were identical to that expressed by the reference strain P-1059. The live attenuated CU and M9 bacterial vaccine strains expressed strain-specific OMP markers of 48-kD and 45-kD molecular masses, respectively. These strain-specific OMP markers may be used to differentiate these strains from virulent field strains that are of the same serotype and isolated from turkeys that have succumbed to pasteurellosis as a result of vaccine-related reactions or breakdown in immunity.  相似文献   

R B Rimler 《Avian diseases》1987,31(4):884-887
An antiserum cross-protective against different serotypes of Pasteurella multocida was made in turkeys by inoculating them with killed serotype 3 organisms grown in vivo and then exposing them to live serotype 3 organisms. In passive-immunization studies, the antiserum protected young turkeys against the homologous and heterologous serotypes 1, 4, 5, 9, and 12. In addition, the antiserum protected against P. multocida of a heterologous capsule serogroup, serogroup F. A globulin and two IgG fractions purified from the antiserum protected against heterologous challenge with serotype 1. Turkey-grown P. multocida were chemically lysed and separated into soluble and insoluble components to make immunoadsorbents. Antibodies from the cross-protective antiserum isolated by the immunoadsorbents passively protected young turkeys against heterologous serotype I challenge.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of avian pasteurellosis caused by two vaccine strains, M-9 and Clemson University (CU), and a highly virulent field isolate, 86-1913, of Pasteurella multocida (serotype A:3,4) was studied in 7-week-old turkeys inoculated by an oculo-nasal-oral technique. Turkeys inoculated with strain CU and isolate 86-1913 developed severe progressive bacteremia that began at 4 hours postinoculation (PI) and peaked at 16-20 hours PI. Turkeys inoculated with strain CU and isolate 86-1913 had significantly higher concentrations of bacteria in blood and tissues, and greater histologic lesion scores for necrosis, heterophil infiltrates, and intralesional bacteria than turkeys inoculated with strain M-9. Immunohistochemical staining specific for P. multocida demonstrated numerous extracellular bacteria in tissues from turkeys inoculated with strain CU and isolate 86-1913. The mortality for turkeys inoculated with isolate 86-1913 was significantly higher than for turkeys receiving the two vaccine strains.  相似文献   

Biochemic study of Pasteurella multocida from turkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Two strains of Pasteurella multocida, both derivatives of strain P1059, were compared for virulence for 14-week-old turkeys and sensitivity to turkey plasma. Strain P1059-1, a nalidixic-acid-resistant mutant of P1059 with an LD50 of approximately 10(3) colony-forming units (CFU), was more resistant to the bactericidal effects of fresh turkey plasma at 37 C than avirulent strain P1059-1A. P1059-1A, with an LD50 of approximately 10(8) CFU, is an acapsular variant of P1059-1 that spontaneously arose after prolonged passage on artificial medium. The bactericidal effect on P1059-1A was removed when turkey plasma was treated with heat or with zymosan, maneuvers that removed hemolytic complement activity from turkey plasma.  相似文献   

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