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近年来,人们经过不断的研究发现,锌在微量元素中生理功能最多,作用最广,是动物生命活动不可缺少的元素。机体锌缺乏时,由于含锌酶和需锌酶的活性降低,干扰机体正常的代谢,生长发育,内分泌及免疫等生理生化机能,从而导致人和动物发生一系列的会生长发育迟缓、繁殖机能下降、皮肤角化不全和脱毛病理变化。各种动物都能因缺锌而导致疾病。  相似文献   

含铜酶在反刍动物缺铜病中的诊断价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

含铜酶在反刍动物缺铜病中的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对与铜代谢有关的酶——铜蓝蛋白酶、细胞色素氧化酶、超氧化物酶岐化酶、胺氧化酶、赖氨酰氧化酶等的存在、测定、活性与作用进行了综述,对监测和诊断铜缺乏症或钼中毒有实用意义。  相似文献   

微量元素铜代谢研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
综述了微量元素铜在机体内的吸收、运转、细胞内的分布和排泄,铜的生物学功能,铜与畜禽健康,铜缺乏症,铜中毒症,铜的需要量与供给和影响饲料铜吸收利用的因素等方面的研究状况,强调了铜的生物学作用和畜禽健康,认为铜的基因调控机制应予深入研究。  相似文献   

铜在动物体内代谢的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
铜是人类和动物体内重要的微量元素之一,它不仅参与机体内蛋白质、氨基酸、核酸、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素等营养物质代谢,而且还在骨骼发育、生殖、免疫、凝血、生物膜的稳定性等生理机能中起着重要作用。本文综述了近年来铜在动物体内的吸收、转运、分布及排泄的研究进展,认为铜代谢及其平衡机制应予以深入研究。  相似文献   

锌参与动物骨代谢机理的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文就锌参与动物骨细胞核酸和蛋白质的代谢,调节生长因子的活性,参与骨折愈合,锌与骨质疏松的关系及锌对成骨和破骨细胞的影响等进行了综述,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

铜的生物学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

铜与畜禽健康衣翠玲(青海省畜牧兽医科学院,西宁,810003)早在1847年,Harless就指出软体动物血液内的铜有重要作用。1928年,铜被证实是动物体内的一种必需微量元素 ̄[1]。以后的研究证明,铜有极广泛的生物学作用,它与畜禽的造血、神经细胞...  相似文献   

杨颖  曲勃  高秀华  邢秀梅  戴娟 《饲料工业》2012,33(13):57-60
毛皮动物是以产毛皮为主的动物,主要包括水貂、狐狸、貉等,近年来我国毛皮动物的养殖日益增大,特别是人工饲养的毛皮动物数量大大增加。1934年,Todd等通过大鼠试验首次证实锌是动物营养所必需的微量元素之一。1928年,Hart发现铜作为生物必需的矿物质元素,并证实铜是鼠血红蛋白合成必不可少的元素,也是动物生长和预防临床和病理紊乱所必需的元素。铜、锌是毛皮动物生长发育和皮毛成熟的重要元素,对于其生产性能、毛皮质量和繁殖性能都有重要影响。文章主要阐述近些年来国内外毛皮动物在锌、铜等微量元素方面的研究状况及锌、铜对毛皮动物的影响。  相似文献   

铜对动物体内脂类代谢影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膳食中的胆固醇与动脉粥样硬化的关系,一直倍受医学界和消费者的关注。近3O多年来,消费者对膳食胆固醇的担心推动了畜牧业,特别是蛋鸡养殖业降低鸡蛋中胆固醇含量的研究目前国内外陆续有一些关于铜对动物胆固醇代谢具有调控作用的报道。  相似文献   

能量代谢包括能量合成代谢和能量分解代谢两方面.线粒体的电子呼吸链合成ATP,而线粒体解偶联蛋白形成质子漏极大地降低线粒体合成ATP效率,同时机体的离子转移也消耗相当部分的ATP.锌离子在线粒体与电子呼吸链复合体结合而影响酶活性,也影响一些离子转移酶.  相似文献   

铜是动物生长不可缺少的微量元素,具有多种生理功能.近年研究发现,铜在动物脂质代谢中起重要作用.现就铜在动物体内的吸收转运及对脂质代谢的影响等方面作一综述.  相似文献   

Effects of Escherichia coli on iron, copper, and zinc metabolism in chicks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present report describes the effects of Escherichia coli endotoxin and infection on kinetic changes of copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) levels in the transport (serum), storage (liver), and immune organs (spleen and bursa of Fabricius) of the chicken. During infection and endotoxin challenge, increased serum and bursal Cu were noted. Infection and endotoxin both led to a redistribution of Fe with a decrease in serum and an increase in the spleen. Infection decreased serum Zn and concomitantly increased hepatic and splenic Zn. Seven days postinfection, when recovery was well underway, hepatic and splenic Cu and splenic Zn were elevated. Hepatic Fe decreased with recovery, whereas splenic Fe increased. Endotoxin and infection changed trace element kinetics. The endotoxin produced tissue elemental alterations similar to the early stages of infection. This indicated that in early infection, some of the disease responses may be due to endotoxin, whereas the later responses may be due to other aspects of infection such as stress.  相似文献   

The value of estimates of trace element requirements or of data on tissue trace element content for identifying and controlling trace element-related disorders is often limited by inadequate data on the relationships of such criteria to physiological performance. Investigations of metabolic events initiating early pathological responses to deficiency are beginning to suggest more effective indicators of physiologically relevant abnormalities in trace element intake or status. Progress in studies of metabolic responses to deficiencies of copper, cobalt and zinc is reviewed.  相似文献   

The influence of variable zinc content (29.1, 250, 1,000 and 2,000 mg/kg of dry weight) in a basic diet containing 7.7 mg of copper/kg on the ability of weanling foals to maintain normal copper balance was investigated. Serum copper and zinc concentrations were monitored, and terminal hepatic copper and zinc contents were measured in 4 weanling foals fed the basic diet containing 29.1 mg of zinc/kg and in 2 foals each fed the higher-zinc diets. Foals fed the lower-zinc diets (29.1 and 250 mg/kg) maintained normal serum copper and zinc concentrations for 14 to 15 weeks, whereas those fed the 2 higher-zinc diets became hypocupremic within 5 to 6 weeks and were lame within 6 weeks, owing to cartilaginous disease characteristic of osteochondritis dissecans. Serum zinc concentration in the foals fed the 2 higher-zinc diets increased to greater than 2 micrograms/ml within 2 weeks. Foals fed the high-zinc diets became lame after serum copper concentration had remained at 0.3 micrograms/ml for greater than 1 week. Serum copper concentration in these arthritic foals was less than or equal to 0.2 micrograms/ml at the end of the study. In lame foals, fractures of the cartilage of the articular and growth physes occurred through the zone of hypertrophic cells, and varied from bilateral to unilateral and from small to large. Free masses and flaps of cartilage attached to one side were numerous.  相似文献   

微量元素铁、铜、锌、硒在动物生命活动中其中非常重要的作用,缺乏可导致动物患发一系列的病症。动物缺铁可导致其生长发育受阻及免疫力降低;铜缺乏时可有被毛稀疏、粗糙、缺乏光泽、弹性降低、颜色变浅等症状;缺锌时可表现鼻镜干燥,爪垫增厚或龟裂,被毛发育不良、易断;硒缺乏可表现被毛粗糙,骨骼肌变性、退色。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of weaning and the effect of increasing dietary zinc concentrations on the zinc and copper status of weaned piglets (study 1) and to study the effect of high concentrations of dietary zinc and/or copper on zinc and copper status of weaned piglets (study 2). Study 1 included 54 piglets (six litters of nine piglets). One piglet from every litter was killed 1 day before weaning. The remaining 48 piglets were allocated at weaning (28 days) to four dietary zinc treatments (100, 250, 1000 or 2500 ppm) and subsequently killed 1-2, 5-6 or 14-15 days after weaning. Study 2 included 48 piglets (six litters of eight piglets) allocated to four dietary treatments, consisting of low or high dietary zinc (100 or 2500 ppm) in combination with low or high dietary copper (20 or 175 ppm). All piglets in study 2 were killed 5-7 days after weaning. In both studies, the trace mineral status was assessed by zinc and copper concentrations and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity in plasma and mucosal tissue. In study 2, lymphocyte metallothionein (MT) mRNA and intestinal mucosa MT mRNA concentrations were included as zinc status markers. The results showed that the zinc status, measured as zinc in plasma and mucosa, was not affected by weaning of the piglets. Plasma copper concentrations decreased during the first 2 weeks after weaning. High dietary copper concentrations did not affect the concentration of copper in plasma, but increased the concentration of copper in mucosa and the concentration of zinc in plasma. The dietary zinc treatments increased the zinc concentration in plasma as well as the zinc and MT mRNA concentration in mucosa. Lymphocyte MT mRNA concentrations did not reflect the differences in dietary zinc supplementation.  相似文献   

寡果糖对动物生长代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了充分发挥动物的生长潜力 ,在日粮的配制上人们除了考虑营养素的平衡外 ,还广泛使用各种生长促进剂。目前国内外研究较多的是微生物生长促进剂、益生素等活菌制剂 ,但由于活菌制剂在贮藏、运输及进入动物消化道后受到的影响因素很多 ,故效果不稳定。近年来不少研究表明 ,在动物日粮中添加适量的寡果糖 ,可以促进动物生长 ,减少动物疾病的发生 ,提高饲料的利用效率。寡果糖具有耐热、稳定、无污染、无残留等良好的理化性质 ,其作用效果优于抗生素和益生素 ,被称为新型饲料添加剂 (刘晓牧 ,2 0 0 0 )。1 寡果糖的种类及特点寡果糖 (Fru…  相似文献   

试验选用120只1日龄鹅随机分成四组,A组喂以玉米、大豆为基础饲粮未加锌的饲料,另外3组在基础日粮中添加ZnSO4·H2O,使锌含量分别为40mg/kg(B组),110mg/kg(C组)和2000mg/kg(D组)。分别于15日龄、30日龄和55日龄测定铜锌超氧化物歧化酶(CuZn-SOD)活性和丙二醛含量变化。结果表明,在鹅血清和肝脏中,A、D组CuZn-SOD活性低于B、C组,C组的MDA含量在四组中最低。在整个试验过程中脾脏CuZn-SOD活性和MDA含量没有太大变化。该结果揭示了锌能影响鹅的抗氧化防御系统,锌添加量为110mg/kg时,可提高鹅抗氧化水平。  相似文献   

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