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A case of a disseminated algal infection is reported in a young rough-coated collie dog with progressive neurologic deficits, blindness, and hemorrhagic diarrhea. Prototheca zopfii organisms were cultured from feces, urine, and blood. At necropsy, granulomas containing typical organisms were identified within the proximal colon, heart, kidneys, and eyes.  相似文献   

Chronic abdominal distension in two female cats 2½ and 13 years old respectively was due to bilateral hydrometra. In both cases the condition resulted from absence of an internal cervical os with consequent accumulation of normal uterine secretions. The most likely cause was a segmental failure in the development of the Müllerian duct system.  相似文献   

Megaesophagus in two cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Megaesophagus was diagnosed in 2 cats. Both had a history of regurgitation, and one was dyspneic. Radiography of the thorax and abdomen revealed generalized megaesophagus and gastric distention with gas. There was no esophageal motility during fluoroscopic observation. The prognosis for cats with megaesophagus is guarded. Although they may be satisfactory pets, cats with this condition should not be used for breeding because the condition is believed to be inherited through recessive genes.  相似文献   

Lymphangiosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of the lymphatic endothelium that is rare in cats. This report describes two cases of feline lymphangiosarcoma that originated in the distal limb, causing intractable lymphoedema and serosanguineous discharge with ecchymoses in local and distant sites. In association with the neoplasia, one cat had cortical bone lysis of multiple metacarpal bones of the affected limb and the other had severe immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia (IMHA). The disease in both cases affected young cats and progressed rapidly. Persistent distal limb lymphoedema with serosanguineous discharge is suggestive of lymphangiosarcoma especially when local or distal ecchymoses are evident.  相似文献   

Infection with Trichosporon spp was diagnosed in 2 cats. In one cat, infection consisted of a granulomatous dermatitis and was concurrent with disseminated lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma. In another cat, urinary cystitis caused by T beigelii was diagnosed.  相似文献   

Two Domestic Shorthaired cats were admitted after sustaining multiligamentous injuries of the stifle joint. In one cat, prosthetic ligamentous reconstruction was unsuccessful at maintaining normal stifle stability. Both cats were treated with stifle arthrodesis using internal fixation with a plate and screws without external coaptation. In one case, arthrodesis was achieved using a 2.7 mm 16-hole dynamic compression plate placed medially. In the second case, a 2.7 mm 14-hole dynamic compression plate was placed cranially. No major complications were noted, and both cats were able to return to good levels of activity in the medium term.  相似文献   

Prostatic carcinoma in two cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clinical, radiological and pathological features of two cats with prostatic carcinoma are reported. In both cats the presenting history included signs of lower urinary tract disease with haematuria and dysuria. Prostatomegaly was visible radiographically in one cat; an irregular intraprostatic urethra was seen on retrograde contrast urethrography in both cats. In one of the cats, neoplasia was suspected on the basis of a transurethral catheter biopsy. Following a poor response to palliative treatment in both cases, euthanasia was performed with histological confirmation of the diagnosis.  相似文献   

Intratracheal neoplasia in two cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The occurrence of primary intratracheal tumours is regarded as a rarity in veterinary medicine. Two such cases are reported here; the differential diagnosis of intratracheal obstruction is reviewed.  相似文献   

Tracheal collapse in two cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two cats examined bronchoscopically to discover the cause of tracheal collapse were found to have tracheal obstruction cranial to the collapse. Cats with this unusual sign should be examined bronchoscopically to ascertain whether there is an obstruction, as the cause in these 2 cats was distinct from the diffuse airway abnormality that causes tracheal collapse in dogs.  相似文献   

Incisional biopsies from the oral cavity of 2 adult cats were submitted for histological investigation. Cat No. 1 showed a solitary well-circumscribed neoplasm in the left mandible. Cat No. 2 demonstrated a diffusely infiltrating neoplasm in the left maxilla. Both tumors consisted of medium-size epithelial cells embedded in a fibrovascular stroma. The mitotic index was 0 to 1 mitosis per high-power field. The epithelial cells showed an irregular arrangement forming nests or streams in cat No. 1, whereas a palisading growth was noted in cat No. 2. Both tumors, especially that of cat No. 1, showed multifocal accumulations of amyloid as confirmed by Congo red staining and a distinct green birefringence under polarized light, which lacked cytokeratin immunoreactivity as well as and AL and AA amyloid immunoreactivity. In addition, the amyloid in cat No. 2 was positive for the odontogenic ameloblast-associated protein, formerly termed APin. In sum, both cats suffered from an amyloid-producing odontogenic tumor, but their tumors varied with respect to morphology and type of amyloid produced.  相似文献   

External hydrocephalus describes an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) between the cerebral hemispheres and the overlying arachnoid membrane, rather than within the lateral ventricles. Two young cats with encephalopathic signs were diagnosed with external hydrocephalus, one via magnetic resonance imaging and one via computed tomography. Both cats had abnormally large, broad heads, with no evidence of open fontanelles. A surgical shunt was placed in each cat to divert the accumulated CSF within the cranial cavity to the peritoneal space. Both cats improved dramatically soon after surgical shunting was performed, and they continue to do well clinically, approximately 42 months and 8 months postoperatively, respectively.  相似文献   

Melioidosis was diagnosed in two cats at necropsy. The first cat presented with jaundice and anaemia but died of overwhelming sepsis soon after admission, despite blood transfusion and other supportive measures. The second cat died several days after developing neurological signs; an infected digital wound may have been the primary focus of infection in this patient. The cats had presumably acquired the infection in Malaysia and northern Australia, respectively, and in both cases disease may have represented reactivation of a latent infection brought on by the stress of relocation. The epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of melioidosis are discussed from a feline perspective.  相似文献   

Two cats were presented for neurological dysfunction from suspected metronidazole toxicity. One cat was receiving 111 mg/kg body weight per day of metronidazole for 9 weeks. After 9 weeks, the dose was increased to 222 mg/kg body weight per day, and 2 days later the cat began to experience progressive neurological signs that culminated in generalized seizures. The second cat was receiving metronidazole at a total dose of 58 mg/kg body weight per day for 6 months. This cat experienced acute onset of ataxia and alteration in mentation. Laboratory evaluations in both cases were without significant findings. The neurological signs in both cats resolved within days of initiating supportive therapy and withdrawal of the drug. This report describes the two cases and discusses the etiology of metronidazole neurotoxicosis.  相似文献   

Spontaneous pneumoperitoneum is an infrequently observed presentation in cats. This report details two cases of pneumoperitoneum in the cat. The first case was suspected to have been caused by a gastric perforation secondary to gastric lymphoma. The second case was caused by a perforated gastric ulcer in a cat that had been recently treated with corticosteroids and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.  相似文献   

A case of the autoimmune form of myasthenia gravis and a case of what is probably a congenital form of myasthenia gravis were diagnosed in 2 unrelated cats. Neuromuscular weakness exacerbated by exercise was a prominent feature in both cats. Weakness was eliminated temporarily by administration of anticholinesterase drugs. Serum autoantibodies to acetylcholine receptors of skeletal muscle were present in the 1st cat and were not detected in the 2nd cat. A characteristic decrement in the amplitude of the compound muscle action potential during repetitive stimulation of the motor nerve was elicited in the 2nd cat. There was marked electromyographic improvement in response to anticholinesterase drugs. Electromyography was not performed in the 1st cat.  相似文献   

The clinical, radiographic and echocardiographic features of two cases of pulmonic stenosis in cats are presented. A rarely reported combination of pulmonic stenosis and tricuspid valve dysplasia is described.  相似文献   

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