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陆面过程模型是连续模拟土壤水分的有效工具,然而输入数据及模型结构本身的不确定性会导致模拟误差在模型运行过程中不断积累。数据同化技术可以考虑模型不确定性,实时修正模型状态变量,进而提高土壤水分的模拟精度。本研究构建集合卡尔曼滤波(En KF,ensemble Kalman filter)数据同化方法,将其集成到水文强化陆面过程模型HELP(hydrologically-enhanced land process)中,对模型中土壤水分及表面温度等状态变量进行优化。模型选取山东位山生态水文观测站2006年的数据进行验证,采用未经同化的模型率定结果作为基准值。结果表明,数据同化后表层、根层、深层土壤水分模拟结果相比基准值均有提高,土壤含水量均方根误差减小30%~50%,证明采用数据同化方法能够有效提高土壤水分的模拟结果。  相似文献   

The millipore filtering technique, to enumerate soil Testacea (Coûteaux, 1967), was evaluated for use in testacean population studies in a cool temperate deciduous forest soil. The modifications tested were number of samples required, sample replication, and type and length of sample maceration. The millipore filtering technique was compared to the agar film technique, another direct observation technique used for the estimation of numbers of soil Testacea (Heal, 1964). The results showed that the number of species observed, the number of active and encysted Testacea and empty tests counted for each species, and the number of total Testacea were substantially greater using the millipore filtering technique.  相似文献   

Previous work in our laboratory showed that several bacterial strains, either singly or in association with other bacteria (community migration), were capable of migrating together with the saprotrophic fungus Lyophyllum sp. strain Karsten through soil microcosms. A possible involvement of the type III secretion system (TTSS) in migration was indicated. In this study, we addressed the basis of the community migration, which might lie in a migration helper effect exerted by particular single-strain migrators on other members of the community. Different culturing (plating) as well as culture-independent (PCR-DGGE) methods were applied to assess the effects of putative bacterial helpers in the migration. We used, as a model, the migration-proficient Burkholderia terrae BS001 as the canonical helper strain. PCR-DGGE analysis of the soil system with or without added strain BS001, revealed that the latter consistently stimulated the migration of different bacterial species through the soil. This was observed both following introduction of the organism to a bacterial community from soil and on the basis of a similar organism that was naturally present. One strain, Dyella japonica BS003, was identified as an avid comigrator with B. terrae BS001, although it appeared to lag behind the latter strain in its migration speed. Further examination of the B. terrae BS001/D. japonica BS003 interaction at Lyophyllum sp. strain Karsten hyphae showed that the presence of the D. japonica strain did not negatively affect the growth and migration of B. terrae BS001 with the fungus. A biofilm of B. terrae BS001 was formed on the fungal hyphal front, and we postulate a role for this biofilm in the migration helper effect.  相似文献   


A metal chelating exchange resin membrane was used to extract soil cadmium (Cd) and to evaluate the plant uptake of Cd from soils. Eight soils with widely varying properties and Cd levels were tested. Soil suspensions (4 g in 40 mL deionized water) were equilibrated with 5 cm2 Ca‐Chelex membrane which was retained inside a polypropylene bag and shaken at 150 rpm for 24 hrs. Resin membrane extractable Cd of the soils were correlated with Cd uptake by young wheat seedlings grown in these soils and compared with soil Cd extracted by several commonly used chemical extractants. The amounts of Cd extracted by the Ca‐Chelex membrane from all tested soils were correlated with those absorbed by young wheat seedlings or those extracted by the tested chemical extractants. The Ca‐Chelex membrane extractable Cd of the soil, however, had the strongest correlation with plant uptake Cd. It was demonstrated that the Ca‐Chelex membrane extraction is an appropriate method in estimating Cd phytoavailability of soil and is applicable to a wide range of soils.  相似文献   

In acidified forest soils, the coarse‐soil fraction is a potential nutrient source. Plant nutrient uptake from the coarse‐soil fraction is aided by ectomycorrhiza. Similarly, (recalcitrant) organic matter (OM) is an important nutrient source largely made plant‐available through (symbiotic) microorganisms, especially in the topsoil. We hypothesized that in a podzol profile, fungal hyphae would concentrate in nutrient hotspots, either OM or the coarse‐soil fraction. Absolute hyphal length, base saturation, and organic‐C content of a Podzol profile were determined in the fine‐earth and coarse‐soil fractions. In the fine‐earth fraction, hyphae were attracted by the organic‐C content and relative high base saturation. In the coarse‐soil fraction of the BhBs horizon, the absolute hyphal length exceeded the hyphal length in the fine earth by factor 3, yet C content and base saturation were lowest. We could not determine to what fungi the hyphae belonged. Most likely ectomycorrhiza, ericoid mycorrhiza and saprotrophic fungi dominate the upper soil layers of this profile and all utilize OM for nutrition. In the deeper mineral horizons and especially in the coarse‐soil fraction, ectomycorrhiza are better adapted than other fungi to harvest nutrients from inorganic sources. Additionally, favorable physical properties may explain the high amount of fungal hyphae in the coarse‐soil fraction of the BhBs horizon. Both the coarse‐soil fraction and deeper mineral soil horizons may play a more active role in microbial nutrient cycling than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Allelopathy is a biological phenomenon where plants have harmful effects on growth of surrounding plants through the production of chemical substances. Here we focus on allelochemical processes which operate belowground, can influence plant interactions and therefore potentially affect plant community structure. Soil hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) may enhance transport processes in the soil matrix by providing direct connections between plants facilitating infochemical exchange.In a two-component field study we showed that soil hyphae likely play a crucial role in movement of allelochemicals in natural soils and greatly expand bioactive zones by providing effective transport pathways for chemical compounds. First, we tested the effects of Juglans regia leaf litter extract addition in intact or disrupted hyphal networks and simultaneously determined growth reducing effects on sensitive Lycopersicon lycopersicum plants. Second, we analyzed the effect of juglone on tomato by directly adding leaf litter. In both approaches we found an increase of juglone transport if a hyphal network was present, resulting in reduced growth of target plants.Our results, together with previous work, add to the body of evidence for hyphae of soil fungi playing an important role in the transfer of allelochemicals and effectively acting as transport highways in the field. We suggest that hyphal connections, mostly formed by AMF, increase the effectiveness of allelochemicals in natural systems and can play a crucial role in chemical interaction processes in the soil.  相似文献   

An immunofluorescence assay (IFA) was used to compare the amount of extra-matrical hyphae of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus versiforme (Karst) Berch colonizing seedlings of White Cedar, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A. Murr.) Parl., with different root densities in three soil mixes. Restriction (binding) of the root mass with nylon screening decreased root density and also decreased the density of VAM hyphae detected per root length or per soil volume. Top growth of transplanted seedlings was not affected by root restriction. More VAM fungal external hyphae, determined by IFA and the sand aggregation method, formed in river sand than in silt loam with similar percentages of intraradical VAM colonization. More soil aggregates formed in silt loam than in sand regardless of the presence of VAM fungal hyphae. Depending on experimental design, the aggregation method for estimating VAM external hyphae may be limited to use in sandy soil. IFA reacted specifically with G. versiforme hyphae in mineral soil or sand, but was ineffective in peat soil due to nonspecific staining and autofluorescence of organic matter.  相似文献   

The relationships between roots and soil communities are not well understood. We used the ingrowth-core method with L-, FH-, and M-layer substrates to investigate the relationships among soil organic carbon, fine root biomass, hyphal length and the numbers of soil microarthropods. The study was carried out in a temperate forest of the arbuscular mycorrhizal conifer, Chamaecyparis obtusa. The relationships among fine roots, fungi and soil microarthropods were different among soil substrates and faunal taxa. Soil carbon contents, fine root biomass, hyphal length and soil-microarthropod numbers were the highest in the FH-substrate, and the lowest in the M-substrate. For each substrate, the total numbers of soil microarthropods did not positively correlated with soil organic carbon. A positive correlation between fine root biomass and the soil microarthropod numbers was significant only in the M-substrate, but not in the L- and FH-substrates. In M-substrates, strong positive correlations were found between fine root biomass or hyphal length and Mesostigmata or Oribatida numbers, but Collembola numbers were not corelated. Further studies of the regulation mechanism of soil food web structures should note that the soil microarthropods have different responses to C sources according to soil conditions and trophic interactions.  相似文献   


Evaporation rates and drying times of soil samples exposed to high fluxes of unipolar air ions of either polarity, produced by corona electrodes, were studied with a beta‐ray gauge. Ion‐treated soils dried more than three times faster than the control samples under the same laboratory conditions. An analysis of the experimental curves on Rideau clay showed evaporation rates of 2.96 x 10‐4and 8.84 x 10‐4g cm‐2min‐1for control and treated samples, respectively, when exposed to 4.39 x 1012negative air ions cm‐2s‐1. An objective criterion was defined for a state of soil dryness when the sample acquired a steady‐state value of transmission of beta particles with time. Electric wind caused by the ionic drag is proposed as the principal driving force for the enhancement of evaporation rates from soil samples used.  相似文献   

高光谱估算土壤有机质含量的波长变量筛选方法   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:11  
土壤高光谱数据量大、波段维数高,存在光谱信息无效、冗余和重叠现象,导致基于全波段构建的土壤有机质含量反演模型不稳定、精度难以提升。因此,探寻筛选关键波长变量的方法,通过滤除干扰、冗余、共线信息,提高模型预测性能,是目前土壤高光谱研究的热点之一。该文对江汉平原公安县的土壤样本进行室内理化分析、光谱测量与处理等工作获取了实证数据,采用无信息变量消除法(uninformative variables elimination,UVE)剔除无效变量,利用竞争性自适应重加权算法(competitive adaptive reweighted sampling,CARS)滤除冗余变量,运用连续投影算法(successive projections algorithm,SPA)消除共线变量,并尝试将不同类型的筛选方法进行耦合筛选关键波长变量,应用偏最小二乘回归(partial least squares regression,PLSR)分别建立土壤有机质含量估算模型,对比各种变量筛选方法的优缺点,最终,构建筛选土壤高光谱数据关键变量的方法体系。研究结果表明,除SPA方法的模型精度低于全波段外,其他6种变量筛选方法的建模效果均优于全波段;在3种单个变量筛选方法中,CARS方法优于UVE、SPA变量筛选方法,能有效地筛选出重要波长变量,其预测集相对分析误差RPD值为2.84;综合比较各种变量筛选方法,发现CARS-SPA方法从全波段2 001个波长中筛选出37个特征波长建立的土壤有机质含量的PLSR模型效果最好,其模型预测集的决定系数R2和相对分析误差RPD值分别为0.92、3.60,所选波段仅为全波段的1.85%。CARS-SPA-PLSR模型简单、预测效果好,可作为该区域土壤有机质含量估测的重要方法,对今后土壤近地传感器设备的开发具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

Glomalin is a recently discovered glypoproteinaceous substance produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) that plays an important role in structuring soil. We quantified soil fungal hyphal length and glomalin content at vegetated and open microsites in Stipa tenacissima steppes of SE Spain. Soils underneath the canopy of S. tenacissima had higher glomalin pools compared to open microsites. We also found significant differences between sites, suggesting the presence of landscape level heterogeneity in glomalin concentration. Soil fungal hyphal length also differed significantly among the sites, but there was no significant effect of microsite. Water-stable aggregates (1-2 mm diameter; WSA1-2 mm), however, while differing among sites, did not vary as a function of microsite. Furthermore, WSA1-2 mm was negatively correlated with glomalin fractions, as well as soil organic C. Carbonates were likely the major binding agents in these carbonate-rich (average carbonate content: 71%) soils, and not organic C (including glomalin). AMF-mediated stabilization of soil aggregates did not contribute to the formation and maintenance of fertile islands underneath the canopy of S. tenacissima.  相似文献   

Here we report on the frequency of melanized fungal hyphae in 323 soils, covering different land use types. The proportion of total hyphae that was melanized averaged 61%. Arable fields with loamy sand, heathlands and city parks on sandy soils had the highest percentage of melanized hyphae. In addition to the frequency determinations, a microcosm study was performed on the role of melanized hyphae in two different ecosystems: an ex-arable field and a forest. Melanized hyphae appeared to be part of the active hyphae in the forest soil but not in the ex-arable soil. In conclusion, our results indicate that (1) melanized hyphae represent a large proportion of the total fungal biomass in soils and that (2) their function might differ between ecosystems.  相似文献   

Accurate measurement of the free metal ion is difficult, especially for trace metals present in very small concentrations (less than micromolar) in natural systems. The recently developed Donnan membrane technique can measure the concentrations in solution in the presence of inorganic and organic complexing agents. We have developed this method further to make it applicable for analysing soil samples. The major development is the linkage of a soil column with the Donnan cell. The operational aspects of the method, including equilibrium time, buffering capacity and correction for differences in ionic strength, were investigated and optimized. The method was applied to determine concentrations of free Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ in the soil solution of 15 soil samples (pH 2.9–7.1, organic C < 2.9–137.4 g kg?1, clay 0.2–51.6%). Compared with other speciation methods, the Donnan membrane technique has the advantage of allowing the measurement of several elements simultaneously and it minimizes the disturbance of substrate. The detection limit of the technique is about 10?9 m . This method can be applied to study the biogeochemical behaviour of metals in soils, sediments and other solid materials.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2006,33(3):350-365
The aim of this paper was to investigate the effects of soil conditions and distance from a host plant on the ability of hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi to grow and colonise a new host. Two glasshouse experiments were conducted using compartmented pots. The first investigated the effects of distance between a colonised and uncolonised host plant (Trifolium subterraneum L.) and average pore size of the growth substrate (100 μm, 38 μm) on the ability of two AM fungi, G. intraradices and G. mosseae, to colonise a new host plant. The second experiment determined if the pore size of the substrate (100 μm, 38 μm) affected the growth of AM fungi in the absence of a new host. In Experiment 1, both G. mosseae and G. intraradices grew successfully through the two sand substrates and colonised new host plants. Both fungi reached and colonised new hosts fastest when hosts were separated by the shortest distance (2.5 cm), with largest pore size substrate (100 μm). G. mosseae produced more external hyphae per unit of colonised root and colonised new host plants more rapidly than G. intraradices. However, receiver plants colonised by G. mosseae exhibited a negative mycorrhizal growth response following colonisation. Experiment 2 showed that G. mosseae grew further from its host than G. intraradices. The results support the theory that some AM fungal species may produce large amounts of external hyphae primarily to increase the probability of locating and colonising a new host plant.  相似文献   

Four fungicides, Captan, Dicloran, Thiram and Verdasan were applied at 28-day intervals for 12 consecutive months and their effects on soil fungal numbers and the incidence of individual species were studied. Immediately after application, these fungicides reduced the number of fungal propagules in soil by 23, 11, 36 and 50% respectively compared with control. Captan- and Dicloran-treated soils were rapidly recolonised within 7 days of the application of fungicides. The effects of Thiram and Verdasan were more persistent: the fungal numbers in soils treated with these fungicides did not recover sufficiently to reach control levels throughout the sampling period. Fewer species of fungi were isolated from Thiram- and Verdasan-treated soils than from Captan- and Dicloran-treated soils. Chrysosporium pannorum (Link) Hughes was the principal species isolated from Verdasan-treated soil and the fungus was isolated in increased numbers immediately after application of Verdasan than on subsequent sampling days. Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fres.) de Vries, Mortierella minutissima van Tiegh, Trichocladium asperum Harz, Trichoderma hamatum (Bon.) Bain, and Zygorhynchus moelleri Vuill. were found to be generally tolerant of all four fungicides. However, Botryotrichum piluliferum Sacc. and Marchai, Gliocladium roseum Bain., Humicola fusco-atra Traaen, Sepedonium chrysospermum (Bull.) Link ex Fr., and Trichoderma viride Pers. ex Fr. were generally intolerant of the fungicides but rapidly recolonised the treated soils. While the concentrations of Captan and Dicloran used were fungistatic to T. viride, Thiram and Verdasan were fungicidal.  相似文献   

The side effects of fluazifop-butyl on soil fungal populations and oxygen uptake were studied by incubating soil samples with a range of fluazifop-butyl concentrations (0, 0.6, 3 and 6 μg g?1) over 8 weeks. Cellulose decomposition in soil was also studied in laboratory experiments with the herbicide which was either incorporated in soil or sprayed onto calico squares which were buried in soil. The mycelial dry weight of six fungal species under the effect of the herbicide was also examined. Fluazifop-butyl had no significant effect on total fungal propagule populations at 0.6 μg g?1. At 3 and 6 μg g?1, it caused temporary reduction in fungal populations observed after 1 and 2-wk of incubation. The herbicide had no significant effect on OZ uptake. The decay of calico buried in herbicide-treated soil was generally stimulated, while the decomposition of herbicide-treated calico, buried in untreated soil, was temporary delayed. The mycelial dry weight yields of Aspergillus favus (at 2 and 12 μg mL?1 of fluazifop-butyl) and Cunninghamella echinulata (at 12 μg mL?1) were significantly increased. At 24 μg mL?1 the mycelial dry weight of A. flavus and Alternaria alternata was significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) influence soil aggregate stability through their hyphae, roots, and glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP); however, the individual effect of these factors is difficult to distinguish. Pots separated by a 37-μm mesh bag buried in the middle of each pot was used to establish root zone (root + hyphae) and hyphae zone (roots free), where the Poncirus trifoliata seedlings were colonized by Funneliformis mosseae or Paraglomus occultum in root zone. AMF inoculation significantly increased shoot, root, and plant’s total biomass, soil organic carbon, GRSP fractions, 2–4 and 1–2 mm size water-stable aggregates, and mean weight diameter (MWD) in root or hyphae zone. Within root zone, root colonization and biomass presented stronger relationship with MWD than GRSP fractions. While, within hyphae zone, total of GRSP fraction was significantly correlated with MWD. The study, suggested further that root biomass and colonization were the main mechanisms in root zone for improving aggregate stability, whereas total of GRSP fractions was of paramount importance in hyphae zone. Mycorrhizal effect on aggregate stability was observed to be contrastingly different between root zone and hyphae zone.  相似文献   


A technique is described for the correction of abnormally high iron concentrations measured by X‐ray fluorescence spectrometry in alfalfa tops contaminated with soil. By adding to alfalfa samples, known amounts of different soils representative of the textural types occurring in the sampling area, the concentration of iron and aluminium in the contaminating soil was determined by subtracting the concentrations of the elements in the uncontaminated controls. A single regression equation relating concentrations of iron in the contaminating soil as a function of soil aluminium was suitable for correcting iron concentrations measured in all plants contaminated with soils of a loamy texture. Another regression equation was derived to correct values of iron in plants contaminated with sandy soils.  相似文献   

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