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An Austrian isolate of potato virus YNTN, the causal agent of potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease (PTNRD), was serologically compared with seven Dutch PVYN isolates. Using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, it was found indistinguishable from PVYN. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of the coat protein cistron and comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with coat protein sequences of other potyviruses revealed a high level of homology with PVYN coat protein sequences. This confirmed the close taxonomic relationship of PVYNTN with the PVYN subgroup of potato virus Y. PVYNTN is able to overcome all resistance genes known so far in commercial potato cultivars. Remarkably, transgenic PVY-protected tobacco plants are also resistant to PVYNTN infection upon mechanical and aphid-mediated inoculation. These experiments indicate that genetically engineered resistance offers great potential in protection of potato to new aggressive strains of PVYN.  相似文献   

Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is a major limiting factor to cucurbit production worldwide. One zucchini sample showing symptoms of leaf mosaic and fruit ringspot was collected from Ji’nan city of Shandong province. Primary experiments showed that the sample was infected with PRSV, which was designated as PRSV-SD accordingly. The complete genomic fragment of PRSV-SD was obtained with RT-PCR. The results of sequencing showed that the full genomic sequence of PRSV-SD was 1 0337 nucleotides (nt) excluding the 3′- terminal poly (A) tail. The 5′- and 3′-untranslated regions (UTR) were 90 and 206 nt, respectively. The putative polyprotein was 3 346 amino acids in length. Comparison of the PRSV-SD isolate with 18 other PRSV isolates revealed that they shared nucleotide identities of 82.1%~89.3% at the complete genomic levels and amino acid identities of 90.6%~94.7% for the polyprotein. No recombination was detected throughout the genome of PRSV-SD. Phylogenetic analysis with complete genomic sequences indicated that the PRSV isolates were clustered into two major groups: Asia and America and PRSV-SD was clustered to the Asia group. Selection pressure analysis revealed that all of the 11 proteins of PRSV-SD were under negative selection, but positive selection sites were detected in P1, P3, 6K1, NIa-pro and NIb. Our research results provide a theoretical foundation for the detection and prevention of PRSV. Key words:Papaya ringspot virus; complete genomic sequence; phylogenetic analysis; selection pressure; recombination 中图分类号:S436.429; Q939.46 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0412-0914(2018)02-0285-04 番木瓜环斑病毒(Papaya ringspot virus,PRSV)属于马铃薯Y病毒科(Potyviridae)马铃薯Y病毒属(Potyvirus)[1]。根据寄主范围可划分为P和W 2个株系,其中P株系侵染番木瓜(Carica papaya L.)和葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)作物,而W株系只侵染葫芦科作物,两者血清学反应密切相关。PRSV可引起植株叶片褪绿、花叶、卷曲等症状,在果实表面形成环斑。 PRSV于20世纪40年代末在美国首次报道,目前该病毒在巴西、印度、波兰等国均有发生[2]。2000~2001年,PRSV使我国海南番木瓜损失严重。2005年以来,我国广东、四川先后检测到PRSV侵染罗汉果、苦瓜等葫芦科作物[3]。2016年从山东西葫芦上检测到PRSV,该分离物属于W株系[4]。我国关于PRSV进化的研究大多集中于P株系,有关W株系全基因组序列分析的报道相对较少。为了进一步研究我国PRSV-W株系的基因组特性,为PRSV的监测预警提供依据,我们测定了PRSV山东分离物的全基因组序列,并进行了核苷酸和氨基酸序列一致率、重组、系统发育和基因选择压力分析。 2期黄显德,等:番木瓜环斑病毒山东分离物的全基因组序列分析 植物病理学报48卷 1 材料与方法 1.1 材料 发病西葫芦样品采自山东省济阳县。大肠杆菌DH5α由本实验室保存。植物总RNA提取试剂盒TRIzol、DNA凝胶回收试剂盒等均购自北京全式金公司;Taq DNA聚合酶、 pMD18-T克隆载体等购自TaKaRa公司;SuperScriptTM Ⅳ逆转录酶购自Invitrogen公司。其他生化试剂及普通化学试剂均为进口或国产分析纯。 1.2 实验方法 1.2.1 扩增策略及引物合成 根据GenBank中PRSV基因组序列,设计引物分4段扩增基因组序列。根据所得序列设计5′-RACE引物扩增5′-端片段。测序后用SeqMan拼接得到全基因组序列。所用引物详见表1。 1.2.2 植物总RNA提取及RT-PCR扩增 按照RNA提取试剂盒说明书进行植物总RNA提取。以总RNA为模板,用随机引物反转录合成cDNA。通过4次PCR和5′-RACE扩增PRSV-SD基因组片段。 1.2.3 克隆及序列测定 电泳分离PCR产物,切胶回收后连接到pMD18-T载体上,转化E. coli DH5α感受态细胞,挑选阳性克隆进行核苷酸测序。  相似文献   

A virus was recovered by sap transmission from plants of several citrus species exhibiting or not symptoms of chlorotic dwarf (CCD), a disease recently reported from Eastern Mediterranean Turkey. The virus was identified as an isolate of olive latent virus 1 (OLV-1), originally described as a possible sobemovirus. The citrus isolate of OLV-1 (OLV-1/Tk) possesses biological, morphological, physico-chemical, and ultrastructural properties similar, if not identical to those of the OLV-1 type strain and is also serologically indistinguishable from it. In addition, OLV-1/Tk has many properties, especially physico-chemical, in common with serotypes A and D of tobacco necrosis necrovirus (TNV-A and TNV-D). However, OLV-1/Tk is only very distantly related serologically to both TNV-A and D, suggesting that it can be regarded as a distinct species in the genusNecrovirus. OLV-1/Tk could not be detected in citrus tissues by ELIS A or dot-blot molecular hybridization, probably because of the extremely low virus concentration. By contrast, limited virus recovery was obtained by sap inoculation and fair detection rates were afforded by PCR. OLV-1/Tk was identified in 54 of 92 (59%) citrus plants affected by CCD and in 14 of 49 (28%) symptomless plants. These results do not support the notion that there is a cause-effect relationship between OLV-1/Tk and CCD, even though the more frequent association of this virus with diseased plants remains intriguing.  相似文献   

Filamentous flexous partic les of unusual morphology, previously associated with several ringspot isolates, were detected also in psorosis A and psorosis B isolates by serologically specific electron microscopy using an antiserum to citrus ringspot. Upon partial purification of six ringspot, six psorosis A, and three psorosis B isolates, a specific protein of 47 kDa was detected in most cases, but two isolates (one psorosis A and one ringspot) had a 46 and a 48 kDa-protein, respectively. These differences in molecular masses were observed when purification was done from different host species or from plants co-inoculated with two isolates differing by their protein size. The three types of protein were serologically related in Western blots. Our results indicate that a common virus with different strains may be involved in psorosis A, psorosis B, and ringspot diseases.  相似文献   

Biological diversity of citrus ringspot isolates in Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eight isolates of citrus ringspot were selected by symptoms induced in field trees and compared with a citrus psorosis isolate for symptom expression on several citrus species under temperature-controlled glasshouse conditions. Symptom expression in each host-isolate combination was quantified by a pathogenicity index (PI) that considered symptom intensity and the number of plants showing each symptom. A general pathogenicity index (GPI) was defined for each isolate as a weighted mean of the different PI. A wide range of symptoms could be observed depending on host-isolate combination and incubation temperature. On the basis of symptoms induced in the glasshouse, cross protecting reaction against psorosis B challenge inoculation, mechanical transmissibility to Chenopodium quinoa , and presence of a c. 48-kDa protein associated to fractions of a sucrose gradient infective on C. quinoa (Navas-Castillo et al, 1993), six of the ringspot isolates (RS-ALC, RS-SOR, RS-GR, RS-INV, RS-CV and RS-SR) could not be distinguished from the psorosis isolate used as control, whereas the other two isolates (RS-ALM and RS-BUR) were clearly different. Field symptoms induced by these two isolates also differed from those induced by psorosis or by the other ringspot isolates.  相似文献   

A survey for citrus tristeza virus (CTV) strains, based on double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) analysis, was carried out in five locations on the eastern citrus-growing area of Spain. CTV was recovered from 137 trees of different ages, citrus species and varieties, sampled in 53 orchards. The best months for dsRNA recovery were April, May, September, October, and November, and the highest dsRNA yield was obtained from sweet orange cultivars. Sixteen dsRNA profiles differing by the number and/or position of subgenomic bands were detected. One of these profiles was detected in more than half the trees analysed. Maximum diversity of dsRNA patterns was found in the location with the oldest citrus orchards and the highest CTV incidence (Alzira-Carcaixent). In many instances, several dsRNA profiles were detected in neighbouring trees of the same orchard, notably in Alzira-Carcaixent, where 70% of the plots sampled contained more than one profile. The possible causes for the diversity of CTV isolates found in this specific area are discussed.  相似文献   

Severe mosaic accompanied by leaf and fruit deformation symptoms was observed on banana plants growing in three banana farms of Uttar Pradesh, India. The disease incidence was approximately 18–25% at these locations during the three successive years from 2005 to 2007. The occurrence of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was initially detected by bioassay, electron microscopic observations, Western blot immunoassay and RT-PCR. For molecular identification of virus, the RNA 1a, RNA 2b and RNA 3 genomic fragments were amplified by RT-PCR and sequenced. The sequence analysis of these genomic fragments revealed its highest identities and close relationships with Indian strains of CMV of subgroup IB; therefore, virus associated with the mosaic disease of banana was identified as an isolate of CMV of subgroup IB. In the limited reports existing from India, which provided preliminary serological or only coat protein-based identification of CMV infecting banana but the comprehensive studies were lacking. In the present communication, we present a detailed biological, serological and molecular characterization of CMV-Banana for the first time from India.  相似文献   

Tomato black ring virus (TBRV) and beet ringspot virus (BRSV) are closely related but distinct members of subgroup B of the genus Nepovirus. Both viruses have broad host ranges and are transmitted by seed, pollen, and ectoparasitic nematodes. Although 13 TBRV and 3 BRSV genome sequences were already available, no attempt has been made to link sequence data from these recent sequences with those of historical isolates studied in the pre-sequencing era. High-throughput sequencing was used to generate eight new TBRV and BRSV genome sequences from three historical >60-year-old and two >30-year-old isolates, and three more recent isolates. These eight isolates were from the Czech Republic, Germany, and the UK. We compared these with all genomes sequenced previously. Intraspecies recombination (three of four TBRV and two of four BRSV isolates) was frequent amongst the eight new genomes. Interspecies recombination was also present within the RNA1 of TBRV isolates BRSV-3393 SG GB and BRSV-9888 ST GB. No satellite RNAs were associated with the eight new genomes. Two commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits used to detect TBRV during routine testing differed in that one detected only TBRV and the other only BRSV, so they are likely to provide incorrect but potentially complementary virus occurrence information. We suggest both ELISA kits, or appropriate molecular tests, be used by biosecurity authorities to avoid this problem. This study illustrates the value of sequencing historical isolates preserved from the pre-sequencing era.  相似文献   

The biological and molecular relationships between a large number of Potato virus Y (PVY) isolates were examined, concentrating mainly on isolates associated with potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease (PTNRD). Following detailed analysis of the coat-protein gene, four main groups were identified which broadly corresponded to the phenotype of the different isolates. The groups comprised the ordinary strain (PVYO), the necrotic strain (PVYN), the C strain (PVYC) and a group of recombinant (between ordinary and necrotic) isolates. In the latter group, all members were associated with PTNRD. However, four nonrecombinant isolates were also identified which were associated with PTNRD or tuber necrosis. Three were from tubers showing PTNRD symptoms in the field, while the fourth originated from symptomless tubers, but could cause necrotic rings on tubers under glasshouse conditions. The results show that although coat-protein recombination is always found associated with the PTNRD phenotype, some nonrecombinant isolates have very similar biological properties.  相似文献   

6种柑橘类植物对柑橘衰退病毒分离株TR-L514变异的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 柑橘衰退病毒(Citrus tristeza virus,CTV)存在复杂的株系分化现象,运用弱毒株交叉保护防治柑橘衰退病时需了解不同类型柑橘对CTV构成的影响。作者将CTV分离株TR-L514嫁接接种到6类柑橘植物上获得了18个亚分离株,并对这18个亚分离株和TR-L514进行了指示植物鉴定,p25基因的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)和单链构象多态性(SSCP)分析,p23基因的序列比较。结果表明,CTV株系对不同柑橘类植株的适应性存在差异。TR-L514嫁接到不同柑橘类植株其构成会发生变化,在甜橙上可以同时检测出p25//HinfⅠ RFLP第1和6组群,并具有比在其它4类柑橘上更为复杂的SSCP谱型构成,因此甜橙可能更适宜于CTV的增殖。TR-L514及18个亚分离株的p23基因序列差异可能与不同类柑橘植株的适应性有关。  相似文献   

DAS—ELISA检测香石竹环斑病毒   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用碱性磷酸酶标记的抗体进行DAS-ELISA试验,检测香石竹环斑病毒的灵敏度可达4ng/ml的提纯病毒或10^-4倍稀释的克利夫兰烟的病汁液。在检测人工接种的Dianthus spp.的5个品种时,有2个品种在接种7天后还没有表现症状,但DAS-ELISA检测为阳性反应。  相似文献   

Transmission of tobacco ringspot virus by thrips   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M Messieha 《Phytopathology》1969,59(7):943-945

ABSTRACT The aphid transmission properties of a pepper isolate of potato virus Y belonging to the pathotype 1-2 (PVY 1-2) have been characterized. PVY 1-2 was not transmitted in plant-to-plant experiments, although purified virus particles were efficiently transmitted when supplemented with heterologous helper component (HC) of the transmissible isolate PVY 0 AT through membrane acquisition assays, indicating that its coat protein was functional in transmission. Additionally, virions of PVY 1-2 were able to bind to different HCs in in vitro binding assays. Analysis of the sequence of the PVY 1-2 HC gene and comparison with that of PVY 0 AT revealed 19 nucleotide differences, but only 2 resulted in amino acid changes, one of which induced a change of charge. Neither of these two amino acid changes occurred within the cysteine-rich domain, nor did they coincide with conserved motifs of the HC protein known to be involved in aphid transmission and which are present in all known potyvi-ruses. However, both changes are located in positions highly conserved among PVY strains. The possible role of both mutations on the activity of the PVY 1-2 HC in aphid transmission is discussed.  相似文献   

齿兰环斑病毒与建兰花叶病毒分子检测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
齿兰环斑病毒(Odontoglossum ringspot virus,ORSV)与建兰花叶病毒(Cymbidium mosaic virus, CyMV)是严重危害兰科植物的两种主要病毒。本研究根据病毒外壳蛋白基因设计特异性引物,应用ELISA、普通RT-PCR、巢式RT-PCR和免疫捕获RT-PCR4种方法进行了检测研究与比较。结果表明:普通RT-PCR与ELISA方法检测灵敏度相当;巢式RT-PCR检测灵敏度要比普通RT-PCR与ELISA方法高出104倍以上;免疫捕获RT-PCR检测灵敏度介于普通RT-PCR和巢式RT-PCR之间。采用巢式RT-PCR方法对我国台湾进境的蝴蝶兰植株样本检测,1号样本出现与阳性对照一致的特异条带。双向测序分析,扩增产物序列与ORSV外壳蛋白基因具有100%的同源性,表明1号蝴蝶兰样本携带ORSV。  相似文献   

香石竹环斑病毒的分子检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈定虎  于顺 《植物检疫》1997,11(5):257-260
试验具体研究了两类不同性质的cDNA探针对香石竹环斑病毒的检测效果。毒源由中国农业大学植物病毒室提供,繁殖于苋色藜Chenopodiumamaranticolor上,提纯该病毒,然后抽提其核酸RNA,将RNA多聚腺苷化后,以Oligo(dT)为引物,反转录合成cDNA,补平后与载体连接,转化大肠杆菌,获得阳性克隆,用32P和光敏生物素分别标记cDNA制作探针,与CRSV及其RNA进行点杂交,结果表明,两类不同性质的探针在检测RNA水平上具有相同的灵敏度,其检测极限均达到1ng/ml,并对二类探针进行了比较。  相似文献   

The present study shows that a large range of potato cultivars (29/33 tested), widely grown in the world, are susceptible to potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease caused by potato virus Y. The three factors studied in this work, which proved to influence the level of tuber necrosis reaction, were, first, the plant genotype, since varietal behaviour exhibited large differences; second, the virus genotype, since variations of virulence occurred between the four isolates tested; and third, the environmental conditions, as shown by the different rates of tuber necrosis obtained under contrasting conditions of temperature as much during the growing period as during storage. Three of the cultivars tested, Spunta, Maris Piper and Thalassa, failed to produce necrotic tubers, although infected with a virulent tuber-necrosing isolate. This result, following observations on the inheritance of the tuber necrosis trait, suggests that at least a major dominant gene controls this reaction in non-sensitive cultivars. On the other hand, the extreme resistance genes ( Ry ) provide a good resistance to virus infection, thus, preventing tuber necrosis under field conditions.  相似文献   

烟草环斑病毒无侵染性组分的分离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用10%~40%的蔗糖梯度离心,将烟草环斑病毒无侵染性的病毒组分分开,获得了具抗原性但无侵染性的病毒外壳,可作为酶联免疫吸附试验中的阳性对照,避免了检疫危险性的病毒扩散到环境中。  相似文献   

 槟榔坏死环斑病(ANRSD)是近年来海南槟榔主产区发生广泛、危害严重的病毒病害,发病植株叶片表现严重坏死环斑、树势衰退,疑似与马铃薯Y病毒科(Potyviridae)槟榔坏死环斑病毒(areca palm necrotic ringspot virus, ANRSV)相关。本研究从海南定安槟榔种植区发现感病植株叶部表现轻微稀疏褪绿斑的病毒分离物(ANRSV-DAT),对其基因组序列全长克隆和分析。ANRSV-DAT与先前报道的强毒分离物ANRSV-XC1基因组核苷酸(nt)序列及其编码融合蛋白氨基酸(aa)序列的同源性分别为90.68%和97.91%;两者的融合蛋白之间存在63个aa变异,不同程度地分布在10个顺反子中(HCPro1、HCPro2、P3、7K、CI、9K、NIa-VPg、NIa-Pro、NIb和CP)。与ANRSV-XC1显著不同的是,ANRSV-DAT的5'非翻译区的5'末端缺失95-nt序列。该缺失序列是否导致ANRSV-DAT毒性弱化有待进一步研究。本研究报道的ANRSV轻症型分离株,以期为筛选弱毒株及后续交叉保护防治ANRSV提供重要宝贵材料。  相似文献   

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