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在肯尼亚,大象经常成群结队糟蹋庄稼,为此,人们在农田周围修建了由简易蜂箱组成的"蜂巢篱笆".据悉,当大象惹怒蜜蜂时.蜜蜂就会倾巢而出,专拣大象最脆弱的双眼和鼻子螫,这让大象痛苦不堪,无计可施.吃过苦头后,大象对空空的蜂箱都望而生畏,退避三舍.  相似文献   

泰国大象保护中心见闻王军位于中南半岛的泰国,是大象(Elephasmaximus)分布较多的国家.在那里,大象是吉祥的象征,利用大象作为运输工具也由来已久。为了更好地保护和利用大象,泰国政府的森工组织于1969年在柯瓦厉克博士倡导下建立了大象保护中心...  相似文献   

大象与蚯蚓大象被蛇咬了,可蛇飞快地钻进地洞里,大象很郁闷,心想:小样,等到天黑,看你出来不!这时洞里钻出一蚯蚓,大象咣一脚踩上去:小子,你爹呢。  相似文献   

<正>幽默笑话看个够怎能不哭动物园的一头大象死了,管理员在旁边失声痛哭!游客们都说,他平日一定很喜欢这头象,所以不忍大象死去。一位知道内情的人说:"不,按规定,他要负责为大象挖  相似文献   

在众多的野生动物之中,大概只有大象,熊猫这样极少的种类能够博得人类几乎一致的珍爱。大象是力量、威严、善良、吃苦耐劳、任劳任怨的象征。据说,在几内亚语言中,大象是力大无穷的意思,常用它代表首领和民族的力量;在老挝国旗上画有几头大象的图案,而它的首都就取名“万象”。大象具有许多优良的品质,博得人们的喜爱。这一点人们似乎很早就认识到了。仅以我国来说,在极早的文化典籍中,就有有关大象的记述。例如《左传》中记载说;鲁定  相似文献   

史料记载,大象很早就成了人类的朋友,并成为人类有用的工具。大象非常聪明,能开辟场地,还能把死去的同伴安埋在落叶枯枝之中。大象寿命很长,一般能活到70岁左右,它在10岁到15岁性成熟,怀孕期长达22个月。大象分布极广,大约在四千万年以前,除了大洋洲和南极洲以外,各洲都有它的足迹,然而现在主要有亚洲象和非洲象两大类。大象吃得很多,长得也快。一头非洲公象很快  相似文献   

在非洲大陆前几年有大象不足70万头,而且每年以10%的速度在减少,所以大象种群的总数很快减少到50万头。出现这种现象的原因是多种多样的,大象栖息地的减少、偷猎,同时还有居民人口的迅速增加,由于旱灾造成的死亡,都在调节着大象的数量,  相似文献   

一根小小的柱子,一截细细的链子,拴得住一头千斤重的大象,这不荒谬吗?可这荒谬的场景在印度和秦国随处可见。那些驯象人,在大象还是小象的时候,就用一条铁链将它绑在水泥柱或钢柱上,无论小象怎么挣扎都无法挣脱。小象渐渐地习惯了不挣扎,直到长成了大象,可以轻而易举地挣脱链子时,也不挣扎。  相似文献   

眼镜蛇高度近视,和大象初次约会,客套一番后,眼镜蛇对着大象的鼻子说:“来就来吧,还牵这么大头猪来,你太客气了!”  相似文献   

南非国家森林公园最近动用了直升飞机,向雌性大象投射涂有避孕疫苗药物的箭镖,以控制大象的过快繁增,减少象群对森林植被的破坏。南非的野生大象在20世纪数量猛增至8500头左右,其中80%生存在南非克鲁格国家森林公园内,与此同时,公园内的森林植被受象群蹂躏成为一个严重的问题。  相似文献   

A disseminated infection caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies avium (MAA) was diagnosed in a 57-yr-old male Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) housed at the Seoul Zoo, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea. An apparent granulomatous inflammation with central caseous necrosis was evident in the lung sections. To confirm mycobacterial infection, polymerase chain reaction-restriction enzyme polymorphism analysis (PCR-RFLP) of the rpoB and hsp65 genes was performed from multiple organs and cultured bacteria. The PCR-RFLP revealed a M. avium subspecies. MAA was identified by multiplex PCR for detection of IS901 and IS1311. Thus, it is believed that MAA caused the disseminated infection in this case. Although the source of infection was not determined, the elephant may have become infected through contamination of soil and feed by free-living birds infected with MAA. This is the first reported case of disseminated infection due to MAA in a captive elephant in the Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

An Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) required general anesthesia for orthopedic foot surgery. The elephant was unable to lie down, so it was placed in a custom-made sling, administered i.m. etorphine hydrochloride in the standing position, and lowered to lateral recumbency. General anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane administered through an endotracheal tube. After surgery, the isoflurane anesthesia was terminated, with immobilization maintained with additional i.v. etorphine. The elephant was lifted to the vertical position, and the immobilizing effects of etorphine were reversed with naltrexone. The suspension system and hoist for the sling were designed specifically for the elephant house.  相似文献   

一只成年雄性亚洲象由于长期处于低温条件下饲养,已超出亚洲象所能忍受的“最低临界温度”,致全身性冻伤造成机体抵抗力降低,继而引发呼吸系统、消化系统等一系列病理变化,导致体温降低,卧地不起。经采取以纠正休克、改善心肾功能为主的治疗措施,补充能量、提高体温、增强机体抵抗能力,设法改变饲养环境,加强兽舍保温,经一周治疗后该象基本恢复正常。  相似文献   

Ketamine and xylazine were given to 55 southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) for stomach lavaging, and to three leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx). The elephant seals showed prolonged apnoea and two of them died owing to aspiration of stomach contents. Two of the leopard seals died from unknown causes. Tiletamine and zolazepam were given to five elephant seals and one leopard seal. Two of the elephant seals and the leopard seal died from unknown causes. Xylazine alone was administered to 34 leopard seals. Sedation was poor at low dose rates (less than 1.7 mg/kg) but four of the seals given higher dose rates died owing to the aspiration of stomach contents.  相似文献   

A traditional elephant training method was chosen to be modified by the use of xylazine as a sedative and muscle relaxant. Three elephant calves with different degrees of tameness were trained using xylazine. The drug was helpful in the training process. Xylazine made restraint of the elephants much easier and safer. During training, repeated doses of xylazine were used to prevent beatings, the wounds worsening and to pacify the elephants. The tamest elephant calf was punished less and took less time to be trained than the others. It is important to play with elephant calves to win their acceptance of man. A tame calf still needs training to learn about fettering, walking, sitting, etc. Elephants need to be considered man's working companions, and deserve sympathy and humane treatment.  相似文献   

A traditional elephant training method was chosen to be modified by the use of xylazine as a sedative and muscle relaxant.

Three elephant calves with different degrees of tameness were trained using xylazine. The drug was helpful in the training process. Xylazine made restraint of the elephants much easier and safer. During training, repeated doses of xylazine were used to prevent beatings, the wounds worsening and to pacify the elephants. The tamest elephant calf was punished less and took less time to be trained than the others.

It is important to play with elephant calves to win their acceptance of man. A tame calf still needs training to learn about fettering, walking, sitting, etc. Elephants need to be considered man' working companions, and deserve sympathy and humane treatment.  相似文献   

为解析象草(Pennisetum purpureum)适应低磷胁迫机理,本研究通过水培试验,分析了不同磷源处理对象草生长的影响,并利用同源克隆和cDNA末端快速扩增(rapid amplification of cDNA ends,RACE)技术,从象草中克隆了3个可能参与ATP利用的PA P基因.结果表明,在腺嘌呤核...  相似文献   

昆明动物园饲养的一头成年雄性亚洲象发生鼻子肿胀,不能通过鼻子饮水取食,对其鼻腔、眼睛和口腔分泌物进行细菌分离培养、镜检,诊断为败血性波氏杆菌感染。依据分离菌药敏试验,采取相应治疗措施,最终治愈该象。  相似文献   

象草细胞壁成分与干物质体外消化率关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以提高干物质体外消化率(IVDMD)为目标,在保持一定干物质产量的同时,通过研究象草细胞壁成分与消化率之间的关系,确定影响干物质体外消化率的细胞壁成分,为筛选高消化率象草育种材料和选育品种提供依据.结果表明:矮生多蘖、较高中蘖、较高少蘖以及高大少蘖型于物质体外消化率依次增加,细胞壁成分NDF、ADF、ADL、HEM、CEL含量则依次降低;第一次刈割时的叶片、茎鞘干物质体外消化率均明显高于第二次刈割,同一刈割时期的茎鞘干物质体外消化率显著高于叶片.叶片干物质体外消化率与NDF、CEL含量表现为显著或极显著负相关,茎鞘干物质体外消化率与NDF、ADF、CEL、ADL含量以及ADL/HEM、ADL/CEL、ADL/(HEM+CEL)比值之间表现为显著或极显著负相关.对IVDMD与细胞壁成分进行主成分分析可得两个较为稳定的主成分,一为ADL含量及ADL/CEL、ADL/(HEM+CEL)比值,二为HEM含量及HEM/CEL比值,因此认为ADL、HEM含量为象草细胞壁成分中影响干物质体外消化率的的主要因素.  相似文献   

在收获期将高丹草(Sorghum bicolor×Sorghumsudanese)、玉米(Zea mays)和象草(Penn isetum purpureum)3种C4禾本科牧草不同节位的茎秆、叶片和叶鞘分离,分别测定其粗蛋白(CP)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)、非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)含量以及...  相似文献   

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