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Of the approximately 30 extant species of pika (Ochotona; Ochotonidae; Lagomorpha), at least 23 occur in China. Of these, 8 are endemic, and 3 are classified as Endangered by the IUCN. Research into most Chinese species is scarce, and there is much to learn about basic aspects of their ecology. We reviewed the literature on the 23 Chinese Ochotona species, with the aim of highlighting knowledge gaps and biases in research allocation. Specifically, we identify (1) which pika species receive the most attention from researchers, (2) which topics are the most frequently studied, and (3) how well research satisfies conservation priorities. We covered a total of 879 articles, most of which were written in English or Chinese. Around 75% of all publications focused on the plateau pika Ochotona curzoniae. Seven species were represented by 10 or fewer publications each. Endangered and endemic species were particularly poorly represented. 204 papers treated pikas as a pest, while 13 studied conservation issues. Nine species were considered possible targets for pest control, including some poorly known endemics. We make some recommendations on how research into Chinese Ochotona could be improved, including: (1) recognizing that the current species-level taxonomy may be an ineffective way to prioritize conservation research in Ochotona, (2) directing more research toward threatened and endemic species, subspecies, and populations, (3) researching the ecosystem engineering effects of pikas, (4) collecting basic data on natural history of the many understudied species, and (5) researching threats, including climate change and pest control campaigns.  相似文献   

The existence of a trans‐boundary population of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) that inhabits the massifs of Tsagaanshuvuut (Mongolia) – Tsagan‐Shibetu (Russia) was determined through non‐invasive genetic analysis of scat samples and by studying the structure of territory use by a collared female individual. The genetic analysis included species identification of samples through sequencing of a fragment of the cytochrome b gene and individual identification using a panel of 8 microsatellites. The home range of a female snow leopard marked with a satellite Global Positioning System (GPS) collar was represented by the minimum convex polygon method (MCP) 100, the MCP 95 method and the fixed kernel 95 method. The results revealed insignificant genetic differentiation between snow leopards that inhabit both massifs (minimal fixation index [FST]), and the data testify to the unity of the cross‐border group. Moreover, 5 common individuals were identified from Mongolian and Russian territories. This finding clearly shows that their home range includes territories of both countries. In addition, regular movement of a collared snow leopard in Mongolia and Russia confirmed the existence of a cross‐border snow leopard group. These data support that trans‐boundary conservation is important for snow leopards in both countries. We conclude that it is crucial for Russia to study the northern range of snow leopards in Asia.  相似文献   

Historical records can provide important evidence of changes in distributions of wildlife species. Here we discuss the distribution of the tiger (Panthera tigris Linnaeus, 1758) over the past 2000 years in China based on 2635 historical records. We also compare tiger distributions outlined in these records with ecosystem type maps. Throughout this time period, tigers maintained a broad distribution across 7 biomes (from forests to deserts). However, in recent decades the range has been significantly condensed. Today, only 2 populations remain, neither of which is independently viable. Tigers have completely disappeared from the temperate broadleaf and mixed forests of central China, a region that was traditionally their most important biome in China. The continued presence of wild tigers in China is highly dependent on significant conservation measures.  相似文献   

近年来,人类活动范围不断扩大,对雪豹(Panthera uncia)所处高海拔生态系统侵入不断增加,对雪豹生存已造成威胁。准确掌握雪豹生境选择偏好与食源结构特征,可以完善雪豹基础研究,提高雪豹保护管理效率。因此于2019年7月对卧龙自然保护区内雪豹集中分布区域进行野外调查,研究雪豹对各生境因子的选择偏好情况;分析粪便组成,明确雪豹食源结构。结果显示:雪豹偏好于海拔3500—4500 m、坡度31°—45°且地形较为崎岖的无家畜活动区域,在坡位的选择上,雪豹偏好于山脊与上坡位,避开中、下坡位与山谷。在植被类型选择上,雪豹偏好草甸与高山流石滩,同时也会选择稀疏且基径较小的灌丛。雪豹倾向于选择草本植物稀疏,低矮的区域。雪豹动物性食源以岩羊(59.26%)为主,家畜(25.93%)与啮齿目(22.22%)次之,鸟类(7.41%)占比最少。植物性食源以禾本科(59.26%)、苔藓植物(44.44%)与莎草科(33.33%)为主,灌木及其他植物占比较少。本文丰富了雪豹的基础研究内容,为卧龙及其他保护区雪豹保护管理工作中相关政策的制定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

China lies at the heart of the global center of freshwater crab diversity in tropical Asia, where the 2 most diverse families occur: Potamidae (505 species, 95 genera) and Gecarcinucidae (344 species, 59 genera). China stands out as the country with the highest species richness of freshwater crabs globally. Its fauna comprises 243 species in 37 genera and in 2 families, and species discovery is still progressing at a rapid pace. The vast majority of the species are distributed in southwest, south central and eastern China in the Oriental zoogeographical region. China also stands out as having a highly endemic freshwater crab fauna at the species level (96%) and at the genus level (78%). Although the recent International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list conservation assessment found only 6 out of 228 species (2%) to be threatened (5 potamids and 1 gecarcinucid), the majority (more than 75%) of Chinese species are regarded as data deficient, so the number of threatened species is likely to be a serious underestimate. Threats from increasing habitat destruction and pollution are a major concern due to the rapidly growing economy and massive developments taking place in China. There is therefore an urgent need for increased species exploration and for the development of a conservation strategy for China's threatened (and potentially threatened) endemic freshwater crab species.  相似文献   

The Amur leopard, one of nine recently recognized subspecies of leopard, is still the most threatened by a stochastic procession of extinction. Evaluation of the potential danger to the conservation of the Amur leopard originating from disease urgently needs to be studied. Unfortunately, research on the potential risk to Amur leopards caused by disease is rare. In terms of parasitic diseases that affect this species, even basic data for parasitic fauna are absent. The aim of this study is to acquire this knowledge to improve the general understanding of Amur leopard parasites. Seven parasite species, including 3 nematodes (Toxocara cati, a capillarid‐type parasite, and a Metastrongyloidea‐type parasite), 2 cestodes (Spirometra sp. and Taenia sp.), 1 trematode (Paragonimus sp.), and 1 protozoan (Cystoisospora felis), were found in this research. Toxocara cati occurred most frequently, followed by Spirometra sp.  相似文献   

Multiple ocular colobomas in the snow leopard (Uncia uncia)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two singleton female snow leopard cubs are reported with bilateral central upper lid colobomas. In addition, one cub had a coloboma of the fundus in one eye extending from the lower optic disc region. Surgical treatment by wedge resection was successful in both cases. Details of ocular colobomas in other snow leopards reported in the literature are described and it is suggested that the exact etiology of the condition in this species may be discovered by further study of similar colobomas in the domestic cat.  相似文献   

我国草种质资源的多样性及其保护   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7  
对我国草种质资源的多样性进行了综述,我国草种质资源种类繁多、生态型多样,优良草种分布广泛,地方品种、特有种、稀有种和农作物野生近缘种多,通过草种质资源保护项目的实施,我国已保存草种质材料2.8万份(含重复),在全国不同的气候带建立了15个多年生牧草资源圃,完成14 757份种质材料的农艺性状和1 500多份种质材料的抗性鉴定。建议今后加大野生草种质资源的保护力度,深入开展草种质资源的鉴定评价工作,并尽快建立草种质资源分发利用管理制度。  相似文献   

中国甘草属植物研究进展   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
王立  李家恒 《草业科学》1999,16(4):28-31
系统地评价了甘草属植物在我国的分布,系统分类,生态群落,生理,化学成分,育种,人工栽培技术及生物工程技术在应用等方面的研究成果,总结了研究过程中存在的问题,并提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Knowledge of large carnivore population abundance is essential for wildlife management and conservation, but these data are often difficult to obtain in inherently low-density species. In particular, the snow leopard, Panthera uncia, an enigmatic cat occupying remote mountains in Central Asia, has received insufficient assessments of its population abundance because of logistical and methodological challenges. Here, we aimed to develop a robust density estimation of snow leopards based on 81 days of camera trapping within a contiguous and previously unsurveyed 1950 km2 area of habitat on the Tibetan Plateau (Mayue Township, Shenzha County, Tibet Autonomous Region, China). By applying spatially explicit capture–recapture models, we produced an estimate of 1.40 (95%CI: 1.06–1.84) individuals per 100 km2. Results also suggested sex-specific variation in the range of movement around activity centers, with male (N = 10, σ = 4.02) movement considerably greater than female (N = 8, σ = 1.84) movement. The findings can serve as a reliable baseline reference for assessing the population trends of this endangered felid species with future estimates. This study will provide context to contribute toward a better understanding of ecological factors shaping the distribution and abundance of snow leopards and the related conservation measures needed to sustain their long-term survival on the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

我国牧草种质资源保存、利用与保护   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
牧草是自然资源的重要组成部分,也是农业可持续发展的物质基础,在我国草地畜牧业生产、生态环境及人民生活中发挥着巨大的作用。为此,论述了我国牧草种质资源调查、收集、保存、研究和利用的现状,存在问题及对今后发展的建议,提出今后应加强优良和珍稀牧草种质的搜集、生态型及遗传多样性的研究和利用、生物技术在优良牧草种质创新的应用、种质保存的时效性和野生状态下牧草遗传变异与进化的速率、短寿命牧草种子保存技术、优良基因的发掘和功能研究以及利用平台的构建、物种或种群保护的生物学基础研究7个重点领域的研究。  相似文献   

通过对1例成年雌性华南虎(Panthera tigris amoyensis)发病后的临床特征、死后剖检、病理组织形态学观察,发现虎体内多种脏器均有不同程度的病变。临床特征表现为,渐进性消瘦、食欲减退至废绝,病程持续一个多月后死亡。尸体剖检可见严重黄染,淋巴结肿大坏死,肝、脾、肾、胰、肺等脏器表面均有灰白色结节。组织病理切片观察发现,淋巴滤泡结构、淋巴结结构被大片形态一致的淋巴细胞样肿瘤细胞取代。同时,在多个器官中均发现了瘤细胞呈浸润性生长,影响周围正常的组织结构,且各脏器中的肿瘤细胞与淋巴结中肿瘤细胞形态一致。最终,诊断为体表、肠系膜淋巴结B细胞恶性淋巴瘤,累及肝脾、肺、肾脏、胰腺等组织,造成机体死亡。  相似文献   

草地生态系统是陆地表面最大的生态系统类型,水源涵养功能作为衡量生态系统状况的重要指示器,其变化对区域水循环及全球气候变化具有一定的响应。基于Web of Science(WOS)核心合集和中国知网(CNKI)数据库,利用可视化工具VOSviewer软件和CiteSpace软件绘制草地生态系统水源涵养研究的知识结构图谱,对该领域收录的相关文献进行计量分析。结果表明:1)全球范围内对该领域的认识不断加深,发文量呈波动上升的态势。2)高产国家主要为中国和美国,且位居前三的研究机构均为中国的机构,分别为中国科学院、中国科学院大学和北京师范大学。3)文献核心作者群体呈现“大分散、小聚集”的布局,以核心作者为节点开展研究,但研究团体之间的合作较少。4)主要发文期刊有《Science of the Total Environment》《Catena》《Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment》《生态学报》和《水土保持学报》等。5)“生态系统服务”“土地利用变化”“土壤水分”“土壤理化性质”“InVEST模型”等主题词是近年来国内外该领域研究的热点内容。6)土壤水分-土壤理化性质,结合遥感技术构建空间尺度和时间尺度的评价模型成为本领域的研究前沿。旨在了解当前国际研究前沿,厘清该领域的发展趋势与动向,归纳研究主题,以期为草地生态系统水源涵养研究的深入发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Plantations of non‐native, fast‐growing trees are increasing in the tropics and subtropics, perhaps with negative consequences for the native avifauna. We studied bird diversity in 4 types of plantations in South China to determine which plantation types are especially detrimental, and compared our findings with studies in nearby natural forests to assess the magnitude of the negative impact. A total of 57 species was recorded. The mean capture rate of understory birds was 1.7 individuals 100‐net‐h–1. Bird richness and capture rate were lower in plantations than in nearby natural forests. Babblers (Timaliidae), primarily forest‐dependent species in South China, were particularly under‐represented in plantations. Species richness, composition and bird density, particularly of understory birds, differed between plantation types. Plantations of Schima, which is native to South China, had the highest species richness according to point count data. Plantations of Acacia (non‐native) supported the highest understory species richness and produced the highest capture rate of understory birds, probably because of their complex structure and high arthropod abundance. If bird diversity is to be considered, we strongly recommend that future re‐afforestation projects in South China should, as far as possible, use mixed native tree species, and especially Schima, ahead of the other species.  相似文献   

研究了马杜拉放线菌的保藏方法,揭示了不同保藏方法和同一保藏方法的不同传代次数对其生物代谢的影响,认为菌丝冷冻保藏更有利于其生物性状的稳定,而斜面保藏则加速菌种退化。  相似文献   

马逸清  解焱 《野生动物》2010,31(5):262-269
依据中国虎化石的记录,研究了虎的起源,提出了虎是起源于中国黄河流域中部的新观点。认为中国华北地区的虎应是世界上虎的最古老的地理种群,并依据实地调查结果阐述了我国虎的濒危过程及致危原因。  相似文献   

Medicinal herb collection has historical and cultural roots in many rural communities in developing countries. Areas where herb collection occurs may overlap with biodiversity hotspots and crucial habitat of endangered and threatened species. However, impacts of such practices on wildlife are unknown and possibly underestimated, perhaps due to the elusive nature of such activities. We examined this phenomenon in Wolong Nature Reserve, China, a protected area in the South‐Central China biodiversity hotspot that also supports a community of Tibetan, Qiang and Han people who use herb collection as a supplementary source of livelihood. We adopted a participatory approach in which we engaged local people in outlining spatial and temporal dynamics of medicinal herb collection practices. We found that the overall spatial extent of herb collection increased in the past two decades. We then overlaid herb collection maps with localities of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) feces collected over two time points in the reserve. Using a Bayesian parameter estimation, we found evidence for declined giant panda occurrence in the areas most recently impacted by emerging medicinal herb collection. Our methodology demonstrates the potential power of integrating participatory approaches with quantitative methods for processes like herb collection that may be difficult to examine empirically. We discuss future directions for improving explanatory power and addressing uncertainty in this type of mixed‐method, interdisciplinary research. This work has implications for future attempts to understand whether and how prevalent but subtle human activities may affect wildlife conservation.  相似文献   

Wetlands are critical habitats for birds. However, wetlands are being degraded at an accelerating rate due to global human activity, and a disproportionate fraction of wetland‐dependent bird species are in decline. We evaluated the conservation value of a new Ramsar site, Guangdong Haifeng Wetlands, China, for birds, by comparing bird communities (using line transect data) in 3 different districts: Gongping, Dongguan Lian'anwei and Dahu. We recorded 139 species of birds, including 26 species that are protected at a national level. Dahu had the highest species richness and diversity, whereas Dongguan Lian'anwei had the highest abundance of birds and the lowest species diversity. Finally, Gongping had both the lowest species richness and the lowest abundance. The endemism of constituent species differed among districts, and the bird communities were complementary. There were significant seasonal differences in the species richness and the number of individuals. Spring had the highest species richness and diversity. The present study identifies the high conservation value of Haifeng Wetlands for both waterbirds and terrestrial birds. Our findings suggest that conservation efforts in Haifeng Wetlands and other wetlands should focus not only on wintering migratory birds, but also on resident birds. To accomplish effective conservation, we should consider the reserve and surrounding wetlands as a whole, incorporating ecological research, education and local economic development.  相似文献   

对湟水河源头荒山荒坡上人工栽培的沙棘、柠条等灌丛带的牧草地上部与地下部产量进行测定分析,结果表明:在该地区的荒山荒坡上人工栽培沙棘、柠条等灌丛,牧草地上产草量平均提高23.7%,地下根量平均提高18.2%,水土流失减少1 300 t/hm2。  相似文献   

寒地型草坪草养护管理要点   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
冯建庄 《草业科学》1999,16(6):57-59
草坪的养护园林建设上可以说是一项复杂的系统工程。养护管理的好,可有效延长草坪的利用年限,年度内可延长绿化观赏期,只种不管或轻管,草坪将失去其生态效益及观赏功能。  相似文献   

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