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Postpartum loss of live weight in dairy cows and its association with reproductive functions were studied in a total of 84 (42 Ayrshire and 42 Friesian) cows. The cows were divided according to type of feed into 2 groups of equal size: a hay-urea group and a silage group. The duration of the study was 3 years. All 84 cows were followed during their first postpartum period, 63 during 2 and 57 during 3 consecutive postpartum periods.The resumption of ovarian function was monitored by means of a thrice weekly milk progesterone assay between calving and the first insemination.Live weight changes during the first 30 and 60 days post partum were compared between the 2 breeds and the 2 feed groups.After the second parturition, the mean live weight loss within 30 and 60 days post partum was roughly twice as high (11%) as after the first (4%) and third (6%) carvings. Breed had no significant effect on weight change. The cows in the silage group lost slightly more weight after each parturition than those in the hay-urea group. Low, but statistically significant correlations were noted between weight loss post partum and reproductive functions. The interval from calving to onset of the first visible oestrus was 6 days longer, and to pregnancy 8 days longer in cows which lost more than 10% live weight within 60 days post partum than in those which lost less than 10% (p<0.05). The fertility rate at first insemination (53.1%) was lower in cows which lost more than 10% weight than in those (74.4%) which lost less than 10% (p<0.01). Heat detection rate was not affected by weight loss.  相似文献   

The reliability of clinical ovarian findings was assessed as an indicator of luteal function in primiparous dairy cows. The postpartum period of 103 cows following their first parturition was studied by thrice weekly rectal palpation of ovaries and whole milk progesterone assay from 1 week after parturition to the first insemination. The relationship between milk progesterone levels and 1101 ovarian findings was compared during the follicular phases, short luteal phases and during the early, mid and late thirds of normal luteal phases. The compatibility between elevated progesterone and palpable corpus luteum was 71%, and between low progesterone and lack of corpus luteum 77%. In 10% of all rectal examinations the finding was unspecified; i.e. the clinician could not differentiate between luteal and follicular activity. During the acyclic period prior to the initiation of luteal function, the proportion of false corpus luteum findings was 11%. The corpora lutea of the short oestrous cycles were more difficult to palpate than those of normal cycles. During early dioestrus the corpus luteum was significantly more difficult to palpate than during the rest of dioestrus. The percentage of unspecified findings was highest during early dioestrus.The paper discusses the reliability of rectal examination as a method of diagnosing cyclicity and of evaluating the responsiveness of a cow to prostaglandin treatment.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the reproductive performance of cows diagnosed as anoestrus prior to the planned start of mating (PSM) when they were either treated when first diagnosed, or left untreated until 16 days after the PSM.

Methods: A clinical trial was conducted during the 1996/97 and 1997/98 breeding seasons involving 823 anoestrous dairy cows in 14 herds. On Day-8 (PSM = Day 0), cows in one group (Treated) were each treated with an intravaginal device containing 1.9 g of progesterone (CIDR).The CIDR device was removed on Day-2, and on Day-1 each cow was injected intramuscularly with 1 mg oestradiol benzoate. Cows in the second group (Control) remained untreated at the time of first examination. All cows detected in oestrus after the PSM were mated by artificial insemination (AI) or a bull. Sixteen days after the PSM, all cows that had not been mated were presented for veterinary examination, and those which were still classified as anoestrus were treated with the previously described CIDR regimen. Pregnancy status and approximate date of conception were determined by palpation per rectum 10-13 weeks after the PSM or 6 weeks after the end of the mating period.

Results: Treatment of anoestrous cows 8 days before the PSM significantly increased the number of cows detected in oestrus (95.0% vs 63.1%;p < 0.001) and conceiving (59.5% vs 38.8%;p < 0.001) during the first 21 days of mating, and reduced the interval from PSM to conception by 7.5 days (p < 0.001). There was no significant difference between the conception rate of cows mated following the CIDR treatment regimen compared to cows mated at their first spontaneous oestrus after calving (52.4% vs 58.3%; p = 0.143).

Conclusion: Diagnosis and treatment of anoestrous dairy cows prior to the start of mating significantly improves their reproductive performance under the seasonal mating conditions typical of spring-calving New Zealand dairy herds.  相似文献   

We examined whether infrequent milk sampling for progesterone analysis could be used as a management or diagnostic tool by the dairy farmer to predict delayed ovarian cyclicity in dairy cows. The data included 1040 lactations from 324 Swedish Red cows and 183 Swedish Holstein cows and were randomly divided into two datasets. A logistic regression model was fit to the first dataset and the model was then validated on the other dataset. The model was also validated using a British dataset comprising 1212 lactations from 1080 British Holstein-Friesian cows. The dependent variable was whether delayed ovarian cyclicity occurred or not, delayed ovarian cyclicity defined as progesterone levels below threshold value for the first 56 or 45 days postpartum in the Swedish or British dataset, respectively. The basic model included the effects of breed, parity, season and housing type. To the basic model various progesterone-based measurements were added. These were the interval from calving to commencement of luteal activity and the percentage of samples with luteal activity within 60 days after calving, using all samples in the databases or one sample per month. The accuracy of the conditional probability of delayed ovarian cyclicity calculated with the different models was obtained using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and calculating the area under curve. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated for cut-off probabilities using the ROC analyses. The accuracy was highest (0.94-0.99) when including the progesterone measurements based on milk sampling for progesterone analysis 2-3 times per week. The accuracy was between 0.85 and 0.88 when the progesterone measurements with monthly milk sampling were added to the model and 0.76 or 0.67 with the basic model. This study clearly shows that infrequent milk sampling for progesterone analysis, such as once a month as in the regular milk recording system, could be used to predict delayed ovarian cyclicity in dairy cows. This increases the opportunity for earlier treatment of anovulatory dairy cows and may therefore decrease involuntarily extended calving intervals in the herd.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare 2 treatments for anovulatory anoestrus (AA) in postpartum dairy cows. The treatments were combinations of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and prostaglandin F2𝛂 (PG) or progesterone (P4) and oestradiol benzoate (ODB).

METHODS: Forty AA cows from each of 5 herds were blocked by age (2 or >2 years old) and randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments. The first group (GPG) were treated with 250 𝛍g of a GnRH analogue, gonadorelin, followed 7 days later by 15 mg of the PG analogue, luprostiol. Two days later the cows were injected with 250 𝛍g of gonadorelin. Cows were artificially inseminated 16–24 h after the second GnRH injection. The second group (P4+ODB) were treated with an intravaginal P4 releasing device for 6 days, followed 24 h after device removal by injection of 1 mg of ODB. Cows were pregnancy tested 35–40 days after the initial insemination and twice again at 6–8 week intervals thereafter.

RESULTS: There was no significant difference between P4+ODB and GPG groups in the percentage of cows submitted for insemination in the first 7 days (94.0% vs 100% for P4+ODB vs GPG, respectively; p>0.3), in conception rate to first insemination within the first 7 days (43.6% vs 35.0% for P4+ODB vs GPG, respectively; p>0.2), in the percentage of cows conceiving in the first 28 days of the breeding period (68.0% vs 58.3%, P4+ODB vs GPG, respectively; p>0.1), or in median interval from the end of treatment to conception (20 vs 21days;p>0.1).

CONCLUSIONS: No differences in the reproductive performance of AA cows treated with either P4+ODB or GPG were detected. However, given the small number of animals enrolled, further data are required before the GPG protocol can be recommended for treatment of AA cows.  相似文献   

The performance of animals is determined by the interaction of their genes with environmental circumstances. Accordingly, animals exhibiting superior performance are not necessarily the animals with the best genes nor are they the best choice of parents. Statistical analyses of production records for repeated traits, e.g. lactation yields and reproductive performance, show that part of the variation in performance among animals in the same herd and year is due to genetic differences, and the remainder is due to so-called residual or environmental factors that are not passed on to offspring. These within-herd environmental factors can be partitioned into a component that affects performance throughout an animal's lifetime, and a part that is unique to each observation. The process of animal evaluation from pedigree and performance records partitions the superiority of each cow into these three components. Reliable assessment of the genetic merit of bulls has required progeny testing, and for cows has required observation of their own individual performance. Selection on the genetic or breeding value component has systematically improved animal performance over recent decades, but has been limited by the age at which assessments of genetic merit are available. Emerging molecular technologies can read DNA sequences or measure RNA expression and have allowed the identification of a number of chromosome regions, and a few specific genes in those regions, that influence economic performance. This information allows better characterisation of the relationships between animals and more accurate predictions of genetic merit in bulls without progeny information and in cows that have yet to produce their own performance record. At some stage, enough genes responsible for variation in performance will be identified to allow faster genetic progress through selection of animals at young ages and therefore more rapid turnover of the generations. Mechanisms that modify gene expression have been identified and these may ultimately allow animals to be selected at an early age for lifetime productivity, accounting for processes that modify gene expression and lead to differences in performance that are not reflected by DNA sequence information. This review describes the status of these emerging technologies and their likely role in the improvement of dairy cattle.  相似文献   

The performance of animals is determined by the interaction of their genes with environmental circumstances. Accordingly, animals exhibiting superior performance are not necessarily the animals with the best genes nor are they the best choice of parents. Statistical analyses of production records for repeated traits, e.g. lactation yields and reproductive performance, show that part of the variation in performance among animals in the same herd and year is due to genetic differences, and the remainder is due to so-called residual or environmental factors that are not passed on to offspring. These within-herd environmental factors can be partitioned into a component that affects performance throughout an animal's lifetime, and a part that is unique to each observation. The process of animal evaluation from pedigree and performance records partitions the superiority of each cow into these three components. Reliable assessment of the genetic merit of bulls has required progeny testing, and for cows has required observation of their own individual performance. Selection on the genetic or breeding value component has systematically improved animal performance over recent decades, but has been limited by the age at which assessments of genetic merit are available.

Emerging molecular technologies can read DNA sequences or measure RNA expression and have allowed the identification of a number of chromosome regions, and a few specific genes in those regions, that influence economic performance. This information allows better characterisation of the relationships between animals and more accurate predictions of genetic merit in bulls without progeny information and in cows that have yet to produce their own performance record. At some stage, enough genes responsible for variation in performance will be identified to allow faster genetic progress through selection of animals at young ages and therefore more rapid turnover of the generations. Mechanisms that modify gene expression have been identified and these may ultimately allow animals to be selected at an early age for lifetime productivity, accounting for processes that modify gene expression and lead to differences in performance that are not reflected by DNA sequence information. This review describes the status of these emerging technologies and their likely role in the improvement of dairy cattle.  相似文献   

To compare an injectable progesterone (MAD-4) with an intravaginal device (IPD), and natural O17 with synthetic oestradiol (OB) in a synchronisation protocol, 51 cows were divided into four groups. Each group was treated with one of the two sources of progesterone and one of the two oestradiol formulations. Oestrus behaviour, follicle diameter, and pregnancy rates were evaluated. Oestrus behaviour (p = 0.902), numbers of cows in oestrus (p = 0.917), follicle diameter (p = 0.416), and pregnancy rates (p = 0.873) were similar among the four groups. More cows in the group treated with the IPD and OB scored > 200 oestrus behaviour points compared to the other groups (p = 0.038). A longer interval between the end of treatment and oestrus was observed among cows treated with MAD-4 than cows given the IPD (p = 0.030), but no differences were found between animals receiving the two oestradiol formulations (OB and O17). While the use of MAD-4 requires further testing, similar responses to natural oestradiol observed in the present study could allow the use of this formulation in reproductive protocols because it is not associated with the potential human health risks of OB.  相似文献   

选用20头胎次相近和分娩期相近的中国荷斯坦奶牛,随机分为4组,对照组为基础日粮,3个处理组在基础日粮中分别添加3.0、6.0和9.0g/a的酵母铬。试验期为2周,从分娩当天持续到产后14d。结果表明,(1)与对照组相比,添加酵母铬可以提高血清中总抗氧化能力(T—AOC),超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和谷胱苷肽过氧化物酶(GSHPx)的活力(P〈0.01),降低丙二醛的浓度;(2)酵母铬降低了皮质醇含量,提高了胰岛素活性。本试验条件下,发现基础日粮添加9.0g/d的酵母铬,使铬添加水平为0.8mgCr/kg时,效果较好。为研究在日粮中添加不同水平的酵母铬对围产后期奶牛抗氧化性能的影响提供依据。  相似文献   

Oestrus prediction in dairy cows using an ELISA progesterone test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The commercially available test kit for assaying milk progesterone was used in the practice laboratory on samples taken daily from cows 17 to 24 days after service. Improved oestrus detection rates and accuracy were achieved by predicting the onset of oestrus. Similar results were obtained by sampling on days 18, 20, 22 and 24 or on days 19, 21 and 23 after service. Calving to conception intervals improved from 115 to 84 days in one herd and from 85 to 74 days in another and the potential economic benefits in these two herds outweighed the costs by 7.4:1 and 3.4:1, respectively.  相似文献   

检测奶牛乳汁孕酮的免疫生物传感器优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了完善已建立的孕酮免疫生物传感器的检测性能,本试验应用碳化二亚胺法将11α-羟基孕酮半琥珀酸和OVA制备成孕酮完全抗原,其浓度达0.6 mg/m L。在此基础上建立了以乳汁为基质的孕酮生物传感器的标准曲线(y=-4.9461x+8.7982,R2=0.993 2),进一步确立了检测乳汁孕酮的线性范围为0.31 ng/m L~50ng/m L,检测限为0.31 ng/m L,灵敏度为0.15 ng/m L,而且孕酮与皮质酮、皮质醇、雄烯二酮的免疫交叉反应较低,表明特异性较好。批内、批间变异系数分别为7.7%和7.5%,回收率为95.8%~115.7%,生物传感器稳定性在4℃保存4 d。该优化的奶牛乳汁孕酮免疫生物传感器的性能参数符合规定的标准,为检测妊娠、乏情和繁殖障碍疾病的奶牛乳汁孕酮含量提供了工具。  相似文献   

"增奶灵"对奶牛产奶量影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用不同添加剂量的“增奶灵”饲喂36头泌乳中期的荷斯坦奶牛,其中对照组12头,试验A组、B组和C组各8头。试验各组牛在基础日粮中分别添加占精料量的0.05%、0.1%和0.15%的“增奶灵”,经47天的饲喂试验,结果发现,和对照组比,试验A组产奶量增加了0.45%,试验B组增加0.70%,试验C组增加1.36%;乳汁中体细胞数显著(P<0.05)下降;各组受试牛的乳脂率没有变化;此外,试验组牛蹄的质量明显改善。  相似文献   

Early pregnancy diagnosis in dairy goats and cows was studied using enzyme immunoassays (EIA) to measure progesterone concentrations in whole milk samples collected approximately 3 weeks after mating. Two qualitative on-farm assay kits and 2 quantitative assay kits, all designed for use in the dairy cow, were tested for their accuracy with goats milk samples. Accuracy of diagnosis of goat pregnancy ranged from 83 to 88%, and of non-pregnancy from 80 to 100%. Pregnancy diagnosis with samples of cows milk using 2 quantitative kits gave accuracies of 66 to 68% for pregnancy, and 90 to 91% for non-pregnancy. Possible causes of error in the early diagnosis of pregnancy with milk samples are discussed.  相似文献   

A within cow comparison was made between milk progesterone levels in healthy and mastitic quarters. Material was collected from cows with mastitis induced by bacterial inoculation, or by inoculation with bacterial endotoxin. Furthermore material from cows with spontaneous subclinical mastitis was used. Milk progesterone levels were lowered due to mastitis. However, the decrease was not large enough to cause misinterpretation of where in the oestrous cycle (luteal phase or non-luteal phase) the samples were taken.  相似文献   

Progesterone plays an important role in maintenance of pregnancy. It is hypothesized that insufficient progesterone early in pregnancy may result in embryonic loss, and that supplemental progesterone would decrease pregnancy loss in dairy cows. In Experiment 1, 84 cows and 16 heifers from a single dairy operation were selected randomly. Within each age category, controlled internal drug release (CIDR) devices were inserted into the vagina of every other female on Day 4 post-insemination and removed on Day 18 post-insemination. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed to determine pregnancy at 4 time periods [days 30 to 37 (week 5), days 44 to 51 (week 7), days 58 to 65 (week 9), and days 86 to 93 (week 13)]. Progesterone supplementation had no effect on pregnancy rate. In Experiment 2, there were no differences in progesterone concentrations between cows that did and did not receive a CIDR. Further, cows receiving CIDR devices did not have an increase in circulating progesterone concentrations 30 min or 1 h after CIDR insertion. It appears that progesterone supplementation does not increase circulating levels of progesterone in the early pregnant lactating dairy cow. Alterative methods to influence progesterone concentrations and/or early embryonic loss need to be investigated.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the milk protein profiles of normal milk and those of milk during the course of subclinical mastitis, caused by natural Streptococcus agalactiae infection. Two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry were used to assess protein profiles and to identify the proteins. The results showed that S. agalactiae subclinical mastitis altered the protein profiles of milk. Following Mascot database matching, 11 and 12 protein types were identified in the milk collected from healthy and S. agalactiae subclinical mastitic udders, respectively. The distinct presence of the antibacterial protein cathelicidin‐1 was detected in infected milk samples, which in turn was highly correlated to the severity of subclinical mastitis as represented by the milk somatic cell count (r = 0.616), but not the bacterial count. The protein profile of milk reveals changes in the host response to S. agalactiae intramammary infection; cathelicidin‐1 could therefore serve as a biomarker for the detection of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine whether conception rates of anoestrous dairy cows treated with progesterone and oestradiol benzoate (ODB) could be increased by treating them with additional progesterone following insemination at the induced oestrus. METHODS: Cows which had not been detected in oestrus for at least 21 days after calving in 18 herds were confirmed anovulatory anoestrus (AA) by veterinary examination, due to the absence of a detectable corpus luteum in the ovaries. All cows were treated with intra-vaginal progesterone (CIDR insert) for 6 days and injected with 1 mg ODB 24 h after insert removal (Day 0). Only cows which were seen in oestrus on Days 0, 1 or 2 were enrolled in the trial. These cows were either treated with a second CIDR insert on Day 8, for 7 days (P4+; n=422), or remained untreated (Control; n=756). Milk progesterone concentrations were measured in a subset of enrolled cows (n=669) on Day 8 to determine the proportion of cows that ovulated following the induced oestrus. RESULTS: Conception rates to first insemination were similar in P4+ and Control cows (40.3% and 37.2%, p=0.59). Of cows which had milk progesterone concentrations measured on Day 8, 78.6% displayed oestrus and ovulated, (range: 53.8% to 94.6% among herds). Of the cows that ovulated, conception rate to first insemination was 46.8% and 43.5% in P4+ and Control cows, respectively (p=0.86). CONCLUSION: Conception rates to first insemination in AA cows treated with progesterone and ODB were not increased by progesterone supplementation using CIDR inserts following insemination. KEY WORDS: dairy cattle, postpartum anoestrus, reproduction, progesterone treatment, CIDR insert.  相似文献   

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