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The objectives were to determine if PCV2 vaccination is effective in reducing disease and lesions associated with PRRSV and PCV2 coinfection and if there is a difference between intradermal (ID) and intramuscular (IM) route of PCV2 vaccination. Seventy-four, 21-day-old pigs were randomly allocated into one of six groups. On day 0, pigs were vaccinated with 2ml Suvaxyn((R)) PCV2 One Dose (Fort Dodge Animal Health, Inc.) by intramuscular (VAC-M-COINF) or intradermal (VAC-D-COINF) routes. On day 28, pigs were either singularly (PRRSV-only, PCV2-only) or coinfected (COINF) with PRRSV and PCV2. All pigs in all groups were necropsied on day 42. All vaccinated pigs seroconverted (IgM, IgG, and neutralizing antibodies) to PCV2 between 14 and 28 days post-vaccination. After challenge, all groups inoculated with PRRSV had reduced average daily gain compared to CONTROLS and PCV2-only (P<0.001). COINF pigs had significantly (P<0.05) reduced anti-PCV2-IgG antibody levels and neutralizing antibody levels compared to both vaccinated groups. COINF pigs had more severe lung lesions compared to VAC-M-COINF (P<0.05). COINF pigs had higher amounts of PCV2 DNA in serum samples and feces (P<0.05) and increased amounts of PCV2 in lymphoid tissues (P<0.05) compared to both vaccinated groups. In summary, PCV2 vaccination was effective at inducing a neutralizing antibody response and significantly reducing PCV2-associated lesions and PCV2 viremia in pigs coinfected with PCV2 and PRRSV. Differences between intradermal and intramuscular routes of vaccine administration were not observed.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis was performed with the aim to identify factors with a relevant influence on the expression of clinical postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) under experimental conditions. Data from 44 studies were included in the analysis. Several variables were studied: number of pigs in the experiment, intake of colostrum, serological status against porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), strain of PCV2 used for inoculation, the route and dose of inoculation, and use of potential triggering factors (such as co-infections, vaccinations, or immunomodulator products). Multiple correspondence analysis and log-linear regression methods were used to establish the relationships between the studied variables and the number of PCV2 infected pigs that developed PMWS. Based on the results of the meta-analysis, the most successful animal experiment aimed to develop PMWS should include: (1) colostrum-deprived pigs, (2) age of inoculation below 3 weeks, (3) high doses of PCV2 inoculum, (4) PCV2 strain from genotype 1, and (5) co-infection with another swine pathogen as a triggering factor.  相似文献   

仔猪人工感染猪圆环病毒2型后的病理学特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自Harding首次报道1991年加拿大发现断奶仔猪多系统衰弱综合征(post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome,PMWS)以来,猪圆环病毒2型(porcine cirovirus type 2,PCV2)感染及其所致疾病已遍及世界各地,成为危害世界养猪生产的一大疫病。PCV2是引起PMWS的主要病原体。PMWS主要感染5~12周龄断奶仔猪,引起的临床症状包括体重下降、进行性消瘦、呼吸困难、贫血、腹泻和黄疸;组织病变包括淋巴结病,肉芽肿性间质性肺炎,肝炎和间质性肾炎,其发病率在5%~30%不等,死亡率可高达50%炉此外,由于PCV2感染引起的免疫抑制可造成二次感染,更增加了疾病的严重程度。  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) causes great economic losses in growing pigs and there are several reviews on disease manifestations and lesions associated with PCV2 in growing pigs. Reproductive failure in breeding herds, predominately associated with increased numbers of mummies and non-viable piglets at parturition, is one of the disease manifestations of PCV2 infection. Boars shed low amounts of infectious PCV2 in semen for extended time periods, and vertical transmission of PCV2 to fetuses during PCV2 viremia of the dam has been experimentally confirmed. However, intrauterine-infected piglets often are clinically normal. Nevertheless, pigs infected with PCV2 by the intrauterine route can be born viremic, possibly contributing to horizontal spread of PCV2 within the breeding herd and into the nursery. Shedding of PCV2 in semen and prevalence of intrauterine-infected piglets can both be greatly reduced by PCV2 vaccination well ahead of expected PCV2 exposure. This review is a discussion on current knowledge on the effects of PCV2 infection in the dam and in in utero fetuses, including clinical signs, lesions, diagnosis and prevention through vaccination. Infection of boars with PCV2, the potential for PCV2 transmission via semen and prevention of PCV2 shedding are also discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the amount of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) shed in nasal, oral and fecal secretions over time following natural PCV2 infection. Fecal, oral and nasal swabs and blood were collected at regular intervals starting at 28 days post-farrowing (DPF) until 209 DPF from four pigs naturally infected with PCV2. PCV2 DNA was detected in all sample types. There were no differences in the amount of PCV2 DNA present in different sample types over time. PCV2 DNA was detectable in sera and secretions in pigs through 209 DPF. Natural exposure to PCV2 results in a long term infection and PCV2 is shed in similar amounts by nasal, oral and fecal routes.  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is a small, non-enveloped, circular, single-stranded DNA virus of economic importance in the swine industry worldwide. Based on the sequence analyses of PCV2 strains, isolates can be divided into five subtypes (PCV2a-e). PCV2 is an ubiquitous virus based on serological and viremia data from countries worldwide. In addition, PCV2 DNA was discovered in archived samples prior to the first recognition of clinical disease. Recently, a worldwide shift in PCV2 subtype from PCV2a to PCV2b occurred. PCV2 DNA can be detected in fecal, nasal, oral and tonsillar swabs as well as in urine and feces from both naturally and experimentally infected pigs. PCV2 DNA can be detected early in the infectious process and persists for extended periods of time. The effectiveness of disinfectants for reducing PCV2 in vitro is variable and PCV2 is very stable in the pig environment. Limited data exist on the horizontal transmission of PCV2. Direct transmission of PCV2 between experimentally or naturally infected animals and na?ve animals has been documented and the incorporation of clinical or subclinically infected animals into a population represents a risk to the herd. Indirect transmission through the oral, aerosol or vaccine routes is likely a lesser risk for the transmission of PCV2 in most swine populations but may be worth evaluating in high heath herds. The objective of this review was to discuss data on the epidemiology and horizontal transmission of PCV2.  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is an economically important emerging pathogen associated with distinct syndromes and diseases in swine, collectively known as porcine circovirus associated diseases (PCVAD). The main purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of PCV2 in piglets affected with exudative epidermitis (EE) in Uruguay. In addition we aimed to analyze the phylogenetic relationships of the isolated strains. In June 2011 an outbreak of EE detected in a small herd was reported. Piglets presented skin lesions compatible with EE and symptoms associated with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) were also observed. Sera from affected and healthy animals were tested for the presence of viral DNA. Exclusively, diseased piglets were infected with PCV2. Phylogenetic analysis showed that PCV2 isolates belonged to PCV2b genotype. We report the detection and molecular characterization of PCV2 strains for the first time in Uruguay.  相似文献   

自1998年病毒血症与猪圆环病,现在也称作由PCV2引起的系统疾病(Systemic Disease due to PCV2,PCV2-SD)与联系起来后,与PCV2有关的病理学及其造成的养猪生产损失已成为研究的目标.自那时起,它就和涉及全身感染的不同病理学联系在一起,例如,猪在断奶期和肥育期出现的PCV2-SD和由PCV2引发的亚临床感染(Subclinical Infection due to PCV2,PCV2-SI),以及由PCV2引发的妊娠母猪生殖系统疾病(Reproductive Disease due to PCV2,PCV2-RD).PCV2也和明显影响特定器官的疾病有关,如肺或肠道疾病.甚至今天,PCV2还和猪皮炎肾病综合征(Porcine Dermatitis And Nephropaty Syndrome,PDNS)有关系,不过它被认为是一种受免疫复合体介导而无明确病原学表现的疾病.  相似文献   

猪圆环病毒2型细胞培养适应毒株的培育和鉴定   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
从临床表现为仔猪断奶后多系统衰竭综合征(PMWS)淋巴组织病料,经聚合酶链式反应(PCR)证实为猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)感染,采用无污染的猪肾细胞系(PK15)分离培养,并连续传代培育成一株细胞培养适应毒,命名为PCV2/LG株。分离毒株经细胞培养,于第25代后毒价显著升高,于第35代毒价可达10^5.6TCID 50/mL。采用免疫过氧化物酶单层细胞染色法(IPMA)、免疫电镜技术、分子克隆及核酸序列分析等鉴定表明,分离株感染细胞后病毒抗原主要分布在细胞核及细胞质中;病毒感染的阳性细胞呈散在分布,阳性细胞数可达50%以上;免疫电镜观察到与PCV2特异抗体结合形成的病毒免疫复合物呈实心小颗粒样粒子团,病毒粒子直径约为17nm;病毒抗原基因组由1768个核苷酸组成,与GenBank登录的8个PCV2基因组序列同源性达96.2%以上。用2mL的病毒细胞培养物(10^5.6TCID 50/mL)接种30日龄PCV2抗体阴性仔猪3头,可引起典型PMWS临床症状。本研究为进一步开展该病毒的致病性、疫苗免疫、诊断及分子生物学等研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   



Since 1999, field evidence of transplacental infection by porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) and reproductive failure has been reported in pigs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical and pathological consequences of PCV2 infection in conventional PCV2-seropositive gilts by insemination with PCV2b-spiked semen.


Six PCV2 seropositive gilts were inseminated with PCV2b-supplemented semen (infected) and three animals with semen and cell culture medium (controls). Only three out of the six infected animals were pregnant by ultrasonography on day 29 after insemination, while two out of the three controls were pregnant. One control gilt aborted on day 23 after insemination but not due to PVC2. Viraemia was demonstrated in four out of six infected and in one control gilt that became infected with PCV2a. Anti-PCV2 antibody titres showed dynamic variations in the infected group throughout the study. Among infected gilts, the animal with the lowest anti-PCV2 titre (1/100) at the beginning of the experiment and another that reached a similar low value during the experiment showed evident seroconversion over time and had also PCV2 positive foetuses. One placenta displayed mild focal necrosis of the chorionic epithelium positively stained by immunohistochemistry for PCV2 antigen.


PCV2-seropositive gilts can be infected with PCV2 after intrauterine exposure and low maternal antibody titre may increase the probability of a foetal infection.  相似文献   



Post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) associated with PCV2 is one of the most costly diseases currently faced by the swine industry. The development of effective vaccines against PCV2 infection has been accepted as an important strategy in the prophylaxis of PMWS.


In the present study, a PK-15 cell-adapted formalin-inactivated prototype vaccine candidate was prepared using a strain of PCV2 from China. Inactivation of the virus was accomplished using a standard formalin inactivation protocol. The protective properties of the inactivated PCV2 vaccine were evaluated in piglets. Ten 28-day-old pigs were randomly assigned to two groups, each with five. Group 1 was vaccinated intramuscularly with the inactivated virus preparation; Group 2 received sterile PBS as a placebo. By 28 days post-vaccination (DPV), Groups 1 and 2 were challenged intranasally and intramuscularly with 5 × 107 TCID50 of a virulent PCV2 isolate.


The vaccinated pigs seroconverted to PCV2 and had high levels of serum antibodies to PCV2 at 28 days after vaccination, whereas the control pigs remained seronegative. No significant signs of clinical disease were recorded following the challenge with PCV2, but moderate amounts of PCV2 antigen were detected in most lymphoid organs of the control pigs. PCV2 was detected in two out of the five vaccinated pigs. Furthermore, pathological lesions and viremia were milder in the vaccinated group.


The obtained results indicate that the inactivated PCV2 virus vaccine with an oil adjuvant induce an immunological response in pigs that appears to provide protection from infection with PCV2. The vaccine, therefore, may have the potential to serve as a vaccine aimed to protect pigs from developing PMWS.  相似文献   

In this study, we have analyzed 23 PCV2 ORF2 sequences recovered from wild boar population in Romania. The PCV2 sequences were originated from different geographical regions in Romania, and collected between 2008 and 2009 during the classical swine fever virus (CSFV) surveillance campaign. Complete open reading frame 2 (ORF2) nucleotide sequences were obtained and compared with sequences mainly from European and Asian isolates. The Romanian sequences were identified as belonging to previously described clusters 2a and 2b, with high degree of heterogeneity (PCV2 ORF2 nucleotide homology ranged between 90.1% and 100%). Interestingly, for cluster 2a, the majority of the sequences (8 from a total number of 9) clustered mainly with the Asian isolates (especially China, but also India and South Korea), with three exceptions from Europe previously reported in Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands.  相似文献   

We previously reported that prior porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infection potentiates the severity of clinical signs, lung lesions, and fecal shedding and tissue dissemination of Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis in infected pigs. Here, we evaluated whether PCV2 vaccination is effective in reducing fecal shedding and tissue dissemination of S. Choleraesuis and improving clinical signs associated with PCV2 and S. Choleraesuis infection in 15 Cesarean-derived, colostrum-deprived pigs randomly assigned to 3 groups (n = 5/group). The vaccinated and co-infected (VAC-COINF) group received 2 ml of a commercial PCV2 vaccine at age 3 weeks. The VAC-COINF and co-infected (COINF) groups were inoculated intranasally with PCV2 and S. Choleraesuis at 5 and 7 weeks of age, respectively. The CONTROL group pigs received a similar volume of PBS for sham-vaccination and sham-inoculation. PCV2 vaccination clearly reduced PCV2 DNA load in the serum and postmortem tissue samples and decreased PCV2 antigen levels in tissue samples of the VAC-COINF group. After S. Choleraesuis infection, the incidence of several clinical signs increased in the VAC-COINF group compared to that in the COINF group. The microscopic lung lesions and weight gain, fecal shedding and tissue dissemination of S. Choleraesuis except in the spleen were not significantly different in the VAC-COINF and COINF groups. Thus, PCV2 vaccination reduced PCV2 in the S. Choleraesuis and PCV2 coinfection model and the effects on S. Choleraesuis were minimal.  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) from the Circoviridae family has recently been associated with two serious diseases of swine, post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) and porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome (PDNS). During 2002, several outbreaks of clinical disease in pigs with weights ranging from 10 to 70 kg occurred on four farms in different locations in Croatia. The signs were consistent with PMWS and PDNS. Apart from progressive weight loss, pneumonia and/or diarrhoea, multifocal erythematous skin lesions and dermal necrosis were also observed. The PCR results obtained from PCV2 specific oligonucleotide primers confirmed a PCV2 infection. In addition, archive samples that were classical swine fever virus positive and derived from domestic pigs during an outbreak in 1997 were included in this study and one out of the three isolates was found to be positive for PCV2. For a better epizootiological understanding, genetic typing of representative isolates was carried out and compared with available isolates reported in the GenBank databases.  相似文献   

In this study, we have analyzed 23 PCV2 ORF2 sequences recovered from wild boar population in Romania. The PCV2 sequences were originated from different geographical regions in Romania, and collected between 2008 and 2009 during the classical swine fever virus (CSFV) surveillance campaign. Complete open reading frame 2 (ORF2) nucleotide sequences were obtained and compared with sequences mainly from European and Asian isolates. The Romanian sequences were identified as belonging to previously described clusters 2a and 2b, with high degree of heterogeneity (PCV2 ORF2 nucleotide homology ranged between 90.1% and 100%). Interestingly, for cluster 2a, the majority of the sequences (8 from a total number of 9) clustered mainly with the Asian isolates (especially China, but also India and South Korea), with three exceptions from Europe previously reported in Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) in swine is causally associated with the newly recognised pathogen, porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2). In this study, 3-week-old SPF PCV2-seronegative piglets were inoculated intranasally with PCV2. The effect of immunostimulation on the induction of PMWS was investigated by immunisation with keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) emulsified in incomplete Freunds adjuvant. The study was terminated 5 weeks after inoculation. While disease was not observed in the age-matched controls, two out of five non-immunised PCV2-infected piglets died on postinoculation day (PID) 21, and one was euthanized on PID 25 in moribund condition. These animals had appeared lethargic with persistent fever from PID 12 onwards. The euthanized pig appeared smaller than littermates and suffered from jaundice. At postmortem examination, gastric ulceration, icterus, and liver and thymus atrophy were observed. Furthermore, histological lesions of degenerating hepatocytes and hepatitis in combination with lymphoid depletion and syncytial cells in lymph nodes were consistent with the diagnosis of PMWS. One out of five immunostimulated PCV2-infected piglets was euthanized on PID 22 with convulsions after a period with wasting. This pig was lethargic from PID 14 onwards with persistent fever from PID 8 and transient dyspnoea. No differences in clinical signs, gross pathologic or histological findings were observed for the remaining non-immunostimulated and immunostimulated PCV2-infected piglets. All 10 PCV2-inoculated piglets seroconverted to PCV2 within 14 days after inoculation. By virus isolation, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR), and immunostaining of cryostat sections, it was demonstrated that lymphoid tissue contained abundant PCV2 antigen. Viral DNA load in serum samples was assessed by Q-PCR. All four PMWS-affected piglets had high levels of PCV2 DNA in serum, suggesting that there was a correlation between high levels of viral DNA in serum and the development of PMWS. In conclusion, infection with PCV2 caused PMWS in SPF piglets, however, the immunostimulation did not seem to play a critical role.  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is the primary causative agent of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), a multifactorial disease, in pigs. Monocyte/macrophage lineage cells, including alveolar macrophages (AMs), are the major target cells for PCV2. Swine AMs are essential for the pulmonary defense system against various pathogens. Concurrent infection of lung with opportunistic pathogens in pigs suffered from PMWS is speculated as a feature of immunosuppression. The present study was conducted to characterize the effects of PCV2 inoculation on swine AMs in the in vitro system. The parameters selected for evaluation included PCV2 antigen- and nucleic acid-containing rate, viability, TUNEL-positive rate, phagocytosis, microbicidal capability, and capacity for production of reactive oxygen species (superoxide anion, O2, and hydrogen peroxide, H2O2), cytokines, and chemokines. High intracytoplasmic PCV2 antigen- and nucleic acid-containing rate, absence of intranuclear signals for PCV2 antigen and nucleic acid, and lack of noticeable cell death were seen in PCV2-inoculated AMs. The PCV2-inoculated AMs displayed a transient as well as persistent reduction in the up-take and destruction of Candida albicans, respectively, accompanied by decrease in the production of O2 and H2O2. In PCV2-inoculated AMs, the levels of tumor necrosis- (TNF-) and interleukin-8 (IL-8) were significantly increased; the mRNA expression levels of alveolar macrophage-derived neutrophil chemotactic factors-II (AMCF-II), granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), and IL-8 were strongly up-regulated. The reduced phagocytosis and microbicidal capability in conjunction with decreased production of reactive oxygen species in PCV2-inoculated AMs suggest that PCV2-containing AMs may favor the survival and spread of PCV2. It is speculated that the functional alterations observed in PCV2-containing AMs may be potentially harmful to the lung tissue and local pulmonary defense system, especially in those PCV2-infected pigs conditioned by various PMWS development-dependent co-factors.  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is considered as the causative agent of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) in domestic pigs, where the virus is ubiquitous as evidenced by serological surveys. We present the results of the first nationwide sero-survey on the presence of PCV2 antibodies in European wild boars, and report the first PMWS case in a wild boar from Spain. Sera from 656 hunter harvested wild boars from 45 different geographical sites and 22 additional imported animals were analysed by means of an immunoperoxidase monolayer assay (IPMA). We also examined the tissues from 55 healthy and one diseased wild boars for the presence of PCV2 nucleic acid and PMWS lesions by in situ hybridisation and histopathology, respectively. Additionally, abundance estimates of wild boars and field interviews were carried out on 30 sampling sites. The prevalence of medium to high PCV2 serological titres among the examined wild boars was 47.89 +/- 1.9%. Seropositive wild boars appeared in all but one of the geographical regions analysed. Seroprevalence and titre of PCV2 antibodies were closely related to the management of the wild boar populations. Wild boars from intensively managed, farm-like populations had higher prevalence than wild boars living in more natural situations. The effect of wild boar abundance and management on PCV2 antibody prevalence was further evidenced by the high correlation existing between the relative abundance estimates of animals and the percentage of wild boars with medium to high levels of PCV2 antibodies. PCV2 nucleic acid was detected in the tissues of three wild boars. One of these was diagnosed as PMWS. The results, in addition to information on piglet mortalities, suggest a potential role of PMWS in piglet mortality in intensively managed wild boar populations.  相似文献   

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