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A field experiment was conducted over a 4‐year period to determine NO3 leaching losses from grassland on a freely draining sandy soil. The experiment consisted of all combinations of five defoliation systems; cutting‐only (CO), rotational grazing (GO), mixed systems with one (MSI) or two silage cuts (MSII) plus subsequent rotational grazing, and simulated grazing (SG), four mineral nitrogen (N) application rates (0, 100, 200, and 300 kg N ha?1 year?1), and two slurry levels (0 and 20 m3 slurry ha?1 year?1). Due to the high N return by grazing animals, leaching losses in the rotational grazing systems generally were associated with NO3‐N concentrations which exceeded the EU limit for drinking water. NO3 leaching losses in a rotational grazing system could be reduced by lowering the N fertilizer intensity and the inclusion of one or two silage cuts in spring. However, even in the unfertilized mixed systems, N fixation by white clover exceeded the amounts of N removed via animal products, which resulted in NO3‐N concentrations well above the EU limit for drinking water. In terms of leaching losses, the cutting‐only system was the most advantageous treatment. NO3 leaching losses on grassland could be predicted by the amount of soil mineral N at the end of the growing season and by the N surplus calculated from N balances at the field scale. From the results obtained a revised nitrogen fertilization policy and a reduced grazing intensity by integrating silage cuts are suggested.  相似文献   

Based on experimental data gathered in a research project on nitrogen fluxes in intensive dairy farming in Northern Germany, an analysis of fossil energy input and energy efficiency in forage production from permanent grassland and maize for silage was conducted. Field experiments comprised different defoliation systems and different rates of mineral N fertilizer and slurry application. Each change from grazing to cutting in grassland systems reduced the energy efficiency. Energy efficiency consistently decreased with increasing rates of mineral N application. In the production of maize for silage, maximum energy efficiency was obtained with an application of 50 kg N ha?1 from slurry only. Net energy yields of maize for silage were much higher than that of grassland when compared at the same level of fossil energy and nitrogen fertilizer input. Considering both nitrate‐leaching losses and a necessary minimum quantity of grass herbage in a well‐balanced ration, it is suggested that a high proportion of maize for silage in combination with N‐unfertilized grass/clover swards used in a mixed cutting/grazing system represents a good trade‐off between the leaching of nitrates and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted from 1998 to 2001 to measure the performance and environmental effects of a maize crop (Zea mais L.) in a continuous production system with and without a grass understorey (Lolium perenne L.), with varied N inputs. The experiment was located on a sandy soil in northern Germany and comprised all combinations of slurry application rate (0, 20, 40 m3 ha?1) and mineral N fertilizer (0, 50, 100, 150 kg N ha?1). Understorey treatments included maize with and without perennial ryegrass. Net energy (NEL) yield of maize increased with mineral N application rate but reached a plateau at high rates. Increase in yield of dry matter because of mineral N fertilizer was lower with increased slurry application rate. Neither slurry and mineral N application nor a grass understorey affected NEL concentration of maize, whereas crude protein (CP) concentration increased with increase in application of slurry and mineral N fertilizer. Nitrogen supply by slurry or mineral fertilizer had no effect on the amount of N in the grass understorey after the harvest of maize. The average amount of N bound annually in the understorey was 60 kg N ha?1. The reduced biomass of the understorey because of enhanced maize competition was compensated for by an increased CP concentration in the grass. The grass understorey affected the NEL yield of maize negatively only at very low levels of N input but increased the N surplus at all levels.  相似文献   

The increasing cost of N fertilizer has stimulated an interest in sourcing protein from warm‐season legumes among beef cattle producers in the tropical/subtropical areas of the world. The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of two strategies of incorporating cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] into bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flügge) pastures on the herbage characteristics and performance of grazing cow–calf pairs. The study was conducted in Ona, Florida, USA, from May to August in 2007 and 2008. Experimental units were 1·0 ha. Treatments were bahiagrass pasture alone (control), 50:50 bahiagrass–cowpea pasture (cowpea), bahiagrass pasture with a cowpea creep grazing area (0·1 ha, creep grazing) and bahiagrass pasture with a creep‐fed concentrate [(creep feeding; 10 g kg?1 body weight (BW)]. The cowpea pastures had lower herbage mass [HM, 1·8 vs. 3·7 t ha?1] and herbage allowance [HA, 0·8 vs. 1·4 kg DM kg?1 live weight (LW)] compared with the other treatments. Cowpea had greater CP (CP, 160 g kg?1) and in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM), (600 g kg?1) than bahiagrass (110 and 490 g kg?1 respectively); however, cowpea HM was only 0·9 t ha?1 in May and 0·7 t ha?1 in June, but it did not persist in July and August. Calves receiving the creep feeding treatments had greater average daily gain (0·8 vs. 0·7 kg d?1) than calves in other treatments. Further research is necessary to exploit the superior nutritive value of cowpea in grazing systems in the south‐eastern USA.  相似文献   

A field experiment with maize for silage was conducted to assess the effects of mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizer application rates (0, 50, 100, 150 kg ha?1), slurry application rates (0, 20, 40 m3 ha?1) and the use of an understorey with perennial ryegrass on nitrate (NO3)‐leaching losses. Leachate was collected using ceramic suction cups. Soil mineral N (SMN) was determined to a depth of 90 cm at the end of the growing season. Higher levels of N supply with mineral fertilizer or slurry resulted in higher leaching losses. The grass understorey significantly reduced the losses. The amount of N lost to the groundwater was positively related to SMN at the end of the growing season, with leaching losses representing less than 0·45 of SMN on average. Leaching losses were positively related to the N surplus, which was calculated from the difference between N input (N from fertilizer, slurry and atmospheric deposition) and N output (N removed with maize herbage mass and bound in the understorey biomass in spring). In view of the large variation in weather conditions between the experimental years, it is suggested that for the sandy soils in this experiment N‐leaching losses under maize can be estimated satisfactorily from SMN and the calculated N surplus.  相似文献   

On a Flemish sandy loam soil, cut and grazed swards were compared at different levels of mineral nitrogen (N) fertilization. Economically optimal N fertilization rates were 400 (or more) and 200 kg N ha?1 yr?1 on cut and grazed swards respectively. Considering the amounts of residual soil nitrate‐N in autumn, these N rates also met the current Flemish legal provisions, i.e. no more than 90 kg ha?1 nitrate‐N present in the 0–90 cm soil layer, measured between 1 October and 15 November. The N use efficiency was considerably higher in cut grassland systems than in grazed systems, even when the animal component of a cut and conservation system was included. The results indicate that, for cut grasslands, two N application rates should be considered: intensively managed grasslands with high amounts of N (400 kg ha?1 yr?1 or more) or extensively managed grasslands with white clover and no more than 100 kg N ha?1 yr?1.  相似文献   

This study compared the profitabilities of systems of dairy production based on N‐fertilized grass (FN) and grass‐white clover (WC) grassland and assessed sensitivity to changing fertilizer N and milk prices. Data were sourced from three system‐scale studies conducted in Ireland between 2001 and 2009. Ten FN stocked between 2·0 and 2·5 livestock units (LU) ha?1 with fertilizer N input between 173 and 353 kg ha?1 were compared with eight WC stocked between 1·75 and 2·2 LU ha?1 with fertilizer N input between 79 and 105 kg ha?1. Sensitivity was confined to nine combinations of high, intermediate and low fertilizer N and milk prices. Stocking density, milk and total sales from WC were approximately 0·90 of FN. In scenarios with high fertilizer N price combined with intermediate or low milk prices, WC was more (P < 0·05) profitable than FN. Based on milk and fertilizer N prices at the time, FN was clearly more profitable than WC between 1990 and 2005. However, with the steady increase in fertilizer N prices relative to milk price, the difference between FN and WC was less clear cut between 2006 and 2010. Projecting into the future and assuming similar trends in fertilizer N and milk prices to the last decade, this analysis indicates that WC will become an increasingly more profitable alternative to FN for pasture‐based dairy production.  相似文献   

White clover can reduce fertilizer‐N requirements, improve sward nutritive value and increase environmental sustainability of grazed grasslands. Results of previous experiments in glasshouse conditions and on mown plots have suggested that white clover may be more susceptible than perennial ryegrass to treading damage on wet soils. However, this phenomenon has not been investigated under actual grazing conditions. This experiment examined the effects of treading on clover content, herbage production and soil properties within three clover‐based grazing systems on a wet soil in Ireland for 1 year. Treading resulted in soil compaction, as evidenced by increased soil bulk density (< 0·001) and reductions in the proportion of large (air‐filled) soil pores (< 0·001). Treading reduced annual herbage production of both grass and white clover by similar amounts 0·59 and 0·45 t ha?1 respectively (< 0·001). Treading reduced the sward clover content in June (< 0·01) but had no effect on annual clover content, clover stolon mass or clover content at the end of the experiment. Therefore, there was little evidence that white clover is more susceptible to treading damage than perennial ryegrass under grazing conditions on wet soils.  相似文献   

Reduction of grazing intensity and the use of traditional instead of commercial breeds has frequently been recommended to meet biodiversity and production goals in sustainable grazing systems in Europe. To test the impact of such practices across a range of contrasting grassland types, integrated measurements of foraging behaviour, agronomic production and botanical, structural and invertebrate biodiversity were made over three years on four sites in the UK, Germany, France and Italy. The sites in the UK and Germany were mesotrophic grassland with high productivity and low to moderate initial levels of plant diversity, and were grazed by cattle. The French site was a semi‐natural, species‐rich grassland grazed by cattle. The Italian site contained a wider range in plant diversity, from species‐rich to mesotrophic grassland, and was grazed by sheep. The treatments were: MC, moderate grazing intensity with a commercial breed – this was designed to utilize herbage growth for optimum livestock production; LC, lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed – this was designed to increase biodiversity by not fully utilizing herbage growth; and LT, lenient grazing intensity with a traditional breed – this was also designed to increase biodiversity. Neither fertilizers nor pesticides were applied. The nutritive value of the herbage and the performance of the livestock were measured. Mean stocking rates were proportionately 0·30–0·40 lower and mean sward heights and herbage mass on offer were 0·30–0·50 higher on the LC and LT treatments compared with the MC treatment. The proportion of live and dead material, and leaves and stems in the herbage, its chemical composition and nutritive value were little affected by the treatments. Individual livestock performance, measured as liveweight gain, showed no consistent response to treatment. In Germany, performance on the MC treatment was slightly lower than on the LC and LT treatments but no such difference was found on the sites in the other countries. Livestock breed did not have a strong effect on livestock performance. In the UK and France the traditional breeds had a lower performance but this was not the case in Germany or Italy. Livestock performance per ha of the LC and LT treatments was up to 0·40 lower than of the MC treatment. It is concluded that biodiversity‐targeted extensive grazing systems have potential to be integrated into intensive livestock production systems because the individual livestock performance reaches a similar level compared to a moderate grazing intensity. Traditional breeds did not have a production advantage over commercial breeds on extensively managed pastures.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of ewe prolificacy potential (PP; predicted number of lambs born ewe?1 year?1), stocking rate (SR; ewes/ha) and their interaction on herbage dry matter (DM) production, utilization, quality and sward morphology within a temperate grass‐based lamb production system. The study had a 2 × 3 factorial design, consisting of two ewe PP as dictated by sire breed (180 medium prolificacy potential (MP—Suffolk crossbred) and 180 high prolificacy potential ewes (HP—Belclare crossbred)) and three SR: low (LSR; 10 ewes/ha), medium (MSR; 12 ewes/ha) and high (HSR: 14 ewes/ha). Each treatment was managed in a rotational grazing system, with LSR, MSR and HSR treatments grazing to target post‐grazing sward heights (PGSH) of 4.55, 4.15 and 3.75 cm respectively. Herbage DM production (above target PGSH) and utilization were highest at the HSR, intermediate at the MSR and lowest at the LSR (p < .001). Ewe PP had no effect on herbage DM production, utilization, quality or sward morphology (p > .05). The proportion of leaf in the sward (above target PGSH) was 4% greater in MSR and HSR compared with LSR (p < .05). In conclusion, findings demonstrate the potential to support increased ewe PP through the selection of ewe genotypes of a genetically higher PP and lower mature live weight and increased SR within a temperate grass‐based lamb production system.  相似文献   

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