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The PrP genotypes associated with natural scrapie in Ireland were determined and a comparison was made between genotypes found in scrapie-infected sheep and those found in healthy animals from scrapie-infected flocks. Seven PrP genotypes were identified in scrapie-infected animals: VV(136)RR(154)QQ(171),VA(136)RR(154)QQ(171),VA(136)RR(154)QR(171),VA(136)RR(154)QH(171),AA(136)RR(154)QQ(171),AA(136)RR(154)QH(171) and AA(136)RR(154)HH(171). Of 11 scrapie-infected flocks, 15 genotypes were identified in the healthy flock-mates. The genotypes identified in scrapie-affected animals were also all identified in healthy flock-mates. In 9 of the 11 flocks studied, the genotype frequencies among scrapie-infected animals were significantly different from those among healthy flock-mates. The results show that there is a significant risk of developing the clinical signs of scrapie associated with particular PrP genotypes in the Irish sheep population. The association between the V(136)R(154)Q(171) allele and scrapie was evident, as was the association between A(136)R(154)R(171) and resistance to developing the clinical signs of scrapie. The presence of the A(136)H(154)Q(171) allele in the flocks examined resulted in a decreased risk of developing scrapie compared to the presence of the A(136)R(154)Q(171).  相似文献   

In the present work, evidence of Listeria monocytogenes antigens based on the avidin-biotin complex (ABC) immunoperoxidase technique was performed on formalin-fixed central nervous system tissues (CNS) from a total of 23 natural cases of encephalitis (four ovine and 19 bovine). Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4 was isolated from 10 of 17 cultured specimens. Meningoencephalitis characterized by focal necrosis, microabscesses, perivascular cuffing, and gliosis with presence of macrophages and/or neutrophils was observed at histological examination. Positive L. monocytogenes antigens were successfully identified by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in the CNS of all 23 cases. Paraffin-embedded tissues assayed were stored up for 17 years. Morbidity of the outbreaks was between 0.3-3% and 0.1-1% for ovine and bovine cases, respectively. In all the ovine cases, flocks involved were under extensive grazing conditions. In nine of the 19 bovine cases (47.3%), supplementation with corn silage was used. The ABC test can help as a practical tool for the diagnosis of natural cases of L. monocytogenes encephalitis on formalin-fixed specimens from ovine and bovine.  相似文献   

Prion protein (PrP) genotype data from statutory confirmed cases and from three non-case datasets have been used to calculate the odds ratio (or) for the development of clinical scrapie for an individual sheep of a given PrP genotype, compared with one possessing the "wild-type" ARQ/ARQ genotype. Logistic regression has been used to estimate the ors, and a multiple-test procedure has been used to evaluate the statistical significance of each comparison. The results are similar to those observed in other studies: the VRQ/VRQ genotype has or point estimates greater than 20; the ARQ/VRQ and ARH/VRQ genotypes have or point estimates between 5 and 20; AHQ/VRQ between 0.03 and 0.1; ARR/VRQ 0.4 and 0.5; all the other PrP genotypes, excluding ARR/ARR, ARR/ARH and AHQ/ARH for which no clinical cases have been recorded have or point estimates of less than 0.3. The estimates derived from each dataset are comparable, but not identical. This can be explained by plausible biases inherent in the sampling of the non-case populations.  相似文献   

Samples of tissue from the central nervous system (cns), the lymphoreticular system (lrs) and the rectal mucosa of a large number of scrapie-exposed sheep, with and without signs of clinical disease, were examined immunohistochemically for evidence of disease-associated prion protein (PrP(d)). The rectal mucosa has received almost no attention so far in scrapie diagnosis, despite its abundant rectoanal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, and its accessibility. The scrapie-confirmed cases included 244 with clinical disease, of which 237 (97.1 per cent) were positive in the rectal mucosa, and 121 apparently healthy sheep, of which 104 (86 per cent) were positive in the rectal mucosa. PrP(d) was detected in 86.4 to 91.5 per cent of the other lrs tissues of the healthy sheep examined and in 77.7 per cent of their cns tissues. The stage of infection, therefore, affected the probability of a positive result in the rectal mucosa, whereas the breed, PrP genotype, age and sex had little or no independent effect. Accumulations of PrP(d) were observed in the rectal mucosa and other lrs tissues of vrq/arr sheep with preclinical and clinical scrapie, albeit with a lower frequency and magnitude than in sheep of other PrP genotypes. Western immunoblotting analyses of samples of rectal mucosa gave the characteristic PrP glycoprofile, with a sensitivity similar to that of immunohistochemistry.  相似文献   

疯牛病的暴发确实给人们带来许多问题。单单肉骨粉问题就已经使欧盟和英国等国家和地区感到无无苦恼和无奈。一方面,禁止肉骨粉进入动物饲料系统和肥料系统,一方面又有大量已生产的肉骨粉要等待销毁,仅肉骨粉销毁就要消耗欧盟等国相当多的人力和物力,而且还会产生大量的生物气体而污染环境。最近以来,欧盟发现了一些新方式来销毁或处理大量的肉骨粉。欧盟在控制疯牛病而采取的肉骨粉禁令和措施非常值得我国学习和借鉴,这些措施控制其他动物疾病或预防未知的动物疾病也有很好地借鉴意义。1肉骨粉的历史早在1900年英国就开始用牛羊的肉骨粉作…  相似文献   

Semen from 13 bulls, eight with clinical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), was used to artificially inseminate (AI) 167 cows with clinical BSE, and their resultant embryos were collected non-surgically seven days after AI. The viable and non-viable embryos with intact zonae pellucidae were washed 10 times (as recommended by the International Embryo Transfer Society) then frozen. Later, 587 of the viable embryos were transferred singly into 347 recipient heifers imported from New Zealand, and 266 live offspring were born of which 54.1 per cent had a BSE-positive sire and a BSE-positive dam. The recipients were monitored for clinical signs of BSE for seven years after the transfer, and the offspring were monitored for seven years after birth. Twenty-seven of the recipients and 20 offspring died while being monitored but none showed signs of BSE. Their brains, and the brains of the recipients and offspring killed after seven years, were examined for BSE by histopathology, PrP immunohistochemistry, and by electron microscopy for scrapie-associated fibrils. They were all negative. In addition, 1020 non-viable embryos were sonicated and injected intracerebrally into susceptible mice (20 embryos per mouse) which were monitored for up to 700 days, after which their brains were examined for spongiform lesions. They were all negative. It is concluded that embryos are unlikely to carry BSE infectivity even if they have been collected at the end-stage of the disease, when the risk of maternal transmission is believed to be highest.  相似文献   

Over one-third of the cases of BSE in Switzerland have been born after the feed ban of December 1, 1990. Evidence for the geographical clustering of these cases emerged in two distinct regions. All the 354 BSE cases recorded until June 30, 2000 (set A), and the 376 cases recorded up to May 14, 2001 (set B), were georeferenced to the centres of the communities in which the herds of origin were located, and control populations were georeferenced to the centres of the communities in which these herds were located at the time of the census. The latitudes and longitudes of these centres were used in the statistical analysis of the spatial clustering. The Cuzick-Edwards test and the spatial scan statistics were applied to assess the significance of the clusters, while controlling for the spatial distribution of the underlying cattle population. There was global clustering of the cases born after the ban, and distinct and significant (P<0.05) spatial clusters were repeatedly identified in the two case datasets, and in several control populations (all cases born before the feed ban on a random sample of control farms) in terms of cattle density by region or cow density by region. Differential reporting was excluded as the underlying reason for the observed clusters.  相似文献   

The duration of the incubation period for scrapie, a fatal transmissible neurodegenerative disorder of sheep and goats, is mainly determined by the Sip gene, which has 2 alleles (sA--susceptible and pA--resistant). A diagnostic test is not available to detect scrapie in live animals. We analyzed genomic DNA extracted from frozen sheep brains collected from Cheviot sheep of the United States that had been inoculated with the SSBP/1 scrapie inoculum. Digestion of the DNA with EcoRI or HindIII followed by the addition of a scrapie-associated fibril protein (PrP)-specific marker probe, yielded fragments of 6.8 (e1) and 4.0 (e3) kb, or 5.0 (h1) and 3.4 (h2) kb, respectively. Fragments e1 and h2 were associated with the histopathologic diagnosis of scrapie, and fragments e3 and h1 were associated with survival. A valine/alanine polymorphism within the PrP coding region that resulted in a BspHI site was further used to determine the genotype of these Cheviot sheep. Digestion of polymerase chain reaction fragments with BspHI resulted in an undigested fragment b- (0.840 kb), digested fragments b+ (0.460 and 0.380 kb), or both types of fragments. Survival time of b+/b+ homozygous sheep was significantly (P < 0.01) shorter (218 +/- 26.0 days) than survival time for b-/b- sheep (> 700 days after inoculation). Results indicated that b+ and b- are markers for the Sip sA and pA alleles, respectively. The intermediate duration of the incubation period for heterozygous sheep (b+/b-; 342.9 +/- 25.3 days) indicated that the Sip sA allele is expressed codominantly to the Sip pA allele.  相似文献   

The decline in the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) epidemic in Great Britain (GB) demands a review of control strategies to ensure that they remain proportionate. Amongst controls that are subject to review are those intended to minimise the risk of BSE exposure of consumers through food. Such risk mitigation steps are costly, and the relative impact of each in terms of human exposure to BSE infectivity is not known. This risk assessment, termed the BSE Control Model, aims to estimate by use of stochastic simulation the impact of testing of cattle at slaughter and the removal of Specified Risk Materials (SRM) on potential BSE infectivity consumed. This paper describes the use of the model to investigate the effect of different risk management methods that have been or could be implemented between 2005 and 2010.Our results suggest that the amount of infectivity consumed in 2005 with the Over Thirty Month (OTM) rule in place was a mean of 0.03 bovine oral ID50 (BO ID50). This is an extremely low amount, particularly considering that it would be spread over, on average, 236 infected carcases that would be further sub-divided into portions for human consumption. The highest contributor to the total amount of infectivity consumed per year is spinal contamination at carcase splitting (35%). In 2006 the OTM scheme was discontinued and head meat was again permitted into the food chain. These changes resulted in an increase in the amount of infectivity consumed, rising to an estimated 28 BO ID50 in 2006, and 19 BO ID50 in 2007.In 2008 the age at removal of vertebral column was raised from 24 to 30 months, and an estimated 24 BO ID50 of infectivity was consumed. At the beginning of 2009 the age at testing of cattle was raised to 48 months for healthy slaughter, emergency slaughter and fallen stock. Under these conditions, an estimated mean of 24 BO ID50 will be consumed in 2009, decreasing to 20 BO ID50 in 2010. Even though presented in terms of bovine rather than human oral ID50, such estimates represent an extremely low exposure of the British population. Considerable uncertainty would surround any attempt to try to convert such exposure into estimates of new cases of vCJD, but the most recent estimates of the size of the species barrier between cattle and humans (4000, EFSA, 2006) suggest that there would be few, if any, new cases of vCJD arising from such exposure levels.  相似文献   

A food-borne origin of the transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) to cattle is commonly assumed. However, the fate of infectious prion protein during polygastric digestion remains unclear. It is unknown at present, whether infectious prion proteins, considered to be very stable, are degraded or inactivated by microbial processes in the gastrointestinal tract of cattle. In this study, rumen and colon contents from healthy cattle, taken immediately after slaughter, were used to assess the ability of these microbial consortia to degrade PrP(Sc). Therefore, the consortia were incubated with brain homogenates of scrapie (strain 263K) infected hamsters under physiological anaerobic conditions at 37 degrees C. Within 20 h, PrP(Sc) was digested both with ruminal and colonic microbiota up to immunochemically undetectable levels. Especially polymyxin resistant (mainly gram-positive) bacteria expressed PrP(Sc) degrading activity. These data demonstrate the ability of bovine gastrointestinal microbiota to degrade PrP(Sc) during digestion.  相似文献   

A mandatory reporting system (MRS) was set up in France in December 1990 to detect animals showing clinical signs of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Since June 2000, four active surveillance programmes dedicated to fallen stock and slaughtered cattle have been implemented to reinforce the MRS. The clinical status of the cases detected through these programmes was investigated to understand why the MRS had failed to detect them. Up to September 1, 2002, 181 cases had been analysed (126 fallen stock and 55 slaughtered cattle). Almost all the fallen stock cases were animals which had been showing clinical signs, and two thirds of them had shown signs which should have led to a suspicion of BSE. No clinical signs had been reported for two thirds of the slaughtered cattle cases and 10 (8 per cent) of the fallen stock cases.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of two measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), the compulsory processing of animal by products to meat and bone meal (MBM) at 133 degrees C under 3 bars of pressure for 20 minutes in February 1993 and the exclusion of fallen stock, heads with eyes and spinal cord of cattle older than 30 month from MBM production in April 1996, was evaluated in a process model. The transmission of BSE by calculation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 was modelled.The results were verified by use of a cohort model, based on observed surveillance data. Prior to 1990, before the ban of feeding MBM to ruminants, R0, as calculated in the process model, was above 1, coherent with a slowly progressing BSE epidemic. Since 1991, values of R0 were low at 0.06.The corresponding R0 values derived from the cohort model were higher, the lowest value 0.13 calculated for 1996. Given such low R0 values, the epidemic should have died out. Additionally, no influence of the two measures was obvious at that time given the low level of R0. The discrepancy between the results of the two models is evidence for a dependency of the BSE epidemic from an infection source not considered in the process model. This infection source is most likely importation of feed ingredients and MBM.  相似文献   

To determine the transmissibility of scrapie to Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni), six elk calves were inoculated intracerebrally with brain suspension from sheep naturally affected with scrapie. One elk developed a brain abscess and was euthanatized at 7 weeks postinoculation (PI), and two others died at 6 and 15 months PI because of physical injuries. At 25 and 35 months PI, two other elk died after brief terminal neurologic episodes. Necropsy of these revealed moderate weight loss but no other gross lesions. Microscopically, characteristic lesions of spongiform encephalopathy were seen throughout the brains and the spinal cords, and in both cases these tissues were positive for PrP(res) by immunohistochemistry. Brains of both animals were positive for PrP(res) by western blot and for scrapie-associated fibrils (SAFs) by negative stain electron microscopy. PrP(res) and SAFs were not detected in the three elk that died or were euthanatized because of coincidental causes. Over 3.5 years after initiation of this experiment, the one remaining inoculated elk and two uninoculated (control) elk are alive and apparently healthy. These preliminary findings demonstrate that 1) sheep scrapie agent can be transmitted to elk by intracerebral inoculation; 2) the infection can result in severe, widely distributed spongiform change and accumulations of PrP(res) in the central nervous system (CNS); and 3) based on the examination of a limited number of CNS sections from two cases, this condition cannot be distinguished from chronic wasting disease with currently available diagnostic techniques.  相似文献   

Scattered SRM residues from BSE-infected cattle are possible to contaminate sewage during the slaughtering process in slaughterhouses. A proportion of the sludge discharged from wastewater treatment facilities at slaughterhouses has historically been processed into fertilizer. We therefore investigated the associated risk of BSE infection to cattle via sludge-derived fertilizer. Each stage of the process associated with BSE exposure was qualitatively evaluated and quantitative evaluations were subsequently performed using infectious dose as a unit of concern. Results of these qualitative evaluations indicated that installation of filter(s) at the drains to the wastewater treatment facilities has been undertaken by many slaughterhouses and has decreased the likelihood of SRM contamination of sewage. The level of sludge-derived fertilizer ingested by cattle was considered to be very low since the fertilizer is mixed with the ground soil, and the amount of soil ingested by cattle is likely to be small. Results from the quantitative analysis indicated the total infectious dose ingested by cattle in Japan from an infected cow has been estimated to be 5.5 x 10(-3) ID(50). Preventing scattering of SRM during the slaughtering process, installing filters to the drains with the removal of residues from the drain water and preventing the application of sludge-derived fertilizer to pasturelands would be effective to reduce the risk. Although the limited extent of available information, this study should provide useful indication for the development of an inclusive risk assessment for slaughterhouse sludge in the future.  相似文献   

During active surveillance for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) in sheep, an initial reactor was detected using a rapid test on a brain sample. Immunohistochemistry confirmed an atypical TSE presentation that closely resembled the previously described Nor98 cases. Sequencing of the prnp gene confirmed the ARQ/AHQ genotype with the L141F mutation at codon 141 associated with this phenotype. The head, including the brain and cranial lymphoid tissues, was sampled and examined thoroughly. Non-purulent encephalitis, with ectopic lymphoid follicle formation within the brain, was diagnosed concomitant to the TSE. When scrapie-associated prion protein (PrP(sc)) deposition was studied by immunohistochemistry there was a noticeable lack of lymphotropism. The distribution of PrP(sc) in the brain differed considerably from that of classical scrapie cases. Astrogliosis and microgliosis were demonstrated by histochemical procedures.  相似文献   

应用鹅源血清1型鸭疫里默氏杆菌(RA)作为抗原免疫兔制备兔抗RA的IgG,建立了检测雏鹅感染鸭疫里默氏杆菌的间接免疫酶组织化学法(Indirect Immunoperoxidase Staining,IIS),该法与大肠杆菌(O1、O8、O79、O138)、鸭沙门氏菌、多杀性巴氏杆菌(5:A)感染发病和死亡雏鹅组织不出现阳性反应而与RA感染发病死亡雏鹅组织出现特异性阳性反应。RA人工发病死亡雏鹅可在心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肾脏、回肠、直肠、肺脏、十二指肠、空肠和盲肠检测到RA抗原,RA抗原分布于细胞胞浆、组织间隙和血液,检测RA人工感染病例与RA肝脏分离符合率为100%,检测临床可疑病例的血清1型RA的阳性率(92.96%)比细菌分离率(75.12%)高。该法具有特异、直观和敏感的特点,可用于雏鹅RA人工感染和临床感染的诊断、检测及RA感染雏鹅后抗原定位和RA致病机理的研究。  相似文献   

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