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Interbull has been responsible for comparing dairy bulls across countries since the mid‐1980s. The current methodology is called MACE (multiple across country evaluations) which has been in use since 1995. Now that genomic data are being utilized in many countries, this has led to two serious problems. The first is that of preselection of young bulls such that the young animals are no longer a random sample of progeny from a sire by dam mating pair. Secondly, some countries are becoming less willing to share genomic data with Interbull. Both issues raise concern over the future of Interbull and international comparisons. This paper suggests a competition model as a potential replacement for MACE. The competition model makes pairwise comparisons between all pairs of bulls within a country and combines these differences across countries through bulls that are used in more than one country. Pedigree information is ignored as are all genomic data because bulls are treated as fixed. The model produces one international ranking of bulls averaging out any genotype by environment interactions which may exist. The competition model is illustrated by a small example. The limitations and advantages of the competition model are discussed.  相似文献   

Mycobacteria were isolated from 14.3% of the tissues submitted to the National Veterinary Services Laboratories over a 5-year period (July 1, 1972, to June 30, 1977). The isolates were identified by drug susceptibility, and biochemical and serologic tests. Mycobacterium bovis isolated from tissues of cattle originating in 32 states and Puerto Rico accounted for 78% of the acid-fast isolations. Of the Mycobacterium bovis isolates, 4% were from tissues in which no microscopic tuberculous granulomas were observed on examination of tissue sections. Of the 119 Mycobacterium avium isolates, 18 were serotype 1, 44 were serotype 2, and 45 isolates represented 12 other serotypes.  相似文献   

In 1991, 49 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico reported 6,972 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the Centers for Disease Control. Ninety-one percent (6,354 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8.9% (618 cases) were domestic species. The total number of reported cases of rabies increased 42.9% over that of 1990 (4,881 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of the epizootic of rabies in raccoons in the mid-Atlantic and northeastern states. Large increases in cases of rabies in animals were reported from Connecticut (200 cases in 1991, compared with 3 in 1990, an increase of 6,567%), Delaware (197 cases in 1991, compared with 44 in 1990, an increase of 348%), New York (1,303 cases in 1991, compared with 242 in 1990, an increase of 326%), and New Jersey (994 cases in 1991, compared with 469 in 1990, an increase of 112%). Other noteworthy increases were reported by Wyoming (96.4%), Texas (69.7%), California (41.3%), Oklahoma (33.1%), Minnesota (31.4%), Georgia (26.7%), and Maryland (23.7%). Hawaii reported 1 imported case of rabies in a bat. Only 16 states reported decreases in rabies in animals in 1991, compared with 30 in 1990. Pennsylvania and Iowa reported decreases of 40.6% and 27.4%, respectively. Rhode Island was the only state that did not report a case of rabies in 1991.  相似文献   

In 1990, the United States and its territories reported 4,881 cases of rabies in animals to the Centers for Disease Control, a 1.5% increase from 1989. Of these, 553 were domestic animals, 4,327 were wild animals, and one was a human being. Pennsylvania reported the highest number (611) of rabies cases in animals in 1990. For the first time since surveillance of rabies in wild animals was begun in the 1950s, the number of cases of rabies in raccoons exceeded that in skunks. Particularly large increases of cases of rabies in wild and domestic animals were reported in New Jersey (469 cases in 1990 compared with 50 cases in 1989, an increase of 838% from 1989) and New York (242 cases in 1990 compared with 54 cases in 1989, an increase of 348%). The 1,821 cases of rabies in raccoons represented a 17.9% increase over those reported in 1989 and 24.5% over those in 1988. This increase was largely attributable to the larger number of rabid raccoons in New Jersey and New York. Other states that reported an increased number of rabies cases in animals in 1990 included Utah (77.8%), Louisiana (64.7%), North Dakota (60.3%), Arizona (28.6%), Oklahoma (27.5%), Delaware (22.2%), and Maryland (20.6%). Thirty states reported a decrease in the number of cases of rabies in animals.  相似文献   

During 2000, 49 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico reported 7,364 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 5 cases in human beings to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an increase of 4.3% from 7,067 cases in nonhuman animals reported in 1999. Ninety-three percent (6,855 cases) were in wild animals, whereas 6.9% (509 cases) were in domestic species (compared wth 91.5% in wild animals and 8.5% in domestic species in 1999). Compared with cases reported in 1999, the number of cases reported in 2000 increased among bats, dogs, foxes, skunks, and sheep/goats and decreased among cats, cattle, horses/mules, raccoons, and swine. The relative contributions of the major groups of animals were as follows: raccoons (37.7%; 2,778 cases), skunks (30.2%; 2,223), bats (16.8%; 1,240), foxes (6.2%; 453), cats (3.4%; 249), dogs (1.6%; 114), and cattle (1.1%; 83). Ten of the 19 states where the raccoon-associated variant of the rabies virus has been enzootic reported increases in the numbers of cases of rabies during 2000. Among those states that have engaged in extensive wildlife rabies control programs, no cases of rabies associated with the epizootic of rabies in raccoons (or in any other terrestrial species) were reported in Ohio, compared with 6 cases reported in 1999. No rabies cases associated with the dog/coyote variant (compared with 10 cases in 1999, including 5 in dogs) were reported in Texas, and cases associated with the gray fox variant of the virus decreased (58 cases in 2000, including 38 among foxes). Reports of rabid skunks exceeded those of rabid raccoons in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, states with enzootic raccoon rabies, for the fourth consecutive year. Nationally, the number of rabies cases in skunks increased by 7.1% from that reported in 1999. The greatest numerical increase in rabid skunks (550 cases in 2000, compared with 192 in 1999) was reported in Texas. The number of cases of rabies reported in bats (1,240) during 2000 increased 25.4% over the number reported during 1999 (989) and represented the greatest contribution (16.8% of the total number of rabid animals) ever recorded for this group of mammals. Cases of rabies reported in cattle (83) and cats (249) decreased by 38.5% and 10.4%, respectively, whereas cases in dogs (114) increased by 2.7% over those reported in 1999. Reported cases of rabies among horses and mules declined 20% from 65 cases in 1999 to 52 cases in 2000. Four indigenously acquired cases of rabies reported in human beings were caused by variants of the rabies virus associated with bats. One case of human rabies acquired outside the United States that resulted from a dog bite was caused by the canine variant of the rabies virus.  相似文献   

在美国企业中,《财富》推出了100家增长最快的企业,可在美国次贷危机和金融危机中,许多企业的股价大跌,其中也包括金融企业,信息产业企业,包括排在第24位的Google和第31位的“苹果”。可是,一个重要的信息是,到2008年11月初前,在100家企业中,有8家企业的股价涨幅10%-25%,而且还在不断上涨。如果对前5位的企业进行商业模式分析,令家禽行业人惊喜的是,其中两种商业模式与“禽”有关。  相似文献   

A virus (T94-0353) isolated from the small intestine of a 3-week-old kid with diarrhea and serous ocular and nasal discharge was identified as an adenovirus based on morphologic and physicochemical characteristics. Neutralization tests and restriction endonuclease analysis comparing the caprine adenovirus with the prototype bovine and ovine adenovirus serotypes and a previously isolated caprine adenovirus showed that the caprine isolate was antigenically distinct, produced a unique restriction pattern compared with currently recognized bovine, caprine, and ovine adenoviruses, and represents a new adenovirus type. The role and significance of naturally acquired adenovirus infection in respiratory and enteric disease in goats has not been established. Isolation of adenovirus from goats with disease coupled with seroepidemiologic and pathogenicity studies will help define the role of the adenoviruses in disease production.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are considered unavoidable contaminants in foods and feeds because agronomic technology has not yet advanced to the stage at which preharvest infection of susceptible crops by fungi can be eliminated. The aflatoxins have received greater attention than any of the other mycotoxins because of their demonstrated carcinogenic effects in susceptible animals and their acute toxic effects in humans. Since 1965, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has enforced regulatory limits on the concentrations of these toxins in foods and feeds involved in interstate commerce. The FDA routinely monitors the food and feed industries through compliance programs to ensure that the levels of exposure to these toxins are kept as low as practical. This report summarizes data generated from compliance programs on aflatoxins for the fiscal years 1989, 1990, and the first half of 1991. Commodities sampled included peanuts and peanut products, tree nuts, corn and corn products, cottonseed, and milk. Higher than usual levels of contamination were found in corn examined from all areas of the United States in 1989 as a result of the severe drought that affected the 1988 corn crop. The drought in parts of the South and Southeast in 1990 resulted in increased contamination in corn and peanuts from those areas. A review of the surveillance data obtained on deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, ochratoxin A, sterigmatocystin, penicillic acid, and patulin over the years along with available toxicological data for these mycotoxins indicated that no regulatory actions were warranted. The lack of sufficient surveillance data on other mycotoxins that occur in the United States can be attributed in part to the unavailability of reliable analytical methodology.  相似文献   

Virus isolated from the lung, liver, kidney, and small intestine of a 3-month-old Holstein heifer with a clinical history of pneumonia and lesions in multiple organs was identified as an adenovirus on the basis of morphological and physicochemical characteristics. The adenovirus was determined to be a serotype 10 bovine adenovirus and represents the first reported isolation of this serotype in the United States. Inoculation of calves with this isolate resulted in mild to moderate clinical response consisting of fever, inappetence, increased respiratory rate, cough, and listlessness. Gross lesions were minimal in the respiratory tract and consisted of fibrin in the airways and small areas of consolidation in the cranial lobes of the lung. Mucofibrinous foci were present on the mucosa of the upper small intestine.  相似文献   

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