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通过实地调查和访问,初步了解中国特有极危物种金头闭壳龟的生存现状。金头闭壳龟仅生存于安徽省泾县和黟县的青弋江源头和少数支流,实际占有面积不足1.5km^2,野外数量估计不足200只。估计国内饲养总数不超过200只,西欧、美国和日本约200~300只,绝大多数为私人所有。根据其受胁因素和保护现状,建议提高保护级别、尽快建立保护区、开展野外和人工繁育研究、加强宣传教育,期望相关主管部门予以重视并及时采取有效保护措施。  相似文献   

金头闭壳龟及其人工饲养   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
金头闭壳龟(Cuora aurocapJtata)是我国特有的药用、观赏和学术价值较高的珍稀龟类。此龟直到1988年才由我国学者根据在安徽南陵获得的标本定名为新种。它仅分布于我国安徽省南部的某些山区,喜欢生活在水质清澈的山间溪流中,白天隐藏在石块或石板下,夜间外出活动,肉食性。  相似文献   

2010年大鸨的全球种群数量估计为44100-57000只,其中57-70%分布于西班牙,俄罗斯的欧洲部分占15-25%,中国、蒙古及俄罗斯东南部共占4-10%,葡萄牙占3-4%,匈牙利占3%,土耳其占1-2%,其余零星分布于其他10个国家.在这次估算和调查结果中,大部分统计数据(占全球种群数量的67-75%)的可靠性很高,其余25-33%(分布于俄罗斯、蒙古国、中国、土耳其、乌克兰、伊朗、哈萨克斯坦等国家)或因调查不完善或因数据陈旧导致可靠性较低.虽然有报道称部分国家(如土耳其、伊朗和中国)的大鸨种群数量持续下降,但本次调查表明,在过去的10年里,全球种群数量并没有明显减少,与目前有关全球种群数量呈下降趋势的预测恰恰相反.这是由于近些年在大鸨主要分布区(如西班牙、葡萄牙)开展了全面、稳定的调查,使结果更准确;且在这些国家制定禁捕令后的几十年里,大鸨数量有明显恢复.仅在生活着全球大鸨总数的6-10%的地区,种群数量仍存在明显下降的现象,这主要是由于农业活动加剧以及栖息地退化、非法捕猎、触碰高压线等原因造成的.只有极少部分(占全球种群数量的3-4%)因管理和保护措施得当,种群数量有明显的(德国、奥地利)或显著的(匈牙利)增加.占全球总数的19-22%因当前或过去的调查不准确,现状和种群发展趋势不明确.因此,我们建议:1)继续保护该物种以及对全球现状的关注;2)为更准确地估算大鸨全球数量和趋势,应在种群资料相对缺乏的国家尽快展开全国性的调查.  相似文献   

<正>0前言安徽省泾县陈园山方解石矿位于泾县桃花潭镇苏岭村,泾县西南方向40公里左右处,矿区中心坐标为东径:118°07′30″、北纬:30°34′30″。为2007年提交非金属矿床,现已由江苏镇江金东纸业进行开发。1区域水文地质特征1.1构造区域上矿区位于江南大断裂的北西侧,黄柏岭复背斜南翼,其由  相似文献   

三江源区野生草地早熟禾的分布及群落特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过查阅相关资料确定三江源区草地早熟禾种群生境范围,同时结合野外实地踏查初步选取草地早熟禾种群典型分布区域,调查三江源区草地早熟禾种群实际分布地理范围及其相应植物群落类型.研究表明:野生草地早熟禾在三江源区分布于海拔3365~4500m之间,经度范围96°30′24.96″~100°57′31.2″,纬度范围33°07′29.34″~34°46′12.9″;草地早熟禾种群适于在灌丛草甸、河漫滩地、河边、山坡、林下生长l主要群落类型有12种,在各草地类型中的重要值分别为34.63、24.25、26.12、13.46、8.97、18.27、6.08、11.40、47.40、3.74、29.56、3.69.  相似文献   

黄头闭壳龟是龟类中的优良品种,目前野生的黄头闭壳龟数量已极少。 黄头闭壳龟有很高的食用、药用和观赏价值。其肉质细嫩,味美适口,营养丰富。在药用价值方面,龟肉、龟板可治肾阴不足、崩漏带下、痔疮沥血、肺结核、肝炎和脱肛等,龟血有抑制癌细胞生长的特殊功能。因此,黄头闭壳龟在国内外市场上非常受人们的欢迎。现将黄头闭壳龟的人工养殖技术介绍如下,供大家参考。  相似文献   

正亚洲象(Elephas maximus)被国际自然和自然资源保护联盟(IUCN)列为濒危物种,全世界的野生种群数量约34000~54000头。野生亚洲象在我国境内目前仅分布于云南省的南部和西南部,种群数量约200~250头[1]。中国动物园目前圈养亚洲象数量约为150头。在圈养条件下,通过行为训练可避免疾病诊疗过程中出现的应激反应。给象修蹄、血液采集以及肌肉注射创造条件,为亚洲象的无应激疾病诊疗奠定基础。1 材料及方法  相似文献   

金头龟,学名黄缘盒龟或黄缘闭壳龟。另名夹板龟、断板龟等。其是我国珍稀龟类这一。近年来售价节节上升,从80年代的每500g40元,上升到目前的900至1200元。饲养金头龟是致富奔小康的好门路。金头龟肉细腻可口,鲜味浓且无异味。吃法多种多样。其龟甲、壳、肉、血、心、尿都均是名贵中药材原  相似文献   

1983年第4期《野生动物》杂志刊登一篇题为《救救黄缘闭壳龟》的文章。该文说,由于人们的滥捕,致使大别山区该龟类的数量锐减。呼吁把黄缘闭壳龟列为保护动物,以杜绝灭。闭壳龟(Cuora)是龟科(Emydidae)的一现生属,生活于东亚和东南亚一带,别处未见,可谓是“亚洲的特产”。现知6个现生种,即黄缘闭壳龟(C.flavomarginata)、三线闭壳龟(C.trifasciata)、海南闭壳龟(C.hainanensis)、云南闭壳龟(C.yunn-anensis)、安布闭壳龟(C.amboinensis)和黄额闭壳龟(C.galbinifrons)。我国产前  相似文献   

贵州剑河久仰香猪是贵州香猪的一个类群,分布于贵州剑河县内,主产区为剑河县西南部的久仰乡.目前种群数量达5 000头,能繁母猪达970头,种公猪30头.  相似文献   

Turtle populations are decreasing dramatically due to habitat loss and collection for the food and pet market. This study sought to determine hematologic values in two species of turtles to help assess health status of captive and wild populations. Blood samples were collected from 12 individuals of the Pascagoula map turtle (Graptemys gibbonsi) and seven individuals of the southeast Asian box turtle (Cuora amboinensis) from the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (South Carolina, USA). The hematologic data included hematocrit, total solids, erythrocyte count, leukocyte count, and differential and percentage leukocyte counts. Low hematocrit values and high basophil counts were found in both species. The basophil was the most abundant leukocyte in the Pascagoula map turtle (median = 0.80 x 10(9)/L), whereas in the Southeast Asian box turtle the most abundant leukocyte was the heterophil (median = 2.06 x 10(9)/L).  相似文献   

A healthy adult, intact female keeled box turtle (Cuora mouhotii) was found to have a marked heterophilic leukocytosis using normal hematologic parameters established for the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina), a related chelonian species. This animal was monitored with serial complete blood counts (CBCs) over the next 15 years despite remaining asymptomatic for an infectious condition. Retrospective CBC data were compiled from 38 presumably healthy keeled box turtles to establish hematologic values for comparison in this species. Using this species-specific data, over the 15-year period, the female keeled box turtle had two times where the white blood cell (WBC) count was greater than 2 standard deviations (SD) above the mean, six times where the WBC count was greater than 1 SD above the mean, six times where the PCV was greater than 2 SD above the mean, and eight times where the PCV was greater than 1 SD above the mean. Infection and inflammation are the most common causes of leukocytosis in reptiles; however, given the clinical presentation of this patient, it was postulated that these clinicopathologic changes could be secondary to a stress response. Establishing reference intervals and understanding how stress impacts CBC parameters are important for evaluating the health status of keeled box turtles kept in captivity and for assessing the effects of environmental changes on the health status of wild populations of this endangered chelonian species.  相似文献   

安徽省黄缘盒龟资源现状及驯养繁育调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为弄清安徽省黄缘盒龟资源现状及驯养繁殖情况,2011年8~10月对安徽省皖南山区的黟县、泾县、广德及大别山区霍山县、金寨县等12个县区进行了调查。调查共发现安徽本地黄缘盒龟共34只,其中皖南山区27只,大别山区7只,另外发现台湾黄缘盒龟8只;安徽省有16个黄缘盒龟驯养基地,共有亲本2194只,2011年繁殖幼龟2280只。分析认为:黄缘盒龟资源严重衰退,存在种质混杂风险。建议加强资源管理,建立皖南、大别山黄缘盒龟保护区,建立安徽原产地黄缘盒龟繁殖中心,防止因台湾黄缘盒龟进入造成种质混杂。  相似文献   

Objective The Leatherback sea turtle is the largest extant reptile and the sole member of the family Dermochelyidae. Here, the eye of this critically endangered marine turtle was investigated to determine the anatomy, optics, and optical sensitivity. Animals studied Three Leatherback sea turtles, Dermochelys coriacea. Results The eye is small in proportion to body size of the adult compared to other vertebrates, with prominence of the retractor bulbi and pyramidalis muscles. The nictitans shows extensive folding of the bulbar conjunctiva as an apparent mechanism to increase the surface area for mucus secretion. The intraocular anatomy is consistent with an eye adapted to aquatic vision with minimal curvature of the cornea, a near‐spherical lens, deep ciliary cleft and highly vascularized ciliary body. The optical sensitivity, a measure of the sensitivity to light of a given optical system, is higher than in other marine turtles studied but lower than those found in teleost fish that share a habitat with the Leatherback sea turtle. Conclusions The Leatherback sea turtle shows ocular features that are characteristic of Chelonians with similarities to aquatic mammals. The calculated optical sensitivity suggests that compared to pelagic fishes, for instance, the Leatherback sea turtle eye is not particularly well adapted for vision in dim light even though this species is known to venture into deep, dark waters, and might feed at night.  相似文献   

A female, adult ornate box turtle (Terrapene ornata ornata) with fatty liver was submitted for virologic examination in Hungary. Signs of an adenovirus infection including degeneration of the liver cells, enlarged nuclei and intranuclear inclusion bodies were detected by light microscopic examination. The presence of an adenovirus was later confirmed by obtaining partial sequence data from the adenoviral DNA-dependent DNA-polymerase. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that this novel chelonian adenovirus was distinct from previously described reptilian adenoviruses, not belonging to any of the recognized genera of the family Adenoviridae. As a part of the routine diagnostic procedure for chelonians the detection of herpes-, rana- and iridoviruses together with Mycoplasma spp. was attempted. Amplicons were generated by a general mycoplasma polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the 16S/23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) intergenic spacer region, as well as, a specific Mycoplasma agassizii PCR targeting the 16S rRNA gene. Based on the analyses of partial sequences of the 16S rRNA gene, the Mycoplasma sp. of the ornate box turtle seemed to be identical with the recently described eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) Mycoplasma sp. This is the first report of a novel chelonian adenovirus and a mycoplasma infection in an ornate box turtle (T. ornata ornata) in Europe.  相似文献   

中华鳖是我国特种经济动物,脂肪在鱼类生长中占据举足轻重的作用,充当脂溶性维生素载体的角色。文章综合国内外文献关于中华鳖对脂肪的需求,中华鳖高脂饲料对中华鳖抗氧化能力和功能基因的影响进行综述,从中华鳖的营养和免疫学两个层面上进行研究,为中华鳖饲料中脂肪的水平和组成提供参考,以促进中华鳖养殖业的发展。  相似文献   

结合塔里木河下游生态输水,通过对植被和地下水的监测,分析了输水对下游草地恢复的影响。结果显示:随着生态输水,塔里木河下游输水河道附近地下水位大幅升高,下游草地也出现明显的生态恢复,主要表现在植被种类和草地覆盖度的变化。但是由于不同草本植物对地下水位的适应程度不同,距河道不同距离植物响应的程度不同。而对于因河水漫溢出现的恢复区,其植被种类和覆盖度表现与因地下水升高而恢复的区域差异较大,说明不同输水方式对草地生态恢复的影响程度不同。  相似文献   

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