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Jupiter's main ring shows vertical corrugations reminiscent of those recently detected in the rings of Saturn. The Galileo spacecraft imaged a pair of superimposed ripple patterns in 1996 and again in 2000. These patterns behave as two independent spirals, each winding up at a rate defined by Jupiter's gravity field. The dominant pattern originated between July and October 1994, when the entire ring was tilted by about 2 kilometers. We associate this with the Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacts of July 1994. New Horizons images still show this pattern 13 years later and suggest that subsequent events may also have tilted the ring. Impacts by comets or their dust streams are regular occurrences in planetary rings, altering them in ways that remain detectable decades later.  相似文献   

We quantified eight parent volatiles (H2O, C2H6, HCN, CO, CH3OH, H2CO, C2H2, and CH4) in the Jupiter-family comet Tempel 1 using high-dispersion infrared spectroscopy in the wavelength range 2.8 to 5.0 micrometers. The abundance ratio for ethane was significantly higher after impact, whereas those for methanol and hydrogen cyanide were unchanged. The abundance ratios in the ejecta are similar to those for most Oort cloud comets, but methanol and acetylene are lower in Tempel 1 by a factor of about 2. These results suggest that the volatile ices in Tempel 1 and in most Oort cloud comets originated in a common region of the protoplanetary disk.  相似文献   

The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) satellite conducted extensive observations of the jovian system before, during, and after the impact of the fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in July 1994. About 2 to 4 hours after the impacts of several of the larger fragments, the brightness of the neutral helium (He I) resonance line at 58.4 nanometers temporarily increased by a factor of about 10. The transient 58.4-nanometer brightenings are most simply explained by resonant scattering of sunlight from the widespread high-altitude remnants of the larger impact plumes. Other possible sources of emission, such as electron impact excitation of He or radiative recombination of He(+), may contribute to the observed signal.  相似文献   

Femtosecond synchrotron pulses were generated directly from an electron storage ring. An ultrashort laser pulse was used to modulate the energy of electrons within a 100-femtosecond slice of the stored 30-picosecond electron bunch. The energy-modulated electrons were spatially separated from the long bunch and used to generate approximately 300-femtosecond synchrotron pulses at a bend-magnet beamline, with a spectral range from infrared to x-ray wavelengths. The same technique can be used to generate approximately 100-femtosecond x-ray pulses of substantially higher flux and brightness with an undulator. Such synchrotron-based femtosecond x-ray sources offer the possibility of applying x-ray techniques on an ultrafast time scale to investigate structural dynamics in condensed matter.  相似文献   

R?ntgensatellit (ROSAT) observations made shortly before and during the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter show enhanced x-ray emissions from the planet's northern high latitudes. These emissions, which occur at System III longitudes where intensity enhancements have previously been observed in Jupiter's ultraviolet aurora, appear to be associated with the comet fragment impacts in Jupiter's southern hemisphere and may represent brightenings of the jovian x-ray aurora caused either by the fragment impacts themselves or by the passage of the fragments and associated dust clouds through Jupiter's inner magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Resonance between beams of x-ray waves and electronic transitions from bound atomic orbitals leads to a phenomenon known as anomalous scattering. This effect can be exploited in x-ray crystallographic studies on biological macromolecules by making diffraction measurements at selected wavelengths associated with a particular resonant transition. In this manner the problem of determining the three-dimensional structure of thousands of atoms is reduced to that of initially solving for a few anomalous scattering centers that can then be used as a reference for developing the entire structure. This method of multiwavelength anomalous diffraction has now been applied in a number of structure determinations. Optimal experiments require appropriate synchrotron instrumentation, careful experimental design, and sophisticated analytical procedures. There are rich opportunities for future applications.  相似文献   

We report the direct detection of solid water ice deposits exposed on the surface of comet 9P/Tempel 1, as observed by the Deep Impact mission. Three anomalously colored areas are shown to include water ice on the basis of their near-infrared spectra, which include diagnostic water ice absorptions at wavelengths of 1.5 and 2.0 micrometers. These absorptions are well modeled as a mixture of nearby non-ice regions and 3 to 6% water ice particles 10 to 50 micrometers in diameter. These particle sizes are larger than those ejected during the impact experiment, which suggests that the surface deposits are loose aggregates. The total area of exposed water ice is substantially less than that required to support the observed ambient outgassing from the comet, which likely has additional source regions below the surface.  相似文献   

A relation among activity, composition, and structure was determined for a working catalyst by means of a stainless-steel reactor cell of novel design that permitted operation at temperatures and pressures similar to those in industrial reactors. Molybdenum K-edge x-ray absorption spectra were used to probe the structural environment of molybdenum in CoMoS/[unknown]-alumina catalysts while hydro-desulfurization of benzothiophene was proceeding at high temperature and pressure. For catalyst samples with different contents of cobalt, radial structure functions obtained from extended x-ray absorption fine structure data presented the same features as those obtained from the spectra of MoS(2)/[unknown]-alumina reference samples. Moreover, Mo-S and Mo-Mo coordination numbers were maximum for the sample with an atomic ratio of Co to (Co + Mo) of 0.33; this sample was also the most active catalyst tested.  相似文献   

The Hubble Space Telescope observed the fragmented comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e) (P indicates that it is a periodic comet) on 1 July 1993. Approximately 20 individual nuclei and their comae were observed in images taken with the Planetary Camera. After subtraction of the comae light, the 11 brightest nuclei have magnitudes between approximately 23.7 and 24.8. Assuming that the geometric albedo is 0.04, these magnitudes imply that the nuclear diameters are in the range approximately 2.5 to 4.3 kilometers. If the density of each nucleus is 1 gram per cubic centimeter, the total energy deposited by the impact of these 11 nuclei into Jupiter's atmosphere next July will be approximately 4 x 10(30) ergs ( approximately 10(8) megatons of TNT). This latter number should be regarded as an upper limit because the nuclear magnitudes probably contain a small residual coma contribution. The Faint Object Spectrograph was used to search for fluorescence from OH, which is usually an excellent indicator of cometary activity. No OH emission was detected, and this can be translated into an upper limit on the water production rate of approximately 2 x 10(27) molecules per second.  相似文献   

Jupiter's great sodium nebula represents the largest visible structure traversed by the Ulysses spacecraft during its encounter with the planet in February 1992. Ground-based imaging conducted on Mount Haleakala, Hawaii, revealed a nebula that extended to at least +/-300 Jovian radii (spanning approximately 50 million kilometers); it was somewhat smaller in scale and less bright than previously observed. Analysis of observations and results of modeling studies suggest reduced volcanic activity on the moon lo, higher ion temperatures in the plasma torus, lower total plasma content in the torus, and fast neutral atomic clouds along the Ulysses inbound trajectory through the magnetosphere. Far fewer neutrals were encountered by the spacecraft along its postencounter, out-of-ecliptic trajectory.  相似文献   

【目的】分析江苏省不同茶区土壤结构的差异,寻求差异化的养分管理途径,为全省实施茶园化肥减施增效提供科学参考。【方法】表征江苏代表性茶园土壤矿物—有机复合体特征结构,利用同步辐射红外显微成像法对茶园土壤团聚体切片进行化学成像,从而获得特定组分的空间分布,进而从原位上表征样品中矿物和有机官能团的分布特征,探索茶园土壤有机碳的稳定机制。【结果】江苏省茶园土壤团聚体中的有机碳以脂肪碳(2881 cm-1)、芳香碳(1620 cm-1)和多糖碳(1100 cm-1)等形态存在,同时还有矿质元素氧化物Fe-O、Al-O、Si-O等存在。茶园土壤微团聚体中各元素空间分布具有高度异质性,甲基和亚甲基C-H等脂肪碳较集中地吸附在土壤微团聚体边缘(也有少量的矿物存在),而铁铝矿物的Al-O、Fe-O等官能团聚集在微团聚体内部核心位置,同时表面也吸附少量有机质; 87.5%茶园土壤中黏土矿物(3620 cm-1)与脂肪碳相关性最高,施肥措施和植茶年限影响矿物—有机官能团相关性排序; 75.0%茶园土壤铁氧化物与多糖碳相关性最高,各茶园土壤中铁铝矿物与有机官能团的亲和性排序规律受海拔、pH和植茶年限等影响而存在差异。【结论】江苏不同茶区土壤团聚体及其有机碳的分布特征揭示土壤团聚体通过矿物—有机复合体将有机质留存于土壤中,提高土壤有机质含量。生产中宜依据不同茶区养分具体管理方式、茶叶栽培特点及土壤条件,因地制宜采取差异化的茶园养分管理策略。  相似文献   

Temperatures in Jupiter's atmosphere derived from Galileo Probe deceleration data increase from 109 kelvin at the 175-millibar level to 900 ± 40 kelvin at 1 nanobar, consistent with Voyager remote sensing data. Wavelike oscillations are present at all levels. Vertical wavelengths are 10 to 25 kilometers in the deep isothermal layer, which extends from 12 to 0.003 millibars. Above the 0.003-millibar level, only 90- to 270- kilometer vertical wavelengths survive, suggesting dissipation of wave energy as the probable source of upper atmosphere heating.  相似文献   

Many of the observed properties of Jupiter's decametric radiation may be explained by postulation that the inner Galilean satellites of Jupiter have magnetic properties that strongly distort Jupiter's magnetic field in the region of each satellite. Charged particles from Jupiter's radiation belts are trapped by these distorted fields and emit synchrotron radiation.  相似文献   

The images of the nucleus of comet Halley returned by the Giotto spacecraft reveal a number of active regions on the surface, one of which is near the expected location of the rotation pole. This feature is larger and brighter than other source regions, suggesting that the mechanism that drives this source is also different. At this active region near the rotation pole, the sun was circumpolar for a significant portion of the solar encounter. Continuous insolation heated the nucleus to greater depths than in other areas, producing the broad, active polar region.  相似文献   

Radar observations of comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2) made at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex in California have detected echoes from the nucleus and from large grains in the inner coma. The nucleus of this bright comet was estimated to be only 2 to 3 kilometers in diameter. Models of the coma echo indicate backscatter from porous, centimeter-size grains ejected anisotropically at velocities of tens of meters per second. The radar observations suggest that a comet's activity may be a poor indicator of its size and provide evidence that large grains constitute an important component of the mass loss from a typical active comet.  相似文献   

A brilliant new comet (1979 XI: Howard-Koomen-Michels) was discovered in data from the Naval Research Laboratory's orbiting SOLWIND coronagraph. An extensive sequence of pictures, telemetered from the P78-1 satellite, shows the coma, accompanied by a bright and well-developed tail, passing through the coronagraph's field of view at afew million kilometers from the sun. Preliminary orbital calculations based on the observed motion of the comet's head and morphology of the tail indicate that this previously unreported object is a sungrazing comet and may be one of the group of Kreutz sungrazers. It appears from the data that the perihelion distance was less than 1 solar radius, so that the cometary nucleus encountered dense regions of the sun's atmosphere, was completely vaporized, and did not reappear after the time of closest approach to the sun. After this time, however, cometary debris, scattered into the ambient solar wind, caused a brightening of the corona over one solar hemisphere and to heliocentric distances of 5 to 10 solar radii.  相似文献   

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