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Hemoglobin aggregation in single red blood cells of sickle cell anemia   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A laser light scattering technique was used to observe the extent of hemoglobin aggregation in solitary red blood cells of sickle cell anemia. Hemoglobin aggregation was confirmed in deoxygenated cells. The light scattering technique can also be applied to cytoplasmic studies of any biological cell.  相似文献   

Strong correlation of F-reticulocyte levels within sib pairs with sickle cell (SS) anemia suggests that the wide-ranging levels found in the SS population are governed by genes linked to the beta S-site. Correlations between F-cell levels in parents and F-reticulocyte levels in their children indicates that these same genes regulate F-cell production in nonanemic persons. Comparison of outcrossed and inbred SS populations suggests that relative well-being arises from homozygosity for alleles dictating high F-reticulocyte response to anemia.  相似文献   

Two new methods were used to establish a rapid and highly sensitive prenatal diagnostic test for sickle cell anemia. The first involves the primer-mediated enzymatic amplification of specific beta-globin target sequences in genomic DNA, resulting in the exponential increase (220,000 times) of target DNA copies. In the second technique, the presence of the beta A and beta S alleles is determined by restriction endonuclease digestion of an end-labeled oligonucleotide probe hybridized in solution to the amplified beta-globin sequences. The beta-globin genotype can be determined in less than 1 day on samples containing significantly less than 1 microgram of genomic DNA.  相似文献   

A solar-powered wireless cell for dynamically monitoring soil water content   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In various agricultural activities, such as irrigation scheduling, tillage operation and nutrient management, soil water content is regarded as an essential parameter. For the demand of monitoring soil water dynamics at field scale, this study presents a solar-powered wireless cell that contained a water content sensor, two temperature sensors, an optical sensor, a communication module and a data-logger. To evaluate its feasibility in the field, three cells were independently installed in a bare plot, a maize plot and a sugarbeet plot in the summer of 2008. By a heavy rain event (20 mm, 6 h) during the experimental period, different responses of soil water content sensors were dynamically recorded and then analyzed under each canopy condition. In addition, to explore the possibility of reducing the dimensions of the cell under the condition of sufficient energy supply, various sizes of the solar panel were tested. The experimental results showed that the cell is promising to become a node of wireless network in the field.  相似文献   

Severe granulocytopenia and anemia were developed uniformly in rats fed protein-free diets. Casein (18 per cent) prevented these dyscrasias, but crystalline L. casei factor ("folic acid") did not prevent them. In the correction of granulocytopenia in rats fed protein-free diets, L. casei factor alone was only slightly effective, diets of higher casein content (18 or 30 per cent) were ineffective under the experimental conditions described. However, L. casei factor combined with an 18-per cent casein-containing diet or L. casei factor combined with a mixture of purified amino acids were found to be highly effective in correcting the granulocytopenia.  相似文献   

Genetic determination of phenotypic variation in sickle cell trait   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two genetic sources of variation influence the percentage of sickle cell hemoglobin found in heterozygotes. One factor is strongly related to the percentage of hemoglobin S in the carrier parent and appears to be determined by sickle hemoglobin isoalleles, whereas the other is related to racial background and may well be polygenic.  相似文献   

为探索和优化开放环境中蓝藻堆肥的腐熟化、无害化处理工艺参数,以蓝藻为原料,菌渣和稻壳为调理剂进行好氧堆肥,研究了初始含水率为50%(W50%)、55%(W55%)和60%(W60%)的处理对堆肥腐殖化进程及微囊藻毒素(M C)降解速率的影响。结果表明:堆肥48d后,各处理成品均已满足有机肥标准,种子发芽指数高于85%;3种含水量条件下,腐殖质含量分别下降23.16%、21.71%和19.50%;胡敏酸含量分别提高69.40%、60.58%和43.89%;富里酸含量分别下降50.30%、50.09%和40.36%;腐质化系数(胡敏酸/富里酸)分别为2.85、2.94和2.23,增幅为141.27%~240.81%。堆制48d,MC-LR和MC-RR含量均低于1μg kg-1,降解率高于95%;各处理组中,MC-LR和MC-RR降解速率变化趋势相似,且MC-RR的降解速率高于MC-LR。研究表明,W 50%和W55%处理有利于形成腐殖类物质,提高堆体腐熟度,W 55%处理MC的降解效果最好。  相似文献   

水中氯离子含量的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用硝酸银滴定法测定了延吉市的自来水及主要河流-布尔哈通河和延吉市的铁南地下井水中的氯离子的含量,结果表明,各式样的氯离子含量相差很大,最大的是地下井水,其值高达31.8mg/L。  相似文献   

【目的】研究水肥调控对香蕉生产的影响,探索节水、节肥的栽培技术,以提高香蕉种植的经济效益。【方法】通过田间试验,从水肥调控入手,探讨水肥一体化滴灌施肥、喷水带灌溉加人工撒肥、传统的畦沟灌溉施肥3种水肥管理方式对香蕉生长的影响,并对3种灌溉施肥方式下的经济效益进行比较分析。【结果】在一个香蕉生长周期,与传统的畦沟灌溉施肥相比,水肥一体化滴灌技术每公顷节水2788.1~3164.2t、节肥3582.1~5977.6kg、节本增效17810.05~44806.15元;喷水带灌溉加人工撒肥每公顷节水2716.4t、节肥3582.1kg、节本增效20005.95元。【结论】水肥一体化滴灌施肥和喷水带灌溉加人工撒肥两种灌溉施肥方式均有节水、节肥、增效作用,不同种植人群可根据具体情况选择不同的方式种植香蕉。  相似文献   

Chlorinated urban water: a cause of dialysis-induced hemolytic anemia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Unexplained acute hemolytic anemia is sometimes seen in uremic patients undergoing hemodialysis. Chloramines, which are oxidant compounds made up of chlorine and ammonia and are widely used as bactericidal agents in urban water supplies, have been found responsible for two recent epidemics, in dialyzed uremic patients, of acute hemolytic anemia characterized by Heinz bodies. Chloramines produce denaturation of hemoglobin, both by their direct oxidizing capacity and their ability to inhibit red cell reductive (hexose monophosphate shunt) metabolism.  相似文献   

The trace water content of salt in six Louisiana salt domes has been determined and has been found to be the lowest of any terrestrial rock type. The average water content of normal domal salt is on the order of 0.003 percent by weight, but anomalous zones within salt stocks can have more than ten times this amount. From the average value, the minimum amount of water in liters, W, available to collect around a radioactive waste repository is given as W = 0.28 r(3), where r is the radius in meters of the sphere in which water may be thermally activated to migrate completely to the repository.  相似文献   

在新疆天山中部典型林区内,选择乔木树种天山云杉、山柳、山杨、天山花楸和灌木树种方枝柏、宽刺蔷薇、山楂、黑果小檗、忍冬等标准木各3~5株,分别取其鲜枝、叶、皮、枯落物,测定其自然含水率及脂肪含量,分析了可燃物载量与林分因子之间的关系.结果表明:(1)山柳的可燃物含水率最高,方枝柏的可燃物含水率最低,其含水率的大小依次是天山山柳>山杨>天山云杉>忍冬>山楂>宽刺蔷薇>黑果小檗>天山花楸>方枝柏;(2)天山花楸、方枝柏、天山云杉的脂肪抽提物含量相对较高,山柳、山杨的可燃物脂肪抽提物含量较低,其抽提物的大小依次是方枝柏>天山花楸>天山云杉>山楂>黑果小檗>忍冬>宽刺蔷薇>山杨>天山山柳;(3)可燃物载量受到林分因子的影响,森林火灾类型与可燃物载量的关系十分密切.总的来说,方枝柏和天山花楸的易燃性较强,山柳和山杨的易燃性较差,可燃物载量越大越容易引起火灾,这为今后在新疆天山中部林区森林火险预报、减少森林资源的损失,提高林火管理水平等方面提供重要依据,对天山中部林区森林可燃物管理和火灾预防扑救工作具有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

多胺代谢相关基因在小鼠子宫内膜细胞中的调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用鸟氨酸脱羧酶(ODC)siRNA干涉、ODC过表达、添加特异性ODC抑制剂二氟甲基鸟氨酸(DFMO)处理小鼠子宫内膜上皮细胞和基质细胞,采用实时定量PCR对多胺代谢相关酶类mRNA水平进行检测。结果显示:在子宫内膜上皮和基质细胞中,ODC siRNA转染后可导致SSAT mRNA水平下降为对照组的71.78%和54.36%(P<0.01),SAMDC mRNA水平上升为对照组的1.666 6倍和3.036 6倍(P<0.01);ODC过表达造成SSAT水平为对照组的1.921 4和2.852 7倍(P<0.01),AZⅠmRNA水平为对照组的1.962 1和3.073 8倍(P<0.01);利用DFMO处理体外分离的上皮细胞和基质细胞,SSAT mRNA水平为对照组的1.626 7和1.773 3倍(P<0.01),SAMDC mRNA水平为对照组的1.630 0和1.730 0倍(P<0.01),AZⅠmRNA水平为对照组的71.00%和76.67%(P<0.01);DFMO处理后上皮细胞和基质细胞数目(31.00±3.00和43.67±7.51)和活力(0.26±0.03和0.36±0.05)都显著下...  相似文献   

The altered gelation behavior found in mixtures of sickle cell hemoglobin with other hemoglobins is due to the formation of hybrid hemoglobin tetramers from unlike dimers. The hemoglobins need not possess the deoxy quaternary structure for gelation to occur; liganded forms are also capable of participation in gelation.  相似文献   

史博会  钱亚林  王华青  孟繁春  宫敬 《油气储运》2012,31(3):188-192,247
单纯依赖仪表监测管输天然气的水露点,无法直接获得天然气的含水量信息。基于SRK状态方程编制了天然气含水量/水露点的计算软件,将其应用于中亚输气管道投产初期气质含水量的计算,其结果与文献数据基本吻合,预测含水量的最大绝对偏差低于3mg/m3,预测水露点的最大绝对偏差低于0.5C。应用该计算软件确定了在投产初期双气源之一气质不达标的情况下,保证中亚输气管道进口气质达标的双气源合理掺混输量比范围为0.26~0.57。经现场应用验证,在此掺混输量比范围内输气,能够满足中亚输气管道气质运行安全,无液体析出。  相似文献   

李大全  艾慕阳  张鹏  王玉彬  苗青  刘凯 《油气储运》2012,31(3):225-227,246
在天然气水露点与含水量的换算过程中,涉及天然气状态方程、气液相平衡、气体混合规则等多步计算,参数多且需要迭代求解,整个计算过程相当复杂。为此,提出了一种快速、准确的天然气水露点与含水量的换算方法:选用PR状态方程,并基于GB/T22634-2008提供的关联关系曲线,通过相平衡理论导出计算气、液相的逸度系数公式,最后迭代求解。给出了整个换算过程的详细计算步骤,该计算方法的适用范围可扩展至0.1MPa≤p≤30MPa,-50℃≤t≤40℃。实际算例结果表明:该换算方法在压力范围为0.1~5MPa内计算结果准确性较高,当压力超过8MPa时,计算不确定度有待进一步分析。  相似文献   

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