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Ultrasonographic estimations of liver size were made in each of 100 normal adult dogs. A correlation coefficient of 0.78 was found between the single linear hepatic measurement selected and bodyweight. The relationship between liver size and bodyweight was found to be approximately linear, with no apparent departure from linearity at extremes of bodyweight. The sex of the animal did not affect liver size once bodyweight had been taken into account. Deep, narrow-chested dogs tended to have a slightly greater liver measurement for a given bodyweight than shallow, wide-chested dogs, but this difference was small compared to the variation seen between individuals of the same body type and weight. Thus a graph could be constructed, with 95 per cent confidence limits, allowing prediction of the normal range of liver sizes for a given bodyweight. This graph may be applied to adult dogs of either sex and any breed conformation within the weight range of 1 to 60 kg.  相似文献   

Radiographs revealed defective endochondral ossification in proximal femora of 52 lame broilers. Cartilage retention either involved epiphyseal cartilage close to the articular surface or growth plate cartilage (dyschondroplasia). In at least seven birds proximal femoral lesions were the only abnormalities detected which could have caused lameness. In cases of moderate or severe cartilage retention, fracture lines traversed necrotic cartilage to undermine part or all of the femoral head. Evidence of reparative fibrosis was seen with augmentation of metaphyseal trabeculae by woven bone apposition. Foveal blood vessels aided repair by re-establishing a new ossification centre but in many cases attempts at repair were inadequate.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) implants on the healing of meniscal lesions in dogs. ANIMALS: 16 adult Greyhounds of both sexes. PROCEDURE: Unilateral osteotomy was performed at time 0 to disrupt the medial collateral ligament attachment, and two (1 cranial and 1 caudal) 4-mm circular defects were created in the avascular portion of the medial meniscus. One defect was filled with an SIS graft, and the other defect remained empty (control). Three months later, the identical procedure was performed on the contralateral limb. Three months after the second surgery, dogs were euthanatized, and meniscal tissue specimens from both stifle joints were collected for gross, histologic, biomechanical, and biochemical evaluations. RESULTS: Regenerative tissue was evident in 4 (2 SIS-implanted and 2 control) of 16 defects examined histologically. In 3 defects, this thin bridge of tissue was composed of immature haphazardly arranged fibrous connective tissue with a relatively uniform distribution of fibroblasts. Aggregate modulus, Poisson ratio, permeability, and shear modulus were not significantly different between control and SIS-implanted defects either 3 or 6 months after surgery. Hydroxyproline content also did not differ between SIS-implanted and control defects at 3 or 6 months. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Implantation of porcine SIS into experimentally induced meniscal lesions in dogs did not promote tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

An anatomical study of the tricuspid valve was performed in the hearts of 45 dogs using a method of dissection which preserves the integrity of the valve. Morphometrical criteria such as the width of the cusp base and larger depth of cusp and morphological criteria such as the number of tendinous cords, the perimeter of the fibrous ring and the properties of the papillary muscle were adopted for the characterization of a cusp. The tricuspid valve was not consistent with three cusps, but it was observed to present 2, 4 or 5 cusps in 68% of the cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the clinical usefulness of ultrasonography for diagnosis of meniscal pathology in dogs. STUDY DESIGN: Double-blind prospective study. ANIMALS: Dogs (n=10) with lameness localized to the stifle. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sonographic examination of each affected stifle was performed by 1 ultrasonographer unaware of specific historical and clinical data for the dog. Sonographic findings were recorded, but not reviewed until study completion. Arthroscopic examination of the affected stifle was performed within 48 hours of ultrasonography by 1 surgeon unaware of ultrasonographic findings. Arthroscopic findings were recorded, but not reviewed until study completion. Two investigators compared the ultrasonographic and arthroscopic findings at study completion to determine the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value. RESULTS: Two of the 10 dogs had bilateral stifle evaluation. Twenty-four lateral and medial menisci, with normal and abnormal findings, were examined. The sensitivity and specificity for ultrasonographic diagnosis were 90.0% and 92.9%, respectively; positive and negative predictive values were 90.0% and 92.9%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasonography is highly specific and sensitive for diagnosing bucket handle tears of the medial meniscus in dogs. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Ultrasonographic evaluation of menisci in dogs is a noninvasive method for accurately and efficiently diagnosing pathology, determining the need for surgical intervention, and providing comprehensive information to clients.  相似文献   

Meniscal injury is a common cause of canine lameness. Tissue engineered bioscaffolds may be a treatment option for dogs suffering from meniscal damage. The aim of this study was to compare in vitro meniscal-like matrix formation and biomechanical properties of porcine intestinal submucosa sheets (SIS), used in canine meniscal regenerative medicine, to synoviocyte-seeded SIS bioscaffold (SSB), cultured with fetal bovine serum (SSBfbs) or chondrogenic growth factors (SSBgf). Synoviocytes from nine dogs were seeded on SIS and cultured for 30 days with 17.7% fetal bovine serum or recombinant chondrogenic growth factors (IGF-1, TGFβ1 and bFGF). The effect on fibrochondrogenesis was determined by comparing mRNA expression of collagen types Iα and IIα, aggrecan, and Sry-type homeobox protein-9 (SOX9) as well as protein expression of collagens I and II, glycosaminoglycan (GAG), and hydroxyproline.The effect of synoviocyte seeding and culture conditions on biochemical properties was determined by measuring peak load, tensile stiffness, resilience, and toughness of bioscaffolds. Pre-culture SIS contained 13.6% collagen and 2.9% double-stranded DNA. Chondrogenic growth factor treatment significantly increased SOX9, collagens I and IIα, aggrecan gene expression (P < 0.05), and histological deposition of fibrocartilage extracellular matrix (GAG and collagen II). Culture with synoviocytes increased SIS tensile peak load at failure, resilience, and toughness of bioscaffolds (P < 0.05). In conclusion, culturing SIS with synoviocytes prior to implantation might provide biomechanical benefits, and chondrogenic growth factor treatment of cultured synoviocytes improves in vitro axial meniscal matrix formation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish heart rate as a measure of energy expenditure in large active kennel dogs (28 ± 3 kg bw). Therefore, the heart rate (HR)oxygen consumption () relationship was analysed in Foxhound‐Boxer‐Ingelheim‐Labrador cross‐breds (FBI dogs) at rest and graded levels of exercise on a treadmill up to 60–65% of maximal aerobic capacity. To test for effects of training, HR and were measured in female dogs, before and after a training period, and after an adjacent training pause to test for reversibility of potential effects. Least squares regression was applied to describe the relationship between HR and . The applied training had no statistically significant effect on the HR regression. A general regression line from all data collected was prepared to establish a general predictive equation for energy expenditure from HR in FBI dogs. The regression equation established in this study enables fast estimation of energy requirement for running activity. The equation is valid for large dogs weighing around 30 kg that run at ground level up to 15 km/h with a heart rate maximum of 190 bpm irrespective of the training level.  相似文献   

On the basis of plasma concentrations of pantothen[14C]ate, after its intravenous administration, a three compartment open model was proposed to predict the pharmacokinetics of pantothenate in dogs. The model assumed a central compartment comprising the plasma and other extracellular fluids, and distribution into two other peripheral compartments, one of which included the liver. Elimination of unchanged pantothenate was assumed to occur by metabolism from the compartment which included the liver. Distribution of pantothen[14C]ate from the plasma compartment into the liver compartment was shown to be very rapid; during 10 min after intravenous administration about 80 per cent of the dose had been cleared from the plasma compartment. The model successfully predicted the influence (first pass effect) of the liver on the fraction of an oral dose which reached the peripheral plasma unchanged.  相似文献   

Carcass traits have been successfully used to determine body composition of steers. Body composition, in turn, has been used to predict energy content of ADG to compute feed requirements of individual animals fed in groups. This information is used in the Cornell value discovery system (CVDS) to predict DM required (DMR) for the observed animal performance. In this experiment, the prediction of individual DMR for the observed performance of group-fed yearling bulls was evaluated using energy content of gain, which was based on ultrasound measurements to estimate carcass traits and energy content of ADG. One hundred eighteen spring-born purebred and crossbred bulls (BW = 288 +/- 4.3 kg) were sorted visually into 3 marketing groups based on estimated days to reach USDA low Choice quality grade. The bulls were fed a common high-concentrate diet in 12 slatted-floor pens (9 to 10 head/pen). Ultrasound measurements including back-fat (uBF), rump fat, LM area (uLMA), and intramuscular fat were taken at approximately 1 yr of age. Carcass measurements including HCW, backfat over the 12th to 13th rib (BF), marbling score (MRB), and LM area (LMA) were collected for comparison with ultrasound data for predicting carcass composition. The 9th to 11th-rib section was removed and dissected into soft tissue and bone for determination of chemical composition, which was used to predict carcass fat and empty body fat (EBF). The predicted EBF averaged 23.7 +/- 4.0%. Multiple regression analysis indicated that carcass traits explained 72% of the variation in predicted EBF (EBF = 16.0583 + 5.6352 x BF + 0.01781 x HCW + 1.0486 x MRB - 0.1239 x LMA). Because carcass traits are not available on bulls intended for use as herd sires, another equation using predicted HCW (pHCW) and ultrasound measurements was developed (EBF = 39.9535 x uBF - 0.1384 x uLMA + 0.0867 x pHCW - 0.0897 x uBF x pHCW - 1.3690). This equation accounted for 62% of the variation in EBF. The use of an equation to predict EBF developed with steer composition data overpredicted the EBF predicted in these experiments (28.7 vs. 23.7%, respectively). In a validation study with 37 individually fed bulls, the use of the ultrasound-based equation in the CVDS to predict energy content of gain accounted for 60% of the variation in the observed efficiency of gain, with 1.5% bias, and identified 3 of the 4 most efficient bulls.  相似文献   

Plasma lactate measurements in healthy beagle dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plasma lactate concentrations were determined in venous blood samples collected from 60 healthy Beagles aged 5 to 9 months. The range of values (0.42 to 3.58 mmol/L) obtained with an enzymatic method in the present study was similar to values reported in smaller studies with the colorimetric procedures.  相似文献   

Congenital portosystemic shunts are a common cause of hepatic encephalopathy and are typically first identified when dogs are <2 years of age. This case series describes five dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts; the dogs were presented for severe encephalopathic signs during middle or old age. Three dogs had portoazygos shunts, and four dogs had multifocal and lateralizing neurological abnormalities, including severe gait abnormalities and vestibular signs. All five dogs responded to medical or surgical treatment, demonstrating that older animals can respond to treatment even after exhibiting severe neurological signs.  相似文献   

Impedance audiometric measurements in clinically normal dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To measure impedance audiometric values in clinically normal dogs that were sedated or anesthetized, evaluate effects of ear flushing on tympanometric measurements, and determine effects of performing acoustic reflex testing in a sound-attenuated room. ANIMALS: 35 mixed-breed and purebred client-owned dogs and 21 laboratory-bred Beagles. PROCEDURES: Tympanometry and acoustic reflex testing were performed on 27 mixed-breed and purebred dogs under isoflurane anesthesia in a non-sound-attenuated room and 21 Beagles under sedation in a sound-attenuated room. Tympanometry was performed on 8 mixed-breed dogs under halothane anesthesia before and after ear canal flushing. RESULTS: Among impedance audiometric values, ear canal volume and compliance peak were smaller in Beagles than in mixed-breed dogs; differences among other values were not detected. Ear canal volume was dependent on body weight. Differences were not found for tympanometric values measured before and after ear canal flushing. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results of this study established reference range values for impedance audiometric measurements in clinically normal dogs under isoflurane anesthesia or sedation. Acoustic reflex testing does not need to be performed in a sound-attenuated room. The ear canals of clinically normal dogs can be flushed prior to performing tympanometry without altering the results. Impedance audiometry may be a useful noninvasive procedure for the diagnosis of otitis media in dogs.  相似文献   

Measurements of scrotal width were strongly correlated with testicular weight in 71 dogs (r = 0–919) and thus provided a convenient index of testicular size and potential sperm production. However, to be useful in trying to predict male fertility this measurement had to be adjusted for bodyweight. A graph is presented which allows estimation of ‘average’ scrotal width and its 95 per cent confidence limits for potentially fertile dogs of bodyweight between 5 and 50 kg. With one exception, dogs with scrotal widths below the 95 per cent confidence limits had very few or no spermatozoa in smears from the cauda epididymidis.  相似文献   

A series of 19 different conformation characteristics, including the body length, front and hind heights, and bodyweight, was measured on German shepherd dogs ranging from 180 days old to fully mature dogs. Regressions were derived for the prediction of mature values. Variable growth rates did not have a significant effect on the accuracy of the predicted mature values.  相似文献   

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