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Abstract: A 14‐year‐old female spayed cat was presented with a 3–4‐month history of circling to the left and intermittent head pressing. Neurologic examination findings localized the lesion to the left supratentorial region. Using magnetic resonance imaging, an extra‐axial mass was found on the dorsal aspect of the brain at the level of the frontal and parietal lobes, compressing and displacing the brain ventrally and caudally. Craniectomy was performed and the mass was submitted for cytologic and histopathologic evaluation. Impression smears revealed abundant cholesterol crystals and loose clusters of mildly pleomorphic spindle cells, compatible with a meningioma. The histopathologic diagnosis was meningioma with psammoma bodies and numerous cholesterol clefts. Abundant cholesterol crystals within meningiomas in cats may present a diagnostic challenge when nucleated cells are scant. Other differential diagnoses for abundant cholesterol crystals in an intracranial mass include cholesterol granulomas and keratinizing cysts.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old female spayed domestic shorthair cat was presented for several months of weight loss, decreased appetite, and 2 bilateral, ventral cervical masses. Initial cytologic samples were interpreted as reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. Evaluation of subsequent mass aspirates revealed small numbers of large binucleated and multinucleated cells resembling Reed-Sternberg cells admixed with more numerous small and intermediate-sized lymphocytes. In histopathologic sections, the normal architecture of the lymph node was largely effaced by a slightly heterogeneous mass composed of round cells arranged in densely cellular sheets with a minor population of large (25-mum diameter) mononuclear cells and a few very large (30-40-mum diameter) binucleated or multinucleated cells interpreted as Reed-Sternberg-like cells. Immunohistochemically, the large neoplastic (Reed-Sternberg-like) cells were negative for CD18, CD3, CD20, and CD79a while the background population consisted of about 70% T cells and 30% B cells. This pattern of immunohistochemical staining along with cytologic and histopathologic findings supported a diagnosis of Hodgkin's-like lymphoma, specifically, the lymphocyte-rich subtype. Hodgkin's-like lymphoma has been reported previously in cats and should be suspected when Reed-Sternberg-like cells are observed in cytologic preparations of lymph node aspirates. Histopathology and immunohistochemistry are necessary for a definitive diagnosis.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 7‐year‐old neutered male polecat‐type ferret (Mustela putorius furo) was presented for evaluation of a cutaneous mass close to the preputial orifice. Cytologic examination of a fine‐needle aspirate revealed numerous large clumps of amorphous pink mucinous material and numerous large clumps of slightly pleomorphic epithelial cells. The cells were arranged in papillary structures, palisades, and loosely cohesive sheets with a vaguely honeycomb appearance. Occasional acinar formations were also seen. The cells had moderate to large amounts of finely granular gray to gray–blue cytoplasm. The cells were round to wispy and elongated, with indistinct borders. Often, anuclear cytoplasmic clumps were seen free in the background or adjacent to intact cells. Nuclei were round to oval and usually off‐center. Chromatin was finely stippled and contained 1–3 indistinct nucleoli. Anisokaryosis and anisocytosis were moderate. Binucleated cells were noted occasionally. The cytologic features were consistent with a carcinoma of probable apocrine origin. Histopathologic examination supported a diagnosis of secretory apocrine adenocarcinoma of the preputial skin. Secretory apocrine adenocarcinomas of the prepuce are seen relatively frequently in ferrets, although their cytologic appearance has not been described widely. These neoplasms carry a poor prognosis although prompt surgical removal with wide and deep surgical margins and adjunctive radiotherapy may improve survival.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 15‐year‐old female Simmental cross‐breed cow was presented to the Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for evaluation of a perifemoral soft tissue mass. Impression smears made from an excisional biopsy contained a population of pleomorphic mesenchymal cells with abundant, periodic acid–Schiff‐positive (PAS), intracytoplasmic granular material, and rare elongated multinucleated cells consistent with strap‐like cells. A second population of small round cells suggestive of lymphocytes or progenitor cells was also noted. A cytologic diagnosis of sarcoma was made, with rhabdomyosarcoma considered most likely based on the large amount of PAS‐positive material (presumed to be glycogen) and the rare strap‐like cells. Histopathologic sections contained an unencapsulated, densely cellular neoplasm composed of haphazardly arranged highly pleomorphic mesenchymal cells and a few small round cells. The mesenchymal cells were positive for vimentin, non‐specific muscle actin, and myoglobin, and negative for phosphotungstic acid‐hematoxylin, smooth muscle actin, and desmin. Glycogen granules were confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. A diagnosis of pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma was made. While cytologic findings may suggest rhabdomyosarcoma, cytologic features can be highly variable, and a definitive diagnosis usually requires cytochemical and immunohistochemical staining.  相似文献   

A 3.5-year-old female spayed Rat Terrier was presented for evaluation of a submucosal lingual mass. Fine-needle aspiration of the mass revealed a population of neoplastic cells composed predominantly of small, round cells and large, round to spindle-shaped cells, which occasionally had blunt cytoplasmic borders and multiple nuclei. The neoplastic cells had moderate to marked anisocytosis and anisokaryosis. The cytologic interpretation was malignant neoplasia, most likely sarcoma. Histopathologic examination of a biopsy specimen revealed an unencapsulated, poorly demarcated, moderately cellular neoplasm composed of individualized, infiltrative spindle cells. Elongate skeletal muscle cells with prominent, rectangular borders (strap cells) were observed. A morphologic diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma was made. Staining with phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin revealed haphazardly arranged skeletal muscle cross-striations. Immunohistochemical staining results for vimentin, Myo D1, desmin, and myoglobin were positive, though staining intensity of tumor cells varied with the degree of differentiation. Using transmission electron microscopy, irregular, disorganized Z-bands were identified. Rhabdomyosarcomas are uncommon tumors in the dog, and rarely may involve the tongue or oral cavity. Cytologic evaluation of a rhabdomyosarcoma may reveal a pleomorphic population of cells and definitive diagnosis may require histologic examination, immunohistochemical staining, and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

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