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Effect of long-term addition of chemical fertilizers with or without amendments was studied on different forms of potassium and the yield of maize and wheat. Continuous application of chemical fertilizers and amendments for 40 years influenced different fractions of potassium significantly. Integrated use of a balanced dose of chemical fertilizer, with farmyard manure (FYM) or lime, sustained higher yields of maize and wheat in comparison to inorganic fertilizers alone. Application of urea (100%) N alone for 40 years resulted in zero yield level. Continuous application of chemical fertilizers either alone or in combination with FYM or lime influenced different fractions of potassium significantly. Continuous cropping without fertilization resulted in depletion to the order of 21.5%, 16.6%, 11.7%, and 5.5% in water-soluble, exchangeable, 0.5 N HCl extractable, and non-exchangeable K, respectively. Different fractions of potassium were found to be positively and significantly correlated with grain and stover/straw yield of maize and wheat.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of zinc (Zn) application method on the utilization of phosphorus (P) from applied P fertilizer, a field experiment was conducted on basmati rice–wheat rotation with combinations of Zn levels (0, soil application of 2.5 kg Zn ha 1 and two foliar applications of 2.0 kg Zn ha 1) and P levels (0, soil application of 8.7, 17.5 and 26.2 kg P ha 1). The highest pooled grain yields of basmati rice and wheat were obtained with soil application of 17.5 kg P ha 1 and foliar applications of 2 kg Zn ha 1. Foliar applications of Zn increased the P concentration in grain and straw and the total P uptake by basmati rice and the P concentration in flag leaves of wheat significantly, while soil or foliar application of Zn increased the total P uptake of wheat. Phosphorus application increased the Zn concentration in flag leaves, grain and straw of basmati rice and in grain and straw of wheat and the total Zn uptake of both crops. Phosphorus levels up to 17.5 kg P ha 1 increased utilization efficiency of soil or foliar application of Zn. Zinc application increased the P utilization efficiency of basmati rice and wheat up to 17.5 kg P ha 1 level; foliar Zn application was more effective in a wheat crop than a rice crop.  相似文献   

The imbalanced use of chemical fertilizers under intensive cultivation practices over a period of years leads to various soil-associated problems particularly nutrient availability. Thus, to examine the effect of long-term application of balanced and imbalanced inorganic fertilizer and farm yard manure (FYM) application on the chemical fraction of DTPA-extractable micronutrients under rice–wheat cropping system after 29 years, the observations were recorded from the ongoing field experiment at Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India. An application of balanced inorganic fertilizer with FYM in rice, while without FYM in wheat significantly improved the DTPA-extractable Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu after rice and wheat crops in both the surface and sub-surface soil layers. Lowest DTPA-extractable Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu were recorded, in surface and sub-surface soil under rice and wheat crops in control. The highest DTPA-extractable Zn, in both surface and sub-surface layers of rice (3.31, 1.62 mg kg−1, respectively) and wheat (2.96, 0.99 mg kg−1, respectively) was recorded because of application of N180+P80+K40+Zn(F) + FYM in rice and N180+P80+K40+Zn(F) in wheat. However, the DTPA-extractable Fe, Mn and Cu were highest in rice and wheat because of N120+P40+K40+FYM and N120+P40+K40 application, respectively. The balanced use of inorganic fertilizer with FYM (N180+P80+K40+Zn(F) + FYM) in rice and without FYM [N180+P80+K40+Zn(F)] in wheat supported the highest rice (6.74 t ha−1) and wheat (3.50 t ha−1) grain yields, while lowest in control. Based on the study results, long-term application of FYM at 5 tonnes ha−1 in rice crop sustained the availability of DTPA-extractable cationic micronutrients to rice and wheat in Mollisols.  相似文献   

Imbalanced fertilizer use with intensive cropping has threatened the sustainability of agroecosystems, especially on acid soils. An understanding of the long-term effects of fertilizers and amendments on soil health is essential for sustaining high crop yields. The effects of application of fertilizers, and amendments for 46 years on soil properties and maize yield in an acid Alfisol were investigated in this study. Ten fertilizer treatments comprising different amounts of NPK fertilizers, farmyard manure (FYM) and lime, and one control, were replicated three times in a randomized block design. At 0–15 cm soil depth, bulk density was least (1.20 t/m3), porosity (49.8%) and water holding capacity (61.7%) were greatest in 100% NPK + FYM, corresponding to the largest organic carbon content (13.93 g/kg). Microbial biomass C and dehydrogenase activity in 100% NPK + FYM were 42% and 13.7% greater than 100% NPK, respectively. Available nutrients were significantly more with 100% NPK + FYM and 100% NPK + lime than control and other fertilizer treatments. At 15–30 cm depth, the effect of various treatments was comparable to the surface layer. Grain yield declined by 55% and 53% in 100% NPK(-S) and 100% NP, respectively, compared with 100% NPK, whereas 100% N as urea alone eventually led to crop failure. Soil porosity recorded the greatest positive correlation (r = .933**), whereas bulk density recorded a negative significant correlation (r = −.942**) with grain yield. The results suggest that integrated use of FYM/lime with chemical fertilizers is a sustainable practice in terms of crop yield and soil health, whereas continuous application of urea alone is detrimental to the soil health.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of conjoint use of bio-organics (biofertilizers + crop residues + FYM) and chemical fertilizers on yield, physical–chemical and microbial properties of soil in a ‘French bean–cauliflower’-based cropping system of mid hills of the north-western Himalayan Region (NWHR) of India. Conjoint bio-organics at varied levels of NPK chemical fertilizers increased yield of ‘cauliflower’ over corresponding single application. Incorporation of crop residues with 75% of the recommended NPK application resulted in the highest yield (19 t ha?1). Conjoint use of bio-organics produced a yield (15.65 t ha?1), which was statistically on a par with 75% of the recommended NPK application alone. This indicated a saving of 75% NPK chemical fertilizers. In the case of ‘French bean’, the effect was non-significant. The results also showed significant higher soil available N (351.3 kg ha?1) under 75% NPK + biofertilizers, whereas the highest soil available K (268.3 kg ha?1) was recorded under 75% NPK + crop residues. Lowest bulk density (1.03 Mg m?3), highest water holding capacity (36.5%), soil organic matter (10.6 g kg?1), bacterial (4.13 × 107 cfu g?1) and fungal (6.3 × 107 cfu g?1) counts were recorded under sole application of bio-organics. According to our study, we concluded that the combination of NPK fertilizers and bio-organics increased yield except French bean, soil available N, K and saved chemical fertilizers under ‘French bean–cauliflower’-based cropping system.  相似文献   

We have been making year-round measurements of mass and energy exchange in three cropping systems: (a) irrigated continuous maize, (b) irrigated maize–soybean rotation, and (c) rainfed maize–soybean rotation in eastern Nebraska since 2001. In this paper, we present results on evapotranspiration (ET) of these crops for the first 5 years of our study. Growing season ET in the irrigated and rainfed maize averaged 548 and 482 mm, respectively. In irrigated and rainfed soybean, the average growing season ET was 452 and 431 mm, respectively. On average, the maize ET was higher than the soybean ET by 18% for irrigated crops and by 11% for rainfed crops. The mid-season crop coefficient Kc (=ET/ET0 and ET0 is the reference ET) for irrigated maize was 1.03 ± 0.07. For rainfed maize, significant dry-down conditions prevailed and mid-season Kc was 0.84 ± 0.20. For irrigated soybean, the mid-season Kc was 0.98 ± 0.02. The mid-season dry down in rainfed soybean years was not severe and the Kc (0.90 ± 0.13) was only slightly lower than the values for the irrigated fields. Non-growing season evaporation ranged from 100 to 172 mm and contributed about 16–28% of the annual ET in irrigated/rainfed maize and 24–26% in irrigated/rainfed soybean. The amount of surface mulch biomass explained 71% of the variability in non-growing season evaporation totals. Water use efficiency (or biomass transpiration efficiency), defined as the ratio of total plant biomass (YDM) to growing season transpiration (T) was 5.20 ± 0.34 and 5.22 ± 0.36 g kg?1, respectively for irrigated and rainfed maize crops. Similarly, the biomass transpiration efficiency for irrigated and rainfed soybean crops was 3.21 ± 0.35 and 2.96 ± 0.30 g kg?1. Thus, the respective biomass transpiration efficiency of these crops was nearly constant regardless of rainfall and irrigation.  相似文献   

Present investigation evaluates the effect of organic fertilization (OF), integrated nutrient management (INM) practice, and recommended dose of chemical fertilization (CF) on changes in soil organic phosphorus (P) and its fractions under rice (Oryza sativa L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system. The 4-year experiment (2009–2013), under split-plot design, showed that OF did not increase the total P or total organic P content of soil under either of the test crops. However, OF maintained the higher level of labile organic P and moderately labile organic P in soil under wheat the moderately stable organic P and highly stable organic P was highest in paddy soil under CF practices (11.34 and 7.77 μg g?1, respectively) followed by wheat. The P concentration in organically grown rice or wheat grain was increased significantly compared with their CF counterparts. The productivity economics for rice and wheat crops showed INM fertilization to be more economical than OF.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out on pot experiments with rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Wuyujing 7) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Yangmai 6) rotation in a sandy and a clayey soil fertilized with 15N-labeled ammonium sulfate (AS) and 15N-labeled rabbit feces so as to study the mechanisms of reduction of fertilizer N loss by organic fertilizers. The treatments included: (1) control without any N fertilizer application; (2) fertilization with 15N-labeled AS (IF); (3) fertilization with labeled rabbit feces (OF); (4) fertilization with either 40% 15N-labeled rabbit feces and 60% unlabeled AS (IOF1) or (5) 40% unlabeled rabbit feces and 60% 15N-labeled AS (IOF2). In the rice season, the IOF treatments compared to the IF treatment decreased the percentage of lost fertilizer N from the sandy and clayey soils, whereas it increased the percentage of fertilizer N, present as mineral N and microbial biomass N (MBN). During the second season, when soils were cropped to winter wheat, the IOF treatments in comparison with the IF or OF treatment increased mineral N and MBN contents of soils sampled at tillering, jointing, and heading stages, and such increases were derived from the organic N fertilizer in the sandy soil and from the inorganic N fertilizer in the clayey soil. The increased MBN in the IOF treatments was derived from inorganic fertilizers applied both soils. Therefore, in the IOF treatment, during the rice season, the organic N increased the immobilization of inorganic N in MBN, while the inorganic N fertilizer applied to both soils stimulated the uptake of organic N and the organic N fertilizer increased the uptake of inorganic N by winter wheat; the inorganic N increased the recovery of organic N in the plant-soil system after harvesting the winter wheat.  相似文献   

Wang  Yang  Li  Ming  Pei  Jiubo  An  Tingting  Saeed  Muhammad Farhan  Shan  Te  Xu  Yingde  Wang  Jingkuan 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(7):2882-2890
Journal of Soils and Sediments - The addition of maize residue nitrogen (N) to the soil strongly influences soil N accumulations, but the specific contributions of maize residue N to soil...  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out in northern Vietnam to investigate the effects of adding different additives [rice (Oriza sativa L.) straw only, or rice straw with added lime, superphosphate (SSP), urea or a mixture of selected microorganism species] on nitrogen (N) losses and nutrient concentrations in manure composts. The composts and fresh manure were applied to a three-crop per year sequence (maize–rice–rice) on a degraded soil (Plinthic Acrisol/Plinthaquult) to investigate the effects of manure type on crop yield, N uptake and fertilizer value. Total N losses during composting with SSP were 20% of initial total N, while with other additives they were 30–35%. With SSP as a compost additive, 65–85% of the initial ammonium-N (NH4-N) in the manure remained in the compost compared with 25% for microorganisms and 30% for lime. Nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUE) of fresh manure was lower than that of composted manure when applied to maize (Zea mays L.), but higher when applied to rice (Oriza sativa L.). The NUE of compost with SSP was generally higher than that of compost with straw only and lime. The mineral fertilizer equivalent (MFE) of manure types for maize decreased in the order: manure composted with SSP?>?manure composted with straw only and fresh manure?>?manure composted with lime. For rice, the corresponding order was: fresh manure?>?manure composted with SSP/microorganisms/urea?>?manure composted with lime/with straw alone. The MFE was higher when 5 tons manure ha?1 were applied than when 10 tons manure ha?1 were applied throughout the crop sequence. The residual effect of composted manures (determined in a fourth crop, with no manure applied) was generally 50% higher than that of fresh manure after one year of manure and compost application. Thus, addition of SSP during composting improved the field fertilizer value of composted pig manure the most.  相似文献   

The Penman–Monteith (PM) equation was introduced as one of the most reliable equations to determine crop ETc, without using crop coefficient or ETo values. In this study, the PM equation was evaluated using lysimeters in a semi-arid region for wheat and maize. Different equations for aerodynamic resistance (r a) and canopy resistance (r c) were tested in the PM equation and they were ranked using statistical analysis. It was shown that the combined method of r a and r c in FAO-56 does not lead to a good prediction of ETc for wheat and maize in comparison with the lysimeter-measured data. The results indicated that a modified equation for r c was the most accurate method for both wheat and maize. Using this equation, the suggested model of FAO-56 and another investigation for r a led to the best results for wheat and maize, respectively. Furthermore, it was shown that the previously modified equation for r c was newly modified as a function of vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and the results were as accurate as before. Therefore, an equation as a function of VPD can be used when solar radiation (R n) is not available easily.  相似文献   

The effect of six different zinc (Zn) application methods on grain yield and concentrations of Zn in whole shoots and grain was studied in wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum, L. cvs. Gerek‐79, Dagdas‐94 and Bezostaja‐1 and Triticum durum, Desf. cv. Kunduru‐1149) grown on severely Zn‐deficient calcareous soils (DTPA‐extractable Zn: 0.12 mg‐kg‐1 soil) of Central Anatolia which is the major wheat growing area of Turkey. Zinc application methods tested were: a) control (no Zn application), b) soil, c) seed, d) leaf, e) soil+leaf, and f) seed+leaf applications. Irrespective of the method, application of Zn significantly increased grain yield in all cultivars. Compared to the control, increases in grain yield were about 260% with soil, soil+leaf, and seed+leaf, 204% with seed and 124% with leaf application of Zn. In a similar manner, biomass production (dry weight of above‐ground parts) was increased by Zn treatments. The highest increase (109%) was obtained with the soil application and the lowest increase (40%) with the leaf application. Significant effects of Zn application methods were also found on the yield components, i.e., spike number.m‐2, grain number‐spike‐1, and thousand kernel weight. Spike number.m‐2 was affected most by Zn applications, particularly by soil and soil+leaf applications. Concentrations of Zn in whole shoots and grain were greatly affected by different Zn treatments. In plants without added Zn, concentrations of Zn were about 10 mg‐kg‐1 both in shoots and grain and increased to 18 mg‐kg‐1 dry weight (DW) by soil application of Zn, but not affected by seed application of Zn. Soil+leaf application of Zn had the highest increase in concentration of Zn in shoot (82 mg‐kg‐1 DW) and grain (38 mg‐kg‐1 DW). Soil application of Zn was economical and had long‐term effects for enhancing grain yield of wheat grown on Zn deficient soils. When high grain yield and high Zn concentration in grains are desired, soil+leaf application of Zn was most effective method of Zn application.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out to study the effect of different seed‐zinc (Zn) content on grain yield and grain Zn concentration in a bread wheat cultivar Atay 85 grown in a severely Zn‐deficient soil under rainfed and irrigated conditions for two years. Three groups of seeds with Zn contents of 355, 800, and 1,465 ng Zn seed‐1 were obtained through different number of foliar applications of ZnSO4.7H2O in the previous crop year. Experiments were carried out with 23 kg Zn ha‐1 (as ZnSO4.7H2O) and without Zn fertilization to the soil. Grain yield from seeds with 800 and 1,465 ng Zn seed‐1 content was significantly higher than that from low seed‐Zn, especially under rainfed conditions. In the first year, under rainfed and Zn‐deficient conditions, yield of plants grown from the highest seed‐Zn content was 116% higher than the yield of plants grown from the low seed‐Zn content. However, in the first year soil‐Zn application combined with low‐Zn seed resulted in a yield increase of 466% compared to nill Zn treatment with low‐Zn seed, indicating that higher seed‐Zn contents could not compensate for the effects of soil Zn application. Soil Zn application significantly increased Zn concentrations in shoot and grain. However, the effect of different seed Zn contents on Zn concentrations of plants was not significant, probably due to the dilution of Zn in tissues resulting from enhanced dry matter production. The results presented show that wheat plants grown from seed with high Zn content can achieve higher grain yields than those grown from the low‐Zn seed when Zn was not applied to the soil. Therefore, sowing seeds with higher Zn contents can be considered a practical solution to alleviate Zn deficiency problem, especially under rainfed conditions in spite of it being insufficient to completely overcome the problem.  相似文献   

Laboratory and greenhouse investigations were carried out with 65Zn-labeled sources to study the kinetics of desorption, transformation, and availability of Zn applied to soil as zinc-enriched biosludge from distillery molasses (ZEMB) or as zinc sulfate heptahydrate (ZSH). Desorption (0.5 to 72 h) of added Zn by the column method followed a biphasic kinetics with an initial (up to 12 h) faster phase followed by a slower desorption phase. The desorption rate coefficient (K) of the latter phase and the amount of Zn desorbed during 12 to 72 h were significantly higher with ZEMB than with ZSH. Sequential extraction of Zn added as ZEMB and ZSH showed that Zn added as ZEMB was present in higher proportion as water soluble + exchangeable, carbonate bound, organically bound, and reducible fractions than Zn applied as ZSH, which showed a higher proportion of residual fraction. Under greenhouse conditions, dry matter yield (35 days) and total Zn uptake by rice fertilized with ZSH applied at 5 kg Zn ha−1 were statistically similar to those of rice treated with 2.5 kg Zn ha−1 supplied as ZEMB. The highest Zn uptake (167.08 μg pot−1) by rice was recorded in the treatment with 5 kg Zn ha−1 as ZEMB. For wheat plants grown after the harvest of rice, significantly higher dry matter yield over control was recorded in the treatment with ZEMB applied at 5 kg Zn ha−1 to rice. Total Zn uptake by wheat was statistically similar for both ZEMB and ZSH treatments at 5 kg Zn ha−1 dose. Both zinc derived from fertilizer and the percent utilization of fertilizer Zn by rice and by the subsequent wheat crop were significantly higher with ZEMB than with ZSH. Patent filed No. 757/MUM/2007 dated 19.04.2007  相似文献   

This study provided an insight on improving soil-plant micronutrients availability in response to poultry manure (PM), wheat milling residues (WMR) and urea N (UN) and their integration in wheat–soybean cropping system. The treatments were: control; poultry manure full, PM100; wheat milling residues full, WMR100; urea N full, UN100; PM half and WMR half, PM50+WMR50; UN50+PM50; UN50+WMR50; UN50+PM25+WMR25. All amendments were added at the rate or equivalent to 100 kg total N ha–1. Results indicated that the integrated treatments increased Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn uptake of wheat by 35.7–103%, 48.4–111.1%, 85.2–267.0% and 33.8–128.2%, respectively over control. In soybean the corresponding increase in micronutrient uptake (Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) was 18.3–60.3%, 27.5–87.4%, 14.1–54.6% and 13.2–58.0% in integrated treatments. The post-harvest soil analysis indicated 2 to 3-fold increase in micronutrient content with highest values in PM100 i.e., 2.66 mg kg?1 for Cu, 14.41 mg kg?1 for Fe, 18.58 mg kg?1 for Mn and 2.44 mg kg?1 for Zn, respectively. The results showed that the PM either alone or in integrated with WMR and UN can be an effective management strategy for improving micronutrient content of soil–plant.  相似文献   

A 2-year field experiment was conducted to determine crop yield and N use efficiency (NUE) from a saline–sodic soil (clay loam) with and without application of gypsum. Treatments included two N application rates (15% and 30%) higher than the recommended one to the normal soil, and gypsum added at 50% and 100% of soil gypsum requirement (SGR) to the saline–sodic soil, both cultivated with rice and wheat during 2011–2013. Results revealed a decrease in pH of saturated soil paste (pHs), electrical conductivity of saturation extract (ECe), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and exchangeable sodium percentage with N fertilizer along with gypsum application in saline–sodic soil. However, the effect was most prominent when gypsum was added at 50% of SGR. Crop yield and NUE remained significantly lower (p < 0.05) in saline–sodic-soils as compared to normal soil. However, gypsum application reduced this difference from 47% to 17% since both yield and NUE increased considerably. Crop yield and NUE remained higher for wheat than for rice. During first year, higher doses of N with gypsum application at 50% SGR proved most effective, whereas, in subsequent year, recommended N along with gypsum at 50% SGR became more profitable. All these results lead us to conclude that gypsum application can ameliorate saline–sodic soil thereby increasing crop yield and NUE.  相似文献   


A greenhouse experiment was carried out to study severity of the zinc (Zn) deficiency symptoms on leaves, shoot dry weight and shoot content and concentration of Zn in 164 winter type bread wheat genotypes (Triticunt aestivum L.) grown in a Zn‐deficient calcareous soil with (+Zn=10 mg Zn kg?1 soil) and without (‐Zn) Zn supply for 45 days. Tolerance of the genotypes to Zn deficiency was ranked based on the relative shoot growth (Zn efficiency ratio), calculated as the ratio of the shoot dry weight produced under Zn deficiency to that produced under adequate Zn supply. There was a substantial difference in genotypic tolerance to Zn deficiency. Among the 164 genotypes, 108 genotypes had severe visible symptoms of Zn deficiency (whitish‐brown necrotic patches) on leaves, while in 25 genotypes Zn deficiency symptoms were slight or absent, and the remaining genotypes (e.g., 31 genotypes) showed mild deficiency symptoms. Generally, the genotypes with higher tolerance to Zn deficiency originated from Balkan countries and Turkey, while genotypes originating from the breeding programs in the Great Plains of the United States were mostly sensitive to Zn deficiency. Among the 164 wheat genotypes, Zn efficiency ratio varied from 0.33 to 0.77. The differences in tolerance to Zn deficiency were totally independent of shoot Zn concentrations, but showed a close relationship to the total amount (content) of Zn per shoot. The absolute shoot growth of the genotypes under Zn deficiency corresponded very well with the differences in tolerance to Zn deficiency. Under adequate Zn supply, the 10 most Zn‐ inefficient genotypes and the 10 most Zn‐efficient genotypes were very similar in their shoot dry weight. However, under Zn deficiency, shoot dry weight of the Zn‐efficient genotypes was, on average, 1.6‐fold higher compared to the Zn‐inefficient genotypes. The results of this study show large, exploitable genotypic variation for tolerance to Zn deficiency in bread wheat. Based on this data, total amount of Zn per shoot, absolute shoot growth under Zn deficiency, and relative shoot growth can be used as reliable plant parameters for assessing genotypic variation in tolerance to Zn deficiency in bread wheat.  相似文献   


A detailed study was conducted to investigate the long-term effects of rice–wheat and poplar-based agro-forestry systems existing on a large area for last 25 years on the distribution of macro as well as micronutrients in surface soils, as well as their profiles. To achieve these objectives, profile soil samples (0–150 cm) were collected from 10 randomly scattered locations each from rice–wheat and poplar-based agro-forestry systems and analyzed for various physico-chemical properties. The results of our investigation revealed that pH, EC, OC available N, P and K reported significantly higher levels in agro-forestry as compared to rice–wheat system. On the other hand, DTPA-extractable and total Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn were significantly higher in D1 (0–15 cm), D2 (15–30 cm) and D3 (30–45 cm) depths of rice–wheat system which may be attributed to the reduced conditions prevailing during rice crop. Nutrient budgeting also assessed the impact of crop removal and fertilizer inputs along with recycling of crop residue and leaf litter. Also, the build-up of available nutrient status in surface layer (0–15 cm) and soil profiles (0–150 cm) continuously under these two systems helped in maintaining agricultural sustainability and soil fertility over a long period of time.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of chemical fertilizers and farmyard manure (FYM) in rice (Oryza sativa)–wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system were monitored for two consecutive years after 38 and 39 years on productivity and soil biological properties of Mollisols. The study encompasses varying chemical fertilizer levels of optimum fertilizer rate (120, 26 and 37 kg ha?1 N, P and K, respectively) for both the crops. The treatments were application of 50% NPK, 100% NPK, 150% NPK, 100% NPK + hand weeding (HW), 100% NPK + Zn, 100% NP, 100% N, 100% NPK + 15 t FYM ha?1, 100% NPK(-S) and unfertilized control. The rice and wheat yields were highest with 100% NPK + 15 t FYM ha?1. This treatment also gave maximum and significantly more counts of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes in soil than all the other treatments after crop harvest. The soil microbial biomass C (410.0 and 407.5 µg g?1) and N (44.53 and 48.30 µg g?1) after rice and wheat, respectively, were highest with 100% NPK + 15 t FYM ha?1, which were significantly higher over all the other treatments. The activities of soil enzymes like dehydrogenase, acid and alkaline phosphatase, arylsulphatase and urease and CO2 evolution rate with 100% NPK + 15 t FYM ha?1 were also found significantly higher over the other treatments. Fertilizer treatments with 100% NPK and 150% NPK were comparable and significantly better than application of 50% NPK, 100% N, 100% NP and 100% NPK(-S) in various studied soil biological properties. Integrated use of 100% NPK with FYM sustained the higher yields and soil biological properties under ricewheat cropping system in Mollisols. Application of Zn and hand weeding with 100% NPK were found better over 100% NPK alone in rice and wheat productivity. Imbalanced use of chemical fertilizers had the harmful effect on soil biological health.  相似文献   

Agricultural productivity relies on a wide range of ecosystem services provided by the soil biota. Sustainable management practices, such as tillage and residue management, can influence structure and function of the soil microbiota, with direct consequences for the associated ecosystem services. Although there is increasing evidence that different tillage regimes alter the soil biological indices, we only have a limited understanding of their temporal changes in a rice (Oryza sativa L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system. We evaluated the effects of combinations of tillage, crop residue management and green manuring on soil biological indicators after 5 years of the practising rice–wheat system (RWS). Four main plot treatments in rice included the following: (a) PTRW0, puddled transplanted rice with no wheat straw retained; (b) PTRW25, puddled transplanted rice with 25% anchored wheat stubbles retained; (c) PTRW0 + Sesbania aculeate L. green manure (GM); and (d) PTRW25+GM, puddled transplanted rice with 25% anchored wheat stubbles retained+ GM. There were three subplot treatments in the subsequent wheat crop: (a) CTWR0, conventional tillage wheat with rice residue removed; (b) ZTWR0, zero tillage wheat with rice residue removed; and (c) ZTWR100, ZTW with 100% rice residue retained as mulch. The PTRW25+GM treatment, followed by ZTWR100, significantly increased soil microbial biomass carbon, basal soil respiration, microbial quotient and mineralization quotient measured during wheat-growing season. These biological indicators were higher at vigorous vegetative wheat growth stage than at flowering stage and decreased at maturity. The principal component analysis of the assayed variables showed that all the variables significantly contributed to the variability in parameters examined and were more related to maximum tillering stage of wheat growth than to maturity or at sowing of wheat. Three highly effective biological indicators were microbial biomass carbon, microbial quotient and mineralization quotient, which responded significantly to changes in tillage and residue management practices in the RWS. We conclude that crop residues and green manure have significant to improve soil biochemical processes by improving soil organic carbon and soil biological indicators in rice–wheat cropping system.  相似文献   

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