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Appropriate soil amendments may increase plant available water and crop yields on coarse sandy soils under drought conditions. In this study, we applied straw ash or straw biochar from gasification to a Danish coarse sandy subsoil to assess the effects on soil water retention, evapotranspiration and crop yields. Spring barley (2016, 2017) and winter wheat (2018) were grown over three years in columns containing 25cm of organic matter-rich topsoil, 80 cm of amended coarse sandy soil (1.5%, 3%, 6% wt. ash or 1% wt. biochar or control soil) and 45 cm of un-amended subsoil. Precipitation, evaporative demands and soil moisture were recorded across the growth seasons, with 2018 having severe drought conditions. This year evapotranspiration levels increased with increasing ash and biochar content (by 54% and 33% for the 6% ash- and 1% biochar-amended soils, respectively), and plant dry matter increased by 18% in both the 1% biochar- and 6% ash-treated soils compared to the untreated control. A linear relationship was established between in situ field capacity and ash dosage (R= .96), showing an increase of 2.2% per percentage (wt.) of ash added, while the 1% biochar treatment increased the capacity by 3.5%, indicating a higher efficiency than for ash. However, we did not find significant positive effects on grain yields. The results show that ash and biochar have the potential to significantly increase soil water retention, evapotranspiration and total dry matter yield in drought conditions, but that this may not correspond to an increase in grain yield.  相似文献   

Engineered biochars are promising candidates in a wide range of environmental applications, including soil fertility improvement, contaminant immobilization, wastewater treatment and in situ carbon sequestration. This review provides a systematic classification of these novel biochar composites and identifies the promising future trends in composite research and application. It is proposed that metals, minerals, layered double hydroxides, carbonaceous nanomaterials and microorganisms enhance the performances of biochars via distinct mechanisms. In this review, four novel trends are identified and assessed critically. Firstly, facile synthesis methods, in particular ball milling and co-pyrolysis, have emerged as popular composite fabrication strategies that are suitable for large-scale applications. Secondly, biochar modification with green materials, such as natural clay minerals and microorganisms, align well with the on-going green and sustainable remediation (GSR) movement. Furthermore, new applications in soil health improvement and climate change mitigation support the realization of United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Finally, the importance of field studies is getting more attention, since evidence of field success is critically needed before large-scale applications.  相似文献   

Biochar is a carbon (C)-rich material produced from biomass by anoxic or oxygen-limited thermal treatment known as pyrolysis. Despite substantial gaseous losses of C during pyrolysis, incorporating biochar in soil has been suggested as an effective long-term option to sequester CO2 for climate change mitigation, due to the intrinsic stability of biochar C. However, no universally applicable approach that combines biochar quality and pyrolysis yield into an overall metric of C sequestration efficiency has been suggested yet. To ensure safe environmental use of biochar in agricultural soils, the International Biochar Initiative and the European Biochar Certificate have developed guidelines on biochar quality. In both guidelines, the hydrogen-to-organic C (H/Corg) ratio is an important quality criterion widely used as a proxy of biochar stability, which has been recognized also in the new EU regulation 2021/2088. Here, we evaluate the biochar C sequestration efficiency from published data that comply with the biochar quality criteria in the above guidelines, which may regulate future large-scale field application in practice. The sequestration efficiency is calculated from the fraction of biochar C remaining in soil after 100 years (Fperm) and the C-yield of various feedstocks pyrolyzed at different temperatures. Both parameters are expressed as a function of H/Corg. Combining these two metrics is relevant for assessing the mitigation potential of the biochar economy. We find that the C sequestration efficiency for stable biochar is in the range of 25%–50% of feedstock C. It depends on the type of feedstock and is in general a non-linear function of H/Corg. We suggest that for plant-based feedstock, biochar production that achieves H/Corg of 0.38–0.44, corresponding to pyrolysis temperatures of 500–550°C, is the most efficient in terms of soil carbon sequestration. Such biochars reveal an average sequestration efficiency of 41.4% (±4.5%) over 100 years.  相似文献   

Agricultural production in Turkey is not sustainable due to degradation and loss of croplands, rapid population growth, and inequitable economic growth (poverty and overconsumption). Degrading land uses and management practices disturb the life‐supporting biogeochemical cycles within croplands and between croplands and natural ecosystems by increasing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs: CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, and tropospheric O3), pollution of water, soil and air, loss of soil organic matter and biodiversity, erosion, salinization and desertification. Sustainability‐oriented management practices in croplands include maintenance of soil organic matter by conservation tillage and residue management, windbreaks, selection of crops ecologically adapted to local climate regimes, efficient crop rotation, enhancement of agrobiodiversity (e.g. intercropping and agroforestry), and adoption of proper drainage techniques. Implementation of these preventive and mitigative measures necessitates internalization of ecological principles into agricultural policy and management processes. This study explores the opportunities and limitations of agricultural sustainability in Turkey in a holistic manner. A multiple linear regression (MLR) model was developed to relate CO2 emissions to energy intensity (energy use/gross domestic product), affluence (gross domestic product/population) and population growth. Our MLR model with a high R2 of 97 per cent revealed that stabilization of human population growth, and increasing energy efficiency in economic growth are essential to decreasing GHG emissions and enhancing environmental quality. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of biochar and organic soil amendments on soil physicochemical and microbial load, carbon sequestration potential, nutrient uptake and yield of groundnut in acidic red soil under rainfed condition. Biochar was prepared from red gram, cotton, maize stalk and mesquite wood using pilot scale slow pyrolysis biochar unit. The above sources of biochar at the rate of 2.5 and 5 t ha?1 and enriched farmyard manure 0.75 t ha?1, composted coir pith 10 t ha?1 and arbuscular mycorrhizae 100 kg ha?1 were applied as basal with required nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilizer. Biochar amendment at the rate of 5 t ha?1 reduced the bulk density from 1.41 to 1.36 g cm?3 and increased the soil moisture 2.5%. With respect to soil chemical changes, it raised soil pH from 5.7 to 6.3; increased the cation exchange capacity 1.4 cmolkg?1 and enhanced the carbon buildup 4.4 t ha?1. The significant differences in bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes population were observed between biochar and control. The nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium were better utilized under biochar and composted coir pith, which was 21, 5 and 20 kg ha?1 higher than control. The experimental results suggested that application of biochar to acidic red soil favoured good soil physical, chemical and biological environment, and these positive changes influenced growth and yield attributes and enhanced pod yield 29% over control.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of adding two organic wastes (cotton gin crushed compost, CGCC, and poultry manure, PM) to a saline soil (Salorthidic Fluvaquent) in dryland conditions near Seville (Guadalquivir Valley, Andalusia, Spain) was studied during a period of 5 years. Organic wastes were applied at rates of 5 and 10 t organic matter ha−1. One year after the assay began, spontaneous vegetation had appeared in the treated plots, particularly in that receiving a high PM dose. After 5 years the plant cover in this treated plot was around 80% (compared with the 8% of the control soil). The effect on the soils physical and chemical properties, soil microbial biomass, and six soil enzymatic activities (dehydrogenase, urease, protease, β-glucosidase, arylsulfatase, and phosphatase activities) were ascertained. Both added organic wastes had a positive effect on the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, although at the end of the experimental period, the soil physical properties, such as bulk density, increased more significantly in the CGCC-amended soils (23%) and the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) decreased more significantly in the CGCC-amended soils (50%) compared to the unamended soil. Water soluble carbohydrates and soil biochemical properties were higher in the PM-amended soils compared to the CGCC-amended soils (by 70% for water soluble carbohydrates, and by 34, 18, 37, 39, 40 and 30% for urease, protease, β-glucosidase, phosphatase, arylsulfatase and dehydrogenase activities, respectively). After 5 years, the percentage of plant cover was >50% in all treated plots and 8% in the control soil.  相似文献   

东北黑土区农地水土流失现状与综合治理对策   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59       下载免费PDF全文
 东北黑土区是我国重要的粮食产区和商品粮基地,对稳定粮食市场、保障国家粮食安全具有重要作用,但长期的重开垦轻保护导致了严重的水土流失,已经影响到了粮食生产的地位。以东北松嫩黑土区面积约2080万hm2的区域为研究对象,根据950个野外调查点资料,推算研究区农地面积为1727.40万hm2。通过径流小区和137Cs监测资料,估算该地区农地水土流失强度。东北黑土区农地土壤流失量与坡度的关系为A=0.7379θ。利用美国SRTM 90 m×90m地面高程资料,得出研究区总体地形平缓,坡度1°以下面积占72.25%,1°~5°面积占27.05%,5°以上面积仅占0.70%;但由于坡面较长,观测与计算结果表明,水土流失面积已达到1339.45万hm2,占研究区总土地面积的64.40%,占研究区农地面积的77.54%。东北黑土区水土流失已经十分严重,开展针对该地区水土流失特点的水土保持措施建设已刻不容缓。同时,为全面了解东北地区水土流失状况,需要进一步加强对整个东北地区水土流失监测与土壤侵蚀规律的研究。  相似文献   

We analyzed data from a long-term rice–wheat cropping sequence to evaluate the effects of integrated nutrient management (INM) on yield trends and sustainability, nutrient balance and soil fertility of the system. After 30th cycle, grain yield of both the crops significantly declined under control and highest rice and wheat grain yields were obtained when 50% N supplied through green manure and farm yard manure, respectively. The magnitude of yield slope under INM was found considerably higher than 100% recommended fertilizer (RDF). Sustainable yield index (SYI) for both the crops were found lower in control but considerably higher with the 100% RDF and under INM. The soils under all the treatments suffered an apparent loss of K and N (except where organics replacing 50% N). Correlation study also reveals K is the sole factor for the yield sustainability as apparent K balance was negatively correlated with SYI and yield slope.  相似文献   

植物营养学研究近年来在植物养分高效分子机理、植物-微生物互作、根际互作与微生态调控、农田养分管理等研究领域取得了一系列原创性进展。然而,当前如何协调粮食安全、资源高效和环境可持续性仍面临巨大挑战。针对这一重大问题,本文提出"根际生命共同体(Rhizobiont)"学术思路,围绕"根际互作与养分高效"这一重大科学命题,构建"植物-根系-根际-菌丝际-土体及其微生物"根际生命共同体理论体系,突破植物-微生物、微生物-微生物关键界面互作机制,阐明根际生命共同体结构、功能及其在养分活化、吸收与利用中的作用机制,建立共同体多界面互作增效的生物学调控新途径,开辟植物-土壤-微生物交叉创新领域,根际生命共同体理论创新有助于破解粮食安全、资源高效、环境保护多目标协同的难题,支撑我国农业绿色发展。文章指出了根际生命共同体与养分高效研究的重点方向与内容,尤其是深入揭示和调控植物第二基因组——微生物组的作用正成为农业科学的研究前沿。  相似文献   

The mechanism of atmospheric,surface and soil water interactions( water transformation) in hillslope under natural conditions was analyzed,and a dynamic model was developed to simulate infiltration,overland flow and soil water movement during natural rainfall in hillslope,by bringing froward concepts such as rainfall intensity on slope and a correction coefficient of saturated soil water content for soil surface seal.Some factors,including slope angle,slope orientation and raindrop inclination,which affect the rainfall amount on slope, were taken into account while developing the dynamic model.The effect of surface seal on infiltration and water balance under a boundary condition of the second kind was aslo considered. Application of the model in a field experiment showed that the model simulated precisely the infiltration,overland flow and sol water monvement in hillsope under natural rainfall conditions.  相似文献   

Different rubber‐based agroforestry systems are adopted to control and mitigate land degradation. However, the soil physical conditions and soil hydrological processes of different agroforestry systems are still unclear. Thus, in this study, rubber (Hevea brasiliensis ) monoculture, rubber and Clerodendranthus spicatus agroforestry system (RCS) and rubber and Amomum villosum agroforestry system (RAV) were developed from a degraded land that had similar backgrounds of terrain and management measures for 50 years. Conventional methods were applied, and dye tracer experiments were conducted to measure the soil physical conditions and determine the water movement in soil. After 5 years' growth, both RCS and RAV could effectively promote the soil physical conditions and optimize soil structure by improving the proportion of the three soil phases. Favourable soil properties, multiple‐layered canopies and ground cover in agroforestry systems could promote the formation of three‐dimensional hydraulic redistribution in soil profile. The infiltration of rainfall into the soil was enhanced; meanwhile, surface runoff and soil erosion were mitigated, and then more water was transported, redistributed and stored into the different soil layers by the more dominant preferential flow, water exchange and lateral flow in soil profiles. These water supply mechanisms could allow planting intercrops with rubber trees to uptake water from different water sources and coexist in an agroforestry system. Our results highlighted that rubber‐based agroforestry systems are a useful management practice to maximize the utilization of land and water resources. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

 旅游型海岛作为福建重要的旅游目的地,以独特旅游景观和旅游环境得到旅游者的青睐,但旅游开发不当引发的水土流失加剧影响了海岛旅游景观质量和环境质量,必须引起高度重视。以湄洲岛为例,分析湄洲岛水土流失现状及对旅游发展的影响,提出福建旅游型海岛水土保持原则和植物、工程、政策、技术等6方面具体的水土保持措施,努力实现"旅游促水保、水保促旅游"的良性循环。  相似文献   

Scalded lands are common in acid sulphate soil areas on the New South Wales coast, Australia. In this work, chemical characteristics of the scalded acid sulphate soils at nine sites along this coast were investigated. The investigated acid sulphate scalds are characterized by an extremely acidified topsoil layer (0–0.6 m) although they derive from the sediments of varying salinity and the metal sulphides contained in the soils have experienced different degrees of oxidation. Almost all of the investigated scalds occur in the areas that have a lower surface elevation than the surrounding areas. These hollows may act as sinks for acid sulphate materials and salts that are transported from the surrounding areas and the shallower watertables in such locations may enhance upward transport of acid and salt materials from the underlying oxidized sulphidic sediments. In general, the scalded acid sulphate soils have less organic matter and soluble phosphorus, and a greater salinity, soluble acidity, soluble Al, Mn and Zn concentrations, compared to the adjacent non‐scalded acid sulphate soils. These are most likely soil constraints for revegetation of the scalded lands and treatment will need to involve acid neutralization (e.g. application of lime) and addition of P fertilizers to reduce the soluble acidity, immobilize soluble Al, Mn and Zn, and increase P availability. The evidence also shows that the higher soluble Al concentration in the scalded soils, relative to the non‐scalded soils, is related to their lower organic matter content. Hence, rehabilitation of these scalded lands should involve the addition of organic matter to reduce soluble Al concentrations; it may also help reduce Mn and Zn toxicity, and salinity. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

贫困与生态环境之间的关系是多维、复杂、因地而异的,需要翔实数据与典型案例的支撑,更需要全新的视角.传统研究过于强调某一主体的作用,忽略了不同主体综合作用的结果,尤其是忽视了不同主体之间相互作用过程,因此,还不足以全面理解贫困与生态环境之间的复杂关系.以福建长汀县为典型区域,运用利益主体分析框架探讨政府、民众、企业、非政府组织(NGOs)、国际组织等不同利益主体在水土保持生态建设过程中的作用机制.研究结果有助于充分理解不同利益主体的作用机制,并为同类区域制定扶贫战略与资源环境保护政策提供借鉴.  相似文献   

为了充分发挥山区旅游公路水土保持措施的景观功能,以湖北神农架木鱼坪至兴山县昭君桥旅游公路为例,从景观美化功能和景观协调功能2方面进行水土保持设计。景观美化功能方面,根据项目沿线的自然、人文和公路本身的特点,分为3类景观特色带、3个景观过渡带和8个景观特色点,并配置相应的水土保持措施。景观协调功能方面,依据沿线的具体情况,使用渐缩式(阶梯式)空心砖护面墙、上挡墙L形种植槽、路基外侧悬墙式植槽和木桩栅栏式挡墙等绿化技术,进行公路沿线的绿化和美化。  相似文献   


The objective of the paper was to analyse the implications of the origin of peat (muck) soil substrate, the current type of land use and the state of anthropogenic soil development for the topsoil properties of fens. Chemical and biological properties of peat soils of the Rhin-Havelluch lowland and the Uckermark rural landscape were analyzed. The unit water content according to Ohde and the ash content were utilized to characterize the anthropogenic development status of peat topsoils. Several chemical properties were significantly influenced by soil substrate, in particular by the proportion and kind of the mineral component. The substrate was associated with the hydrological type of mire and the soil development state. TOC/N ratio and microbial activity were increased in cases of high lime spring mires and moorshified low ash peat. The proportion of easily soluble organic carbon increased, whereas the sulphur content decreased with the soil development state. The nitrogen content and the proportions of oxalate soluble iron and aluminium reached maxima in the moorshified state. The type of land use (grassland, forest) significantly influenced the topsoil pH and the proportion of oxalate soluble phosphorus. Soils under forest were clearly determined by topsoil acidification.  相似文献   

通过黄土丘陵沟壑区水土流失治理典型——陕北米脂县高西沟的水土流失治理措施配置模式、治理成本和治理效益分析,认为水土流失治理措施配置模式应由治理目标所决定,不同治理目标指导下的治理模式将产生不同的生态效益和经济效益;针对水土保持效益的多重性、连动性、交叉性和互动性等特点,提出水土保持效益评价原则;依据该原则,估算以粮食自给为目标的治理模式,其投入治理成本是65.70万元/km^2,5-6年内可收回成本;此时治理流域基本达到泥不下坡,水不出沟,林草覆盖率达到40%-50%,粮食自给,年经济收入3 000元/人左右的生态和经济效益。治理区虽全面治理达标,但经济收益仍远低于全国平均水平,单纯依靠水土保持难以达到全面小康,这是值得有关部门应深思的问题。  相似文献   

Deforestation, agricultural land uses and urbanization have altered stream channels and floodplains in many regions of the world, yet occurrences of post‐settlement alluvium (PSA) and benchmark pre‐settlement horizons (Palaeosols) are unreported in many tropical and subtropical developing countries. Twentieth century land uses, motivated strongly by state subsidies in the cases of coffee and cotton cultivation and soy – wheat double cropping, caused soil erosion and the corresponding formation of PSA and stream‐channel changes in small catchments of the Western Plateau of São Paulo State, Brazil. Analysis of land‐use changes suggests necessary alteration of regional environmental management for restoration planning, water quality monitoring and control of gully erosion. Narratives of regional environmental change should address the impacts of agropastoral land uses on soil and water resources, rather than concentrating on deforestation and forest land cover. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

无人机遥感为水土保持监测提供了新的技术支撑手段,但这一技术在水土保持监测工作中的应用尚处于起步阶段,还未形成统一、有效的方法与标准.研究将无人机遥感技术与水土保持监测现行的规范规程相结合,从基础数据获取、监测信息提取及信息在水土保持监测中的应用等3方面,构建基于无人机遥感的生产建设项目水土保持监测方法,并将其应用于工程实例.基础数据获取包括飞行规划设计、原始数据获取及原始数据处理3个步骤,最终生成DEM和DOM成果;监测信息提取可在DEM或DOM成果的基础上进行,通常包括土地利用类型、监测对象位置、长度、面积及体积等;信息应用主要是结合相关规程规范,将提取出的有效信息,逐一应用到生产建设项目水土保持监测工作中.应用结果表明,研究构建的方法简单实用,可提高无人机遥感在水土保持监测中应用的技术水平,为生产建设项目水土流失防治提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

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