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In organic farming systems, it has been demonstrated that grain pulses such as peas often do not enhance soil N supply to the following crops. This may be due to large N removals via harvested grains as well as N‐leaching losses during winter. In two field‐trial series, the effects of legume (common vetch, hairy vetch, peas) and nonlegume (oil radish) cover crops (CC), and mixtures of both, sown after peas, on soil nitrate content, N uptake, and yield of following potatoes or winter wheat were studied. The overall objective of these experiments was to obtain detailed information on how to influence N availability after main‐crop peas by adapting cover‐cropping strategies. Cover crops accumulated 56 to 108 kg N ha–1 in aboveground biomass, and legume CC fixed 30–70 kg N ha–1 by N2 fixation, depending on the soil N supply and the length of the growing period of the CC. Nitrogen concentration in the aboveground biomass of legume CC was much higher and the C : N ratio much lower than in the nonlegume oil radish CC. At the time of CC incorporation (wheat series) as well as at the end of the growing season (potato series), soil nitrate content did not differ between the nonlegume CC species and mixtures, whereas pure stands of legume CC showed slightly increased soil nitrate content. When the CC were incorporated in autumn (beginning of October) nitrate leaching increased, especially from leguminous CC. However, most of the N leached only into soil layers down to 1.50 m and was recovered more or less by the following winter wheat. When CC were incorporated in late winter (February) no increase in nitrate leaching was observed. In spring, N availability for winter wheat or potatoes was much greater after legumes and, after mixtures containing legumes, resulting in significantly higher N uptake and yields in both crops. In conclusion, autumn‐incorporated CC mixtures of legumes and nonlegumes accomplished both: reduced nitrate leaching and larger N availability to the succeeding crop. When the CC were incorporated in winter and a spring‐sown main crop followed even pure stands of legume CC were able to achieve both goals.  相似文献   

不同施磷量对蔬菜地土壤硝态氮淋失的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
【目的】在两种蔬菜地土壤上研究不同磷肥施用量对土壤硝态氮淋失的影响,为武汉城郊蔬菜合理施用磷肥和安全生产提供理论依据。【方法】利用大型原状土柱渗漏装置,2种实验土壤(粉质粘土和粉质粘壤土)均为武汉城郊典型蔬菜土壤,分别采自华中农业大学校内蔬菜基地和湖北新洲。试验期间共种植了四种蔬菜(小白菜、 辣椒、 苋菜及萝卜)。试验设置了4个P2O5水平处理(0、 125、 250、 375 kg/hm2),氮肥施用量均为N 750 kg/hm2,钾肥施用量均为K2O 500 kg/hm2。试验期间年降雨量为1043.0 mm,各土柱总灌溉量为120.1 L。秋冬季每15天、 春夏季每10天收集一次淋洗液,另外根据天气和降雨情况适当调节,每次收集淋洗液时记录淋洗液体积并测定淋洗液硝态氮浓度。在每季蔬菜生长成熟后将蔬菜收获称重,烘干后测定蔬菜中氮素含量。【结果】1)与不施磷肥相比,施用磷肥显著增加了两种土壤上小白菜、 苋菜、 萝卜产量以及四季蔬菜总产量,其产量随磷肥施用量增加而增加或显著增加,在磷肥施用量最大时产量达到最大值。粉质粘土上的产量显著低于粉质粘壤土上的产量,粉质粘壤土总产量约是粉质粘土总产量的1.63~2.36倍。2)施用磷肥显著增加了小白菜、 苋菜氮素吸收累积量以及四季蔬菜总吸收累积量,且两种土壤上总氮素吸收累积量均在磷肥施用量最大时达到最大值。粉质粘壤土上氮素总吸收累计量显著高于粉质粘土上氮素总吸收累积量。3)磷肥水平对土壤总渗漏液体积并无显著影响(粉质粘壤土P2O5 125 kg/hm2处理除外),粉质粘土渗漏水量显著大于粉质粘壤土。4)施用磷肥降低或显著降低土壤淋失液硝态氮浓度(粉质粘土苋菜季除外),随着磷肥施用量的增加硝态氮淋失浓度不断降低,4季蔬菜平均淋失浓度最大降低了38.6%(粉质粘土)和28.8%(粉质粘壤土)。5)磷肥施用显著降低了两种土壤上硝态氮淋失量(苋菜季除外),且在粉质粘土上随着磷肥施用量的增加硝态氮淋失量不断降低,而在粉质粘壤土上硝态氮淋失量先降低后上升。粉质粘土硝态氮淋失量显著大于粉质粘壤土,磷肥施用降低硝态氮淋失量分别达到达26.4%~33.7%和23.5%~39.9%。【结论】磷肥施用增加了蔬菜产量和作物氮素吸收累积量,从而显著降低了两种土壤上硝态氮的淋失; 土壤质地对硝态氮淋失有较大影响,质地较轻的粉质粘壤土硝态氮淋失显著小于质地较重的粉质粘土; 粉质粘壤土上施用P2O5量为250 kg/hm2时能提高产量同时减少硝态氮淋失,而粉质粘土上施用P2O5量为375 kg/hm2时能获得较大产量和较少硝态氮淋失量。  相似文献   

为了明确枣园种植长柔毛野豌豆(Vicia villosa Roth.)对土壤养分和细菌群落的影响,本试验以5年生金丝4号(Zizyphus jujuba Mill.)为试材,研究了枣园不同生草处理(清耕、自然生草、长柔毛野豌豆)对土壤基本理化指标和土壤细菌群落的影响.结果表明,与清耕(对照)相比,枣园生草提高了 土壤含...  相似文献   

冬季作物对水稻生育期土壤微生物量碳、氮的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选取我国南方4种冬季作物黑麦草、紫云英、油菜、马铃薯,以冬闲田作对照,对水稻生育期土壤微生物量碳(SMBC)和土壤微生物量氮(SMBN)的短期内动态变化进行了研究。结果表明,早稻田翻耕前,冬季作物处理土壤SMBC和SMBN与冬闲田存在显著差异(P0.05),黑麦草处理SMBC为398.5 mg/kg,显著高于其他作物;紫云英处理SMBN最高,为97.8 mg/kg。在早稻整个生育期,黑麦草处理SMBC显著高于其他处理,晚稻生长过程中各处理无显著差异。冬季作物对稻田土壤微生物商(MQ)的影响,随着水稻生长发育进程有不同程度的变化,黑麦草处理在早稻整个生育期高于冬闲田。  相似文献   

The significance of incorporation date of a catch crop on the nitrogen supply for the subsequent crop, the N effect (Neff), was examined. Winter rye was grown as a catch crop for 3 years during the autumn, and incorporated on five dates, two in the autumn and three in the spring. Two of the winters had high precipitation, and the Neff was small at the early autumn incorporation date, but increased when incorporation was delayed into late autumn and further increased by early spring incorporation. In the third winter, which was very dry, the Neff was negative at all incorporation dates, with the negative effect gradually increasing in value the later the incorporation date. In all 3 years the Neff was reduced when incorporation was delayed from early spring until later in the spring. The main processes determining this pattern were found to be (1) the risk of leaching of N mineralized after catch crop incorporation, which can reduce the Neff at early incorporation under wet conditions, (2) pre-emptive competition which can reduce the Neff when incorporation is delayed until later in the spring, and in dry conditions is already apparent during the autumn, and (3) catch crop growth leading to carbon gain and increased C/N ratio which decreases mineralization and thus the Neff after delayed incorporation in the spring. Lack of time for catch crop N uptake prior to early incorporation, or lack of time for N mineralization after late incorporation which might also reduce the Neff did not appear to be important in our experiment. The results show that catch crops grown in high rainfall areas on sandy soils should be incorporated later than those in low rainfall areas on nitrate retentive soils.  相似文献   


Cover crops improve the recovery and recycling of nitrogen and impart weed suppression in crop production. A two-year study with six weekly plantings of cover crops including non-winterkilled species (hairy vetch, Vicia villosa L.; winter rye Secale cereale L.) and winterkilled species (oat, Avena sativa L.; forage radish, Raphanus sativus L.) were assessed for effects on growth of forage rape (Brassica napus L.) and weed suppression. Early planting of cover crops gave the highest biomass and highest nitrogen accumulation. Delaying planting from early-September to mid-October suppressed cover-crop biomass by about 40%. Forage radish produced more biomass in the fall than other cover crops but was winter killed. Spring biomass was highest with rye or vetch. All cover crops suppressed weeds, but suppression was greatest under rye or hairy vetch. Hairy vetch accumulated the largest nitrogen content. Forage rape plants yielded more biomass after a cover crop than after no-cover crop.  相似文献   

In this study, three types of cropping systems with different nutrient management strategies were studied on a clay soil with the aim of comparing leaching of N, P and K and obtaining knowledge on nutrient budgets. A conventional cropping system with cereals and application of mineral fertilizers (CON) was compared with two organic cropping systems, one without animal manure in which green manure crops were used for N supply (OGM) and one where animal manure (cattle slurry) was applied (OAM). Leaching and crop uptake of N, P and K, and soil mineral N were measured in pipe‐drained plots over a 6‐year period. The mean annual leaching loads of N were moderate and did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) between treatments; 13 kg N ha?1 in CON, 11 kg N ha?1 in OGM and 7.4 kg N ha?1 in OAM. Average annual P leaching showed greater variation than N leaching and was significantly greater in OGM (0.81 kg ha?1 year?1) than in CON (0.36 kg ha?1) and OAM (0.41 kg ha?1). For all cropping systems, removal in harvested crops was the most important export of nutrients from the field and constituted between 80 and 94% of total N outputs (harvested and leached N). Yields of cereals in the organic systems were considerably less (15–50%) than in the CON system, leading to a less efficient use of N than in the conventional system.  相似文献   

吉林省黑土区是我国玉米生产的重要基地,农业集约化程度较高,农业面源污染风险较大。因此,掌握吉林省黑土区降雨与农田氮磷淋溶的关系,对区域生态农业可持续发展意义重大。本研究基于吉林省4个面源污染监测点,于2016-2019年春玉米季对降雨情况、淋溶量、淋溶液氮磷浓度及淋溶强度等进行了动态监测,系统分析了吉林省黑土区自然降雨与农田氮磷淋溶的关系。结果表明:1)吉林省黑土区降雨年际间和监测点间差异较大,年际间波动在424~554mm,春玉米全生育期平均降雨量为475mm;不同监测点降雨量大小依次为通化(593~785 mm)公主岭(512~699 mm)梨树(305~434 mm)农安(197~342 mm)。2)淋溶量和降雨强度呈极显著正相关关系,降雨强度每增加10 mm·(24h)-1,淋溶量增加1.81mm。全生育期(4-10月)降雨量与淋溶次数、淋溶概率分别呈极显著和显著正相关,降雨量每增加100mm,淋溶次数约增加3次,淋溶概率上升6%。当全生育期降雨量超过74mm时,淋溶概率增加,可能引起淋溶;而当全生育期降雨量达到217mm时,淋溶次数增加,可以发生淋溶。产生淋溶的降雨等级一般以中雨(10~24.9 mm)和大雨(25~49.9 mm)为主。3)淋溶量和淋溶液总氮浓度呈极显著正相关,与总磷浓度无明显相关关系。4)总氮淋溶强度与降雨强度呈极显著正相关,降雨强度每增加10 mm·(24h)-1,总氮淋溶强度增加0.73kg·hm~(-2),而总磷淋溶强度与降雨强度无明显相关性。由此可见,吉林省黑土区农田在春玉米雨养条件下以氮素淋溶为主,且与降雨密切相关,应因地制宜采取农艺措施在源头上阻控农业面源污染的发生,为农业生态可持续发展提供有效途径。  相似文献   

为探究微塑料输入与秸秆添加对农田土壤氮淋溶的影响,以潮土和黄棕壤为研究对象,每种土壤各设置8个处理,包括对照(CK)、低量微塑料(PE1)、中量微塑料(PE2)、高量微塑料(PE3)、秸秆(S)、秸秆+低量微塑料(S+PE1)、秸秆+中量微塑料(S+PE2)、秸秆+高量微塑料(S+PE3),研究了添加秸秆与不添加秸秆条件下,不同微塑料输入量对土壤氮淋溶的影响。结果表明,仅添加微塑料条件下,与对照(CK)相比,潮土PE1、PE2、PE3处理总氮(TN)淋溶量均无显著差异,黄棕壤仅PE1处理显著增加了TN淋溶量。在添加秸秆(S)处理中,与对照(CK)相比,潮土添加秸秆后显著降低了硝态氮(NO3--N)、铵态氮(NH4+-N)、TN淋溶量,分别降低了31.15%、13.45%、15.26%,黄棕壤添加秸秆后显著增加了TN淋溶量,增加了22.56%。添加秸秆处理相较于不添加秸秆处理,潮土各浓度微塑料输入下NO3--N、NH4+-N、TN的累计淋溶量呈降低趋势,而黄棕壤低量微塑料输入降低了TN淋溶量,高量微塑料输入增加了TN淋溶量。偏最小二乘路径模型(PLS-PM)分析表明,在潮土中添加秸秆主要通过影响淋溶液pH和NO3--N淋溶量影响氮素淋溶,微塑料添加量对氮淋溶无显著影响;在黄棕壤中添加秸秆主要通过影响淋溶液NO3--N、NH4+-N淋溶量影响氮淋溶,微塑料添加量主要通过影响淋溶液NH4+-N淋溶量影响氮淋溶。研究结果可为农田土壤微塑料污染风险的管控及减少土壤氮素的淋失提供依据。  相似文献   

Resource use efficiency requires a correct appreciation of the nitrogen (N) fertilizer replacement value (NFRV, percentage of total N applied) of manures. We assessed the NFRVs of the liquid fraction originating from separated pig slurry (MC), untreated pig slurry (PS), untreated cattle slurry (CS), the solid fraction from separated pig slurry (SF) and solid farmyard manure from cattle (FYM) in two consecutive years in silage maize grown on a sandy soil. Maize yields responded positively to each of these N sources applied at rates up to 150 kg of mineral fertilizer equivalents per ha per year (i.e. NFRV × total N rate). The observed NFRVs, relative to calcium ammonium nitrate fertilizer, amounted to 78% for MC, 82% for PS, 79% for CS, 56% for SF and 34% for FYM when averaged over both years. NFRVs were positively related to the ammonium‐N share in the total N content. Rye cover crop establishment after the harvest of maize reduced nitrate concentrations of the upper groundwater by, on average, 7.5 mg nitrate‐N/L in the first year and 10.9 mg/L in the second year, relative to a bare soil. Regardless of the presence of a cover crop, nitrate concentrations responded positively to the applied rate of effective N (total N × NFRV) but less to postharvest residual soil mineral N.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate different agricultural land‐use practices in terms of N leaching and to give recommendations for a sustainable agriculture on sandy soils in Middle Germany. Soil mineral N (Nmin) and leachate N were quantified at a sandy soil in N Saxony during 3 years. Two treatments were applied: intensive (I)—using inorganic and organic fertilizer and pesticides, and organic (O)—exclusively using organic fertilizer, legume‐based crop rotation, and no pesticides. Split application of mineral fertilizers did not result in substantial N losses at treatment I. Legumes induced a considerable increase of soil mineral N and particularly of leachate mineral N (Nmin_perc) at treatment O. High Nmin_perc concentrations (up to 78 mg N L–1) were observed during as well as after the cultivation of legumes. These high Nmin_perc concentrations are the reason why clearly higher Nmin_perc losses were determined at treatment O (62 kg N ha–1 y–1) compared to treatment I (23 kg N ha–1 y–1). At both treatments, the quantity of N losses was strongly affected by the precipitation rates. Concentrations and losses of dissolved organic N (DONperc) were assessed as above average at both treatments. The results suggest that the DONperc concentration is influenced by precipitation, soil coverage, and organic fertilizers. Higher values were determined in the percolation water of treatment O. The average annual DONperc losses amounted to 15 kg N ha–1 at I and to 32 kg N ha–1 at O. The average monthly percentage of DONperc losses on the loss of the dissolved total N of percolation water (DTNperc) ranged between <1% and 55% at O and between 2% and 56% at I. For the whole measuring period of 29 months, the relative amounts of DONperc of DTNperc (21% at O and 25% at I) were more or less the same for both treatments. The results show that DONperc can contribute significantly to the total N loss, confirming the importance to consider this N fraction in N‐leaching studies. It was concluded that at sandy sites, a split application of mineral fertilizers, as applied at treatment I, seems to be more expedient for limiting the N leaching losses than legume‐based crop rotations.  相似文献   

土壤深度对土磷素淋失的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用渗漏池设施,研究了冬小麦-夏玉米轮作条件下不同土壤深度对土磷素淋失的影响。种植8季作物结果表明,对深度小于80 cm 的渗漏池,淋出土体的累积渗滤液量和累积全磷量随化学磷肥施用量的增加而减少; 随土层深度的增加,淋出土体的渗滤液和磷量均减少,且二者的减少率都很接近,表明磷素淋失主要受通过土体的土壤水分控制。相对于深度小于80 cm的土层,供试土壤的粘化层有效地减少了土壤渗滤液和磷素淋失。各深度渗漏池渗滤液中的磷以可溶态为主,约占全磷的70%左右,颗粒磷约占30%。合理施肥并加强水分管理是土区减少磷素向土壤深层迁移的有效手段。  相似文献   

施氮量对白萝卜硝酸盐含量和土壤硝态氮淋溶的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在保护地栽培条件下,通过6个施氮水平的田间小区试验,结合土层原位渗滤装置,研究了施用氮肥对白萝卜(Raphanus sativus L.)产量和硝酸盐含量及土壤硝态氮淋溶的影响。结果表明,施氮处理白萝卜产量比不施氮处理仅增加6.04%~10.92%,当尿素氮施用量大于N 100 kg/hm2时,增产幅度开始下降。不同施氮处理白萝卜产量没有显著差异,说明在土壤基础肥力较高的情况下,增施氮肥不能明显提高白萝卜的产量;单施有机肥白萝卜体内硝酸盐含量为 196.86 mg/kg,比不施氮处理降低 5.08%。在此基础上加施尿素后,硝酸盐含量随氮肥施用量的增加显著升高(p0.05);0—100cm土壤剖面硝态氮累积量随氮肥施用量的增加而增加,且与氮肥施用量显著正相关(r=0.993, r0.01=0.917);白萝卜生长期间收集到的土壤淋溶液中硝态氮浓度较高,平均为32.88 mg/L,硝态氮的淋失量为 4.42~6.14 kg/hm2,不同施氮量处理之间没有显著差异。  相似文献   

以不同磷水平菜田土壤为研究对象,通过土柱淋溶模拟试验,探讨施用沼液对土壤磷素形态及其移动性的影响。结果表明:与单施去离子水的对照相比,施用沼液通过减少淋洗溶液体积降低淋洗液中总磷含量722.3μg·柱~(-1),中、高磷土壤淋洗液总无机磷(TIP)分别减少507.2μg·柱~(-1)和1 319μg·柱~(-1)。低、中磷土壤淋洗液中水溶性无机磷(DIP)减少158.1μg·柱~(-1)和474.3μg·柱~(-1)。在低磷土壤中,施用沼液对剖面土壤全磷、有机磷和速效磷含量影响显著,上层(0~7 cm)土壤增加的比例分别为34.8%、37.7%和148%,土壤p H值显著降低0.39个单位,下层(7~14 cm)土壤增加的比例分别为18.5%、29.3%和32.9%,土壤p H值显著降低0.28个单位。在中磷土壤中,施用沼液对上层土壤全磷含量影响未达到显著水平,速效磷增加比例20.1%,下层土壤p H值降低0.33个单位。在高磷土壤中,施用沼液对剖面土壤全磷、有机磷和速效磷含量影响未达到显著水平,下层土壤p H值降低0.34个单位。因此,施用沼液降低土壤磷素淋洗,增加低磷土壤磷素有效性含量,但对中磷和高磷水平土壤的磷素影响未达到显著水平。  相似文献   

两种除草剂的土壤生态效应及其对后茬作物生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用盆栽试验,研究了分别施用低剂量和高剂量的苄.丁和二氯喹啉酸对水稻田土壤环境以及紫云英生长的影响。结果表明:施用除草剂苄.丁和二氯喹啉酸均不利于后茬冬季绿肥作物紫云英植株干物质的累积,而且施用量越多,干物质累积越少。低剂量的苄.丁显著降低了紫云英植株中N素累积量,而二氯喹啉酸降低紫云英植株中N和K累积量;施用高剂量苄.丁和二氯喹啉酸则降低紫云英植株中N、P和K累积量。无论是施用低剂量还是高剂量的苄.丁和二氯喹啉酸均降低土壤中N、K养分的有效性。低剂量二氯喹啉酸对土壤中有效P含量影响不显著,而施用高剂量二氯喹啉酸显著降低P素养分有效性。施用低剂量苄.丁对土壤中过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶和尿酶活性的影响均不显著,而低剂量二氯喹啉酸则显著抑制了过氧化氢酶活性。施用高剂量苄.丁和二氯喹啉酸对土壤中蔗糖酶活性影响不显著,但均抑制了过氧化氢酶和尿酶活性。此外,施用低剂量和高剂量苄.丁增加了土壤中细菌数量,而二氯喹啉酸则正好相反。两种剂量的苄.丁和二氯喹啉酸均减少了土壤中放线菌数量,但对真菌数量变化不显著。由此可见,稻田施用二氯喹啉酸对稻田土壤环境以及后茬冬季紫云英作物的药害大于苄.丁。  相似文献   

Abstract. Results are presented from three years (1992-1995) of a field leaching experiment on a sandy soil in south-west Sweden. Plots of spring cereals, either with or without an undersown perennial ryegrass catch crop, were compared for nitrogen leaching and nitrogen status in soil. Both treatments were ploughed in spring, and other tillage regimes were also identical. Measurements of nitrogen leaching from drains, nitrogen uptake in crops and mineral nitrogen in the soil were made. Two coupled, simulation models, which describe water flow and nitrogen transformations and transport in soil, were used to interpret data and to calculate the nitrogen budget and nitrogen mineralization in the soil.
Nitrogen leaching was 40 50% less in the catch crop treatment compared with the control during years when the establishment of the catch crop succeeded. In the third year of the experiment nitrogen leaching was actually greater in the catch crop treatment (7 kg N/ha). This increase was caused by a poorly established catch crop coinciding with enhanced mineralization of previous catch crop residues. There was no simulated change in soil organic nitrogen in either of the treatments. Simulations showed increased nitrogen mineralization during April-July after incorporation of plant material in spring, especially in the catch crop treatment. However, the increased nitrogen mineralization probably occurred too late for the released nitrogen to be fully available to the main crop.  相似文献   

氮肥用量和水分淋溶对土壤和小麦氮素平衡的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
:利用标记15N尿素研究不同施肥量和淋溶对小麦生长的影响 ,结果表明水分淋溶对小麦生长的影响不明显 ;地上部生物产量与肥料利用率成正相关 .小麦根系越发达 ,收集到的淋溶液越少 ,损失的肥料N越少 .施用相同量的氮肥 ,淋溶处理的氮肥利用率略低于正常浇水的处理  相似文献   

太湖地区稻麦轮作下氮素径流和淋洗损失   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Although nitrogen (N) loss through runoff and leaching from croplands is suspected to contribute to the deterioration of surrounding water systems, there is no conclusive evidence for paddy soils to prove this hypothesis. In this study, field plot experiments were conducted to investigate N losses through runoff and leaching for two consecutive years with 3 N fertilization rates in rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotations in the Taihu Lake region, China. A water collection system was designed to collect runoff and leachates for both the rice and wheat seasons. Results showed that dissolved N (DN), rather than particulate N (PN), was the main form of N loss by runoff. The NO3^--N concentration in runoff was between 0.1 and 43.7 mg L^-1, whereas the NH4^+-N concentration ranged from below detection limit to 8.5 mg L^-1. Total N (TN) loads by runoff were 1.0-17.9 and 5.2-38.6 kg ha^-1 during rice and wheat seasons, respectively, and the main loss occurred at the early growing stage of the crops. Nitrogen concentrations in leachates during the rice seasons were below 1.0 mg L^-1 and independent of the N application rate, whereas those during the wheat season increased to 8.2 mg L^-1 and were affected by the fertilizer rate. Annual losses of TN through runoff and leaching were 13.7-48.1 kg ha^-1 from the rice-wheat cropping system, accounting for 5.6%-8.3% of the total applied N. It was concluded that reduction in the N fertilization rate, especially when the crop was small in biomass, could lower the N pollution potential for water systems.  相似文献   

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