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Cattle (n = 303) were visually selected from four feed yards to represent six phenotypes (English [EN; n = 50], 3/4 English-1/4 Brahman [ENB; n = 52], 1/2 English-1/2 Exotic [ENEX; n = 56], 1/2 English-1/4 Exotic-1/4 Brahman [ENEXB; n = 47], 3/4 Exotic-1/4 Brahman [EXB; n = 49], and 1/2 Exotic-1/4 English-1/4 Brahman [EXENB; n = 49]). Carcasses were processed at a commercial beef packing facility, and strip loins were collected after 48-h chilling. Strip loins were aged for 14 d at 2 degrees C and frozen at -20 degrees C for 3 to 5 d before three 2.5-cm-thick steaks were cut for Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) determinations and sensory evaluations. Phenotype EN had the highest (P < 0.05) adjusted fat thickness, and EXB had adjusted fat thickness that was lower (P < 0.05) than all other phenotypes except EXENB. Carcasses of EN and ENB had smaller (P < 0.05) longissimus muscle areas than phenotypes ENEX, EXB, and EXENB. Phenotype EN produced carcasses with the highest (P < 0.05) numerical yield grade, whereas carcasses originating from phenotype EXB had lower (P < 0.05) numerical yield grades than all other phenotypes except ENEX. No differences (P > 0.05) were found among phenotypes for mean WBSF values or sensory panel ratings for initial and sustained tenderness, initial and sustained juiciness, beef flavor characteristics, and overall mouthfeel. More than 90% of steaks from carcasses of all phenotypes had WBSF values less than 3.6 kg when cooked to an internal cooked temperature of 70 degrees C. Results from this study indicated that all phenotypes represented in this study could be managed to produce tender beef.  相似文献   

Retail packages (n = 288; 24 of each product in each treatment group) of inside round steaks, T-bone steaks (strip loin and tenderloin), top sirloin steaks, and ground beef were used to evaluate effects of dietary supplementation of vitamin E to cattle on product performance during retail display. Products from control animals and cattle fed 500 IU x animal(-1) x d(-1) or 1,000 IU x animal(-1) x d(-1) were evaluated. Except for ground beef, dietary supplementation of vitamin E increased (P < 0.05) alpha-tocopherol concentrations in beef muscle from cattle fed 1,000 IU x animal(-1) x d(-1). Although not all differences were statistically significant, retail display-life was greater for all steaks from cattle fed 1,000 IU x animal(-1) x d(-1) than for those from control cattle. Ten percent of the inside round and tenderloin steaks from cattle fed 1,000 IU x animal(-1) x d(-1) had mean overall appearance scores of 3 ("moderately undesirable") at 72 to 78 h and 54 to 60 h, respectively, whereas 10% of the inside round and tenderloin steaks from control cattle had mean overall appearance scores of 3 at 54 to 60 h and 42 to 48 h, respectively. Each of the retail cuts in this study (irrespective of the amount of alpha-tocopheryl acetate that was fed to the animal that generated it) was categorized as "high," "medium," or "low," based on the alpha-tocopherol concentration in the primal cut or ground beef batch from which it originated. Retail cuts in the medium a-tocopherol concentration category had increased retail display life of 4.0 h for ground beef (P < 0.05) over those in the low alpha-tocopherol category. Retail cuts in the high alpha-tocopherol concentration category had increased retail display life of 10.7 h for inside round steaks and 4.0 h for ground beef (P < 0.05) over those in the medium concentration category. Vitamin E supplementation of cattle at 1,000 IU x animal(-1) x d(-1) for at least 100 d can be used to increase retail caselife and to improve the overall color acceptability of steaks and ground beef products. Although far from a perfect relationship, these data strongly suggest that increasing the alpha-tocopherol concentration in a beef cut will increase its retail case life.  相似文献   

In general, livestock and fish farming systems in developing countries tend to be highly diverse in terms of agro‐ecological conditions and market orientation. There are no studies that have investigated if and how this diversity translates to varying preferences for breeding objective traits. This is particularly important for breeding programmes that are organized on a national level (e.g. government‐supported nucleus breeding programmes). The aim of this study was to investigate whether Nile tilapia farmers with diverse production systems and economic constraints have different preferences for breeding objective traits. The second objective was to derive a consensus breeding goal, using weighted goal programming that could be used for a national breeding programme for Nile tilapia. A survey was conducted among 100 smallholder Nile tilapia farmers in Kenya to obtain preference values for traits of economic importance, by using multiple pairwise comparisons. Individual and group preference values were estimated using analytical hierarchy process. Low‐income farmers preferred harvest weight, while medium‐ and high‐income farmers preferred growth rate and survival. Grouping farmers according to market objective (fingerling production or fattening) showed that fingerling producers preferred growth rate and survival, while fattening farmers preferred harvest weight, height and thickness. Weighted goal programming was used to obtain consensus preference values, and these were used to derive desired gains for a breeding goal of a national breeding programme that takes into account the diversity of smallholder production systems.  相似文献   

Primiparous beef cows produced in 3 calving systems were used in a 2-yr study with a completely random design to measure milk yield throughout a 190-d lactation (2002, n = 20; 2003, n = 24 per calving system). Calving occurred in late winter (average calving date = February 4 +/- 2 d), early spring (average calving date = March 30 +/- 2 d), and late spring (average calving date = May 26 +/- 1 d). Additionally, cows used in this study had been weaned at varied ages as calves, creating 6 dam treatments. Dam age at weaning was 140 (late spring), 190 (late winter, early spring, late spring), or 240 (late winter, early spring) d of age. Milk production was measured by using the weigh-suckle-weigh technique at an average of 20, 38, 55, 88, 125, 163, and 190 d in milk. Milk yield for the 190-d lactation period was calculated as area under the curve by trapezoidal summation. Data were analyzed with a model containing treatment, year, and their interaction. Orthogonal contrasts were used to separate effects when treatment was significant (P < 0.10). Total milk yield did not differ (P = 0.42) between cows in the late winter and early spring systems, but cows in the late spring system tended to differ (P = 0.09) from the average of the other 2 systems. Cows in the late spring calving system had increased milk yield in 2002 and lesser milk yield in 2003 compared with the other calving systems (treatment x year interaction, P < 0.001). Cows born in late spring that had been weaned at 140 d of age produced more (P = 0.05) total milk than those weaned at 190 d of age. Peak milk yield was affected (P < 0.001) by treatment and showed a treatment x year interaction (P = 0.006). Day of peak lactation differed among treatments (P = 0.002), with cows in the late winter system peaking later (P = 0.007) than early spring cows, and late spring cows peaking earlier (P = 0.004) than the average of late winter and early spring cows. The average date of peak lactation was May 4 for the late winter system, May 31 for the early spring system, and July 19 for the late spring system. Calf ADG differed (P < 0.001) for the late spring system compared with the average of the late winter and early spring systems, but the relationship interacted with year (P < 0.001). Cow BW and BW change differed among treatments (P < 0.004), with much of the difference associated with the amount of milk produced or the timing of peak lactation. Season of calving affects milk yield of primiparous cows grazing Northern Great Plains rangelands and ADG of their calves.  相似文献   

Transportation causes stress in cattle that may alter numerous physiological variables with a negative impact on production and health. The objectives of the current study were to investigate the physiological effects of truck transportation and to characterize a pattern of phenotypes in the circulation that may aid in the early identification of stress-susceptible animals that often succumb to severe respiratory disease. Thirty-six young beef bulls (Aberdeen Angus, n = 12; Friesian, n = 12; and Belgian Blue x Friesian, n = 12) were subjected to a 9-h truck transportation by road. Blood (10 mL) was collected at -24, 0, 4.5, 9.75, 14.25, 24, and 48 h relative to the initiation of transportation (0 h). Plasma was collected for the assay of various metabolic, inflammatory, and steroid variables, and total leukocyte counts were determined in whole blood at each time point. Body weight and rectal temperature were recorded at -24, 9.75, and 48 h. Transportation decreased measures of protein metabolism in the plasma, including albumin (P = 0.002), globulin (P < 0.001), urea (P = 0.006), and total protein (P < 0.001), and increased creatine kinase (P < 0.001). The energy substrate beta-hydroxybutyrate was not changed (P = 0.27). Acute phase proteins haptoglobin and fibrinogen were both decreased (P < 0.001), whereas total leukocyte counts were elevated (P = 0.002). Circulating steroid concentrations were altered, because a classical acute increase in plasma cortisol was observed with the onset of transit (P < 0.001), in association with a decrease in dehydroepiandrosterone (P = 0.07), resulting in a profound increase in cortisol:dehydroepiandrosterone ratio (P < 0.001). Plasma testosterone was decreased, whereas plasma progesterone was increased (P < 0.001) in association with the increase in cortisol (P < 0.001). There was also an effect of breed for all variables except plasma urea, creatine kinase, and testosterone, perhaps indicating that a genetic component contributed to the physiological response to transportation stress, although without any clear trend. Taken together, this profile of physiological variables in the circulation of transportation-stressed bulls may aid in the future detection of disease-susceptible cattle after transportation. Further research to validate these potential biomarkers is necessary.  相似文献   

Time trends in animal-disease surveillance often are evaluated on the basis of crude estimates of apparent prevalence. In addition to possible changes in the true prevalence of the condition, changes in apparent prevalence over time might reflect changes in sensitivity and/or specificity of the diagnostic classification used. To illustrate this, comparative post-mortem meat inspection data from four Danish slaughter plants sampled in 1993-1994 and 1997-1998 were used to obtain latent-class model estimates of the sensitivity and specificity of traditional and extended post-mortem meat inspection of visceral and parietal chronic pleuritis (CP), respectively.True prevalence of CP was estimated for each study period and slaughter plant by latent-class models. Estimated sensitivities of traditional post-mortem meat (TPM) inspection ranged from 28.8 to 61.4% (1993-1994) and 39.2 to 87.3% (1997-1998). An increase in sensitivity with time was seen for all slaughter plants. Estimated sensitivities of extended post-mortem meat (EPM) inspection ranged from 85.7 to 94.8% (1993-1994) and 73.8 to 93.0% (1997-1998). All estimated specificities were >93.3%.The possible association of the estimated true prevalence of CP with time (1993-1994 versus 1997-1998) was investigated with a logistic-regression model with random effects. A slight, but non-significant decrease in the odds of CP from 1994 to 1998 was found (odds ratio=0.9).In this and similar situations, one should consider conducting ongoing double-classification of samples of units followed by statistical estimation of true prevalences, sensitivities and specificities, so that decisions can be based on such estimates rather than on crude apparent prevalences.  相似文献   

Stochastic computer models were used to evaluate nine crossbreeding systems in beef herds consisting of two bulls, 50 cows and 15 replacements. Systems examined were: 1) purebred (PB), 2) two- and three-breed rotations using natural service (2R and 3R) or artificial insemination (2RAI and 3RAI), 3) two-breed roto-terminals not exploiting complementarity using natural service (2RT) or AI (2RTAI) and 4) two-breed roto-terminals exploiting complementarity using natural service (2RTC) or AI (2RTCAI). Average heterosis estimates were taken from literature sources. Replacement females were produced within the herd; sires were purchased. Estimates of calf and dam heterosis were used to calculate performance of calf weight weaned and sold, cow and total weights sold and gross calf, cow and total incomes. All crossbred systems were superior to PB for weights sold and income. The natural-service systems (2R, 3R, 2RT and 2RTC) utilized 90 to 98% of the heterosis available in their AI counterparts (2RAI, 3RAI, 2RTAI and 2RTCAI). No differences were found between corresponding natural-service and AI systems for weights sold and incomes. Increasing the complexity of the system did not provide important improvements in traits measured.  相似文献   

In the UK there has been a sharp rise in the incidence of bovine tuberculosis since the early 1990s and the badger has been identified as an important wildlife reservoir for this infection. Infected badgers can excrete Mycobacterium bovis, putting other badgers and cattle at risk of becoming infected. Vaccination has been proposed as an approach to reducing the excretion of M. bovis by tuberculous badgers. In order to evaluate the efficacy of a badger vaccine it will be necessary to accurately determine the number of badgers excreting M. bovis without removing them for post-mortem evaluation. The existing live tests for tuberculosis in the badger (culture, indirect ELISA, Western blot) have not been assessed for their ability to detect badgers excreting M. bovis. Over the past 18 years, badgers from 31 social groups have been trapped and sampled in a study area of the Cotswold escarpment. We have examined the serological responses of 128 badgers trapped between 1985 and 1998 from social groups where M. bovis infection was endemic. These responses were compared with culture from faeces, urine, tracheal aspirates and bite wound swabs taken from these animals while alive. ELISA was found to be more sensitive than Western blot in detecting badgers excreting M. bovis. The majority of culture-positive badgers excreted M. bovis intermittently over the period of study. As a result, there was only a 27.5% chance of sampling a badger for culture when it was excreting M. bovis. In contrast, a positive ELISA result correctly predicted 68.2% of badgers with a history of excreting M. bovis. In the absence of alternative live tests for the badger, the Brock Test indirect ELISA appears to be more valuable than culture for measuring the effect of vaccination on reducing the number of badgers at risk of transmitting tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Three pig experiments were conducted using a chemically defined, amino acid diet under conditions in which all nutrients were 100% bioavailable to assess the maximal portion of the sulfur amino acid (SAA) requirement that could be furnished by cystine (Cys). In Exp. 1, a methionine (Met)-deficient diet containing .12% L-Met and .40% L-Cys was supplemented with graded levels of L-Met. Pigs weighing 10 kg initially responded quadratically (P less than .05) to Met supplementation. A two-slope, broken-line regression model (weight gain regressed on percentage of dietary Met) estimated an infection point at .23% dietary Met. A constant level of .46% dietary SAA with differing Met:Cys weight (wt:wt) ratios was used in Exp. 2. Pigs fed Met:Cys ratios of 60:40 and 50:50 had similar (P greater than .05) weight gains, but pigs fed a 40:60 Met:Cys ratio gained less (P less than .05) than those fed the other diets. Maintaining dietary sulfur at .111% in Exp. 3, pigs fed Met:Cys ratios (wt:wt) of 100:0, 55:45, 50:50, and 45:55 gained weight at similar (P greater than .05) rates, but pigs fed the 45:55 Met:Cys ratio had a tendency to produce lower weight gains. Regardless of whether a constant dietary SAA or sulfur level was maintained, no more than 50% of the young pig's total SAA requirement (wt:wt) could be furnished by Cys.  相似文献   

Cell lines originating from horses are necessary for isolation and propagation of equine herpesviruses (EHV). Although we established an equine-derived cell line, FHK-Tcl3, propagation ceased after fewer than 40 passages. In this study, FHK-Tcl3 cell propagation continued beyond 40 passages, achieving over 100 passages. FHK-Tcl3 cells were then cloned by limiting dilution at the 100th passage. Cloned cells were termed FHK-Tcl3.1. FHK-Tcl3.1 cells grew well and were propagated every 3 to 4 days by splitting 1:5. In addition, EHV-1, -2 and -4 showed a clear cytopathic effect (CPE) in FHK-Tcl3.1 cells, and this CPE was very similar to those seen in parental FHK-Tcl3 and primary fetal horse kidney cells. FHK-Tcl3.1 cells continue to propagate and the current passage record is over 100 times after cloning. Therefore, this cell appears to have been immortalized. FHK-Tcl3.1 cells have potential for growth and diagnosis of various equine viruses, including equine herpesviruses.  相似文献   

The intensive breeding is often considered a risk of low welfare in dairy cows. Namely, the high yield has been suggested to be per se a cause of well-being reduction. Conversely, we have in many farms demonstrated that high milk yielding cows are not necessarily in a bad welfare condition, while many environmental and management problems can cause a distress situation and a reduced milk yield. To confirm these results, in an average yielding dairy farm affected by several problems, the welfare was assessed according to an Integrated Diagnostic System which considers health status, milk yield and quality, feeding strategy, blood profiles etc. The same check-up has been repeated a year later, after some attempts to correct main mistakes previously observed: dry and lactating cow diets, n° of cubicles, hygiene conditions, preparation and milking procedures etc. In one year only part of the mistakes have been fully corrected; nevertheless, the animal response was definitively improved suggesting a better welfare situation: improvement of teat and body condition (BCS) scores and reduction of open days, of legs and feet lesions and of somatic cell count (SCC : 283 vs. 456 cells/μl) as well as an increase of milk yield (25.2 vs. 20.1 kg/d).

Results confirmed that better breeding techniques can optimise the animal welfare and optimise milk yield in the intensive systems.  相似文献   

The efficacy of three commercial Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) immunizing agents-a bacterin, a recombinant fowlpox-MG vaccine, and a live F-strain vaccine-was compared in specific-pathogen-free hens in egg production. Three groups of 25 chickens were vaccinated with one of the vaccines at 10 wk of age and 25 birds were not vaccinated. At 25 wk of age (and approximately 50% egg production), 20 birds from each of the three vaccinated groups and 15 nonvaccinated controls were challenged with virulent R-strain via aerosol; the birds were necropsied and evaluated at 10 days post-challenge. The MG bacterin and live F-strain vaccinations were both protective and resulted in significant differences in air sac lesions, tracheal lesions, and ovarian regression compared to the nonvaccinated controls and the recombinant fowlpox-MG vaccine (P < or = 0.05). The evaluation of ovarian regression is a useful method of testing the efficacy of MG vaccines in laying hens.  相似文献   

虫克星(阿维菌素的商品名)是目前国内外高效、新型的抗寄生虫药物之一,该药对马、牛、羊、免及家禽的内外寄生虫均有极强的驱杀作用.  相似文献   

Deterministic computer models were used to simulate the cow-calf segment of an integrated production system. Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Limousin, and Simmental breeds were included in three mating systems: pure-breeding (PB) or two- (2R) or three-breed (3R) rotational crossbreeding. Breed data were taken from the literature. Herds were evaluated over the production year. Sires represented breed averages and were available from sources outside their herds, and 100 replacement heifers were saved annually. Females in 3R had the highest average energy requirements (8,144 Mcal of ME.cow-1.yr-1) and production costs ($322.31.cow-1.yr-1), and PB females had the lowest average requirements (7,748 Mcal of ME.cow-1.yr-1) and costs ($313.2.cow-1.yr-1). Purebred systems were the least biologically and economically efficient (64.9 Mcal of ME/kg of steer equivalent, $2.35/kg of steer equivalent), respectively, and 3R systems were the most efficient (56.6 Mcal of ME/kg of steer equivalent, $1.95/kg of steer equivalent). On average, 3R systems were more efficient biologically and economically than 2R systems. However, some 2R systems were as efficient as some 3R systems. Crossbred combinations containing Angus and(or) Hereford ranked more biologically and economically efficient than other breed combinations. Conversely, British purebreds ranked more biologically efficient, whereas Continental purebreds ranked more economically efficient.  相似文献   

Angus (A), Charolais (C), Hereford (H), Limousin (L), and Simmental (S) breeds were included in deterministic computer models simulating integrated cow-calf-feedlot production systems. Three mating systems were used: pure-breeding and two-and three-breed rotational crossbreeding. Breed information was taken from the literature. Herd sizes were unrestricted; however, 100 heifers were saved as replacements. Cows were removed for reproductive failure, age (greater than 10.5 yr), or death. Calves produced in the cow-calf segment were fed in a custom feedlot to four slaughter end points: 440 d, 457 d, 288-kg carcass weight, and low Choice. All animals were fed to requirements. Cull cows were slaughtered after weaning. Biological and economic efficiencies improved with crossbreeding; however, rankings of breed combinations depended on how efficiencies were measured (weight, lean, or value basis). Among purebreds, reproductive performance had a large influence on breed rankings at age and weight end points, whereas feedlot performance was important at the low Choice end point. Crossbred combinations involving British (A or H) and Continental (C or S) breeds were more efficient than other crossbred combinations at all end points. However, choosing specific breed combinations for integrated systems depends on slaughter end points, market end points (weight vs lean), and measures of efficiency (weight, lean, or value basis).  相似文献   

Computer models were used to simulate the feedlot segment of an integrated beef production system. Five breeds, Angus (A), Charolais (C), Hereford (H), Limousin (L), and Simmental (S), in three mating systems, pure-breeding and two- and three-breed rotational crossbreeding, were evaluated for feedlot and carcass performance. Breed data were taken from the literature. Feeder calves (steers and non-replacement heifers) entered the feedlot at 205 d of age. After a 35-d adjustment period, calves were custom-fed to four slaughter end points: 440 d, 457 d, 288-kg carcass weight, or low Choice. Cattle were fed to requirements (megacalories of ME). Input costs included feed and nonfeed expenses (purchase prices, transportation, yardage, and medicinal fees). Carcass values were $2.65 and $2.54/kg of carcass weight for steer and heifers, respectively, between 272 to 318 kg. Over- or underweight carcasses were discounted $.60/kg. At the 440-d end point, Select grade steer and heifer carcasses were discounted an additional $.22 and $17/kg, respectively. Biological efficiency was measured as megacalories of ME/kg of gain, and economic efficiencies were measured as input costs per kilogram of carcass weight, input costs per kilogram of lean weight, and input costs per carcass value. Continental breed combinations (C and S) were most efficient at age- and weight-constant end points for megacalories of ME per kilogram of gain and for input costs per carcass value and most efficient at all end points for input costs per kilogram of carcass weight and input costs per kilogram of lean weight. British breed combinations (A) were most efficient at a fat-constant end point for megacalories of ME per kilogram of gain and input costs per carcass value. Therefore, choosing breed combinations for feedlots depends on slaughter end point and measures of efficiency.  相似文献   

The beef cattle industry relies on the use of high-forage diets to develop replacement females, maintain the cow herd, and sustain stocker operations Forage quantity and quality fluctuate with season and environmental conditions Depending on class and physiological state of the animal, a forage diet may not always meet nutritional requirements, resulting in reduced ADG or BW loss if supplemental nutrients are not provided It is important to understand the consequences of such BW loss and the economics of providing supplementation to the beef production system Periods of limited or insufficient nutrient availability can be followed by periods of compensatory BW gain once dietary conditions improve This may have less impact on breeding animals, provided reproductive efficiency is not compromised, where actual BW is not as important as it is in animals destined for the feedlot A rapidly evolving body of literature is also demonstrating that nutritional status of cows during pregnancy can affect subsequent offspring development and production characteristics later in life The concept of fetal programming is that maternal stimuli during critical periods of fetal development have long-term implications for offspring Depending on timing, magnitude, and duration of nutrient limitation or supplementation, it is possible that early measures in life, such as calf birth BW, may be unaffected, whereas measures later in life, such as weaning BW, carcass characteristics, and reproductive traits, may be influenced This body of research provides compelling evidence of a fetal programming response to maternal nutrition in beef cattle Future competitiveness of the US beef industry will continue to be dependent on the use of high-forage diets to meet the majority of nutrient requirements Consequences of nutrient restriction or supplementation must be considered not only on individual animal performance but also the developing fetus and its subsequent performance throughout life.  相似文献   

Anaplasmosis, caused by the tick-borne rickettsia, Anaplasma marginale, is an economically important disease of cattle in the United States and worldwide. Cattle that recover from acute infection become carriers in which low or microscopically undetectable A. marginale rickettsemia persists. Tetracycline antimicrobials are currently the only drug used in the US for treatment of acute anaplasmosis. There are currently no drugs specifically licensed for elimination of persistent infections. This study tested the efficacy of three oxytetracycline treatment regimens to clear A. marginale from cattle that were persistently infected. Forty Angus x Simmental steers, aged 6-12 months were experimentally infected with A. marginale. After the steers recovered from acute infection, seroconverted, and were confirmed infected using nested PCR followed by DNA hybridization, the carrier status of each animal was ascertained by sub-inoculation of blood into a separate, splenectomized Holstein calf. The steers were then blocked by bodyweight and randomly assigned as follows to four treatment groups: Treatment A, 300 mg/ml solution of oxytetracycline (Tetradure LA-300, Merial Canada Inc.) administered at 30 mg/kg, by intramuscular (i.m.) injection on day 0; Treatment B, the same 300 mg/ml solution of oxytetracycline administered at 30 mg/kg, i.m. on day 0 and again on day 5; Treatment C, a 200 mg/ml solution of oxytetracycline (Liquamycin LA-200, Pfizer Animal Health) administered at 22 mg/kg, intravenously (i.v.), q 24 h for 5 days (a treatment dose that corresponds with current Office International des Epizooties (OIE) recommendations for treatment prior to export). The fourth group consisted of untreated infected control cattle. All steers were still nested PCR and cELISA positive at 60 days after treatment. Infection was confirmed by subinoculation of blood into a splenectomized Holstein calf. These results demonstrated that the treatment regimens tested failed to clear A. marginale infections in carrier cattle.  相似文献   

Two bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1) field strains that do not express an epitope on glycoprotein E (gE) in cell culture were inoculated into calves to examine whether their sera became positive in a gE-blocking ELISA that detects antibodies against gE. This gE-blocking ELISA uses one monoclonal antibody that is directed against the above mentioned epitope. All calves, except one, infected with these gE-epitope negative BHV1 strains, became positive in this gE-blocking ELISA, about two weeks later than in another gE-ELISA and a gB-ELISA. However, cattle infected with BHVI strains that do express this particular gE-epitope showed a similar type of antibody responses. These findings demonstrate that BHV1 strains that do not express a particular gE-epitope in cell culture, still can induce antibodies that are detected in a blocking ELISA that measures antibodies against that epitope.  相似文献   

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