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Seventy-seven cases of equine abortion from 49 Hungarian farms that occurred between 1998 and 2000 were investigated for the presence of chlamydiae by immunohistochemistry, PCR and/or MZN staining. Evidence of the presence of these bacteria was obtained in 64 cases (83.1%) from 41 (83.7%) different farms. Partial ompA gene sequencing of PCR products revealed that the agent was Chlamydophila psittaci. Based on the findings of microbial diagnosis, pathology and case history, chlamydial infection was considered to be the most likely cause of abortion in at least 11 (14.3%) cases. In the remaining 53 Chlamydophila-positive cases, either other bacterial and viral agents (n = 22 or 28.6%) as well as non-infectious factors (n = 14 or 18.2%) were identified as more probable primary causes of disease, or the role of chlamydiae remained unclear because lesions in fetuses and fetal membranes were absent (n = 17 or 22.1%). When chlamydial antigen was detected in aborted equine placental tissue using immunohistochemistry it was seen only in the chorionic epithelial cells, but not in other parts of the fetal membranes nor in any of the fetal tissues. In conclusion, chlamydial infection of the genital tract should be considered a possible factor in equine reproductive disorders.  相似文献   

Leptospiral infection in aborted equine foetuses   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
During an investigation of equine abortion, leptospiral infection was demonstrated in nine out of 22 foetuses examined by immunofluorescence and culture. Strains belonging to four serogroups (Australis, Pomona, Hebdomadis and Icterohaemorrhagiae) were isolated. The age of leptospira infected foetuses ranged from six months to term.  相似文献   

Leptospira-specific antibody isotypes in sera of late term equine fetuses aborted due to Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona-type kennewicki infection were characterized and compared with those of their dams. IgM was the dominant Leptospira-Specific isotype in both fetuses and mares. However, IgGa was the isotype in highest concentration in petal sera and strong Leptospira-specific IgGa but no IgGb and little or no IgG(T) were detected. In contrast, although IgGb was quantitatively the dominant isotype in mares serum, Leptospira-specific serum IgG in aborting mares was dominated by IgG(T) but also included large amounts of IgGa and IgGb. IgGa and IgGb were quantitatively the dominant isotypes in sera of fetuses and mares, respectively. Affinity purified IgGa from fetuses did not agglutinate leptospires but serum devoid of IgGa did, suggesting that IgM is the principal agglutinating antibody. It is concluded that the equine fetus is deficient in IgGb and IgG(T) synthesis.  相似文献   

Psittacosis, also known as parrot fever and ornithosis, is a bacterial infection of humans that can cause severe pneumonia and other serious health problems. It is caused by Chlamydophila psittaci, formerly known as Chlamydia psittaci. From 1988 through 2003, 935 human cases of psittacosis were reported to the CDC and most resulted from exposure to infected pet birds, usually cockatiels, parakeets, parrots, and macaws. In birds, C. psittaci infection is referred to as avian chlamydiosis. Infected birds shed the bacteria through feces and nasal discharges, and humans become infected from exposure to these materials. This compendium provides information about psittacosis and avian chlamydiosis to public health officials, physicians, veterinarians, the pet bird industry, and others concerned with controlling these diseases and protecting public health. The recommendations in this compendium provide standardized procedures for controlling avian chlamydiosis in birds, a vital step to protecting human health. This document will be reviewed and revised as necessary.  相似文献   

Yang J  Ling Y  Yuan J  Pang W  He C 《Avian diseases》2011,55(1):76-81
The objective of this study was to isolate and identify suspected pathogens from peacocks and peacock farmers with severe pneumonia and to investigate its potential association with peacocks' pneumonia, caused by Chlamydophila psittaci infection. A clinical examination of infected peacocks identified birds with symptoms of anorexia, weight loss, yellowish droppings, airsacculitis, sinusitis, and conjunctivitis, whereas the infected farmers showed high fever and respiratory distress. Immunofluorescence tests detected chlamydial antigens in pharyngeal swabs (12 of 20) and lung tissue samples (four of five) from peacocks. One of four swabs taken from farmers was also positive by the same test. Specific anti-chlamydia immunoglobulin G was detected in 16 of 20 peacocks and four of four peacock farmers. The isolated pathogen was able to grow in specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chicken embryos and McCoy cell lines and was identified as Chlamydiae by immunofluorescence assay and PCR. Avian influenza virus, Newcastle disease virus, and infectious bronchitis virus were eliminated as potential causative agents after pharyngeal swabs inoculated onto the chorioallantoic membrane of embryonate eggs failed to recover viable virus. PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism indicated the ompA gene from the isolate was similar to that of avian C. psittaci type B. Three-week-old SPF chickens challenged with the peacock isolate via intraperitoneal injection showed a typical pneumonia, airsacculitis, and splenitis. Subsequently, the inoculating strain was recovered from the lungs of challenged birds. This is the first report of C. psittaci infection in peacocks and peacock farmers.  相似文献   

Reports of canine chlamydiosis are infrequent, possibly because the pathogen is rarely considered to be a cause of disease in dogs. This report presents details of Chlamydophila psittaci infection in four bitches with recurrent keratoconjunctivitis, severe respiratory distress and reduced litter size (up to 50% stillborn or non-viable puppies) in a small dog-breeding facility in Germany. Cell culture and immunofluorescence examination of conjunctival, nasal and pharyngeal swabs revealed chlamydial inclusions. PCR and sequencing of ompA amplification products confirmed the presence of Cp. psittaci genotype C. The zoonotic potential of the pathogen was illustrated by evidence of disease in two children that lived on the premises with the infected dogs. There was circumstantial evidence to suggest infection of dogs and humans may have followed the introduction of two canaries and a parrot to the household. The persistent nature of the chlamydial infection suggests that dogs may be reservoirs of Cp. psittaci, but this putative role and whether or not dogs shed the pathogen require further investigation.  相似文献   

Hydrops allantois was diagnosed in two Haflinger mares with severe abdominal distension. Both mares were seven months pregnant. Abortion was induced with two injections of prostaglandin six hours apart followed by further manual dilation of the cervix and administration of oxytocin the next day. There were 90 and 95 litres of fluid, respectively, in the allantoic cavities which resembled extracellular fluid with regard to concentrations of urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and chloride, but not total protein. Both fetuses had severe brain abnormalities which were diagnosed as cerebellar and cerebral hypoplasia associated with bilateral hydrocephalus internus and hydranencephaly and cerebellar aplasia, respectively. Both mares were pregnant by the same stallion, but a clear hereditary link was not found.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Chlamydophila psittaci (formerly Chlamydia psittaci) infection was assessed in 95 apparently healthy, captive Amazon parrots from three breeder collections in southeastern and west-central Brazil. Cloacal swabs from 95 birds were tested for chlamydial antigen, which was detected by direct immunofluorescence (DIF), and serum samples from 44 of these birds were tested for antibodies to C. psittaci using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The prevalences of active infection as detected by DIF were 16.7%, 22.2%, and 56.1%, and seroprevalences were 100%, 87.5%, and 60% in flocks A, B, and C, respectively. We can therefore infer that C. psittaci may be widespread in captive parrot populations in Brazil.  相似文献   

The IDEIA ELISA was used to detect Chlamydia psittaci (ovis) antigen in ewes' milk to which were added serial dilutions of chlamydiae titrated as inclusion forming units (ifus) in McCoy cell tissue culture. The test was able to detect as few as 35 ifus/ml of the organism. The ELISA was then used to detect chlamydial antigen in fetal membranes and milk from ewes clinically affected with ovine enzootic abortion (OEA). The results were compared with results of isolation of chlamydiae in McCoy cell tissue culture from the same material. The fetal membranes of 17 of 19 ewes were positive for chlamydia when tested with the ELISA but chlamydia could be cultured from only 15 of them. Milk samples from 26 ewes which had aborted between 1 and 34 days previously were tested: chlamydiae could not be cultured from any of them and only one was positive when tested by the ELISA. The results show that the IDEIA ELISA is a sensitive test for the detection of C. psittaci (ovis) antigens. The positive results to this test for the three samples from which chlamydiae could not be cultured suggest that the test is not as specific as culture or that it detected dead organisms. Chlamydiae do not appear to be excreted in the milk of ewes affected with OEA.  相似文献   

By inoculation of embryonating chicken eggs via the yolk sac route Chlamydia psittaci was grown from 11 lungs of 45 pigs with pneumonia (24.4%). From the lungs of 55 pigs with other diseases the organism was isolated in five cases (9.1%). Chlamydiae were not detectable by cultural methods in the uterine mucosa of 87 sows, arthritic joints of 30 store pigs and in aborted fetuses. A commercial available enzyme amplified immunoassay indicated the presence of chlamydial antigen in mucosal scrapings from the uterus of two sows and in the fetal membranes as well as fetal organs in one case of porcine abortion.  相似文献   

On a farm housing cattle and goats an abortion storm occurred affecting 50% of the goats during the lambing season 2000/2001. In one of three investigated caprine abortions Chlamydophila abortus could be identified as etiology. During this time a pregnant woman (pregnancy week 19/20) had contact with aborting goats. She developed a severe generalized infection and aborted. The placenta contained Chlamydophila abortus shown by immunohistochemistry and PCR. Aim of the present case report is to alert veterinarians about the potential zoonotic risk of ovine/caprine abortions.  相似文献   

Brain tissue from 12 aborted bovine fetuses submitted to the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory revealed histologic lesions that consisted of glial nodules and variable degrees of mononuclear inflammation, microhemorrhage, neuronal necrosis, and cerebral cortical cavitation. A diagnosis of Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) abortion had been made in all of these cases through multiple testing modalities. Brain tissue from 8 of the 12 fetuses was immunohistochemically stained with a monoclonal antibody specific to BHV-1, and, in 5 fetuses, there was positive intralesional staining of neurons, glial cells, and endothelial cells. This preliminary data suggested that herpesviral infection of brain tissue led to the described neurologic lesions. BHV-1 was then amplified from brain tissue in all 12 of the fetuses and was confirmed by partial sequencing of the thymidine kinase and glycoprotein C genes. To the authors' knowledge, neurologic lesions have not previously been described in BHV-1-infected fetuses, nor has BHV-1 previously been identified in bovine fetal brain tissue. The neurologic histopathology attributed to BHV-1 infection in these cases overlaps with the neurologic lesions produced by Neospora caninum, a common etiologic agent of bovine abortion. Therefore, when bovine fetal neurologic lesions are found, both etiologies should be considered and then distinguished by using additional diagnostic tools.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate a recently available fluorescent antibody test (FAT) conjugate for the detection of leptospires in tissues of aborted and stillborn horses, to determine the leptospira antibody titers and compare serologic test results with FAT results, and to determine the prevalence of leptospira-induced abortions and stillbirths in the equine population of central Kentucky. From July 1, 1988 through June 30, 1989, 15 (2.5%) of 594 submissions (fetuses, stillborn foals, and/or placentas) were diagnosed as leptospirosis by the FAT (14 of 15 tested) and/or microscopic agglutination test (12 of 14 tested). Of the 12 serologically positive fetal fluids, 10 had high tigers against Leptospira interrogans serovar pomona and 2 against serovar grippotyphosa.  相似文献   

<正>禽衣原体病主要是由鹦鹉热嗜衣原体(Chlamydophila psittaci,Cps)感染禽引起不同征候群的一种接触性人畜共患病,临床上以肺炎、心包炎、气囊炎、结膜炎为特征。  相似文献   

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