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山羊关节炎-脑炎(Caprine arthritis encephalitis,CAE)是由反转录病毒科慢病毒属山羊关节炎脑炎病毒(CAEV)引起的山羊的慢性传染病。临床症状以山羊羔脑脊髓炎和成年山羊多发性关节炎、硬结性乳房炎以及间质性肺炎为特征。在未认识该病之前,对其说法不一。1964年Stunzi在瑞士称其为山羊慢性淋巴细胞性多发性关节炎;1969年Starrou在德国发现,称其为山羊肉芽肿性脑脊髓炎;1974年Cark等在美国报道为山羊病毒性白质脑脊髓炎。  相似文献   

Goat kids from a herd endemically infected with caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) virus were raised according to 3 methods. One group of ten goat kids was removed from infected does at birth before suckling or licking by the doe could occur (snatch birth technique). Kids were fed on goat colostrum, which had been heated to 57 degrees C for ten minutes and then held in a thermos flask for one hour. Subsequently the kids were fed reconstituted spray dried cows' milk powder. They were raised apart from infected goats with separation maintained by a wire fence. Contact occurred across-the-fence. Passively acquired serum antibody to CAE virus was detected in some kids at two to three months of age. Nine of the ten goats were negative for serum antibody to CAE virus when tested at 5-6, 9 and 12 months of age. One goat was positive at three and nine months of age but was negative when tested at 12 months of age. A second group of four kids was removed at birth and fed heat-treated goat colostrum, followed by milk from CAE virus-infected does. All four kids became infected with CAE virus; they developed serum antibody to CAE virus between 5-6 and 9 months of age. A third group of two kids was not removed from their infected dams. Both kids were infected at 5-6 and 9 months of age.  相似文献   

Ataxia was diagnosed in kids from a New England goat herd. Concurrent infection with the caprine arthritis/encephalitis (CAE) virus contributed to the development of hind limb ataxia and weakness in one of the kids. Six kids from this herd had signs of hind limb ataxia and paralysis. Detailed evaluation of 2 of the affected kids revealed low liver and serum copper concentrations and spinal cord demyelination. One kid also had histologic changes in the CNS and lungs, compatible with a diagnosis of CAE. Serum copper concentration was determined in affected goat kids and their dams and was compared with serum copper concentration in clinically normal kids and their dams from the same herd. Serum copper concentration also was measured in dams and kids in a control herd that had no history of ataxia. The mean serum copper concentration in affected kids was 0.125 microgram/ml, compared with 0.45 microgram/ml in unaffected kid herdmates. Kids from the control herd had mean serum copper concentration of 0.6 microgram/ml. Mean serum copper concentration in dams of kids with neurologic signs also was low (0.25 microgram/ml), compared with that (0.5 microgram/ml) in dams of clinically normal kids of the affected herd and that (0.95 microgram/ml) in dams of kids of the control herd. Results of a serologic survey (by use of agar gel immunodiffusion) of the affected herd for CAE indicated that 69.5% of the goats were seropositive. Dietary copper intake was determined to be adequate in this goat herd; therefore, copper deficiency appeared to be conditioned by an interfering substance. However, a search for interfering substances was unrewarding.  相似文献   

山羊关节炎-脑炎的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山羊关节炎-脑炎(Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis,CAE)是由山羊关节炎-脑炎病毒(Caprine Arthritis-Enceephalitis Virus,CAEV)引起的一组临床病症.临床出现以慢性持续性病症为特征的羔羊的急性脑脊髓炎,成年羊的关节炎、乳腺炎、慢性进行性肺炎和脑炎等[1].  相似文献   

A lentivirus was isolated from 2 goats in Mexico that were seropositive to caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) by the agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test. The lentivirus was identified as CAEV by the observation of giant multinucleated cells (syncytia) in goat synovial membrane (GSM) monolayers co-cultivated with blood mononuclear (BMN) cells from the seropositive goats, and by amplifying a DNA segment of the CAEV gag gene using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. Subsequently, cell supernatants from the GSM cells co-cultivated with BMN cells were used to infect 2 CAEV-seronegative goats. These goats seroconverted to CAEV as determined by the AGID test, and CAEV was re-isolated from these goats. One of the goats developed polyarthritis 8 mo after inoculation. Previous serological surveys indicate that infection with CAEV is prevalent among goats in Mexico. To our knowledge this is the first report of CAEV isolation in Mexico. Because of globalization of markets and increased trading among nations, the rapid identification and reporting of diseases such as CAEV are important to prevent the dissemination of these diseases.  相似文献   

A disease characterized by arthritis of carpal joints and occasionally by pneumonia was seen among goats on a farm in Nagano prefecture of Japan in the summer of 2002. Serological investigation was done on 30 goats, that is one group on the farm by agar gel immunodiffusion tests using maedi-visna virus as the antigen, and 19 goats were positive. The caprine arthritis encephalitis virus genome was detected in peripheral blood leukocytes from several antibody-positive goats. Two goats among them were necropsied and used for pathological tests and virus isolation. The isolated virus was serially propagated in fetal lamb lung cell cultures. Goats inoculated with the culture fluid became antibody positive. These results suggested that a CAEV-infected goat had been introduced accidentally to the farm and that subclinical infection occurred among the flock.  相似文献   

Three consecutive years of monitoring 248 goats in the same flock, found that the first lactation milk yield was significantly higher in seronegative (578 L) than in seropositive (447 L) animals but this difference disappeared in the subsequent second to fourth lactations. No significant differences were found in the proportions of seronegative and seropositive does in the flock, the percentage of animals culled, the number of offspring, or in the number of cases of udder bacterial infection, irrespective of age.Removal of kids from their dams before suckling and the feeding of pasteurised colostrum resulted in reduced numbers of seropositive animals. Nevertheless, by approximately 24 months of age, 76.9% of these initially seronegative animals were seropositive, a factor that significantly contributed to flock seropositivity. This finding could be attributed to lateral virus transmission from seropositive to seronegative kids because of lack of segregation within the flock.  相似文献   

Computed tomography was used to aid in the antemortem diagnosis of leukoencephalomyelitis in a goat infected by caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). Imaging results were corroborated by histologic examination. This report discusses various methods of imaging the nervous system and their potential for use in the antemortem diagnosis of CAEV neurologic changes.  相似文献   

The possible neurotropism of ungulate lentivirus was examined in clinical cases. Brain and ganglion tissue samples were examined from six female goats with caprine arthritis encephalitis and from six healthy controls. Ultrastructural examination revealed typical cytoplasmic A type retrovirus particles in the neural tissue of the diseased does. None were seen in the respective controls. Furthermore, no budding or extracellular retrovirus particles were seen in any of the neural tissue samples examined.  相似文献   

To clarify the occurrence of the caprine herpesvirus (BHV-6) infection in the goat population in the GDR, 175 sera, collected from the agricultural research station of Karl-Marx-Universit?t at Probstheida were tested for the presence of neutralizing antibodies against BHV-6. BHV-6 antibodies were present in 12% of the sera examined. The titer was low. Cross-neutralization of BHV-6 could not be determined with any other bovine herpesvirus. The goat sera tested were free of neutralizing antibodies against BHV-1 and BHV-3. The indirect immunofluorescence antibody test revealed cross-reactivity only between BHV-6 and BHV-1.  相似文献   

本实验用琼脂凝胶免疫扩散试验和免疫印迹试验对实验感染山羊关节炎—脑炎病毒(CAEV)的绵羊抗体应答反应进行了研究,用两种方法都可在接毒绵羊的血清中检测到CAEV的抗体。琼脂凝胶免疫扩散试验最早可于接毒后的第7周时检测到抗体,免疫印迹试验最早可于接毒后的第6周时检测到抗CAEV的gp125、gp44、p35、p28和p14的抗体,这说明免疫印迹试验更为敏感一些。本实验的结果表明CAEV可在绵羊体内诱生明显的体液免疫应答反应,因此用CAEV通过绵羊体传代的方法可能会得到具有良好的抗原性的CAEV毒株,这对于人工培养CAEV强毒是非常重要的。此外,本实验还为CAEV通过绵羊体传代的研究提供了非常实用的检测手段  相似文献   

The small ruminant lentiviruses include the prototype for the genus, visna-maedi virus (VMV) as well as caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). Infection of sheep or goats with these viruses causes slow, progressive, inflammatory pathology in many tissues, but the most common clinical signs result from pathology in the lung, mammary gland, central nervous system and joints. This review examines replication, immunity to and pathogenesis of these viruses and highlights major differences from and similarities to some of the other lentiviruses.  相似文献   

Small ruminants infected by the lentiviruses caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV), originally isolated from a goat, or maedi-visna virus, originally from sheep, typically develop an organising lymphoid infiltration of affected tissues. This could reflect modulation of the migration pattern of lymphocytes in infected animals. Possible active contribution by vascular endothelial cells was investigated using an in vitro model. Low-passage cultured ovine aortic endothelium proved susceptible to productive infection by CAEV without significant cytotoxicity. Infected endothelial cells maintained expression of endothelial markers, increased MHC class I antigen expression and initiated expression of the adhesion molecule VCAM -1 and, at a late stage, MHC class II antigens. Infected endothelial cells showed a two-fold increase in binding capacity for sheep peripheral blood leucocytes over uninfected controls. Such events could contribute to the tissue distribution of lymphoid cells and local immune responses in lentiviral infections of small ruminants.  相似文献   

The 135,000 mw glycoprotein (gp135) and the 28,000 mw internal protein (p28) of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus are major viral constituents in precipitin lines formed between crude antigen preparations and sera from infected goats. In testing 307 goat and sheep sera, 118 samples were positive in a gp135 assay and only 82 were positive in a p28 assay. However, some goat sera were found which reacted only with the p28 and therefore testing for antibody against both proteins may be necessary to identify a maximum number of virus infected goats by immunodiffusion.  相似文献   

Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAFV) was isolated from the carpal joint of an Anglo-Nubian yearling goat with chronic progressive pneumonia and subclinical carpal arthritis. Anti-CAEV antibody was detected in this goat and in nine of 69 goat sera tested from two herds.  相似文献   

Caprine arthritis-encephalitis-virus (CAEV) was isolated from the carpal joint of an Anglo-Nubian yearling goat with chronic progressive pneumonia and subclinical carpal arthritis. Anti-CAEV antibody was detected in this goat and in nine of 69 goat sera tested from two herds.  相似文献   

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