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1穗行圃选穗标准,1.1选穗方法,于小麦成熟期,在原种圃、良种繁殖田或专设的稀条播选择圃,根据品种标准确认的生育期、株形、穗形、抗逆性等主要特征特性,选择原品种性状典型、生长势强、元病虫害、成熟正常的穗子,带33cm左右茎秆,每百穗扎一把,便于计数、保存。  相似文献   

这是建好穗行的基础.小麦成熟期(最好是在收获前2~3d.旗叶未干时.以便考察叶部病害情况)在田间选择具有繁育品种典型性状、个体生长健壮、发育良好、丰产性好、抗病性强、生育期适当、不倒伏、结实性好、子粒饱满的优良穗子.考虑到脱粒时复选淘汰和其他可能发生的损失.应适当多选一些穗子.选好的穗子要分别单独收割,充分晾干,及时单独脱粒.如不能及时脱粒,可熏蒸后挂藏,挂藏期间若发现麦蛾.应喷药或熏蒸.脱粒时应充分晒干,分穗脱粒.淘汰杂穗、有害虫的穗子和异色、秕小、异形子粒的穗子.单独装袋保存.小型穗子保持20粒左右.大中型穗保持25粒左右.设专人妥善保管,注意防虫、防鼠、防霉变.  相似文献   

<正>22%噻虫·高氯氟ZC是先正达公司生产的一种新药药剂,为了探索噻虫·高氯氟与德国德固赛公司生产的Break Thru S240助剂不同剂量混用对小麦穗期蚜虫防治的田间试验效果,我们受德国德固赛公司的委托,2013年5月进行了噻虫·高氯氟与助剂混用防治小麦穗蚜筛选田间试验,取得了较为满意的效果,现将有关试验结果整理如下:一、材料与方法 1.供试药剂:22%噻虫·高氯氟ZC(先正达公司生产),2.5%高效氯氟氰菊酯EW(先正达公司生产),Break Thru S240助剂(德国德固赛公司生产)。  相似文献   

The freezing characteristics of wheat at ear emergence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wheat is occasionally exposed to freezing temperatures during ear emergence and can suffer severe frost damage. Few studies have attempted to understand the characteristics of freezing and frost damage to wheat during late development stages.

It was clearly shown that wheat appears to have an inherent frost resistance to temperatures down to −5 °C but is extensively damaged below this temperature. Acclimation, whilst increasing the frost resistance of winter wheat in a vegetative state was incapable of increasing frost resistance of plants at ear emergence. It is proposed that the ability to upregulate frost resistance is lost once vernalisation requirement is fulfilled.

Culms and ears of wheat were able to escape frost damage at temperatures below −5 °C by supercooling even to as low as −15 °C and evidence collected by infrared thermography suggested that individual culms on a plant froze as independent units during freezing with little or no cross ice-nucleation strategies to protect wheat from frost damage in the field appear to revolve around avoiding ice nucleation.  相似文献   

种子的介电灭菌消毒与选分技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年来,种传病害和劣质种子引起的减产绝收时有发生,常常引起种子商与农户之间的法律纠纷.  相似文献   

An experimental study of ear temperature was made in Morocco (June, 1997) and in Belgium (September, 1998). Measurements were made at mid-length of ear in the centre of cob and at different points in the middle of grains. The results showed that temperature in the middle of the grains depends significantly on the position of grain around the ear axis, especially in Morocco, between 13 and 16 h (UT). The result obtained shoed that, because of the considerable ear thermal inertia and non-isotropic direction of the direct solar radiation, the average temperatures in the middle of the grain and in the centre of the cob were similar. The difference between grain and air temperature was shown to be clearly more affected by solar radiation than by wind speed. The protection of ear against direct solar radiation led to an average temperature reduction of about 2.1°C in ear protected compared with normal ears. Also, the important role played by the canopy on ear temperature was underlined. A temperature difference of up to 8.5°C was observed between the temperature of ears exposed to direct radiation and other (normal) ears. The effects of the differences observed between grain temperatures on both final weight grain and kernel growth rate were calculated using CERES-Maize functions. These effects were shown unlikely to affect drastically grain yield.  相似文献   

大黄 132玉米自交系,由贵州盘县种子公司于 1982年从当地农家品种普古大黄中经 6代连续自交选育而成. 1992年冬季在三亚市崖城繁殖 100亩,出现雌穗发育异常现象,空秆率达 80%,减产 85%左右; 2002年冬季在海南省乐东县九所镇三脚村以大黄 132为母本,苏 37 2为父本制种,结果早播的 50亩大黄 132和第一批父本也出现不同程度的雌穗发育异常现象.这种现象在温带和亚热带种质中少有报道,本文就这一现象进行初步探讨.  相似文献   

灵武长枣是中国枣的一个优良鲜食品种,保鲜期短成为其产业发展和市场开拓的瓶颈。从适时无伤采收、及时预冷、保鲜剂处理、涂膜、分级、包装、贮藏环境条件控制等方面,总结了灵武长枣的贮藏保鲜技术。  相似文献   

A kernel screening assay (KSA) was used to assess the genetic and environmental effects on the vulnerability of maize to aflatoxin accumulation. Kernels of 26 inbred lines that had been grown in seven environments, and 190 lines of the Intermated B73xMo17 (IBM) population grown in one location in the United States, were inoculated with a toxigenic strain of A. flavus and incubated in the dark at 30°C for 6 days. Percent kernel colonization (PKC), sporulation and aflatoxin were influenced by the maize genotypes (G), the location (“ear environment” or E) and the GxE interactions. Overall, low broad‐sense heritabilities were observed for PKC, sporulation and aflatoxin. PKC was significantly correlated with sporulation in all environments. Aflatoxin was positively correlated with colonization for two and with sporulation for all ear environments. Higher grain sulphur or magnesium in IBM was associated with less colonization or aflatoxin. Postharvest susceptibility of maize to aflatoxin is thus influenced by factors that are modulated by the ear environment. In a KSA, sporulation could be a proxy test for aflatoxin accumulation.  相似文献   

多花黑麦草幼穗分化进程对种子生产性状的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
章崇玲  梁祖铎 《种子》1997,(5):21-24
多花黑麦草幼穗分化进程对穗部性状和种子产量有显著影响。幼穗分化的天数与每穗种子粒数是极显著正相关。播种愈早,幼穗分化天数愈多,种子产量愈高。南京地区留种的多花黑麦草的最佳播期8月20日19月10日。二棱期是多花黑麦草通过春化阶段的形态标志,也是幼穗能否分化完全的转折点。单棱至护颖分化期是影响种子粒数最关键的时期。  相似文献   

一种简易的猪肉和牛肉分子生物学鉴别方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立了基于微卫星标记鉴别牛、猪肉制品的方法。根据微卫星标记种间特异性特点,从Genebank中筛选出牛微卫星SignⅠ和猪微卫星标记SignⅡ,并依据各个微卫星标记的侧翼序列设计引物。提取牛、猪肉各48个样品中的DNA作为模板,进行PCR扩增,电泳后得到了各自的目的条带379bp和585bp,根据目的条带的出现与否鉴别牛肉和猪肉。该方法进行鉴定灵敏度高,特异性好,而且方法简单,易于操作,结果易于判断。  相似文献   

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