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Fish feed accounts for more than 50% of aquaculture farms’ operating costs and thus careful feeding planning is vital. In the case of the Mediterranean, most farms have their installations in coastal waters, hence this is relatively easy to perform. Low magnitude environmental conditions (winds, waves and currents) as well as easy and quick access ensures high consumption rates and smooth operation. Nevertheless, as competition for these waters increases the option of moving to offshore waters is seen as a solution. Moving further away from shore means exposing installations to harsher environments and lower degree of onshore monitoring. As a result, environmental conditions must now be monitored on-site, especially the ones affecting operations and feeding planning. For this reason, this article presents a feed management system powered by a stand-alone renewable energy sources system. The system provides energy independence and mobility by wirelessly transmitting important parameters onshore. An investment appraisal cost model is also described. The model compares the system’s costs over the fish feed cost saved by a priori feeding planning through better monitoring of on-site conditions. It concludes that such synergies have profitable potentials.  相似文献   

The government of Kenya encourages aquaculture development by offering credit facilities through the government agricultural finance institution, Agriculture Finance Corporation. Nevertheless, the level of credit use in fish farming is very low. Access to credit is among several factors that affect farmers’ decision of whether to use particular technology or services. The study examined factors that affected the decision of fish farmers in Kenya to utilize credit facilities in fish production using a probit model. The analysis suggests that farmers in the Western province will have a 19% more probability of using credit facilities for their fish farming operations than farmers from the other provinces such as the Rift Valley, Central, and the Eastern province. The effect of tilapia sales on the probability of credit use by fish farmers is more than three times that of catfish sales. Total pond acreage owned by fish farmers had a positive effect on credit use but the effect was very small and negligible. The level of fish farmers’ use of credit facilities is very low, and there is probably the need to educate farmers on credit use and for the government agricultural lending agency and other commercial agricultural lenders to invest in this enterprise. Kenyan lending institutions have financed traditional agricultural enterprises, and with the growing production of farmed fish, more research is needed to document the aquaculture business model to assist in assessing the profitability potential in aquaculture.  相似文献   


The rapid growth of aquaculture and concerns about economic and ecological ‘sustainability’ have focused attention on industry externalities. Developing institutions which ‘sustain’ aquaculture will require skills in the ‘art and science’ of public policy modelling. Analysis of existing approaches demonstrates that no single modelling paradigm is ‘best’ for all aquaculture policy situations. Modelling approaches other than cost‐benefit including multiobjective analysis may be more appropriate if the objective of the modeller is to improve the effectiveness of the policy process itself. A review of the relatively small but growing literature on aquaculture policy models reveals a wide range of issues and approaches. In general, economic models have focused on the single objective of maximizing efficiency; in contrast, models used in actual aquacultural policy and planning focus on controlling environmental pollution. The findings suggest that economic models have not yet played a significant role in aquacultural policy development. This raises concerns that myopic views of ‘sustainability’ will result in institutions which do not promote socially efficient aquacultural industry growth.  相似文献   

Aquaculture holds considerable potential to contribute to poverty alleviation, if it provides poor people with opportunities other than as primary producers. Integration of aquaculture into poverty reduction programmes provides means to diversify production systems and reduce food insecurity but also needs improved markets in locations where aquaculture can offer sustainable livelihoods to poor farming households. This study reviews the current constraints that poor people face in accessing markets in Cambodia and analyses its implications for pro‐poor domestic aquaculture development. We use a Geographic Information System‐based spatial Bayesian probability model to simulate market accessibility and estimate the numbers of poor people who could potentially benefit from improved market access under four different scenarios. Analysis of secondary data confirms that the potential for poor aquaculture producers to interact with urban markets in Cambodia is currently low. The potential of aquaculture to interact with rural markets is, however, high. It is concluded that the development of aquaculture has considerable potential to reduce the transaction costs in domestic fish trade by improved access of poor producers and consumers to rural markets in Cambodia. An aquaculture development strategy that improves rural market access could include benefits for up to 1 million poor aquatic resource users.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of balanced, nonpersuasive information related to safety, healthiness, and sustainability of aquaculture on the image of farmed fish among European consumers. It was demonstrated that there is neither positive nor negative influence of this type of information on the predominantly positive image of fish from aquaculture. Consumers who were exposed to information related to the EU origin and aquaculture related guarantee reported a more positive image of farmed fish. These results provide valuable input for transparent communication about fish farming practices which might increase consumer trust and will not harm the image of fish from aquaculture. Increasing consumers' knowledge about aquaculture and its positive effects on the image of farmed fish is also discussed as a pathway for maintaining and improving aquaculture's positive image in the future.  相似文献   

通过几种微生物制剂在养殖生产上的应用,重点介绍了它们的作用特点及常用的几种制剂和使用方法。  相似文献   

The modelling framework already introduced by Doglioli, Magaldi, Vezzulli and Tucci to predict the potential impact of a marine fish farm is improved following different directions, namely (1) real historic current-metre data are used to force the simulations, (2) settling velocity values specifically targeting Mediterranean fish species are used, and (3) a new benthic degradative module, the Finite Organic Accumulation Module, is added to the modelling framework. The Finite Organic Accumulation Module uses the output of the other functional units of the modelling framework to calculate the organic load on the seabed. The Finite Organic Accumulation Module considers the natural capability of the seafloor in absorbing part of the organic load. Different remineralization rates reflect the sediment stress level according to the work of Findlay and Watling. Organic degradation for both uneaten feed and faeces is evaluated by changing the release modality (continuous and periodical) and by varying the settling velocities. It is found that the maximum impact on the benthic community is observed either for quickly sinking uneaten feed released twice a day, or for less intense near-bottom current conditions. If both the above-mentioned scenarios coexist, a high stress level is established in the sediment. The model also suggests that the use of self-feeders in cages can reduce farm impacts significantly. These results show how the new and more complete modelling framework presented here is able to improve the objectivity in the decision-making processes and how it may be successfully used for planning and monitoring purposes.  相似文献   

海带(Saccharina japonica)是我国重要的经济海藻之一,我国海带养殖业已形成了完整的技术链条和产业链条。近年来,在内外因素双重驱动下,我国海带养殖业呈现出向离岸深水区发展的趋势。本文围绕海带离岸养殖,介绍海带近岸养殖和离岸养殖的概念,对比分析海带近岸养殖和离岸养殖的优劣势,探讨海带离岸养殖发展的动因,总结海带离岸养殖发展的现状与问题,为海带离岸养殖发展提出建议和对策,以期为海带养殖产业的健康、可持续发展提供新思路、新理念。  相似文献   

水产养殖业是风险较大的产业,水产养殖者在水产养殖的过程中,难免遭受自然灾害和意外事故,保险机构如能对水产养殖者所遭受的经济损失及时提供经济保障,必将为水产养殖业的稳定发展起到重要作用。本文对中国水产养殖保险发展现状、必要性及存在的问题等进行了阐述,并提出一些建议。  相似文献   

Historical data are widely used in river ecology to define reference conditions or to investigate the evolution of aquatic systems. Most studies rely on printed documents from the 19th century, thus missing pre‐industrial states and human impacts. This article discusses historical sources that can be used to reconstruct the development of riverine fish communities from the Late Middle Ages until the mid‐20th century. Based on the studies of the Austrian Danube and northern Russian rivers, we propose a classification scheme of printed and archival sources and describe their fish ecological contents. Five types of sources were identified using the origin of sources as the first criterion: (i) early scientific surveys, (ii) fishery sources, (iii) fish trading sources, (iv) fish consumption sources and (v) cultural representations of fish. Except for early scientific surveys, all these sources were produced within economic and administrative contexts. They did not aim to report about historical fish communities, but do contain information about commercial fish and their exploitation. All historical data need further analysis for a fish ecological interpretation. Three case studies from the investigated Austrian and Russian rivers demonstrate the use of different source types and underline the necessity for a combination of different sources and a methodology combining different disciplinary approaches. Using a large variety of historical sources to reconstruct the development of past fish ecological conditions can support future river management by going beyond the usual approach of static historical reference conditions.  相似文献   

循环水养殖系统生物滤器负荷挂膜技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
循环水养殖系统启动运行前往往需要经过一段时间的生物膜预培养,使生物膜达到成熟稳定,从而保证系统的水质净化功能。本研究通过养殖试验,研究了生物滤器负荷挂膜的技术方法,以期实现生物膜的快速成熟和系统的快速启动。为此,构建了6组循环水系统组成的养殖车间,建成后立即投入试验生产。试验为期120 d,养殖种类为红鳍东方鲀,初始放养平均体重(632.5±2.26)g。期间,红鳍东方鲀平均增重29.91%,养殖成活率98.7%,养殖密度由(19.34±1.89)kg/m3增加到(32.17±3.40)kg/m3,投饵率由0.2%增加到0.5%–0.7%,每日换水量由50%逐渐减至10%。结果表明,在生物膜的生长期,通过对投饵量及新水补充量的有效调节,可以把养殖水体中的氨氮和亚硝氮浓度控制在安全范围以内,以保证养殖鱼类的生长。生物膜在50天左右达到完全成熟,此后便可依靠生物膜的净化作用将氨氮浓度控制在0.5?1.2 mg/L、亚硝氮浓度控制在0.2?0.5 mg/L、pH值控制在6.5–7.5、COD值低于4 mg/L、细菌总数控制在800–2100 cell/ml的安全范围内。利用生物滤器负荷挂膜技术,在合理调控水质指标的条件下,循环水养殖系统建成后可以立即投入生产,实现生物滤器挂膜与养殖生产的同步进行。  相似文献   

特种水产养殖动物病毒病原的研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文举例阐明了病毒(及类似病毒)病原引起的突发性传染病给我国特种水产养殖业带来的重大损失和潜在威胁;分别对国内外爬行动物(包括鳖)、两栖动物(包括蛙)、虾、鳗等特种水产养殖动物病毒病原研究的情况进行了概述;将已知的病毒种类和中英文名称,按不同宿主归类列出;并根据最新资料以及有关工作进展情况,对上述几种特种水产养殖动物病毒病原研究的动态作了简介。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fish cage farming generates large amounts of organic waste in the form of unconsumed feed and fecal matter, resulting in sediment deterioration and a threat to its own sustainability. Field studies analysed the scale of the impact of fish cage farming on sediment quality, variability of impact and spread of sediment enrichment in the vicinity of a fish farm. Two fish culture sites near the Fukuyama area of the Seto Inland Sea of Japan were chosen for the study. There was a significant difference between the quality of the sediment in aquaculture and non-aquaculture areas. The sediment underlying the fish cage farms was found to be extremely reducing, acidic and sulfidic. Sediment ignition loss did not vary markedly with the season. However, the redox potential and acid volatile sulfide content of aquaculture areas did show some seasonal variation. Sediment encircling a 165 m radius from the center of a farm in Yokota was judged as organically enriched by fish farming. A variation in sediment quality within the two sites and also within the stations was observed. Based on sediment quality, the stations could be categorized as less affected, highly affected or moderately affected.  相似文献   

为了解凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)养殖过程中挂膜式生物滤器内不同位置间微生物群落结构多样性的差异,采集已运行46 d的挂膜式生物滤器内挂膜上部外侧和内侧、下部内侧和外侧及收集盘5个不同位置的微生物,采用分子生物学手段,通过16S rRNA基因高通量测序法对生物滤器内微生物进行多样性分析,并对不同位置间功能性微生物进行对比.结果显示,在门水平上,5个不同位置共鉴定出10个主要类群,其中,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)所占丰度比例较大,为主要优势类群,硝化螺旋菌门(Nitrospirae)在挂膜内外两侧检出比例均较高(平均4.3%),收集盘内则较低(0.33%),存在显著性差异.共鉴定出41种优势属,其中地杆菌属(Pedobacter)为绝对优势种属,短小盒菌属(Parvularcula)为次优势属,二者丰度比例均在10%以上,硝化螺旋菌属(Nitrospira)为第三优势属,挂膜不同位置丰度比例(平均4.31%)显著高于收集盘内比例(0.28%).挂膜上氨氧化细菌(AOB)平均丰度比例为1.70%,硝化细菌(NOB)平均比例为6.99%,是系统中主要去除氨氮和亚硝酸氮的微生物.生物滤器各部位微生物物种多样性丰富,微生态系统稳定,可有效维持循环水系统的水质.生物滤器硝化作用主要在上部进行,下部净化能力较弱,收集盘内基本没有硝化能力.生产中应合理配置挂膜数量,科学设计挂膜长度以提高生物滤器的净化效率.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the development of a standard methodology for selection of suitable sites for offshore (exposed) marine fish‐cage farming (floating cages) of seabream (Sparus aurata) and seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in an island environment, using Tenerife as an example. Site selection is a key factor in any aquaculture operation, affecting both success and sustainability and can solve conflicts between different activities, making a rational use of the coastal space. Site selection was achieved by using geographical information systems (GIS)‐based models and related technology to support the decision‐making process. The framework for spatial multicriteria decision analysis used in this study began with a recognition and definition of the decision problem. Subsequently, 31 production functions (factors and constraints) were identified, defined and subdivided into eight submodels. These were then integrated into a GIS database in the form of thematic layers and later scored for standardization. At this stage, the database was verified by field sampling to establish the quality of data used. The decision maker's preferences were incorporated into the decision model by assigning weights of relative importance to the evaluation under consideration. These, together with the thematic layers, were incorporated using multicriteria evaluation techniques and simple overlays to provide an overall assessment of possible alternatives. The integration, manipulation and presentation of the results by means of GIS‐based models in this sequential and logical flow of steps proved to be very effective for helping the decision‐making process of site selection. Tenerife has very favourable environmental conditions for culture of marine fish and there are no totally unsuitable sites for cage farming identified in this study. On the other hand, there are few very suitable sites (high scores) either, principally due to the heavy use of the coastline and the conflicts between different users. From the 228 km2 of available area for siting cages in the coastal regions with depth less than 50 m, the total area suitable for siting cages (scores 6–8) was 37 km2. There are only 0.51 km2 of very suitable areas (score 8) and approximately 5.37 km2 of suitable (score 7), most of these being located in the southeast of the island. These relatively small areas of suitability should be put into the context of the wider use of the coastal environment around Tenerife.  相似文献   

Concern about the overexploitation of wild aquatic resources, the slow recovery of the groundfish fisheries and the need to encourage the diversification of the mariculture industry of the province of Quebec (Canada) all provided strong incentive to explore the potential of a wide selection of marine and anadromous fish species for cold‐water mariculture. Starting from a list of over 45 indigenous fish species of potential commercial interest, a biotechnical review was initiated. Technical sheets for each species were produced and aquaculture‐based selection criteria covering three aquaculture approaches of development (complete life cycle, on‐growing and stock enhancement) were examined. Species were ranked according to their degree of suitability for the given biological parameters. The final classification analysis within the complete life cycle production strategy positioned the Atlantic wolffish as the top candidate species (91%) followed by the spotted wolffish and Arctic charr (87%). Growth rate, optimal growth temperature, duration of the weaning period, minimal lethal temperature, larval size and feed requirements were the determining criteria. The on‐growing scenario final results ranked Arctic charr first (84%) followed by Atlantic cod (79%) and Atlantic halibut (74%) mostly owing to their growth rate at low temperature and optimal growth temperature criteria. Stock enhancement programmes should concentrate their efforts on the striped bass (56%), the haddock (54%) and the Atlantic sturgeon (34%) based on their growth rate, fishery status, landing price and the availability of impact studies.  相似文献   

Bivalves have been proven to be an inexpensive method for removing suspended solids, dissolved nutrients, and controlling algal growth through suspension feeding. The freshwater mussel, Elliptio complanata, is one of the most abundant species in Delaware, and it is additionally favorable for this experiment because of its hardiness against environmental stress and its filtration efficiency. This study examines the possibility that biomechanical filters such as E. complanata can supplement existing chemical and mechanical filtration regiments in aquaculture pond management. Twelve earthen aquaculture ponds located at the Delaware State University were stocked at a density of 4,000 catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) per hectare. Four different concentrations (0, 75, 150, and 300) of E. complanata were placed in trays within the ponds with three replicates of each concentration. The trays were suspended 15 cm below the surface of the water for a period of five months. Fish were fed a 32% protein diet twice daily at a rate of 1% of their body weight. Water quality was analyzed weekly while fish and mussel growths were measured biweekly. Results from water quality parameters varied significantly and were not conclusive based on the data obtained in this study. Water quality did not improve within the mussel treatment ponds during the course of this study and was found to be significantly below that of control ponds for all of the water chemistry parameters measured, with the exception of ammonia. Catfish in the 150 mussel treatment ponds grew the fastest; the 75 mussel treatment provided the most growth in mussels; and the 300 mussel group maintained the highest mussel survivorship. Although there were differences between ponds, fish growth and survivorship were not significantly different between treatments. While our mussel densities may have not been sufficient, their placement within the water column may have added additional stress. Being removed from the sediment can result in a decreased clearance rate in a benthic species such as E. complanata. This study may not have been conclusive in proving that mussels can be used to maintain water quality in aquaculture ponds, but we did see positive growth and survivorship of mussels and fish that indicated that the mussels were thriving in the aquaculture pond setting. This study may show that aquaculture ponds provide a suitable habitat in which propagated mussels may be held until their release into native areas.  相似文献   

The small‐scale aquaculture (SSA) sector is recognized as making an important contribution to food security, poverty alleviation, and socioeconomic development. A value chain analysis can uncover insights into the linkages and trust within a value chain and constraints and challenges that face the sector. This paper examines the linkages and trust between SSA producers and traders in Asia in order to better understand the constraints and opportunities faced by small‐scale producers. The perspective revealed by the value chain analysis provides response strategies that can enhance the sustainability and competitiveness of the entire value chain and the actors that comprise it.  相似文献   

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