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李惠娟  李锋 《蔬菜》2012,(10):30-31
介绍了蔬菜紫跳虫的形态特征、生活习性、为害特点及发生规律,提出有针对性的防治措施,即除采取诱虫、施用腐熟有机肥、化学防治等措施外,还要注意土壤的酸碱性,以抑制紫跳虫的发生。  相似文献   

为了寻求更多更好的杀螨剂并保护天敌,1990年4~7月我们用杭州农药厂生产的20%螨死净胶悬剂和日本曹达株式会社生产的10%西斗星乳油在室内对桔全爪螨的重要天敌——具瘤长须螨和尼氏钝绥螨进行了毒性测定。从田间采回健康的长须螨和室内人工饲养的钝绥螨雌螨作杀雌螨试验。移去产卵1天后的雌成螨作杀卵试验。雌成螨用西斗星和螨死净2000倍液手持喷雾器喷药,并设不喷药为对照,每处理30头,48小时后检查死活虫数,计算校正死之率。长须螨卵用西斗星和螨死净1000、3000、5000倍液喷雾,钝绥螨卵用西斗星2000、4000倍液,螨  相似文献   

采用显微摄影技术,观察了剑毛帕厉螨(Stratiolaelaps scimitus)和黔广厉螨(Cosmolaelaps chianensis)对厉眼蕈蚊(Lycoriella sp.)幼虫的捕食行为,对捕食活动进行不间断24 h录像,归纳分析录像中的捕食行为。研究发现2种捕食螨对厉眼蕈蚊的捕食过程大体相似,可分为搜索、捕捉、取食、清洁、静止和排泄六个行为阶段;对各阶段的时间分析表明,黔广厉螨的搜索效率高于剑毛帕厉螨,剑毛帕厉螨的攻击能力强于黔广厉螨。  相似文献   

研究了天敌捕食螨—胡瓜钝绥螨雌螨(Neoseiulus cucumeris)在不同温度条件下对枇杷上的害螨—比哈小爪螨(Oligonychus biharen)的若螨、雌螨、雄螨的功能反应和胡瓜钝绥螨以比哈小爪螨雌螨为猎物对自身密度的功能反应(干扰反应)。结果表明,在14~33℃胡瓜钝绥螨雌螨均能捕食比哈小爪螨若螨,日最大捕食量为3~6只;14~26℃随着温度上升,胡瓜钝绥螨雌螨对比哈小爪螨的捕食能力逐渐增强,(25±1)℃达最高值(a'/Th=9.3785),30℃后捕食能力逐渐减弱;(25±1)℃条件下胡瓜钝绥螨雌螨对比哈小爪螨雌螨的瞬时猎物发现率(a')>对比哈小爪螨雄螨>对比哈小爪螨若螨,对比哈小爪螨的控制能力依次是对若螨>雄螨>雌螨;干扰反应的研究表明,14~33℃,胡瓜钝绥螨雌螨对比哈小爪螨雌螨的捕食量随着自身密度的增加而下降呈直线相关关系。  相似文献   

采用野外观察法和实验室培养法对小白菜地紫跳(Ceratophysella duplicispinosa)的空间分布及其与蔬菜菜叶的生物学关系进行了初步研究。结果表明:小白菜地、生菜地、菠菜地等环境中紫跳分布密度相对于其它土壤环境中较高;无论是在野外还是实验室条件下,所有紫跳都倾向分布于老菜叶或半腐败菜叶上或分布于环境土壤表面,而新鲜菜叶上几乎没有跳虫分布;紫跳在菜田丢弃菜叶快速分解中起重要作用。研究认为,小白菜地紫跳的存在不仅对小白菜无明显危害,而且能够加快老叶的分解,有利于土壤物质循环和能量流转。  相似文献   

深点食螨瓢虫生物学特性及捕食功能反应的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深点食螨瓢虫 (StethoruspunctillumWeise)近年来在湖北桔园种群数量逐年上升 ,成为柑桔红蜘蛛 (以下简称叶螨 )的主要天敌之一。由于多年的化学防治 ,红蜘蛛抗药性提高 ,控制其为害成为柑桔生产中亟待解决的问题。笔者 1996~ 1998年对深点食螨瓢虫 (以下简称瓢虫 )生物学特性进行了观察和捕食功能的初步研究 ,以期为柑桔红蜘蛛的综合防治提供依据。1 材料与方法1 1 田间观察每年从 3月下旬开始在桔园观察瓢虫生活习性和捕食行为 ,5~ 10月用 80网目纱笼网罩 2~ 3个枝条 ,调查 10 0片叶种群数量。1 2 室内饲养…  相似文献   

为研究左旋香芹酮和枯茗醇混合溶液对蠋蝽捕食功能的影响,在实验室条件下测定了左旋香芹酮和枯茗醇混合溶液亚致死剂量LC50处理蠋蝽2~5龄幼虫及成虫对桃蚜的捕食能力。结果显示:左旋香芹酮和枯茗醇混合溶液能够影响蠋蝽对桃蚜的捕食能力,具体表现为蠋蝽的瞬时攻击率降低,对桃蚜的处理时间延长,最大日捕食量下降,控害能力减弱,搜寻效率受到抑制;其中3龄蠋蝽日捕食率、处理时间、日最大捕食量受到的影响最大,4龄蠋蝽瞬间攻击率、控害能力受到的影响最大,成虫受到的影响最小。3龄蠋蝽的搜寻效率严重受到影响,成虫的搜寻效率几乎不受药剂影响。该试验结论为有害生物综合治理提供一定理论基础。  相似文献   

室内测定巴氏新小绥螨Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes和尼氏真绥螨Euseius nicholsi Ehara etLee的耐饥饿能力,并分析了饥饿程度对两种捕食螨雌成螨捕食朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabari-nus Boisduval若螨的功能反应和捕食速度的影响。结果表明:两种捕食螨各螨态的耐饥时间与发育历期呈显著正相关(P<0.05),巴氏新小绥螨的耐饥能力明显强于尼氏真绥螨;不同饥饿程度的两种捕食螨雌成螨捕食朱砂叶螨若螨的功能反应均为霍林-Ⅱ型,饥饿程度虽不能改变它们的捕食功能反应类型,但可使功能反应模型的各参数值发生较大改变;饥饿24小时的巴氏新小绥螨和尼氏真绥螨雌成螨在取食朱砂叶螨若螨的24小时内,其捕食作用主要集中在前8小时阶段,未经饥饿处理的两种捕食螨雌成螨捕食速度在24小时内各阶段的差异不大。  相似文献   

垫跗螋成虫对椰心叶甲的捕食功能反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解垫跗螋对椰心叶甲的控制能力,在室内开展了垫跗螋成虫对不同虫态椰心叶甲的捕食功能反应.结果表明,垫跗螋可取食各虫态的椰心叶甲,嗜好性趋势为幼虫>7日龄蛹>2日龄蛹>成虫,捕食量最多为每3 d 9.22头4龄幼虫.随着栖居空间的变大,垫跗螋对椰心叶甲幼虫的搜索范围变大,造成攻击致死力和捕食力下降;温度对垫跗螋的捕食能...  相似文献   

Fungicide programmes, designed to control both scab and mildew, have been compared for phytotoxicity in several seasons on apple and pear varieties. Dodine acetate was found to cause russeting of the fruits of several apple and pear varieties. In one year, frost at a spraying time seemed to interact with dodine acetate application to produce unusual russet on Sunset apples. Crops of Conference and of Doyenne du Cornice pears were reduced in some years when dodine was applied.

The fungicide based on nitrated octylphenols, DNOPC, caused no undesirable effects on the apple varieties, but tended to reduce cropping on pears; the effects of the unesterified mixture, DNOP, were more serious.

Both dodine acetate and DNOPC caused reductions of fruit bud formation on Cornice, an effect already reported for organomercurial fungicides on Conference and for didecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB) on both varieties. It is suggested that freedom from this effect should be a criterion to be satisfied in the evaluation of any new pesticide for pears.  相似文献   

扁桃流胶病的发生规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扁桃Amygdalus communis L.,又名巴旦杏,是营养价值高、药用价值大、用途广泛的新兴保健性干果[1-3].流胶病是扁桃的主要病害,在中国扁桃新发展区发生严重.扁桃流胶病为一种生理性病害,诱导发病的原因比较复杂,如害虫蛀食、排水不畅、积水受涝、修剪不当、综合管理不善,以及冻害、日灼等都是诱导此病的因素.  相似文献   

荔枝蝽对光与颜色的选择行为反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用"Y"型嗅觉仪与自制行为生物测定装置研究荔枝蝽成虫对光、寄主植物以及15种颜色的反应.结果表明,光与寄主植物组合的行为反应试验中,荔枝蝽成虫对光的选择率均达100%,光+寄主植物与光处理的选择率无差异;荔枝蝽成虫对所测15种颜色有明显选择性,雌雄成虫最嗜好的颜色分别为红色(186C)与蓝色(299C).  相似文献   

Two shading experiments on the sultana are described, a preliminary one in which shades of different intensities were used during October and November, and a main experiment in which shades reducing light intensity by about 70% were applied for different lengths of time between October and January.

In the season of shading, bunch weight was reduced because of smaller, and possibly fewer, berries by shades of greatest intensity in the first experiment. In the second, shades in position later than 8th December reduced berry size, and yield was depressed when shading lasted for at least six weeks.

In the season following shading, fruitfulness and consequently yields were severely depressed where light intensities had been reduced by about 70% for at least four weeks between early November and mid-December. The only other yield component affected was sugar concentration of the berries which was increased where fresh yield was depressed, but not enough to prevent depression of dried yield also.

It is concluded that light intensity is an important factor for fruit bud formation in the sultana; reduction of light is inhibitory, but only during the period of inflorescence initiation.  相似文献   

以柏肤小蠹和微肤小蠹为研究对象,在分析寄主侧柏挥发物的基础上,就其对几种备选针叶树挥发物的行为进行生测试验。GC-MS分析到侧柏挥发物中大约15种成分,以α-蒎烯、Δ-3-蒈烯、桧萜、羽毛柏烯等为主。野外行为生测中,松节油+乙醇和诱芯H2种处理对柏肤小蠹有显著的行为引诱活性,而同域分布的微肤小蠹对高释放速率的(95%-/5%+)-α-蒎烯产生强烈的趋性反应。  相似文献   


Supplementary pollination of almond using electrostatic techniques was tested in a three year study (1996–1998) in Northern Israel. We used an electrostatic pollination device and tested its effects on fruitlet set, fruit set, yield weight and nut weight. We also tested its ability to pollinate flowers on the tree from the distal to the proximal part of the branches. We found that when individual branches were pollinated, fruitlet set was in accordance with the expected deposition rate of pollen grains on the stigma: electrostatic 1 open pollination > non-electrostatic + open pollination + open pollination > electrostatic pollination > non-electrostatic pollination > spontaneous self pollination. Fruit set results showed the same pattern but were not as precise. Electrostatic pollination of individual trees resulted in an insignificant increase in pollen germinability on the stigma. The highest germinability was on the distal part of the branch and the lowest was on the proximal part of the branch, in all pollination treatments. Electrostatic pollination increased yield as compared with non-electrostatic and open pollination. Nut weight, however, decreased slightly with increased yield. We suggest that electrostatic pollination can be an important method for pollen supplementation in almond orchards when honeybee pollination is insuf®cient and when the trees can withstand the added portion of nuts, resulting from improved pollination.  相似文献   

本文对柑桔红蜘蛛发生期及发生量与气象条件的关系进行了定量研究。结果表明,其发生早迟与轻重主要受冬春雨日多少的影响,雨日少,红蜘蛛将提早、加重发生;雨日多,则抑制其发生。建立了柑桔红蜘蛛达到1.5头/叶时期及年最大发生量的预报模型。  相似文献   

Responses of mammals to habitat edges: an overview   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Life generates discontinuites (boundaries) in the distribution of matter and energy. One class of these constitutes the edges between habitat-types; these are fundamental structures in landscape functioning, and hence are of central importance in conservation biology. The symposium on which this series of papers is based focused on the responses of mammals to habitat edges. A diversity of views are represented, and a variety of edge related behaviors illustrated. A survey of general ecology texts dating back to 1933 demonstrates a decline of interest in ecotones and edge effects extending into the 1980's but showing a resurgence of interest in the 1990's. Habitat edges are defined operationally with respect to particular focal species leading to a number of important corollary features. The variety of phenomena subsumed under edge effects is emphasized, and an initial attempt at classification is proposed based primarily on the presence or absence of emergent properties in edge response behaviors (matrix vs. ecotonal effects). This scheme provides for clear null hypotheses needed to distinguish the two types, enlightens mechanistic explanations of edge effects, and encourages predictions about the results of untested management schemes or other novel situations. The use and design of landscape corridors are tied to edge related behaviors. A functional and general definition of corridors is urged, so that their effectiveness can be judged with respect to specified attributes rather than to a general collection of things that might be termed corridors. Linear habitat patches are specifically excluded from the definition. Studies on small mammals have contributed to our understanding of the potential role of corridors in metapopulation dynamics. Fine versus coarse grained perceptions of environment by different species will generate ecotonal edge effects such as spillover predation. In general, the effects on landscape processes of various species operating on different spatial scales seems a fruitful direction for future research.  相似文献   

利用胡瓜钝绥螨控制脐橙上的柑桔全爪螨研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
柑桔全爪螨 (PanonychuscitriMcGregor) ,俗称红蜘蛛 ,是国内外柑桔生产中重要的有害生物。由于大量使用农药 ,在杀死柑桔红蜘蛛的同时 ,也杀死了大量的捕食螨、食螨瓢虫等天敌 ;地面锄草、使用除草剂 ,破坏了天敌栖息场所 ,导致天敌种类减少 ,种群下降。生物多样性的改变使得柑桔园生物群落组成在数量与结构上发生了变化 ,导致柑桔红蜘蛛和锈壁虱等暴发成灾。福州市地处中南亚热带 ,柑桔红蜘蛛终年发生 ,在 10℃以下时栖息在叶背 ,当气温上升到 10℃以上则转移到叶面开始增殖为害 ,4— 5月是一年中第一个盛发期 ,当…  相似文献   

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