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At Federation in 1901, Australia retained separate State veterinary services responsible for the control of endemic animal diseases. By 2010 the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments and the livestock industries had coordinated a structure with supporting activities and shared finances that provides Australia's veterinary services and its livestock industries with preparedness and control programs for nominated exotic and endemic animal diseases. Animal Health Australia operates as the coordinating body for these programs. Since 1901, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, bovine brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis have been eradicated, providing considerable industry benefits. While the entry of exotic diseases has been restricted, tick fevers, tick infestation, bluetongue infection, avirulent and velogenic Newcastle disease, Hendra virus, lyssavirus infection and Menagle virus infection have arisen from either hosts within Australia or from insect incursion from neighbouring countries. The control of endemic livestock diseases has been accompanied by the development of veterinary laboratory services by the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments. The Australian Animal Health Laboratory operating since 1985 in Geelong has ensured Australia remains at the forefront of technological advances in veterinary diagnostic techniques. From the 1970s animal welfare has become an important component of national initiatives that remain focussed on satisfying community and international expectations.  相似文献   

The first permanent European settlers of Australia arrived in 1788 to establish a penal colony at Sydney, New South Wales (NSW). As the colony grew and wool production increased, more free settlers and emancipists developed farming in inland Australia. During the 1840s veterinarians commenced arriving in small numbers but they were not closely associated with the development and execution of disease control programs, which was left to lay inspectors of stock. The arrival of William Tyson Kendall and coordinated action with Graham Mitchell led to the establishment of a private veterinary college following the passage of veterinary surgeons legislation in Victoria. From this time, veterinarians came to be appointed to positions formerly occupied by lay inspectors and the veterinary profession was able to take up the role of planning and executing government-led disease control programs. From a colony relying on wool for export to the UK, technical advancements in meat freezing and pasture improvement widened the range and increased the quantity of exported products. Before the advent of veterinary advances, sheep scab was eradicated, a vaccine was developed for anthrax and glanders infection of horses was prevented entry to Australia. Graduates from the Melbourne Veterinary College spread across Australia and in this period a conservative quarantine policy was developed following inaction to control an outbreak of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) and the escape of rabbits to form a plague across the continent. Coordinated control of CBPP had to await the next century and advancement of technology increased our understanding of bacteriology and immunity of infectious diseases. Veterinary services were provided to the militia sent by the colonies to the Boer Wars in South Africa 1987-1901 and the veterinarians from Victoria were led by an Australian trained veterinarian.  相似文献   

澳大利亚畜牧业发展及其对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闫旭文  南志标  唐增 《草业科学》2012,29(3):482-487
澳大利亚畜牧业发达,是世界上畜牧业强国之一。本研究介绍了澳大利亚畜牧业兴起的背景、发展特点、现状以及政策支持,并着重阐述了澳大利亚畜牧业在可持续发展过程中采取的方法和措施。以此为借鉴,分析目前我国畜牧业发展中存在的问题。  相似文献   

Acute bovine liver disease (ABLD) is a sporadic hepatic disease affecting cattle in southern Australia, characterized histologically by striking periportal hepatocellular necrosis. The cause of ABLD is unknown; however, the seasonality and acute presentation of outbreaks suggest mycotoxin involvement. We describe here the clinical and pathologic findings of ABLD in 45 naturally affected cattle from 13 outbreaks occurring from 2010 to 2019 in Victoria, Australia. Outbreaks occurred in herds located along the southern coastal plain of Victoria and were observed most frequently in lactating dairy cattle. Clinical signs commonly included a combination of mild photosensitization, progressive neurologic signs, and hypogalactia, which preceded death by ≤ 48 h. All affected animals had marked elevations in activities of glutamate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, and gamma-glutamyl transferase. At autopsy, the most common lesions were serosal petechiae and/or gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and hepatomegaly with a pronounced hepatic reticular pattern. The principal histologic lesion was widespread—severe periportal hepatocellular coagulative necrosis and erythrocyte pooling—which often extended to massive necrosis. Lesions in other organs were uncommon. Our study of ABLD suggests involvement of a potent hepatotoxin that is either directly cytopathic or requires bioactivation by periportal-specific enzymes.  相似文献   

自然灾害对动物疫病有严重的影响,可使饲养环境、饮用水资源等遭到破坏,而且使疫病加速传播。本文对灾害对微生物群落的影响及如何开展灾后动物疫病的防控措施作以简要介绍,包括及时处理死亡畜禽、做好灾后消毒、开展免疫检疫、完善应急机制、加强畜禽饲养管理、重视人员安全防护等内容,以期为灾后动物疫病的防控提供指导。  相似文献   

动物疫病防控绩效考核是县级畜牧部门考核基层动物防疫效果和防疫人员工作实绩的重要手段、本文回顾了甘肃临夏县动物疫病防控绩效考核的历史沿革,详细介绍了临夏县2013年创新的“五查”新模式,总结了基层动物疫病防控绩效考核模式的成功经验,并提出了相应的建议。该模式是新形势下我国乡镇基层动物疫病防控绩效考核评价体系的创新和尝试。  相似文献   

Objective To assess the financial effect of programs for controlling bovine Johne's disease (BJD) in beef herds. Design A spreadsheet simulation model of a self‐replacing beef herd in south‐eastern Australia selling 400‐kg steers at 15 months old. Methods The model calculated the monthly cash flow, and net present value (NPV) of cumulative cash flow, over 10 years. Four main control options were compared: (1) a base herd (no action to control the disease), (2) test and cull, and (3) partial and (4) total destocking. It was assumed that BJD was eradicated after 3 and 5 years with total and partial destocking, respectively, and not eradicated with a test and cull program. Scenarios were compared for both commercial and stud enterprises. Results If there was no discount on the sale price of cattle in commercial herds, deaths from BJD had to exceed 5% before the NPV of partial or total destocking was similar to taking no action to control the disease over a 10‐year period. When cattle sales incurred a 10% discount, deaths had to exceed 1% before the destocking strategies would break even after 10 years. Conclusion Control options for BJD should be carefully planned on an individual herd basis, as significant production and financial risks accompany destocking programs. Eradication will only be more profitable in the longer term, compared with living with the disease, when discounts on the sale of stock from infected herds are high. This can occur with the selling of store cattle or breeders. In stud herds, BJD will usually cause the total failure of the business.  相似文献   

为了实现对家畜产品可追溯管理,加强质量安全监管,本研究通过采用动物标识、动物检疫合格证明信息和动物产地检疫电子出证、家畜屠宰检疫电子出证以及互联网等电子技术,构建了根据家畜屠宰前后的动物检疫合格证明信息进行对接而建立起来的家畜产品溯源模式,建立了经济、实用、有效的家畜检疫安全溯源系统。  相似文献   

做好动物检疫工作,不仅可促进当地家畜及畜产品的流通和贸易,提高畜牧业的经济效益,而且对加强动物疫病防控,保障动物及动物产品安全都具有十分重要的经济效益和社会效益。原中华人民共和国农业部制定的《动物检疫管理办法》,自2010年3月执行以来,时至今日,已有7~8年的历程了,笔者作为一名基层检疫人员,就本办法执行以来存在的问题及建议分析如下。  相似文献   

猪瘟是由猪瘟病毒感染引发的一种病毒性传染性疾病,在生猪养殖中,该种疾病具有极强传染性,具有发病率高、死亡率高的特点。在疾病防控过程中,需要养殖户提高重视程度,掌握上述该种疾病的具体病理变化和临床表现,然后进行严格的实验室诊断,确定致病原,然后采取综合措施防控,避免病毒传播蔓延,造成严重经济损失。该文主要分析生猪检疫过程中猪瘟有效鉴别诊断和无害化处理措施。  相似文献   

畜牧兽医防疫检疫工作是一个十分系统且专业的工作,但现阶段基层防疫检疫工作队伍老龄化现象十分严重,由于上级政府部门对防疫检疫工作认知不足,重视程度不高,不能为基层防疫人员提供接受培训教育的机会。在选聘检疫检验人员时存在很大随意性,不能对工作人员的专业技能和实践经验进行考核,新工作人员大多不具备相应的检疫检验工作经验和专业知识。该文主要探讨基层动物防疫工作面临的问题,提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

家畜"猝死症"研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对我国家畜“猝死症”的流行、病因、临床症状、病理变化、诊断及防制的研究进行了概述。  相似文献   

A sero-epidemiological study of cats and dogs in the Launceston area of Tasmania, Australia was undertaken to determine the prevalence of antibodies to spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae. Results showed that 59% of cats and 57% of dogs were positive for antibodies, but there was no correlation between the animal's health and seropositivity at the time of testing, suggesting that rickettsial exposure is unrelated to ill-health in these two species of domestic animals.  相似文献   

畜禽定点屠宰与动物卫生监督是关乎食品安全的大事,是推动我国畜牧产业健康发展的重要保障。该文分析了兴平市畜禽定点屠宰和监督检疫现状,针对相关问题进行了思考,并提出了对策和建议,以期为畜禽疫病防控、畜产品质量安全提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Disease surveillance is an integral part of most veterinary practices in Australia. The aim of this series of invited reviews is to facilitate the differential and ultimately definitive diagnosis of some of the previously known, as well as the novel and emerging, neurological disorders of ruminant livestock, which is of particular importance in the surveillance for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. General principles of a systematic neurological examination, necropsy procedures and the neurological manifestations of systemic disease, trauma and neoplasia are described here.  相似文献   

为提高动植物检疫专业本科学生人才培养质量, 以安徽科技学院为例, 对相关行业企业、高校和毕业生先后开展动植物检疫专业现状调研。通过调研反馈信息, 提出了面向行业企业需求的高素质应用型动植物检疫专业人才培养目标定位, 并对课程体系、人才培养模式、实践教学环节、师资队伍建设等方面提出修改调整建议, 为完善动植物检疫专业人才培养方案和提高人才培养质量提供参考。  相似文献   

我国动物疫病流行日趋复杂,而传统防控工作方式效率亟待提高。信息化能有效提高动物疫病防控管理工作效率,有利于对动物疫情的快速预警、反应、控制和溯源。本文介绍市级动物疫病防控信息化管理系统的功能设计,重点分析基础信息数据库、物资管理系统、动物疫病监测、疫情预警、疫情调查处置等功能模块,形成市级动物疫病防控大数据和网络化管理平台,实现动物防疫场点、人员、疫苗、物资和工作抽查等网络化管理,为动物疫病防控行政决策提供技术支持,切实提高基层防疫工作效率。  相似文献   

World Veterinary Year in 2011 celebrates the 250th anniversary of the establishment of the first modern veterinary school at Lyon in France. To put veterinary education in Australia in its historical context, the veterinary school at Lyon was established nine years before the British had discovered the east coast of Australia in 1770, and 27 years before a shipment of convicts transported from overcrowded gaols in England had arrived in Sydney in 1788. This paper discusses the development of veterinary education in Australia from that time to the present day.  相似文献   

Objective To assess current swill feeding legislation, swill feeding investigation practices by authorities and feeding practices of pig producers who trade via saleyards in eastern Australia in order to determine levels of understanding and conformance related to current swill feeding legislation. Method A three-tiered approach was undertaken to gather information on the feeding of prohibited substances (swill) to pigs in Australia. Firstly, a review of swill feeding legislation was undertaken to highlight the commonalities and inconsistencies between the various state and territory legislations in defining swill. Secondly, agricultural authorities were contacted in each state to gather information on swill feeding investigations undertaken in 2006. Finally, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 106 pig producers who traded pigs at one of six saleyards in eastern Australia to ascertain their knowledge of swill feeding and to determine the feeding practices of this sector of the industry. Results Areas of concern identified included (1) inconsistencies in the feedstuffs classed as ‘swill’ among states, (2) the number of producers who had been prosecuted for swill feeding in 2006 (n = 4 of 148 inspections), (3) the low knowledge base of producers who sell pigs at saleyards regarding swill feeding, and (4) the types of feedstuffs provided to pigs marketed at saleyards. Conclusion Our findings highlight the need for a consistent definition for ‘swill’ across Australian states and for improved awareness of swill feeding among producers, particularly those who market pigs at saleyards.  相似文献   

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