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With over 1.5 billion forest tree seedlings produced annually in the USA, seedling quality assessment is critical to ensure reforestation success. While height and root-collar diameter are the most common traits evaluated during seedling quality assessment, above-ground morphology is not always an accurate predictor of performance after outplanting. Root system morphology and physiological status may provide a more accurate indication of seedling potential. However, relatively few studies have attempted to quantitatively assess root system quality in relation to outplanting success. Large root volume, high root fibrosity, and an increased number of first-order lateral roots have shown some correlation to improved field performance. Physiological seedling quality assessment is commonly practiced through evaluation of root growth potential. Other tests, such as root electrolyte leakage, have also shown some potential as measures of seedling physiological quality. This review identifies current methods of assessing seedling root system quality and discusses potential shortcomings of these methods. An increased understanding of the suitability of current tests, coupled with the development of new tests and multiple parameter relationships, may foster the development of species and site-specific targets for seedling root system quality assessment. The production of seedlings with root systems that meet high morphological and physiological standards better enables seedlings to rapidly establish and thrive upon outplanting.  相似文献   

Royo  Antonio  Gil  Luis  Pardos  José A. 《New Forests》2001,21(2):127-140
Five-month-old Pinus halepensis Mill. seedlings were subjected to 4 irrigation treatments for 8 weeks. After the treatments, morphological and physiologicalattributes assessed included height, diameter, dry weight, water relations parameters, and determination of N, P, K, soluble carbohydrates, and starch concentrations. The remaining seedlings were field planted. Survival and height growth were recorded forfour growing seasons after planting. The mostsignificant effect of irrigation was onmorphology. Increased irrigation lead toseedlings with significantly higher height,root collar diameter and shoot and rootbiomass. Starch and soluble carbohydrateconcentrations were also affected byirrigation. However, parameters derived frompressure-volume curves were not significantlydifferent among treatments, nor were N, P, andK concentrations. There were no differencesamong treatments for survival in the field,which was highly related to summer rainfall. Incomparison, absolute and relative heightgrowth showed some significant but minordifferences among treatments.  相似文献   

Drought stress is the main cause of mortality of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) seedlings in forest plantations. We therefore assessed if drought hardening, applied in the nursery at the end of the growing season, enhanced the drought tolerance and transplanting performance of holm oak seedlings. Seedlings were subjected to three drought hardening intensities (low, moderate and severe) for 2.5 and 3.5 months, and compared with control seedlings. At the end of the hardening period, water relations, gas exchange and morphological attributes were determined, and survival and growth under mesic and xeric transplanting conditions were assessed. Drought hardening increased drought tolerance primarily by affecting physiological traits, with no effect on shoot/root ratio or specific leaf mass. Drought hardening reduced osmotic potential at saturation and at the turgor loss point, stomatal conductance, residual transpiration (RT) and new root growth capacity (RGC), but enhanced cell membrane stability. Among treated seedlings, the largest response occurred in seedlings subjected to moderate hardening. Severe hardening reduced shoot soluble sugar concentration and increased shoot starch concentration. Increasing the duration of hardening had no effect on water relations but reduced shoot mineral and starch concentrations. Variation in cell membrane stability, RT and RGC were negatively related to osmotic adjustment. Despite differences in drought tolerance, no differences in mortality and relative growth rate were observed between hardening treatments when the seedlings were transplanted under either mesic or xeric conditions.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop management strategies favouring establishment and survival of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) and downy oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.)??two species co-occurring in Southern France??in mature Allepo pine forests (Pinus halepensis Mill subsp. halepensis). An experimental design was assessed in a partially cut mature stand of Aleppo pine in which five soil and vegetation treatments??chopping, chopping followed by scarification in one or two directions, prescribed burning, control??and two slash treatments (presence/absence) were applied. A total of 1,600 sowing points, each composed of 3 Q. ilex or Q. pubescens acorns, were installed in the different treatments in November of two consecutive years at 6 and 18 months, after the end of treatments. Survival was monitored 3 and 2 years after sowing, soil surface at the sowing points was characterized at different dates, and predawn leaf water potentials were measured during the dry season. High mortality occurred after the first summer, but survival after 1 year was 2.3?C5.2 higher in Q. ilex than in Q. pubescens, confirming that Q. ilex was better adapted to the drier parts of the Mediterranean area. Survival was significantly influenced by the treatments, but there was a variable response between the two sowing years under most of the treatments. Only intense fire proved the most beneficial treatment for seedling survival in both years. The micro-local soil cover conditions induced by the treatments played a major role in explaining oak survival. In particular, grass cover (mainly Brachypodium retusum) proved to be largely unfavourable to seedling survival and growth, and this detrimental effect was also confirmed by lower predawn leaf water potential values with increasing grass cover. Acorn introduction designed to diversify mature Aleppo pine forest after soil and vegetation treatments therefore has to be considered for treatments that most efficiently impair the pre-existing competing grass cover such as prescribed high-intensity fire treatment.  相似文献   

The fungicides benomyl, captan, hymexazol, iprodione, propamocarb hydrochloride and thiram were applied in a combined schedule to Pinus halepensis seedlings grown under nursery conditions to study their effect on mycorrhiza formation and plant growth. The inoculated fungi Pisolithus tinctorius (strains 3SR and Mx) and Lactarius deliciosus formed mycorrhizas when fungicides were applied. However, fungicide application led to a significant decrease of mycorrhizal plants with Pisolithus tinctorius strain 3SR (from 62% without fungicides to 35% with fungicides). This effect could be attributed to a direct effect of fungicides on mycelial growth. The morphometric and nutritional parameters were very similar in plants treated with or without fungicides, and no differences on sanitary status of plants were noted. The use of preventive fungicide treatments in plant production, which may have a harmful effect on the environment, is therefore questioned.  相似文献   



Tube shelters have been shown to enhance field performance of several Mediterranean species, but responses of newly planted seedlings to the microenvironment induced by shelter walls with different light transmissivity are still poorly documented.


We studied effects of a range of shelters with varying light transmissivity on post-planting seedling responses during the wet season establishment phase for two Mediterranean trees of contrasting functional ecology.


Root growth, biomass allocation, water potential, and chlorophyll fluorescence of Quercus ilex and Pinus halepensis seedlings were evaluated across shelters varying in light transmissivity (80, 40, 20, and 10 % plus a mesh shelter) with irrigation.


Plants in dark tubes (20 and 10 % light transmissivity) had less above- and belowground growth and more than two times greater leaf to protruding roots mass ratio, with shoot growth response of Q. ilex being less plastic. Ratio of leaf area/protruding roots area decreased when light transmissivity increased, although no differences were found at ≥40 % transmissivity. Xylem water potential indicated lack of water stress, and high maximum photosynthetic efficiency (F v/F m) values show no photoinhibition symptoms irrespective of light transmissivity.


Shelter transmissivity ≥40 % promotes rapid and vigorous root growth immediately after planting for these species. This minimum transmissivity should be considered as a target when designing shelters to help root development and improve water balance of Mediterranean seedlings.  相似文献   

New Forests - Between 1994 and 2017, 137,455 ha of agricultural land were afforested in Andalusia (Spain), using a great diversity of tree species, under the Common Agricultural Policy...  相似文献   

Bayley  A.D.  Kietzka  J.W. 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):341-356
Two types of containerized P. patula seedlings, referred to as hard and soft seedlings, were raised by droughting and different fertilizer applications. Hard seedlings were raised by applying half the water and a quarter of the fertilizer (0.01 g per seedling 21%N:7.1%P:14.2%K) applied to the soft seedlings. At the end of the nursery cultural treatments the two types of seedlings were morphologically distinct. Hard seedlings had lower heights, height to root collar diameter ratios and seedling dry masses than soft seedlings, but mortality was similar for both seedling types when planted during seven different production periods within the planting season on three sites which differed climatically and geologically. Correlations between mortality and height to root collar diameter ratio (r = 0.76), root to shoot ratio (r = 0.83) and root growth potential (r = --0.69) were obtained indicating that grading of seedlings on these parameters may improve survival. However, it was evident that survival could be significantly improved by identifying the best time of year and conditions for planting, as well as improving stock quality.  相似文献   

Mediterranean ecosystems are characterized by large arid areas where the patchy distribution of trees offers little protection against harsh climate conditions for seedling establishment. Climate change is predicted to result in an increase in these arid regions, with pronounced effects on vegetation. Production of seedlings with developed ectomycorrhizas is a promising strategy for minimizing the initial transplant shock, thereby increasing plant survival and growth during the first, most critical years of a plantation. One important species in the Mediterranean basin is Quercus suber (cork oak), which occurs, together with other evergreen oak species, in an agro-silvo-pastoral system that represents an example of sustainable land use in Europe. In this study, a Pisolithus tinctorius isolate was used for ectomycorrhizal colonization of cork oak nursery seedlings, and the effects on aboveground plant growth and leaf structural and physiological parameters were investigated. Ectomycorrhizal development resulted in a significant increase in leaf area, dry weight, nitrogen content, and photosynthetic pigments, and mycorrhizal plants showed a higher photosynthetic capacity and water use efficiency. Nursery-inoculated plants established in the field showed increased survival and growth during the first year after transplant. These results indicate a potential for further enhancing the use of mycorrhizal inoculation as a cultivation practice in forest nurseries. Considering the difficulty of soil restoration under limiting environmental conditions, nursery inoculation with ectomycorrhizal fungi can be an important advantage for improving the quality of seedling stock and its performance after out-planting in the field, benefiting the regeneration of arid regions and the reintroduction of inocula of ectomycorrhizal fungi into these areas.  相似文献   

After five years of growth at high-elevations (∼3000 m) in Utah, container lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.) seedlings survived well (80–95%) and grew to similar heights regardless of nursery storage method and site preparation technique. Seedlings received one of three storage treatments: (1) spring-sown in the nursery, overwintered in cooler storage and outplanted in July; (2) spring-sown, overwintered in freezer storage, and outplanted in July; or (3) winter-sown, no storage, and hot-planted in late August. We outplanted seedlings at two locations that were clearcut and had received two treatments of surface organic matter (coarse wood, logging slash, and forest floor) removal: surface organic matter (OM) piled with a bulldozer and burned or surface OM remaining in situ. Compared to adjacent uncut stands, both site preparation treatments increased total soil bulk density, but retaining surface OM in situ maintained soil OM, carbon, and nitrogen levels. After one growing season, seedlings planted where surface OM had been bulldozed were taller and had more biomass, although survival was similar (≥96%) across site preparation treatments. The height growth advantage disappeared after five growing seasons and although overall survival was good, survival was highest where site preparation involved removal of surface OM and freezer-stored seedlings were planted. Total non-structural carbohydrates tended to be higher in roots than in shoots and were also higher in hot-planted seedlings than in stored seedlings. Our results indicate that nursery and forest managers have several options for successful nursery production and outplanting of container lodgepole pine seedlings in the central Rocky Mountains. Using hot-planted seedlings allows for a faster turnaround time (from seed to plantable seedling) and maintaining surface OM may be a cost-effective alternative to dozer piling and burning.  相似文献   

Forest restoration programs using Holm oak (Quercus ilex ssp. ballota [Desf.] Samp.) have had limited success. The effect of plant provenance on plantation success is uncertain, although some previous studies suggest that some provenances may be better able to tolerate stress. We studied the tolerance to drought in seedlings from two Spanish provenances of Holm oak before and after outplanting. One provenance was from a continental climate with cold winters (GR) and the other was from a xeric climate (HU). Seedlings were subjected to a water stress test in the nursery during the summer and survival was visually assessed after 2?weeks. In addition, 35 healthy seedlings of each provenance that were not subjected to the water stress tests were used for outplanting experiment. In these plants the seasonal changes in water potential at dawn (Ψ), specific leaf area (SLA), cuticular transpiration (Ec), and loss of xylem hydraulic conductance of twigs (PLC) were measured over 18?months. After the water stress test in summer, mortality was 44.3?% for GR seedlings and 12.6?% for HU seedlings. In addition there were differences between the two provenances in plant water status after planting. The HU provenance had a better water status and was more water conservative in the summer (higher Ψ, lower Ec, lower PLC), but not in the winter. The different drought tolerance and water relations parameters of these two provenances indicate that provenance should be considered in forest restoration and conservation programs involving Holm oak.  相似文献   

Despite evidences that Holm oak has a high plasticity and great adaptability, there is limited or contradictory knowledge of the morphological and physiological variability of this species. Holm oak has been widely used for reforestation projects in Mediterranean areas, but has frequently shown poor field performance. We hypothesized that Holm oak has inter-population differences in physiological responses to abiotic stressors that could affect reforestation success. The influence of nursery culture on the characteristics of Holm oaks from different provenances has not been explored in depth. Thus, we studied the effect of nursery autumn fertilization on morphological traits, frost tolerance, root growth potential, and nutritional status of two Spanish provenances of Holm oak, La Alcarria (a region with inland Mediterranean climate) and Sierra Morena Occidental (a region with a warm coastal Mediterranean climate). There were significant differences between the provenances in frost tolerance, biomass allocation, and leaf nutrient content, suggesting a role of genetic factors. The leaves of seedlings from La Alcarria had less visual damage at ?12°C than seedlings from the warmer provenance (45% vs. 92%). Seedlings from La Alcarria, compared to those from Sierra Morena, had higher leaf P concentration (0.17% vs. 0.15%), greater stem diameter (3.1?mm vs. 2.7?mm), lower shoot-to-root dry mass ratio (0.46 vs. 0.53), and lower slenderness (4.03 vs. 5.31). For both provenances, N autumn fertilization improved growth, root growth potential, cold hardiness, and nutritional status of seedlings. We suggest that forest reforestation programs should consider to a greater extent Holm oak provenances and their tolerances to different abiotic stressors.  相似文献   

不同基质对油松容器苗生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选香菇渣、牛粪等原料复配,进行油松容器育苗试验,结果表明不同基质对油松1年生和2年生容器苗的生长有显著影响.在田园土中掺入一定比例的香菇渣和牛粪可以降低基质的容重,改善基质的物理性质,更有利于油松容器苗的生长.其中以54%田园土(体积分数,下同)+23%香菇渣+23%牛粪基质配方最佳,其次为77%田园土+23%香菇渣、65%田园土+35%香菇渣、65%田园土+35%牛粪,其容重为0.79~0.88 g/cm3,比普通育苗土容重降低20%~28%.  相似文献   

Correlations between root growth capacity (RGC), at the time of planting, and field performance were studied for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings. Before planting a gradient in seedling viability was generated through exposure to low root temperatures and different winter storage regimes. The hypothesis that high RGC values would improve field performance was to some extent verified for pine seedlings while no correlations could be registered for spruce. Reasons for these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Seeds of four full-sibling Douglas-fir families (F) were moist chilled (C) for 14, 33, and 77 days and sown (S) March 29, April 26, and May 24 at two densities (D=111 and 200 seeds/m2), grown for 2 years in nursery beds and phenology and size traits recorded. The study was analyzed in two parts: part I evaluated seed treatment effects and their interactions with families; and part II investigated the effect of treatments on genetic variances, particularly among-family (F 2) and within-plot ( 2) components and the intraclass correlation for families (t% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGak0dh9WrFfpC0xh9vqqj-hEeeu0xXdbba9frFj0-OqFf% ea0dXdd9vqaq-JfrVkFHe9pgea0dXdar-Jb9hs0dXdbPYxe9vr0-vr% 0-vqpWqaaeaabaGaaiaacaqabeaadaqaaqaaaOqaaGqaa0Gaa8NKba% aa!3886!\[f\]). In part I there were large and highly significant differences associated with C and S and among F for all traits. Early S combined with long C resulted in early emergence and gave large seedlings with little loss and damage. Many interactions between C and F, and S and F, were significant. Interactions involved rank changes for size but not for phenology traits, and were larger for C×F than for S×F. Seedling density affected seedling size but not phenology, did not interact with seed treatments, and interacted significantly but weakly with families. In part II, C and S, but not D, had significant effects on F 2, 2, and t% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGak0dh9WrFfpC0xh9vqqj-hEeeu0xXdbba9frFj0-OqFf% ea0dXdd9vqaq-JfrVkFHe9pgea0dXdar-Jb9hs0dXdbPYxe9vr0-vr% 0-vqpWqaaeaabaGaaiaacaqabeaadaqaaqaaaOqaaGqaa0Gaa8NKba% aa!3886!\[f\], but not in a predictable manner. Because of significant interactions, it is recommended that standardized seed treatments be used in family nursery tests. This should aid in keeping the results from these tests as repeatable as possible. Long chilling and sowing as early as practicable are recommended to minimize disease losses and winter damages and to provide good nursery stock.  相似文献   

  • ? Although fertilization is commonly used in nurseries, the effects of high level of nitrogen on Pinus halepensis mycorrhization are still unknown.
  • ? The effect of fertilization at different N levels (low-LN: 35 mg/plant; medium-MN: 60 mg/plant; high-HN: 120 mg/plant), differing N sources (ammonium-(NH4)2SO4; nitrate-HNO3; ammonium+nitrate-NH4NO3) and inoculation with Pisolithus tinctorius and Lactarius deliciosus on the mycorrhization, growth and nutrient status of P. halepensis has been studied.
  • ? P. tinctorius 3SR showed higher mycorrhizal ability (100% of mycorrhizal seedlings) than L. deliciosus (nearer to 50%). The application of increasing doses of N resulted in a significant reduction of mycorrhizal seedlings but no differences were observed between NH4 and NO3as N source at the 60 mg N/plant dose applied. The effects of fertilization on growth were mainly observed in uninoculated plants. The use of NH4 increased growth in non-mycorrhized plants. Nutrient status was similar in all cases except for K concentration, which was higher in plants mycorrhized with P. tinctorius. Interactions between inoculation and fertilization were found, mycorrhizal effects appearing only at LN fertilization.
  • ? It is advisable to avoid high doses of N fertilization in order to produce mycorrhizal P. halepensis seedlings.
  •   相似文献   


    This paper describes the chemical composition of sapwood (SW) and heartwood (HW) of Pinus halepensis Mill stem. Extractives were first isolated by accelerated solvent extraction and then analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The cellulosic polysaccharide content present in the pre-extracted wood samples was determined with acid hydrolysis and GC. The hemicelluloses content was determined with acid methanolysis and GC. Free monomers were additionally analysed by GC. The amount of lignin was determined gravimetrically by the Klason lignin method and the acid-soluble lignin was determined by a UV method. Formic and acetic acids in wood were determined after alkaline hydrolysis and analysed by HP-SEC. It was found that lipophilic and hydrophilic extractives were more abundant in heartwood (1.6% and 2.5%) than in sapwood (1.1% and 1.8%). Celluloses content was higher in sapwood (42.5%) than in heartwood (39.7%), whereas lignin, hemicelluloses and sugar monomer contents were more abundant in heartwood (28.9%, 26.8% and 0.3%) than in sapwood (28.0%, 24.5% and 0.2%). The variation in acetic and formic acids and ash contents between sapwood (0.7%, 0.2% and 0.5%) and heartwood (0.6%, 0.1% and 0.4%) was small. The acetylation degrees were found to be slightly similar in sapwood (0.4) and heartwood (0.3).  相似文献   

    以苗圃土、菇渣、松针土、珍珠岩等原料复配基质,进行油松育苗试验.结果表明:不同配方基质对1~2a生油松幼苗的生长有显著影响.苗圃土占总体积的1/3,辅以菇渣、松针土和珍珠岩,可以降低基质的容重,改善基质的物理性质,更有利于油松幼苗的生长,1/3苗圃土+1/3菇渣+1/3松针土效果最好.  相似文献   

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