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分析了南平市主要气象条件和冰雹、大风灾害,以及1996-2005年温度、降水量、日照时数对单位产量、上等烟比率的影响。结果表明,南平市热量条件较好,特别是季节温度变化与烤烟生长所需温度相一致;但光照略显不足;成熟期降雨量偏多、相对湿度偏大对烤烟成熟和采烤不利;冰雹、大风灾害影响明显。另,单位产量与平均气温、日照时数呈正相关,与降水量呈负相关。同时,实践表明,针对烤烟生产开展的种植气候区划、移栽期气象预报、人工防雹等气象服务和体系建设,达到了趋利避害的目的,具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

为了提高棉花生产应对灾害能力,通过对石河子垦区新疆生产建设兵团第八师143团遭受短时雷雨、大风、冰雹侵袭灾害性天气对棉花造成的伤害分析。引用了冰雹灾害对棉株损害程度判别与分级。提出了"气象部门积极做好雹灾前的预报服务工作、掌握好冰雹作用的时机和掌握好防雹作业的技术措施"雹灾发生前的预防措施及"及时补种、及时排水和中耕松土、及时化学调节和喷施叶面肥、及时追肥、及时除治病虫害和及时整枝"的六及时雹灾后的补救措施。旨在通过后期加强农业技术措施等积极应对,抵御不利的农业气象灾害。  相似文献   

1959年,县委在解放人民公社红塔耕区种植的三百亩棉花指挥田,获得了平均亩产420斤(皮棉,下同)的特大丰收。其中,有15亩平均亩产达800斤;最高的五亩,创造了平均亩产945斤的新纪录。这是我县棉花生产史上空前的奇迹,它将使我们全县在棉花种植的单位面积产量上,大大地跃进一步。县委棉花指挥田的高产经验,及时有力地指  相似文献   

乡镇级森林火灾扑救预案制定的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡镇人民政府是直接面对森林火灾扑救的组织指挥单位。科学、有序、可操性强的乡镇森林火灾扑救预案,对规范乡镇森林火灾扑救指挥行为,科学有序组织森林火灾扑救,及时控制森林火灾,具有重要的意义。本文就乡镇级森林火灾扑救预案相关条款的制定进行探讨,供基层森林防火工作者参考。  相似文献   

1936年1月,贺龙率红二、六军团(红二方面军)在石阡创建革命根据地,在此期间他不仅喜欢上了洗石阡的温塘澡,还迷上了石阡本地的茶叶,他一边饮茶一边运筹帷幄指挥红军驰骋疆场。当时,红  相似文献   

昌菱甘蔗化工公司在1995~1996年榨季生产中,应用自己开发的《制糖企业信息管理系统》实现了砍运榨调度计算机管理,提高了进厂甘蔗的新鲜度,使企业获得了良好的经济效益。榨季中蔗场采样原料蔗分析平均含糖分接近14%,与同期田间采样相近。本榨季除受部分霜冻蔗的影响外,很少出现砍运指挥不当,造成砍下甘蔗长时间积压,导致蔗糖分转化的现象。经进蔗与控制榨量的核子秤计量检测,蔗场甘蔗轻耗在0.5%左  相似文献   

为贯彻传达全国茶叶会议和省委工作会议的精神,进一步落实毛主席“以粮为纲,全面发展”方针和“以后山坡上要多多开辟茶园”的指示,加速发展茶叶生产,宁德地区革委会生产指挥处,最近,在福鼎县召开了全区茶叶生产收购经验交流  相似文献   

茶园是茶叶生产的基地,是取得茶叶高产优质最基本的条件。了解和掌握茶园面积、面貌和分布情况,做到心中有数,对指挥生产,制订规划和提出措施,具有特别重要的意义。多年来,由于茶园情况不明,面积不实,对领导茶叶生产,制订规划与措施,具有很大的盲目性和片面性。因为制订生产计  相似文献   

昌菱甘蔗化工公司在1995~1996年榨季生产中,应用自己开发的《制糖企业信息管理系统》实现了砍运榨调度计算机管理,提高了进厂甘蔗的新鲜度,使企业获得了良好的经济效益。榨季中蔗场采样原料蔗分析平均含糖分接近14%,与同期田间采样相近。本榨季除受部分霜冻蔗的影响外,很少出现砍运指挥不当,造成砍下甘蔗长时间积压.导致蔗糖分转化的现象。经进蔗与控制榨量的核子秤计量检测,蔗场甘蔗轻耗在0.5%左右,昌菱的产糖率继续位居全区先进行列。  相似文献   

土壤残存药剂对水稻插后生长影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着稻作事业的发展,旱改水面积的逐年增多,至使水田不同程度发生药害。1999年大兴农场早改水田面积达3133.3hm2,其中应用普施特、广灭灵、豆黄隆面积866.7hm2。据试验,喷施这些农药的上镶在药效期内不能做苗床上,但对水稻插后秧苗生长情况有何影响我们又进一步做了试验,为指挥生产进行决策提供依据。1试验内容与方法1998年11月1日于大兴农场取田间土样,送入八一农垦大学进行盆栽试验。试验设4个处理、三次重复。处理1:前茬公顷施0.skg广灭灵十759豆黄隆;处理2:前茬公顷施1.skg普施特;处理3:前茬公顷施几skg广灭灵十1.okg普…  相似文献   

根据安溪县感德、桃舟、剑斗、祥华等4个乡镇茶园冰雹灾害的不同茶树种植区域、茶园类型、受害程度及气象条件等具体情况,有针对性地采取及时清雹松土、分类整枝修剪、分期施用肥料和病害防范等救护技术措施,确保茶树成活,减少灾害造成的损失。  相似文献   

There is a strong economic incentive to reduce mite-vectored virus outbreaks. Most outbreaks in the central High Plains of the United States occur in the presence of volunteer wheat that emerges before harvest as a result of hail storms. This study provides a conceptual framework for developing a risk map for wheat diseases caused by mite-vectored viruses based on pre-harvest hail events. Traditional methods that use NDVI were found to be unsuitable due to low chlorophyll content in wheat at harvest. Site-level hyperspectral reflectance from mechanically hailed wheat showed increased canopy albedo. Therefore, any increase in NIR combined with large increases in red reflectance near harvest can be used to assign some level of risk. The regional model presented in this study utilized Landsat TM/ETM+ data and MODIS imagery to help gap-fill missing data. NOAA hail maps that estimate hail size were used to refine the area most likely at risk. The date range for each year was shifted to account for annual variations in crop phenology based on USDA Agriculture statistics for percent harvest of wheat. Between 2003 and 2013, there was a moderate trend (R2 = 0.72) between the county-level insurance claims for Cheyenne County, Nebraska and the area determined to be at risk by the model (excluding the NOAA hail size product due to limited availability) when years with low hail claims (<400 ha) were excluded. These results demonstrate the potential of an operational risk map for mite-vectored viruses due to pre-season hail events.  相似文献   

The yield and quality response of Russet Burbank potatoes to simulated hail damage was dependent upon the amount of damage and on the growth stage at which the damage occurred. Plots of Russet Burbank potato plants were subjected to 0%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% defoliation at 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, or 14 weeks after emergence. A motorized flail was used to simulate the complex damage that occurs during a natural hail storm. Early season simulated hail damage, when the plants were mainly vegetative, caused yield losses proportional to the degree of damage. Simulated hail damage during the early phases of tuber growth caused minor yield losses (< 5%) at low defoliation levels but severe losses at the higher levels with proportional loss of tuber quality. Defoliation later in the season resulted in progressively less reduction of both yield and quality. At or near maturity, late season simulated hail damage caused insignificant losses unless the stems were damaged enough to prevent nutrition and carbohydrate translocation into the tubers.  相似文献   

In commercial apple orchards in southern Brazil, it is common to avoid hail damage by covering the trees with nets. This study was carried out to assess the effects of both black and white hail netting on the temporal dynamics of Glomerella Leaf Spot disease (GLS) in a commercial ‘Royal Gala’ apple orchard in a high-altitude region of southern Brazil during two growing seasons (2003/2004 and 2004/2005). Apple trees on M9 rootstock, trained to a slender spindle and with a spacing of 5.5 m × 3 m, were left uncovered (control) or covered with black or white hail netting. The incidence and severity of GLS were quantified biweekly from October to February by evaluating 100 leaves distributed randomly on four medium-height branches per plant on each 12 replications per treatment. Disease progress curves were constructed from the data and the epidemics were compared by using four epidemiological measures: the beginning of symptom appearance (BSA), the time to reach the maximum disease intensity (TRMDI), the maximum value of disease severity (Ymax), and the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). The highest intensity of GLS was observed in the plants under the black hail netting. Significant reductions in BSA and TRMDI and significant increases in Ymax and AUDPC were found among treatments in both growing seasons. However, no significant differences of GLS were found between the white hail netting and the control in either growing season.  相似文献   

通过分析2010年南平市烤烟生长发育期间气温、降水、日照3个主要气候因子对烤烟生产的影响,结果表明:3月平均气温、光照和降雨正常,但出现的冰雹对部分烤烟造成灾害;4月低温多雨,不利于烟株早生快发;5月多剧烈天气,冰雹、大风、强雷电等强对流天气多发,灾情较严重,对烤烟造成重大不利影响;6-7月光照不足,低温多雨不利于干物质累积,影响品质;6月中、下旬南平市出现持续性暴雨、大暴雨、局部特大暴雨,各县市均出现严重的洪涝灾害,给烤烟生产造成了严重损失。总体来说,2010年南平市烤烟生产的农业气候条件较差,烟叶产量和质量都下降。  相似文献   

由于大气环流的异常影响,云南西双版纳州2009/2010年秋冬春气候异常,出现了本州自有气象记录以来最严重的秋冬春连旱。异常的高温干旱对橡胶树造成了严重影响:橡胶树物候异常、病虫害频发、开割时间比往年推迟10~30d、干胶减产;橡胶树抗旱定植困难大、成本高;随干旱而至的大风、冰雹灾害严重,造成严重经济损失。  相似文献   

A rainsheiter was designed to accommodate an 80 m2 plot area for the study of moisture stress in potato. During three seasons the shelter effectively protected the plot area from wind, heavy rainfall, and hail. The shelter is portable, easy to operate, and can be deployed within two minutes by two persons. Engineering details of the shelter are provided.  相似文献   

Insurance against hailstorm-inflicted losses to potato crops is crucial for producer risk management. Insurance providers need regionally specific information on which to base estimates of hail damage. The objective of the research reported here was to determine the effects of a range of simulated hail defoliation treatments, low (33%), medium (66%), and high (99%), relative to an untreated control (0%) on yield and grower economic returns from one medium- and one late-maturing potato variety (‘Russet Norkotah TX278’ and ‘Ranger Russet,’ respectively) at three growth stages (tuber initiation, early bulking, and late bulking) in the Columbia Basin of Washington. Plants within the 33% and 66% treatments were defoliated by sweeping a garden rake with 16 solid, curved tines through the canopy of each treatment row several times until plants exhibited the desired defoliation level. Tuber initiation and early bulk plants within the 99% treatment were essentially mowed to ground level. Intensity of defoliation and stage of growth had significant, interacting effects on grower returns. Gross return and yield for both varieties at each growth stage were significantly reduced by 99% defoliation; these effects were mediated by the effects of defoliation on tuber size distribution. Total yield and gross return experienced the largest declines at early bulk compared with tuber initiation and late bulk defoliation in both varieties. When 99% of the early bulk foliage was removed, Russet Norkotah TX278 gross return and yield were reduced to 14% and 38%, respectively, of the values for the non-treated control, and Ranger Russet gross return and yield were reduced to 30% and 51% of control values, respectively. Defoliation of 99% at all growth stages significantly reduced overall market yield compared to controls for both varieties. However, tuber size distribution was most affected by 99% defoliation at early bulk. Severe defoliation (99%) at tuber initiation significantly delayed vine senescence in both varieties. The results of this study suggest that insurance adjusters should take into account the combined influence of growth stage and defoliation level when hail damage occurs.  相似文献   

环鄱阳湖棉区植棉常遇的自然灾害及预防技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨磊  张允昔 《江西棉花》2009,31(6):8-12
环鄱阳湖棉区是国家优势产棉集中区,是江西的优质高产棉区。在分析了环鄱阳湖棉区棉花生产上常出现的高温干旱、涝灾渍害、雹灾、台风和低温冷害自然灾害后,提出了相应的有效预防及补救措施。以提高环鄱阳湖棉区植棉的防灾抗灾能力。  相似文献   

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