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The possibility of controlling ofEphestia kuebniella Zell. by mass-trapping, mating-disruption and attracticide method was investigated in Northern Italy from 1986 to 1992.Considerable progress has been made in these years in controlling of mediterranean flour moth with sex pheromone (Z9E12-14Ac or TDA). The utilization of synthetic pheromone could lead to a drastic reduction of chemical treatments with consequent economic and qualitative advantages, protecting goods from residual products noxious to consumers and improving the image of the firm.
Zusammenfassung Es wurden von 1986 bis 1992 in norditalienischen Mühlen Versuche zur Bekämpfung vonEphestia kuehniella durch Massenfang, Kopulationsverhinderung und Anlockung/Vergiftung durchgeführt. Es ergaben sich beachtliche Erfolge mit dem Sexualpheromon Z9E12-14Ac (=TDA). Es konnte damit eine drastische Verminderung der chemischen Bekämpfung erreicht werden, woraus wirtschaftliche Vorteile und ein besseres Image bei den Verbrauchern resultierten.

With 5 figures  相似文献   

通过对常山县松毛虫蛹、卵期寄生性天敌的调查,初步查得寄生蜂7科25种,寄生蝇2科7种,并分析子寄生性。  相似文献   

经试验测定,鞭角华扁叶蜂蛹、卵在室温条件下发育起点温度分别为8.3、8.5℃,有效积温分别为130.9℃、176.1℃;在恒温条件下发育起点温度分别为8.4℃、9.2℃,有效积温分别为127.2℃、164.9℃。  相似文献   

利用苏特灵Bt生物杀虫剂在松毛虫卵期进行防治试验,结果表明,当初孵幼虫咬破卵壳时,幼虫食入Bt生物杀虫剂,杀虫率达98%以上,这为生产防治提前5-7d施药提供可靠数据。  相似文献   

We examined foliar endophyte frequencies in two native (Betula pendula and Betula pubescens) and three exotic (Betula ermanii, Betula platyphylla and Betula resinifera) birch species and their hybrids in Punkaharju, Finland. The most frequently isolated endophytic fungi in the experimental trees were Fusicladium betulae and Gnomonia setacea making up 80–90% of all endophyte infections. Total endophyte infection levels varied from 0.5 colony forming units (CFU)/cm2 in B. platyphylla to 8.6 CFU/cm2 in B. pubescens that had highest total infection levels of both examined endophyte species. The resistance of hybrids was generally very close to the more resistant parent (the only exception being Fusicladium in B. platyphylla × B. pendula hybrid) supporting the hypothesis that the resistance of birch hybrids to these fungi is genetically based and caused by dominant inheritance of resistance traits.  相似文献   

薇菜加工各阶段的营养成份分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
薇菜采集后可加工制成干品包装出口,亦可加工制成各种罐头贮存销售。通过对完达山区薇菜的营养成份检测,获得部分基础数据可为这一资源的开发、加工和利用提供初步依据。  相似文献   

The ability of the pine wood nematode,Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, a pathogen that causes pine wilt disease, to kill cortical cells of Japanese black pine,Pinus thunbergii, during early development of the disease was conjectured to be a function of nematode developmental stage. A tangential segment of bark was removed from a 2-cm-long current-year stem. The cortex-exposed segments with cut cortical resin canals were designated as + RC-segments and those without them as − RC-segments. When a nematode population containing many older juveniles and adults (NL) was inoculated onto the cut surface, the − RC-segments were still alive 4 d after inoculation, as were non-inoculated control segments. When cortex-exposed segments were inoculated with either a nematode population containing many younger nematodes (NS) or with nematodes isolated from inoculated pine cuttings that also contained many younger juveniles, most tissue cells in − RC-segments died 4 d after inoculation, suggesting that younger juveniles killed pine cells directly, in contrast with older juveniles and adults. When nematodes were inoculated onto + RC-segments in which they could easily enter resin canals, both NL and NS killed the segment tissues. This suggests that NL is pathogenic to pine cells while living in resin canals. Such differences in the pathogenicity of NL and NS to pine parenchymatous cells were also demonstrated in a pathogenicity assay system using bark peelings, which allowed an estimate of direct attack on the cambial cells by nematodes. Based on these results, we hypothesize that younger juveniles are pathogenic to pine parenchymatous cells, while adults and older juveniles are not pathogenic. This work was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No.01440012 and 06454088) and for Young Scientists (to K.I.) from Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of Japan, and by a grant from PROBRAIN.  相似文献   

Growth data are presented to 15 years of age from a genetic study involving factorial matings within and between P. elliottii var. elliottii and P. caribaea var. hondurensis, planted across three sites in southeast Queensland. Specific volume equations developed using the centroid method for each taxon/site combination as well as a generic (i.e. conical) volume equation, were used to estimate the mean annual increment (MAI) at 10 and 15 years of age. MAI estimated using the conical volume equation were downwardly biased by 18% in P. elliottii but the bias was less than 2% in P. caribaea var. hondurensis, and yielded different rankings of taxa at each site compared to the taxon/site specific volume equations. At all three sites, P. caribaea var. hondurensis and the F1 and F2 hybrids significantly exceeded the productivity of P. elliottii; however, differences between P. caribaea var. hondurensis and hybrid pine were generally small. Assuming a realistic contribution of the three site-types to the population of deployment environments, average MAIs for southeast Queensland were estimated as: 17.6, 23.0, 23.7 and 23.5 m3 ha?1 y?1 for Pee, Pch, F1 and F2 respectively.  相似文献   

论述山区高等级公路建设各阶段应重视的地质工作、提出勘察设计不同阶段的地质工作重点、分析目前在山区高等级公路勘察设计各阶段地质工作中存在的主要问题.并对山区高等级公路地质科技发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

该文将Gerrard-Chiang模型与Nachman模型应用于油松毛虫卵(块)种群密度简易估计之中,并进行了比较.结果证明,这两个模型是等价的.缺点是修正后的Nachman模型使估计准确度降低了,其抽样公式因aub-2项的存在,在准确度和倍度相同的情况下,抽样数大幅度增加.最后作者推导出一个较为简捷、实用的抽样公式.  相似文献   

在水稻的生长周期中,返青期,幼穗发育期、抽穗和灌浆成熟期对水分的反应较敏感,而分蘖期和结实后期对水分的反应较迟钝。因此,水稻各生育时期的水分管理,应根据不同阶段的生育特点变化和气候变化进行科学的、合理的灌溉,才能达到优质、高产、高效的生产目的。 1 插秧至返青期 1.1 生育特点:大量生根、长叶和发生分蘖,同时在体内积累一些营养物质,为拔节孕穗奠定物质基础。 返青期对水分的反应非常敏感。秧苗移栽后,如果水分过深,会使稻苗细弱,素质下降,返青期拖长,漂秧死苗。灌水过浅或缺水,秧苗容易失去水分平衡,发生萎…  相似文献   

魏西会 《绿色科技》2014,(3):99-100
指出了新修订的《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095-2012)增加了PM2.5指标,同时,青岛市已于2013年1月1日起执行这一新标准。针对城阳城郊结合型城区的特点,研究了PM2.5监测技术原理和方法,开展了PM 2.5来源分析,提出了PM 2.5污染防治对策。  相似文献   

Fungal endophytic species inhabiting the leaves of eucalypts are capable of utilising leaf sugars and can influence both plant growth and health. Endophytic fungal symbionts can use simple soluble sugars in leaves as their main carbon source. This study set out to determine the diversity and distribution of the endophytic filamentous fungal leaf community in the hybrid Eucalyptus urograndis due to its economic importance. The fungal leaf community was characterised using denaturing gradient electrophoresis (DGGE) and correlated with levels of leaf nutrients and sugars throughout plant development. Sequencing of DGGE bands revealed the presence of Basidiomycota and Ascomycota phyla. Fourteen species and three genera of filamentous fungi were identified, and the population structure was affected by the plant developmental stage. Levels of K, Cu, N and Mn influenced communities from the clonal garden, whereas leaves in the field had higher glucose, fructose and sucrose. Many fungi were found to be specific to a certain development stages: Diplomitoporus crustulinus, Podosphaera tridactyla and Aspergillus restrictus to the clonal garden stage;Chaetomella acutiseta and Ascotricha chartarum to the shading stage;Erratomyces patelii and Saxomyces sp. to the shading output stage;Lepidostroma sp. and Saxomyces sp. to the dispatch stage;and Mycosphaerella populicola to the field stage. Teratosphaeria toledana and Teratosphaeria acidotherma were found at more than one developmental stage. Cladosporium sp. and Rhodosporidium fluviale colonized and persisted in plants at the dispatch and field stages. This is the first report of P. tridactyla, A. restrictus, E. patelii, Saxomyces and Lepidostroma sp. as endophytes in eucalipt.  相似文献   

This study aims to observe the effects of gestational stage on the pharmacokinetics of puerarin after oral administration in rats. The pharmacokinetics of puerarin was studied in pregnant rats using a sensitive and reproducible high-performance liquid chromatography/ultraviolet method. The concentration–time curves in both normal and pregnant rats were fit into a two-compartment model. The results indicated that gestation influences the pharmacokinetics of puerarin at different levels, especially during the early stages of pregnancy. Furthermore, puerarin penetrates the placental barrier and maintains high concentrations in fetal rat plasma. Therefore, puerarin administration should be carefully considered in pregnant women.  相似文献   

为给仁用杏分子育种提供理论依据,培育仁用杏晚花新品种,通过Illumina Hi SeqTM2000高通量测序——转录组测序(RNA-seq)技术,对采于花芽萌动前后3个发育时期的仁用杏花芽进行转录组测序。经组装分析获得43 469条unigenes;将所得到的unigenes与基因库数据进行比较,对unigenes进行功能注释,共22 874条unigenes获得功能注释,并预测出21 910条unigenes蛋白编码区;将3个发育时期仁用杏花芽的花转录组通过GO功能分类,将17 237条unigenes分别归类为46个GO Term;通过将所有unigenes与KOG数据库比对,共有8 379条unigenes与其它植物相似,归为26类,未知功能的unigenes有409条,预测这些基因为仁用杏的新基因;通过与KEGG数据库比对,共获得6 203条unigenes,参与259个代谢途径,其中与植物节律代谢通路相关的unigenes有33条。  相似文献   

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