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奶水牛业发展剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水牛耐热、抗病力强、耐粗饲,低廉的饲养成本和广阔的市场需求,使水牛产业成为投资效益好、极具市场竞争力的新型产业.我国政府高度重视水牛业发展,明确把发展奶水牛作为我国南方奶业发展的战略选择.  相似文献   

2007年9月27日,《国务院关于促进奶业持续健康发展的意见》(国发〔2007〕31号)出台,要求"优化奶业布局","南方地区要充分利用草山草坡发展奶牛养殖,重视奶水牛的发展,逐步扩大加工能力,缓解奶业发展‘北多南少’的矛盾。"为了解目前我国奶水牛业的发展情况,  相似文献   

当前,奶业低靡,奶牛价格暴跌,给奶牛养殖带来重大损失。奶牛业的出路何在?奶水牛业作为奶牛业的重要组成部分,它的前景如何?作为一个新兴产业,它面临那些挑战?当务之急是什么?就这些问题,笔者综合了专家的有关论述,结合自己的思考,作一些粗浅的探讨。  相似文献   

在巴基斯坦,考察活动主要安排在旁遮普省的畜牧研究所、省畜牧育种协会、省兽医研究所和奶农技术协会(IDARA-E-KISSAN)及3户养殖水牛的牛农户.考察期间,巴基斯坦食品农业和畜牧部的官员和旁遮普省的国务秘书还接见了考察团全体成员.  相似文献   

2001年第6届世界水牛大会上,水牛专家和学者一致提出:现代水牛业应是“奶用为主,肉用为辅”的发展趋势。另据2004年11月在墨尔本召开的2004世界乳业报告指出,世界奶业市场目前正历经重大变化,全球牛奶产量的增长正明显放缓,2004年奶产量6.12亿吨,比2003年新增300万吨,远低于过去10年年均8007/吨的增长速度。  相似文献   

奶水牛业的发展战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、我国奶业发展形势的判断 我国奶业发展很快,特别是1998年以后连续5年高速增长,现在全国奶牛存栏已超过1000万头,奶产量已经突破2000万吨,人均奶占有量18.4千克,增幅突飞猛进。但目前全国奶业出现了一些问题,主要表现在:消费增长幅度明显趋缓,甚至已经出现卖奶难的现象;由于消费增长缓慢,给乳品加工企业经营造成一些困难,  相似文献   

[目的]家养水牛分沼泽型水牛和河流型水牛两大类型。沼泽型水牛是中国的主要牛种之一,其被毛主要为灰色和白色,而河流型水牛为黑色。本研究开展并统计了德宏水牛及其与河流型水牛杂交后代的被毛颜色以期探讨水牛的毛色遗传规律。[方法]统计了十几年来盈江县德宏水牛及其与河流型水牛(摩拉水牛和尼里—拉菲水牛)杂交后代的被毛颜色,经x2检验确定毛色的遗传规律。[结果]表明:沼泽型水牛白色与灰色交配的F1代全部为白色,F2代白色与灰色的比例为3∶1,白色对灰色完全显性;河流型水牛(黑色)与沼泽型纯合灰色交配,F1代全部为黑色,F2代黑色与灰色的比例为3∶1,黑色对灰色完全显性;河流型黑色与沼泽型白色交配,F1代表现型是两个亲本类型相对性状的综合,即棕褐色,F2代则出现了白色、棕褐色和黑色3种毛色,三者比例为1∶2∶1,白色对黑色为部分显性或不完全显性。[结论]因而推测沼泽型水牛白色与河流型黑色对灰色为完全显性,灰色为隐性纯合;沼泽型白色对河流型黑色为部分显性或不完全显性。  相似文献   

广西壮族自治区水牛品种资源丰富,其水牛饲养量在全国位居首位,水牛养殖产业已经成为当地经济发展以及农民增收的一项重要途径.但是广西本地水牛为沼泽型水牛,因体型矮小,同时产肉以及产奶性能较差,导致多数本地水牛仅仅作为役用.为了使本地水牛生产性能得以提升,广西壮族自治区以丰富品种资源作为出发点,坚持开展水牛种改良以及推广工作...  相似文献   

自1995年以来蚕业发展经历过大起大落,茧价最低时(1995年夏秋茧)仅卖青菜萝卜价、最高时(2006年秋茧)却达到近三倍猪肉价,而其中较长时期处于低谷,生产萎缩相当严重,一些地方蚕业几乎是“夕阳产业”的代名词。近年来蚕业虽已走出困境甚至出现报复性增长,  相似文献   

本文对贵州省水牛的生物学特征,生产性能做了介绍,对水牛业发展现状进行了分析,对今后的发展提出建议.  相似文献   

利用巴基斯坦尼里水牛作父本与温州水牛进行杂交试验。结果表明:尼温水牛的泌乳高峰期在前三个月,平均泌乳期317.2天,其中F1为317.5天,F2为314.5天,与温州水牛的泌乳期279.8天相比较延长了37.7天和34.7天,平均增加挤奶37.4天。尼温水牛的群体平均泌轧量为2231.8kg,日产奶量7.0kg,是温州水牛的2.2倍,其杂交一代优势值(H)为897.03,优势率(H%)为62.54%,具有较好的杂交优势,是一个相当理想的杂交组合,且杂交后的尼温水牛适应性好,牛乳营养丰富,具有显著的社会效益和经济效益,符合温州水牛乳肉兼用的育种方向。  相似文献   

本试验研究了日粮阴阳离子(DCAD)水平对围产期的泌乳水牛采食量、尿液pH值、泌乳初期泌乳性能的影响。选择32头2胎以上、品种、上期泌乳量、健康体况相似的处于围产期的泌乳水牛,随机分成4个组,分别饲喂DCAD水平为+139.89、+54.22、-29.11和-110.21mmoL/kg的4种日粮进行试验,试验期为产前21 d开始至产后30 d。结果表明:随着日粮DCAD水平的降低,各组间试验水牛干物质采食量无显著差异,尿液pH值随之显著降低。各组产奶量无显著差异,但可提高水牛产后泌乳量2.50%~4.86%,极显著降低水牛乳体细胞数(P<0.01);乳蛋白率、乳脂率、乳糖率均有显著提高(P<0.05)。综上所述,泌乳水牛日粮适宜DCAD水平为-110.21 mmoL/kg左右。  相似文献   

The horse milking industry is expanding in The Netherlands and Flanders. Horse milk has become popular due to its (supposed) health-enhancing properties. A horse-milking farm is not a common client for the Dutch veterinarian. When giving advice in this circumstance it should be recognised that these horses are production animals and that their milk is for human consumption. A review of the literature is given together with the results of an extensive enquiry amongst 13 horse-milking farms in The Netherlands and Flanders.  相似文献   

武宣县是广西第一个发展优质肉牛产业县,为了解武宣县肉用水牛养殖现状和存在的问题,通过发放调研表、电话咨询、实地考察等方法,系统分析了武宣县肉用水牛存栏量、出栏量、产值、分布区域、杂交改良、存在的主要问题等情况,介绍了武宣县发展肉用水牛产业的有利条件及经验方法,提出了武宣县肉用水牛产业发展的对策及建议,以期为武宣县肉用水牛产业的快速发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Recent studies in Japan of the effect of automatic milking systems (AMS) on the behavior of dairy cows have confirmed the labor-saving aspect of AMS, but have not solved some of the problems affecting milking traits. The influence of AMS on milking was examined in 39 Holstein cows at Iwate Agricultural Research Center from June 1998 to December 1999, by measuring and recording the yield per milking, milking finish time, milking frequency, and daily yield of milking. Four milking traits were analyzed separately as the objective variable in a linear model, with parity, days in milking, month after installation of the AMS as independent variables. Primiparous cows milked more frequently in the middle and late stage of lactation, yielded less per milking and less per day in the early stage of lactation than multiparous cows with the AMS. Lower frequencies were observed at noon and midnight for cleaning of the bulk tank. By contrast, higher milking frequency in the forenoon was shown. The yield per milking rose and declined, following a normal lactation curve. However, milking frequency rose slowly, and declined gradually in the late stage of lactation. After installing a one-way gate, the cows milked more frequently, with a lower yield per milking and a greater daily milk yield, than before installation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the teat characteristics in relation to the animal temperament during milking in the Anatolian buffaloes using ultrasonographic, histomorphological and immunohistochemical methods. The teat canal length (TCL), teat wall thickness (TWT), teat cisternal diameter (TCD), teat diameter (TD), teat length (TL), and teat circumference (TC) values in docile (n = 5) and nervous (n = 7) buffaloes were measured at the 0th, 3rd and 6th minute of stimulation. In additional experiments, comparative histomorphology and immunohistochemical examinations of buffalo (n = 7) and cow teats (n = 8) were performed. It was determined that post-stimulation mean TCL values were significantly higher in nervous buffaloes than those of teats in docile buffaloes (< .05). A significant positive correlation between TCD and TD, TL and TC in both docile and nervous buffaloes was noted (< .05). Unlike nervous buffaloes where only 3/14 teat canals were open by 3rd minute of milking stimulation, almost all (9/10) teat canals were observed opened in docile buffaloes. There were fewer muscle but more collagen bundles in buffalo teats compared with cow teats. It seems that temperament of animal during milking effects the milking efficiency, and in nervous buffaloes, probably the stimulation alone may not be sufficient for opening of the teat canal and hence achieve complete milking.  相似文献   

It was the aim of this study to investigate the effect of various factors of the milking technique, milking hygiene and environment on microbial contamination of the milking machine. In 31 dairy herds, the degree of bacterial contamination was examined by taking swabs at four locations (teat cup liner, claw, short and long milk tube) before the milking procedure was started using a standardized protocol (DIN ISO 6887-1:1999). Furthermore, the total germ count was determined in the first milk entering the bulk tank as well as in the bulk tank milk following milking. For each farm, the quality of the milking process and the condition of the milking machine as well as of various environmental factors were recorded. A subjective evaluation of the status of the milking cluster or other parts of the milking machine ("good" or "moderate-poor") gave more information about bacterial contamination than the determination of age and type of material used. A temperature of the rinsing water of < 42 degrees C increased the contamination with Pseudomonas spp. and coliform bacteria. Milking clusters kept out of the cluster pick-up between milking had a higher risk of microbial contamination. Various methods of teat cleaning before milking or of postmilking teat disinfection did not affect the contamination of the milking machine and the bulk tank milk with environmental bacteria. Furthermore, type of bedding material affected bacterial contamination of milking clusters and bulk tank milk. In conclusion, our results suggest that the microbial contamination of the milking machine is not only influenced by the sanitation pro-  相似文献   

中国水牛乳业开发模式的运行发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
一、前言中国水牛属沼泽型水牛,是一种具有优良特性的役用水牛,历史悠久。它在南方水稻产区主要从事劳役耕作,仅在少数地方作为乳用或肉用。随着中国加入WTO和市场经济的发展,人们生活水平和农村机械化程度的提高,水牛生产由单一役用向乳、肉、役多用发展。农村由自给或半自给的传统生产方式转为开放性的商品生产方式,人们深刻地认识到“科学技术是第一生产力”,也意识到饲养水牛必需综合开发利用,才能获得更好的经济效益。近20年来,中国水牛科学研究工作有了很大的进展,并获得多项科技进步成果,这些科技成果,大大地推动了…  相似文献   

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