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The National Reference Laboratory for classical swine fever (CSF) virus in the Netherlands examined more than two million samples for CSF virus or serum antibody during the CSF epizootic of 1997–1998. The immense amount of samples and the prevalence of border disease (BD) virus and bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus infections in Dutch pig herds necessitated the diagnostic efforts of the laboratory to be focused on generating CSF specific test results throughout the eradication campaign.

Detection of 82% of the 429 outbreaks was achieved through the combined use of a direct immunofluorescence and peroxidase assay (FAT/IPA) with samples (tonsils) collected from clinically-suspected pigs. This suggests that in the majority of the outbreaks, the pigs had clinical signs that were recognised by the farmer and/or veterinarians, indicating the presence of CSF virus in a pig herd. A positive diagnosis of 74% of all the tissue samples (tonsils) collected at infected pig holdings was established by FAT. More than 140,000 heparinised blood samples were examined by virus isolation, resulting in the detection of 4.5% of the infected herds. CSF virus was isolated in approximately 29% of all the blood samples collected from pigs at infected or suspected farms.

Several serological surveys — each done within a different framework — led to the detection of 13.5% of the total number of outbreaks. The detection of CSF virus antibody in serum was carried out by semi-automated blocking ELISA. Approximately 28.5% of the sera which reacted in the ELISA were classified as CSF virus-neutralising antibody positive and 26.5% as positive for other pestiviruses following the virus neutralisation test (VNT).

We concluded that two of the CSF laboratory diagnostic methods described were determinative in the eradication campaign: first, the FAT for the screening of diseased pigs; and second, the ELISA and VNT when millions of predominantly healthy pigs needed to be screened for the presence of CSF serum antibody. Decision-making on the basis of results generated by either method can, however, be seriously hindered when samples are examined from pig herds with a high prevalence of non-CSF pestiviruses.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to describe the severe epidemic of classical swine fever (CSF) in The Netherlands in 1997–1998 under a policy of non-vaccination, intensive surveillance, pre-emptive slaughter and stamping out in an area which has one of the highest pig and herd densities in Europe.

The primary outbreak was detected on 4 February 1997 on a mixed sow and finishing pig herd. A total of 429 outbreaks was observed during the epidemic, and approximately 700 000 pigs from these herds were slaughtered. Among these outbreaks were two artificial insemination centres, which resulted in a CSF-suspect declaration of 1680 pig herds (mainly located in the southern part of The Netherlands). The time between introduction of CSF virus (CSFV) into the country and diagnosis of CSF in the primary outbreak was estimated to be approximately 6 weeks. It is presumed that CSFV was spread from The Netherlands to Italy and Spain via shipment of infected piglets in the beginning of February 1997, before the establishment of a total stand-still of transportation. In June 1997, CSFV is presumed to be introduced into Belgium from The Netherlands.

Pre-emptive slaughter of herds that had been in contact with infected herds or were located in close vicinity of infected herds, was carried out around the first two outbreaks. However, this policy was not further exercised till mid-April 1997, when pre-emptive slaughter became a standard operational procedure for the rest of the epidemic. In total, 1286 pig herds were pre-emptively slaughtered. (approximately 1.1 million pigs). A total of 44 outbreaks (10%) was detected via pre-emptive slaughter.

When there were clinical signs, the observed symptoms in infected herds were mainly atypical: fever, apathy, ataxia or a combination of these signs. In 322 out of 429 outbreaks (75%), detection was bases on clinical signs observed: 32% was detected by the farmer, 25% by the veterinary practitioner, 10% of the outbreaks by tracing teams and 8% by screening teams of the veterinary authorities. In 76% of the outbreaks detected by clinical signs, the farmer reported to have seen clinical symptoms for less than 1 week before diagnosis, in 22% for 1–4 weeks before diagnosis, and in 4 herds (1%) the farmer reported to have seen clinical symptoms for more than 4 weeks before diagnosis.

Transportation lorries played a major role in the transmission of CSFV before the primary outbreak was diagnosed. It is estimated that approximately 39 herds were already infected before the first measures of the eradication campaign came into force.

After the first measures to stop the spread of CSFV had been implemented, the distribution of the most likely routes of transmission markedly changed. In most outbreaks, a neighbourhood infection was indicated.

Basically, there were two reasons for this catastrophe. Firstly, there was the extent of the period between introduction of the virus in the region and detection of the first outbreak. As a result, CSFV had opportunities to spread from one herd to another during this period. Secondly, the measures initially taken did not prove sufficient in the swine- and herd-dense region involved.  相似文献   

Data of the 1997–1998 epidemic of classical swine fever (CSF) in The Netherlands were analysed in survival analysis to identify risk factors that were associated with the rate of neighbourhood infections. The study population consisted of herds within 1000 m of exclusively one previously infected herd. Dates of virus introduction into herds were drawn randomly from estimated probability distributions per herd of possible weeks of virus introduction. (To confirm the insensitivity of the results for this random data-selection procedure, the procedure was repeated 9 times (resulting in 10 different datasets).) The dataset had 906 non-infected and 59 infected neighbour herds, which were distributed over 215 different neighbourhoods. Neighbour herds that never became infected were right-censored at the last date of the infectious period of the infected source herd. Neighbour herds that became empty within the infectious period or within the following 21 days due to preventive depopulation or due to the implemented buying-out programme were right-censored 21 days before the moment of becoming empty. This was done as a correction for the time a herd could be infected without being noticed as such.

The median time to identified infection of neighbour herds was 2 weeks, whereas the median time to right censoring of non-infected neighbour herds was 3 weeks. The risk factors, radial distance ≤500 m, cattle present on source herd and increasing herd size of the neighbour herd were associated multivariably with the hazard for neighbour herds to become infected. We did not find an association between time down wind and infection risk for neighbour herds. Radial dispersion of CSFV seemed more important in neighbourhood infections than dispersion along the road on which the infected source herd is situated. The results of this study support the strategy of preventive depopulation in the neighbourhood of an infected herd. Recommendations are presented to adapt the applied control strategy for neighbourhood infections.  相似文献   

猪瘟和伪狂犬病作为两种不同类别的重要动物疫病在我国种猪场仍普遍存在,直接或间接影响着种猪行业的健康发展。近年来,随着猪瘟和伪狂犬病的综合防控措施及诊断技术的不断突破与革新,为猪瘟和伪狂犬病的净化工作奠定了基础,同时两病净化作为一项重要项目前已被列入国家中长期动物疫病防治规划。本文结合监测技术同疫病防控,旨为种猪场猪瘟和伪狂犬病的净化提供相适应的技术路线。  相似文献   

针对CSFV基因组5'端非编码区序列设计并合成了高度特异的一对引物和一条探针,用于猪瘟病毒实时荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立。将提取的病毒的总RNA做为模板进行反转录和PCR,将PCR产物克隆到pMDl8-T载体后进行大肠杆菌转化,提取阳性质粒做为标准品绘制标准曲线,成功地建立了特异性检测CSFV的荧光定量RT-PCR方...  相似文献   

猪瘟是由猪瘟病毒引起的一种急性、发热性、接触性传染病,可引起各种年龄猪发病。随着对猪瘟病毒研究的深入,猪瘟在一定程度上得到了有效控制。但是近年来,世界各国流行的猪瘟在流行病学、临床症状和病理变化等方面出现了一些新的变化,猪瘟的防控出现了许多新的情况。我国猪瘟的发病率亦呈上升趋势,严重威胁着我国养猪业的发展,给养猪业造成了极大的经济损失。因此,建立准确的实验室诊断方法,对于预防和控制猪瘟有重要意义。本文综述了猪瘟诊断技术方面的研究进展,为猪瘟的及时诊断提供参考。  相似文献   

通过在河源某猪场,对不同厂家两种猪瘟疫苗单独使用及混合使用后的的免疫效果对比,得出以下结论:首免和二免均使用猪瘟传代细胞苗免疫的效果最好;首免使用猪瘟脾淋苗,二免使用猪瘟传代细胞苗免疫的效果次之;首免和二免均使用脾淋苗免疫的效果最差。  相似文献   

The aim of this analysis was to characterise the temporal pattern of infection during the 1997/98 classical swine fever (CSF) epidemic in The Netherlands and hence identify and quantify risk factors for infection in different enterprise types and areas. Survival analysis and Cox proportional hazards regression were used to describe the epidemic. Substantial differences in temporal survival patterns (herd breakdown rate) were found between areas where different control policies operated. Factors with a significant influence on the infection hazard of individual herds included: sow numbers as a percentage of total sows and fatteners (HR = 3.38 for mixed herds (0.1–60% sows) vs. fattening herds (0% sows) and HR = 2.74 for breeding herds (60–100% sows) vs. fattening herds), the number of ‘transport contacts per month’ (>0.3 vs. <0.3; HR = 4.11), pig density (pigs/km2) in the area (HR1000 pigs 1.48) and herd size (HR100 pigs = 1.01).

Pre-emptive slaughter in an area appeared to be associated with lower subsequent disease levels. Higher frequency of transport contacts for welfare slaughter during the epidemic, however, well regulated and controlled, was associated with a substantially higher risk of becoming infected. The positive association of a higher pig density with CSF indicates the potential importance of local spread as a factor in disease transmission and emphasizes that dilution of the pig population can contribute to reduction in CSF occurrence. This analysis suggests however, that if pre-emptive slaughter can promptly be applied effectively in an area after initial diagnosis, pig density is then not a significant factor. Mixed and breeding herds had a higher probability of becoming infected than fattening herds, possibly due to different types and frequencies of inter-herd contacts. These contacts continue to some extent during the epidemic, despite the standstill of animal movements.  相似文献   

泉州市洛江区猪瘟抗体水平检测效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合实验室每年的检测工作,2013-2014年对洛江区辖区内20个生猪规模养殖场和89个散养户的856份猪血清进行猪瘟疫苗免疫抗体检测。结果表明:洛江区猪瘟疫苗免疫抗体合格率呈现上升趋势,规模场猪瘟疫苗免疫抗体合格率明显高于散养户,免疫2次的抗体合格率明显高于1次。抗体检测工作的开展,对制定科学合理的免疫程序,有效防控猪瘟疫情的发生发挥了积极的作用。  相似文献   

为研究猪全血溶血是否对猪瘟抗体效价产生影响,在明溪县某规模养殖场选择注射过2次猪瘟疫苗的肉猪20头,抽取全血各2份,共40份,相同条件保存,使其中1份溶血。将进行溶血处理和未处理的全血离心出的血清进行物理性状观察和ELISA检测,并对检测的OD值进行比较分析。结果发现,是否溶血对ELISA检测的OD值无统计学差异,表明短期内只要保存得当,是否溶血不会造成猪瘟抗体效价的显著降低。  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒及其致病机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪瘟(CSF)是猪的一种高度接触性传染病,该传染病可分为急性、亚急性、慢性、非典型性和不明显型.急性CSF由强毒株引发,一般导致高发病率和死亡率,而弱毒病毒感染则表现不明显.由于疫苗的广泛应用,有效地控制了猪瘟的大流行,减少了急性死亡.但从20世纪80年代以后,临床症状不典型且病程变长的非典型性猪瘟(或慢性猪瘟)成为该病的主要发生形式,持续感染普遍存在,疫苗的预防效果明显下降,使猪瘟防制遇到了新的困难.以目前人类对猪瘟的认识水平,尚难以从分子水平解释这一新变化的成因,这是因为对猪瘟病毒致病机理及其分子基础的认识深度不够.就此,文章综述了猪瘟及猪瘟病毒研究进展,主要涉及CSFV生物学特性、致病机制及其防控,希望能为猪瘟防控提供新的思路和对策.  相似文献   

Classical swine fever (CSF) or hog cholera, caused by the classical swine fever virus (CSFV), is one of the most important viral diseases that cause serious economic loss to the swine industry worldwide. During the past 5 years, several techniques for measuring porcine cell-mediated immunity (CMI) were applied, in conjunction with other conventional techniques, to study factors that influence the induction of CSFV-specific immunity. Information, obtained from a series of experiments, demonstrated cell-mediated immune responses in providing protective immunity against CSF infection. Although it has been confirmed that commercially available modified live CSF vaccines are able to induce complete protection in vaccinated pigs, several factors including maternal immunity, the age of primary vaccination, vaccination protocol and complications caused by other pathogens, can greatly affect the effectiveness of CSF vaccines in the field.  相似文献   

三个厂家猪瘟活疫苗免疫效果比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在同一条件下对3个厂家生产的猪瘟细胞源活疫苗进行了免疫效果评价试验,并与猪瘟传代细胞苗免疫效果进行比较。结果发现3个厂家生产的猪瘟细胞源活疫苗存在一定差异,2个厂家的免疫效果较好,1个厂家的免疫效果较差。猪瘟传代细胞苗免疫效果优于猪瘟细胞源活疫苗,猪瘟传代细胞苗免疫1次,抗体合格率高,持续时间长,猪瘟细胞源活疫苗要免疫两次才能获得比较好的效果。同时,我们发现高致病性猪蓝耳病活疫苗(JXA1-R株)对猪瘟抗体产生有一定影响。  相似文献   

猪瘟诊断方法研究进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
猪瘟是危害养猪业发展的重要传染病 ,给养猪业带来巨大的经济损失。随着对猪瘟研究的深入 ,人们建立了许多用于检测猪瘟病毒的方法 ,文章综述了病毒的分离、动物接种、荧光抗体检测、鸡新城疫病毒加强实验、血清中和实验、间接血凝试验、免疫酶测定技术、各种 EL ISA方法及分子生物学方法等  相似文献   

房强 《猪业科学》2020,37(12):42-44
2018年8月3日,农业农村部发布辽宁沈阳发生全国首例非洲猪瘟。至今,全国32个省、自治区、直辖市、特别行政区公布共发生149起非洲猪瘟疫情,超过116万头猪只被扑杀。面对前所未有的非洲猪瘟,目前尚无有效的药物和疫苗预防,养猪行业面临种种危机。文章对非洲猪瘟及其危害做了简要介绍,并提出了防控非洲猪瘟的措施和建议。  相似文献   

Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is a major infectious-disease agent of livestock and causes production losses through increased morbidity and mortality, particularly of young pigs. We identified the pathways for introduction of CSFV into Denmark and assessed the annual probability of introduction (based on a US Department of Agriculture model). We developed pathways based on material from scientific articles, reports from veterinary agencies and custom officers, and consultations with experts in the field. Returning livestock trucks and legal meat imports were the most important pathways for CSFV introduction to Denmark from other EU states with predicted overall likelihood of one or more introductions of CSFV within a median of 130 years (46-280) provided mitigating steps, such as cleaning trucks, were maintained to a very high standard. The likelihood would increase dramatically if these activities were abandoned: one or more introductions within a median of 5.2 years (2-14). The predicted risks from live-animal imports and semen were extremely low given the very few imports of these products. The most important countries for Denmark's CSFV risk are Germany and the Netherlands, though this risk is again predicted to be dramatically reduced as long as mitigating activities are maintained. We predicted the risk from illegal movements of pork into Denmark to be low because little pork enters through this route and only a small fraction of this pork would be fed to pigs.  相似文献   

Classical swine fever (CSF) is a highly contagious and often fatal disease of swine. It is caused by classical swine fever virus (CSFV), one of the members of the genus Pestivirus of the Flaviviridae family. The development of a safe and effective vaccine against the CSF is critical to pandemic control, this article shows a tandem-repeat multiple-epitope recombinant vaccine can protect pigs from CSFV challenge. That was composed as following: two copies each of glycoprotein E2 residues 693–707, 241–276 and 770–781, and two copies amino acid residues 1446–1460 of the non-structural protein NS2-3. In the challenge test, all of the swine vaccinated with Chinese vaccine strain (C-strain) were fully protected from a challenge with CSFV. However, after three successive vaccinations with the multiple-epitope recombinant vaccine, three out of five pigs were protected from challenge with CSFV (in terms of both clinical signs and viremia). These results demonstrate that multiple-epitope recombinant vaccine which carrying the major CSFV epitopes can induce a high level of epitope-specific antibodies and exhibit a protective capability that parallels induced by C-strain to a certain extent.  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒持续感染与猪瘟预防控制   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
研究证明,在自然条件下,猪瘟病毒持续感染通常是在免疫力较低的情况下,由于环境中的病毒反复感染产生的,由于感染猪还有一定的免疫力,病毒虽然可以在其体内局部存留,但还不足以引起猪发病.一般情况下,感染猪虽然持续带毒,但不表现临床症状,然而却可以不断向外排毒,再次感染其他猪,污染环境;带毒的种猪可以通过母猪的胎盘和公猪的精液传播给仔猪,造成仔猪的先天免疫耐受,导致疫苗免疫失败.实验还证明,即使在良好的免疫状况下,反复多次人工感染猪瘟强毒也可造成持续感染.由此可见,猪瘟病毒持续感染是一个复杂的问题.  相似文献   

Rapid structural change and concentration of pig production in regions with most intensive production has raised concerns about whether the risk of large-scale disease losses has increased in Finland. This paper examines the pig industry's losses due to classical swine fever (CSF) epidemics. The work is based on economic and epidemiological models providing insights to the consequences of epidemics to infected and uninfected farms, government and meat processing. The economic analysis was carried out by use of a sector model, which simulated the recovery of pig production, starting from the recognition of the disease in the country and ending at a steady-state market equilibrium about 12 years later. The model explicitly took into account profit-maximising behaviour of producers and the effects of decrease in export demand.

Epidemiological evidence suggests that under the current spatially diversified structure of Finnish pig farming and related industries, the probability of a severe disease epidemic counting dozens of infected farms is small. Even for epidemics considered large in Finland (5–33 infected farms) combined with a major reduction in export demand, the median loss was simulated to be only €19.2 million. The majority of these losses were due to loss of exports corresponding almost 20% of pig meat production in Finland. While the current structure of pig farming in Finland incurs higher production costs than the most intensive structures in Europe, it also seems to decrease the probability of ‘catastrophic’ economic losses. The results suggest that the response of export markets and the number of uninfected farms affected by preventive measures are critical to the magnitude of losses, as they can amplify losses even if only few farms become infected.  相似文献   

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