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Development and Classification of Marsh Soils from the Unterweser Region, West Germany. I. Total Nutrients, Carbonate Content, Exchangeable Cations and Diatom Flora as Indicators of the Role of Sedimentation Conditions in Soil Development This study was carried out to see how much sedimentation conditions determine the properties– in particular the Ca/Mg ratio – of marsh soils (fluvaquents of coastel areas). The following results show, that the marsh soils properties are not determined by different sedimentation conditions: – The vertic fluvaquents don't have a higher clay content than the mollic and aeric fluvaquents – The total (t) contents of P, Ca, Mg, K and Na varied because of different soil development – The Cat/Mgt ratio in soils with CaCO3 was higher than in soils without CaCO3, and – related to the Caa/Mga ratio – it can also be used as a classification characteristic (a = exchangeable) – The Caa/Mga ratio varied greatly because of differences in exchangeable Ca content. Vertic fluvaquents sometimes, but not often, have a higher content of exchangeable Mg than the mollic and aeric fluvaquents. Comparing maps of the Weser area as it appeared at various times in the Holocene with the soil map, shows that the sedimentation pattern is invariably brackish-marine. This is further confirmed by the diotom flora of the soils tested. Thus the properties of marsh soils, long believed to be dependent on sedimentation conditions, are the product of different continuance and intensity of soil development.  相似文献   

Carboanhydrase activity and extractable zinc as indicator of the zinc supply of plants 1. Maize, millet, tobacco, sugar-beet and vine were grown under controlled environmental conditions with different zinc concentrations in the substrate. Plant growth, zinc and phosphorus content of the dry matter, extractable zinc and carbonic anhydrase activity in the leaves were measured. 2. Increasing supply of zinc to strongly zinc deficient plants resulted in a marked increase of growth, whereas total zinc content of the leaf dry matter was only slightly and carbonic anhydrase activity was strongly affected. In extremely zinc deficient plants carbonic anhydrase activity was close to zero even though the zinc content of the dry matter was higher than 10 μg/g. Therefore carbonic anhydrase activity appears to reflect the amount of physiologically active zinc in the leaf tissue. It seems to be useful to decide critical cases even at latent zinc deficiency. 3. The P/Zn ratio is also an indicator of zinc supply when plants are extremely zinc deficient, but not under latent deficiency. Moreover the P/Zn ratio can vary in a wide range when plants are well supplied with zinc. 4. The zinc concentration of aqueous leaf extracts increased with increasing level of zinc. 2-3 μg Zn/ml extract were found to be sufficient for all plant species used and all conditions of growth applied. Apparently, the Zn-concentration of the aqueous leaf extract is a better parameter of zinc supply than total zinc or carbonic anhydrase activity which, in addition, is much more difficult to determine.  相似文献   

Evalution of critical Zn contents of oats and wheat The minimum Zn content of oats and wheat required for high grain yields is determined in water culture experiments. Zn contents of above ground parts of plants at the beginning of tillering are closely correlated with grain yields (r2 about 80 %) and thus suitable to characterize the Zn status. At least 25 ppm Zn in the dry matter of plants at the beginning of tillering are necessary for highest yields. This value can also be derived from 290 Schleswig-Holstein field samples. No influence of increasing contents of other nutrient elements on the critical Zn content can be found.  相似文献   

Mechanical soil properties as criteria for the classification of Andepts The shear strenght in the upper layer of seven different Andepts from southern Chile was examined. The samples were taken from sites of a middle slope position, in one of the Andepts from five positions of catena. The intention was to determine the variation of shear strenght properties, within and between the soil series. Moreover, some physical and chemical properties of the soils were determined. The evaluation includes multiple regressions, principal component analyses (PCA) and cluster analyses, in order to check the interrelation of soil properties for grouping the samples. The variables of the first two components between the series which show the greatest variability of the soil properties are consistency characteristics and shear strenght parameters. The PCA permit conclusion that the shear strenght parameters are useful criteria for grouping the analysed Andepts. However, they contribute only moderately to the total variation between the samples of the studied catena. The groups of soil samples formed by the series from the same topographic position are closely related to their distance from the Andes and their particle size distribution. The groups formed by the samples from the catena, show the humidity of the site as a common influence factor.  相似文献   

The use of earthworms in monitoring soil pollution by heavy metals Total heavy metal contents (HNO3-soluble) and exchangeable fractions (Ca(NO3)2-soluble) of Pb, Zn and Cd were measured in soils, litter layers and earthworms (dry masses) from forest, arable and pasture sites in a transect of the main wind direction and varying distances (1.5, 5.4, 11.4, 15.6 km) to a lead smelter near Bad Ems, Germany. Additionally, cast materials of Lumbricus terrestris-individuals were collected from the surface of the pasture sites. In the observed area total soil contents of Pb and Cd exceeded the C-level and total contents of Zn the B-level of the “Netherland-list”. Heavy metal contents in soils and earthworms decreased with increasing distance to the smelter. Pb showed the best correlation. Correlation between total contents of Pb and Cd in soils and earthworms were significant (rs = 0.66; p < 0.05 and rs = 0.67; p < 0.01, respectively). The uptake of heavy metals by Lumbricus rubellus, L. terrestris and Aporrectodea caliginosa was metal specific rather than species specific with factors of accumulation being <1 (Pb), 2.7–7.6 (Zn) and 19.5–85.5 (Cd). The heavy metal contents of the observed cast materials signified the different transfer of elements from soil material via earthworm individuals to the faeces. In the cast materials the amounts of Pb were high and the amounts of Zn and Cd were low. This indicates a high accumulation rate for Zn and especially for Cd in the tissues of the observed earthworm individuals. The present data support the necessity of ecotoxicological threshold levels.  相似文献   

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