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The evaluation of long-term heavy metal concentrations in the Gulf of Palermo (Italy) has been carried out in order to investigate how changes of pollution levels in the last 50 years can be reflected in marine sediments. Measurements of Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn concentrations were performed on dated fractions of a sediment core. Time series analysis has allowed to obtain information on the chronology of the heavy metal pollution of the area and to identify seasonal components and trends.  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - Results of a detailed analysis of pedosediments—sediments composed of transported material of soil humus horizons—are discussed. Five main morphological features...  相似文献   

The microcalorimetric technique was used to analyse the influence of successive reforestations with Eucalyptus globulus Labill, a fast growing species, on the microbial activity in soil. With this aim, samples of similar origin soils, humic-eutrophic Cambisol, were collected from two adjacent land plots. One of the plots, to be taken as the reference, was not subjected to man activities for the last 100 years. The other plot was subjected to two reforestations in the last 20 years. For collection of the two samples, 100 m2 homogeneous and perfectly defined zones were chosen in each of the adjacent land plots to obtain final representative bulk samples of 400 g each.The study was carried out using the microbial population as a bioindicator of the productive potential in soil. The experiments were carried out using 1 g soil samples that were treated with 1.25 mg glucose and stored at 4 °C for 3 months. The analysis was complemented by the determination of physical, chemical, and biological properties and environmental parameters.The study was performed over 1 year and samples were seasonally collected (spring, summer, autumn and winter) in the same zone situated in Viveiro (Galicia, NW Spain) with the objective of checking the influence of environmental conditions on the microbial activity in the two soils studied.From the measured results, it can be observed that soils subjected to reforestations suffer not only important changes in physical structure, such as an increase in bulk density, from 600 to 660 kg m−3, a reduction in hydraulic conductivity, from 8.85×10−3 to 4.4×10−3 m s−1, or a decrease in the C-to-N ratio, from 13 to 8, but also they have lower microbial activity, for example 2.84 J g−1 in the reforested soil versus 6.14 J g−1 in the reference soil, in spring, thus presenting a lower productive potential that suggests the use of both amendments and adequate management techniques to ensure a sustainable exploitation, thus avoiding future degradation of soil.  相似文献   

Nonylphenol (NP), nonylphenol mono- and di-ethoxylate (NP1EO, NP2EO) and bisphenol A (BPA) were determined in water, suspended particulate matter (s.p.m.) and bed sediment collected from the most polluted stretch of Tiber river (Italy) in the neighbourhood of Rome. Analytes were recovered from water samples by solid-phase extraction (SPE) on Si–C18 cartridges and analysed by HPLC with fluorescence detection. Solid samples were extracted by using an aqueous solution of the non-ionic surfactant Tween 80. Results indicated that 2–42% of NP, 9–45% of NP1EO, 11–18% of NP2EO and 4–62% of BPA respectively occurred in the suspended phase. In general, for all compounds a higher affinity for s.p.m. than for bed sediments was observed, reflecting differences in the nature of particles and in their sorption capacity for organic micro-pollutants. The partition of target compounds in river compartments was affected by differences in hydrological conditions between the two sampling campaigns. Run-off from the basin or resuspension/redissolution from sediments was an important source of nonylphenol and bisphenol A during high discharge regimes. Partition coefficients of compounds (log K oc ) between water and s.p.m. were calculated under stable flow condition. K oc values, experimentally measured in the river, were higher than those predicted by K ow , implying that specific chemical interaction could occur in the sorption mechanisms for these group of compounds.  相似文献   

The level of compaction induced on cultivated fields through trafficking is strongly influenced by the prevailing soil-water status and, depending on the attendant soil degradation, vital soil hydraulic processes could be affected. Therefore, understanding the relationship between field soil-water status and the corresponding level of induced compaction for a given load is considered an imperative step toward a better control of the occurrence of traffic-induced field soil compaction. Pore size distribution, a fundamental and highly degradable soil property, was measured in a Rhodic Ferralsol, the most productive and extensively distributed soil in Western Cuba, to study the effects of three levels of soil compaction on soil water characteristic parameters. Soil bulk density and cone penetration index were used to measure compaction levels established by seven passes of a 10 Mg tractor at three soil-water statuses corresponding to the plastic (Fs), friable (Fc) and relatively dry soil (Ds) consistency states. Pore size distribution calculated from soil water characteristic curves was classified into three pore size categories on the basis of their hydraulic functioning: >50 μm (f>50 μm), 50–0.5 μm (f50–0.5 μm) and <0.5 μm (f<0.5 μm). The greatest compaction levels were attained in the Fs and Fc soil water treatments, and a significant contribution to compaction was attributed to the existing soil water states under which the soil compaction was accomplished. Average cone index (CI) values in the range of 2.93–3.70 MPa reflected the accumulation of f<0.5 μm pores, and incurred severe reductions in the volume of f>50 μm pores in the Fs and Fc treatments, while an average CI value of 1.69 MPa indicated increments in the volume of f50–0.5 μm in the Ds treatment. Despite the differential effects of soil compaction on the distribution of the different pore size categories, soil total porosity (fTotal) was not effective in reflecting treatment effects. Soil water desorption at the soil water potentials evaluated (0.0 to −15,000 cm H2O) was adversely affected in the f<0.5 μm dominated treatments; strong soil water retention was observed with the predominance of f<0.5 μm, as was confirmed by the high water content at plant wilting point. Based on these findings, the use of field capacity water content as the upper limit of plant available soil water was therefore considered inappropriate for compacted soils.  相似文献   

A fine resolution study on fossil ostracods in late glacial sediments from Lago di Albano was performed within the framework of the European project PALICLAS. Four cores from two coring sites were analysed. At Site 1, located at 70 m depth, cores PALB94 1E and PALB94 1C were collected, while cores PALB94 6A and PALB94 6B were collected at Site 6 at 30 m depth. The autoecology of the ostracod species, cluster analysis, PCA and CA ordination numerical analyses were performed in order to identify changes in environmental conditions within the sedimentary record. Three assemblages were recognized: (a) dominated byC. neglecta representing sublittoral environments, (b) dominated byC. neglecta accompanied byPotamocypris spp. related to spring influx and (c) dominated byCyclocypris sp. associated with littoral and relatively warmer conditions. A reconstruction of lake water level, oxygen concentration near the bottom and lake productivity , based on ostracod autoecology and supported by fossil pigment data, was accomplished. Sharp fluctuations in water level and productivity seem to indicate climatic oscillations between ca 30 to ca 17 kyr BP.  相似文献   

Soil surveys are an essential source of information for land management although a limited budget often reduces the amount of data available. Even if the dataset is limited, geostatistics can provide a valid estimation tool through a weighted moving average interpolation (kriging). Often, however, the spatial variability of soil properties appears smoothed and short range variability is underestimated by this kind of interpolation technique. A more realistic distribution of a given variable on the territory can be obtained through models based on stochastic simulation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The impact of soil erosion on soil productivity was estimated for a Rhodic Ferralsol and a Eutric Cambisol in Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Over equivalent periods, total soil losses were an order of magnitude different (868 and 68 t/ha respectively on the bare soil control), yet the impact on maize yield per tonne of soil lost was far greater at the Cambisol site with less erosion. Similar interesting contrasts between sites were found for the other measures of impact with decline in pH and phosphorus and increase in free aluminium being the most obvious induced soil differences. The results demonstrate the variable nature of erosion impact according to soil type and they highlight the importance of examining a number of measures of impact before pronouncing on the sustainability of any particular agricultural practice.  相似文献   

The effect on soil fertility of applying particular organic resources to a humic Nitisol in the central highlands of Kenya was studied. The organic resources (Calliandra calothyrsus, Leucaena trichandra, Tithonia diversifolia, Mucuna pruriens, Crotalaria ochroleuca and cattle manure) were either applied solely or along with inorganic fertilizer in a cropping trial using maize as the experimental crop. After 4 years of continuous cultivation and manuring, soil fertility effects varied among treatments. Cattle manure proved to be the most effective and improved soil fertility by increasing pH, cations (Ca, K and Mg), and C. Calliandra, Leucaena, Tithonia and herbaceous legumes generally reduced soil pH, C and N but increased Ca, K and Mg. Cattle manure is therefore an important resource for maintaining soil organic matter (SOM) in the area and in other similar areas with arable‐livestock systems. Reduction of soil C and N by the high quality organic materials suggests that their role in maintaining SOM in the long‐term is limited in this area. A sound nutrient management system should strive to make a balance between maximizing crop production and sustaining soil quality.  相似文献   

To assess PAH contamination pastures, grass and soil samples have been collected from 10 m (d1), 50 m (d2), and 150 m (d3) perpendicular to a French highway (70,000 vehicles per day) and at a control site in a rural area away from nearby contaminating sources. Total PAH concentration ranges from 767 ng/g dry weight to 3989 ng/g dry weight, according to the matrix and the distance from the highway. Distance is not a significant factor for PAH deposition on grass, while in soil it has an effect between d1 and d2 or d3. The total PAH concentration in highway samples is 8 times higher than in control site samples for grass and 7 to 4 times higher for soil. Fluoranthene, pyrene, and phenanthrene are the major PAHs in grass samples at the control site and the highway, but the concentrations are about 5 times higher near the highway. In soil samples collected near the highway, the values of concentrations between all compounds are not statistically different. PAH deposition on grass is linked to the physicochemical properties of the compounds, which lead to a specific distribution of each molecule (according to their volatility and the number of aromatic rings) while no specific behavior is revealed in soil.  相似文献   

Concentration levels of 11 lower carbonyls were studied at Montelibretti, a semi-rural area near Rome, Italy, over July–September 2005 and February 2006. In both periods the most abundant carbonyls were acetone and formaldehyde, followed by methylglyoxal, acetaldehyde and hexanal. Monthly variation was apparent with maximum values observed in July, when levels at least a factor two higher compared to the successive months were observed. In summer all carbonyls except acetone were reasonably well correlated among themselves and with ozone. In addition very high formaldehyde/benzene concentration ratios were measured in the summer months compared to February. These findings indicated that photochemical reactions should be the major source of carbonyls in summer. Ranking of carbonyls respect to ozone production potential emphasized the predominance of formaldehyde and methylglyoxal, followed at a distance by glyoxal and acetaldehyde.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to identify parameters influencing trace elements (TE) vertical distributions in an Andosol–Andic Cambisol climosequence. In order to understand processes involved in the current distribution of trace elements from basaltic rocks to associated soils, six pedons developed on Tertiary massive basaltic formations, located at similar position in the hill-slopes, submitted to the same wet mountainous climate but under various microclimatic conditions (altitude and annual rainfall), were considered. The six studied soils are andic and rich in organo–metallic complexes. Two different and quantitative methods were used to compare the geochemical distributions of major and trace elements, both being calculated with Ti as invariant element: isovolumetric mass balance and enrichment factors. Anthropogenic, pedogenetic, microclimatic, inherited factors were discriminated. Anthropogenic influences are pointed out for K in two pedons and for Pb in all studied sites. Distributions of other TE are affected by discontinuities between underlying rocks and soil horizons. Zinc and Cu distributions are controlled by organic matter whereas Cr and Ni distributions are influenced by pedogenetic processes. Results emphasize the relative trace element immobilization in andic soils under temperate climate.  相似文献   

The epiphytic lichen Parmelia caperata was used systematically to biomonitor trace elements in the Travale-Radicondoli geothermal field (central Italy). The results showed a very low occurrence of potentially toxic heavy metals such as Cd, Hg and Pb, and relatively high values for As, B, Mo and elements associated with soil dust (Al, Co, Cr, Fe, Mn and Ni). Boron was the principal element of geothermal origin. Arsenic seems to originate both from power plants and adjacent thermal springs. It is concluded that trace element pollution in the area is low.  相似文献   

26 hydrochemical variables have been determined in 21 semitidal or non-tidal freshwater pits on Tarawa Atoll (Gilbet Islands, Central Pacific); the pits are used for the cultivation of Giant Taro (Cryptosperma chamissonis fa. Araceae) by the islanders who eat the plant's rhizom. In order to find master variables for the “fertility state” of the pits, the data were evaluated statistically including autocorrelation test, principal component analysis and discriminant analysis. As a result no autocorrelation was found, and pH and pH2S (≡ -lg [H2S]) in the pit's upper lying sludges turned out to be most discriminatory (mean F-value 4.63 with 0.2% error and 98.3% variance of the 1. eigenvalue). Due to a corresponding prediction model the differentiation between “well cultivation conditions” and “bad cultivation conditions” is possible by detecting pH and pH2S in the sediment of the pit.  相似文献   

多环芳烃在土壤中的环境行为研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
综述了土壤环境中多环芳烃(PAHs)来源及其进入环境后的行为和归宿,并提出多环芳烃污染土壤的修复对策。  相似文献   

One of the aims of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/CE is to assess the ecological status of water bodies in Europe in relation to priority contaminants, including some persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Recognizing the benefits of measuring hydrophobic compounds in biota tissues rather than in water, we used the European eel Anguilla anguilla in the present study as a bioindicator species for monitoring POPs in freshwater/brackish environments. We present the results of a contamination analysis of eels carried out in three Italian sites representative of different pollution levels: the last part of Tevere River, which flows through a very urbanized and industrialized area, Caprolace Lake and Lesina Lagoon, inside two different protected national parks. A very high pollution variability was recorded within each group of eels, in particular for those caught at Caprolace Lake. Due to this high variability, inter-population comparisons were carried out only between eels collected in Tevere River and Lesina Lagoon. PCBs values in Lesina Lagoon were two orders of magnitude lower than those measured in Tevere River, while no significant differences were found for levels of DDT compounds. Our results confirm the suitability of the eel as an indicator of persistent bioaccumulative pollutants in brackish environments and rivers where it can be easily caught, but we are sceptical of its use in deep lakes where its capture might be problematic considering standard operation procedures for fish sampling.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment load was analyzed in a small, high-gradient stream of the Eastern Italian Alps which was instrumented to measure discharge and sediment transport. The ratio of suspended to total sediment yield and the relations between sediment concentration and water discharge were analyzed for seven floods which occurred from 1991 to 1996 in summer and autumn (from June to October). Different patterns of hysteresis in the relation between suspended sediment and discharge were related to types and locations of active sediment sources. The within-storm variation of particle size of suspended sediment during a major flood indicates a coarsening of transported material for increasing discharge. An analysis of grain size has shown that erosion areas on hillslopes were the main sources of suspended load.  相似文献   

This study has been carried out on three pairs of clayey-silt slopes, which are examples of typical badlands near Aliano (Southern Italy). These show features of erosion which are common to SE-exposed clayey-silt rocks outcropping in the same area. After mineralogical, geochemical and grain size analyses these slopes were compared with the SE-exposed adjacent ones, having however a different erosive action, and a partially-vegetated covering was found.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have been detemined in dust fallout at 4 sites in the neighborhood of primary Al plants over periods of 12 to 14 mo. The amounts of PAH deposited in these areas were large compared to other reported data. Variations were observed and the amounts were correlated with the frequencies of the wind direction from the factories to the sampling stations. Inversion episodes also seemed to cause an increase of the PAH depositions. Different PAH compositions were observed in samples exposed to pollutants from the al plants and in samples collected in an area where an anode plant was the main source.  相似文献   

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