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Complexes of gray forest soils of different podzolization degrees with the participation of gray forest podzolized soils with the second humus horizon play a noticeable role in the soil cover patterns of Vladimir Opolie. The agronomic homogeneity and agronomic compatibility of gray forest soils in automorphic positions (“plakor” sites) were assessed on the test field of the Vladimir Agricultural Research Institute. The term “soil homogeneity” implies in our study the closeness of crop yield estimates (scores) for the soil polygons; the term “soil compatibility” implies the possibility to apply the same technologies in the same dates for different soil polygons within a field. To assess the agronomic homogeneity and compatibility of soils, the statistical analysis of the yields of test crop (oats) was performed, and the spatial distribution of the particular parameters of soil hydrothermic regime was studied. The analysis of crop yields showed their high variability: the gray forest soils on microhighs showed the minimal potential fertility, and the maximal fertility was typical of the soils with the second humus horizon in microlows. Soils also differed significantly in their hydrothermic regime, as the gray forest soils with the second humus horizon were heated and cooled slower than the background gray forest soils; their temperature had a stronger lag effect and displayed a narrower amplitude in seasonal fluctuations; and these soils were wetter during the first weeks (40 days) of the growing season. Being colder and wetter, the soils with the second humus horizons reached their physical ripeness later than the gray forest soils. Thus, the soil cover of the test plot in the automorphic position is heterogeneous; from the agronomic standpoint, its components are incompatible.  相似文献   

The taxonomic structure of the microbiota in two associated soils—solonetz on a microhigh and meadow-chestnut soil in a microlow—was studied in the semidesert of the Caspian Lowland. A highthroughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene was used for the soil samples from genetic horizons. A considerable reduction in the bacterial diversity was found in the lower horizons of the solonetz and compact solonetzic horizon with a high content of exchangeable sodium. In the meadow-chestnut soil, the microbial diversity little decreased with the depth. In both soils, a portion of archaea from the Thaumarchaeota group also decreased in the deeper horizons. In the soil horizons with the lower total bacterial diversity, a share of proteobacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonadaceae, and Sphingomonadaceae families became higher. The difference between the structure of the microbial population in the solonetz and meadow- chestnut soil can be first explained by the different water regimes and soil consistence.  相似文献   

Periodical forest fires are typical natural events under the environmental and climatic conditions of central and southern Yakutia and Transbaikal region of Russia. Strong surface fires activate exogenous geomorphological processes. As a result, soils with polycyclic profiles are developed in the trans-accumulative landscape positions. These soils are specified by the presence of two–three buried humus horizons with abundant charcoal under the modern humus horizon. This indicates that these soils have been subjected to two–three cycles of zonal pedogenesis during their development. The buried pyrogenic humus horizons accumulate are enriched in humus; nitrogen; total and oxalate-extractable iron; exchangeable bases (Са+2 and Mg+2); and the fractions of coarse silt, physical clay (<0.01 mm), and clay (<0.001 mm) particles in comparison with the neighboring mineral horizons of the soil profile. The humus of buried pyrogenic horizons is characterized by the increased content of humic acids, particularly, those bound with mobile sesquioxides (HA-1) and calcium (HA-2) and by certain changes in the type of humus.  相似文献   

The effect of dissolved organic substances on the genesis and functioning of gley-podzolic soils in the lower reaches of the Northern Dvina River (Arkhangelsk oblast) has been studied. It is shown that polyphenols and low-molecular (<1000 a.u.) fractions of fulvic acids bound with Fe (II, III) and Mn (II) ions are present in the ELg and Bfg horizons of these soils and participate in alternating downward and upward migration processes. The presence of these compounds colors the soil mass into the dark gray color resembling the color of the proper humus horizon.  相似文献   


The stability of black soil carbon in the deep layers of Japanese volcanic ash soil (i.e., buried A horizons) is often explained by its unique chemical (molecular structure) and physical (associated with short-range-order minerals) recalcitrance. However, the stability of black soil C in buried A horizons may be changed by labile C supply for soil microbes. Here, we hypothesized that the mineralization of black soil C in buried A horizons of Japanese volcanic ash soil could be easily accelerated by a supply of labile C (i.e., a priming effect; PE). To test our hypothesis, we investigated the direction and magnitude of the PE with a buried A horizon in Japan using 13C-labeled glucose (2.188 atom %) in a short-term (21 days) incubation study. We also investigated the effect of mineral nitrogen (N), which could contribute to microbial activity in this incubation study. We found that a positive PE occurred by glucose supply with (182%) or without (181%) mineral N input over the 21-day incubation, and its values were very similar to the PE ratios previously reported in other deep soils. The estimated mean residence time (MRT) of black soil C considering PE was clearly accelerated by glucose supply, regardless of mineral N input, compared with the initial soil MRT. These results strongly support our hypothesis that the mineralization rate of black soil C in buried A horizons is easily accelerated by a labile C supply, and it also demonstrates important implications for the effects of global warming on buried A horizons (e.g., increased root exudation, fine root biomass supply, and N deposition) in Japanese volcanic ash soils.  相似文献   

It is well established that certain substrate additions to soils may accelerate or retard the mineralisation of soil organic matter. But up to now, research on these so called ‘priming effects’ was almost exclusively conducted with arable soils and with plant residues or glucose as additives. In this study, the effects of the uniformly 14C-labelled substrates fructose, alanine, oxalic acid and catechol on the mineralisation of soil organic carbon (SOC) from different horizons of two forest soils (Haplic Podzol and Dystric Cambisol) and one arable soil (Haplic Phaeozem) under maize and rye cultivation were investigated in incubation experiments for 26 days. Apart from the controls, all samples received substrate additions of 13.3 μg substrate-C mg−1 Corg. During the incubation, CO2-evolution was measured hourly and the amount of 14CO2 was determined at various time intervals. In almost all soils, priming effects were induced by one or several of the added substrates. The strongest positive priming effects were induced by fructose and alanine and occurred in the Bs horizon of the Haplic Podzol, where SOC mineralisation was nearly doubled. In the other soil samples, these substrates enhanced SOC mineralisation by +10 to +63%. Catechol additions generally reduced SOC mineralisation by −12 to −43% except in the EA horizon of the Haplic Podzol where SOC-borne CO2-evolution increased by +46%. Oxalic acid also induced negative as well as positive priming effects ranging from −24 to +82%. The data indicate that priming effects are ubiquitously occurring in surface and subsoil horizons of forest soils as well as in arable soils. Although a broad variety of soils was used within this study, relationships between soil properties and priming effects could not be ascertained. Therefore, a prediction on occurrence and magnitude of priming effects based on relatively easily measurable chemical and physical soil properties was not possible. Nevertheless, the data suggest that positive priming effects are most pronounced in forest soils that contain SOC of low biodegradability, where the added substrates may act as an important energy source for microbial metabolism.  相似文献   

A plowed soddy-calcareous soil with relict features developed from Permian clayey calcareous soil was described for the first time in the area of soddy-podzolic and gray forest soils of mixed forests in the middle and lower riches of the Vyatka River. This soil was thoroughly examined by physical, chemical, biochemical, radioisotope, and physicochemical methods. A second humus horizon enriched in calcium humates was described in this soil. Its age was determined at about 7200 yrs. This horizon attests to the presence of in situ postcarbonate pedorelicts in the soil cover of the eastern Russian Plain. The studied soil was formed during the Atlantic optimum of the Holocene under conditions more favorable to humus-accumulative processes as compared with those during the subsequent period. The soil evolution in the second part of the Holocene was characterized by the partial preservation of the previously formed features with the development of eluviation features under colder and wetter climatic conditions. This intrazonal soil is genetically close to gray forest and soddy-podzolic soils with residual second humus horizons that are widespread on the Vyatka-Kama interfluve. The evolution of the latter soils in the second part of the Holocene has been driven by eluviation processes that gradually eliminate the features of the second humus horizon from the soil profiles.  相似文献   

The features of ancient periglacial phenomena are widespread in landscapes lying beyond the modern permafrost zone. The specificity of the paleogeographic conditions in the south of the Baikal region resulted in the formation of paleocryogenic landscapes with hummocky-hollow landforms. The paleocryogenic mounds (hummocks) are of rounded or elongated shape, their height is up to 2–3 m, and their width is up to 20–25 m. They are separated by microlows (hollows). This paleocryogenic microtopography favors the differentiation of the pedogenesis on the mounds and in the hollows, so the soil cover pattern becomes more complicated. It is composed of polychronous soils organized in complexes with cyclic patterns. Light gray and gray forest soils and leached and ordinary chernozems are developed on the mounds; gray and dark gray forest soils and chernozems with buried horizons are developed in the hollows. The soils of the paleocryogenic complexes differ from one another in their morphology, physical and chemical properties, elemental composition, and humus composition. For the first time, radiocarbon dates have been obtained for the surface and buried humus horizons in the hollows. The results prove the heterochronous nature of the soils of the paleocryogenic landscapes in the south of the Baikal region.  相似文献   

The electrical resistivity of gray forest soils and gray forest soils with a second humus horizon was studied in the Bryansk Opol’e region. The dependence of electrical resistivity on the soil’s organic content, moisture, and bulk density was found. It was concluded that the supply of organic matter in the upper layer (50 cm) can be estimated in wet conditions using the equation Csupply = 2.7ER + 34.3 (t/ha).  相似文献   

Data on the fractional and group composition of humus in urban soils of Rostov-on-Don are discussed. We have compared the humus profiles of chernozems under tree plantations and those buried under anthropogenic deposits (including sealed chernozems under asphalt). It is shown that the type of humus in these soils remains stable despite a decrease in its total content after the long-term burial under asphalt. Under the impact of the trees, the organic matter of the chernozems acquired some features typical of gray forest soils, i.e., the humate-fulvate type of humus in the humus horizon and the sharp drop in the humus content down the soil profile.  相似文献   

The influence of pit and mound microrelief on soil formation was investigated by detailed observations of a cross-section through a pit and mound in a hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) forest in western Massachusetts, in the northeastern United States.Soil forming processes during the last 140 years have led to taxonomically different soils due to this microrelief. Part of the annual precipitation apparently does not infiltrate into the mound but moves laterally through organic surface layers into the pits. This resulted in more intensified translocation of Fe, Al and organic matter in the pit profile. The ensuing soil met the spodic horizon criteria as defined in Soil Taxonomy and was classified as a Lithic Haplorthod. Neighboring, undisturbed soils had pronounced E, Bhs, and Bs horizons, the latter qualifying as spodic horizons on the basis of chemical criteria. These soils, however, did not meet the minimum depth requirement of 12.5 cm for spodic horizons and therefore, were classified as Typic Dystrochrepts. The soil developed in the mound showed less horizon development and was classified as a Typic Dystrochrept.Taxonomic changes resulting from the pit and mound microrelief affected less than 6% of the area and appeared not to have a significant impact on the purity of map delineations.  相似文献   

The 13C/12C ratios were determined for the organic matter of all horizons of a podzol profile and of the A1 horizons of some ferrallitic soils, in some grass shoots and in a fossil root fragment from the B2h horizon of the podzol. The isotope ratio in the organic matter of the A1 horizon of the podzol matches those in grass shoots from the present savanna vegetation. The ratios in the lower horizons match those of organic matter in the A1 horizons of soils under forest and that of the fossil root fragment in the B2h horizon. The ratios thus demonstrate that the humus enrichment of the B2h horizon of the podzol occurred while it was under forest vegetation and that the present grass vegetation did not take part in the podzolization process. The differences also indicate that savanna replaced forest vegetation after the profile had been formed.  相似文献   

The levels of the accumulation of copper, lead, nickel, and cadmium in the parent material-soil-plants-soil organic matter system are given for gray forest soils in the Buryat Republic. The concentrations of copper, lead, and nickel in the parent materials do not exceed the corresponding clarkes, and cadmium is present in trace amounts. The concentrations of copper and nickel in the humus horizon are lower than those in the parent material; an opposite situation is observed for lead. The concentrations of copper, lead, and nickel in the soil organic matter and in the herbaceous plants correspond to their contents in the soil and do not exceed the background (clarke) values. Cadmium was not detected in the aboveground part of the plants, though it was found in the root mass and in the organic soil horizon. In the humus of gray forest soils, these heavy metals are mainly present in the acid filtrate remaining after the precipitation of humic acids.  相似文献   

Soils with intricate patterns of their humus profiles developing in the neutral-calcium landscapes of the southern taiga of Western Siberia under highly dynamic paleogeographic, climatic, and weather conditions are characterized. The specific features of these soils comprise the diverse modern humus horizons along with the relic ones of different preservation rates, shallow leaching of carbonates, and a weak development of the middle-profile soil horizons. Specifying these organo-accumulative soils is substantiated by their high humus content against the geochemical background of the clayey calcareous parent rocks. The conjugated series of soils reflect different stages of the soil evolution (the humus profile degradation, the development of eluvial process, and the increase of contrasts in the acid-base conditions) and the hydromorphic transformation accompanied by the formation of organic horizons making the humus profile more complicated. In accordance with the diagnostic horizons, the position of the soils studied was determined in the Classification and Diagnostics of Soils of Russia. The relic enrichment of the humus horizon is proposed to be used as a specific feature of these soils.  相似文献   

T. Higashi 《Geoderma》1983,31(4):277-288
The Al/Fe—humus complexes in A1 horizons of Dystrandepts from several parts of Japan were compared with synthetic complexes prepared from hydroxy ions and from two kinds of humic substances and at several pH values. Samples represented 26 A1 horizons of soils differing in age, including some that had been buried. The comparisons were based chiefly on extractions of the synthetic complexes and the soil samples with solutions of sodium hydroxide-tetraborate and sodium pyrophosphate.The Al—humus complexes in the Dystrandept samples appeared to be similar to those of synthetic complexes prepared at pH 4–5. Those have OH/Al molar ratios of 0.7–2.5 1. Distribution of the data for the soil samples suggested further that the proportions of polymeric hydroxy Al ions increased as soils became older and also if they were buried. The Fe—humus complexes in the soil samples seemed to be like the synthetic complexes prepared with Fe and humus at pH 4–5 for the most part.  相似文献   

Morphological, physicochemical, and isotopic properties of a two-member soil complex developed under dry steppe have been studied in the central part of the Manych Depression. The soils are formed on chocolate-colored clayey sediments, and have pronounced microrelief and the complex vegetation pattern. A specific feature of the studied soil complex is the inverse position of its components: vertic chestnut soil occupies the microhigh, while solonetz is in the microlow. The formation of such complexes is explained by the biological factor, i.e., by the destruction of the solonetzic horizon under the impact of vegetation and earth-burrowing animals with further transformation under steppe plants and dealkalinization of the soil in the microhighs. The manifestation of vertic features and shrink-swell process in soils of the complex developing in dry steppe are compared with those in the vertic soils of the Central Pre-Caucasus formed under more humid environment. It is supposed that slickensides in the investigated vertic chestnut soil are relict feature inherited from the former wetter stage of the soil development and are subjected to a gradual degradation at present. In the modern period, vertic processes are weak and cannot be distinctly diagnosed. However, their activation may take place upon an increase of precipitation or the rise in the groundwater level.  相似文献   

The distribution of zinc, manganese, copper, cobalt, and nickel in Andosols was investigated. Sixty nine soil samples were collected from different horizons of an Andosols profile in Miyakonojo Basin in south Kyushu, Japan, The total contents of heavy metals were determined by digestion and four extraction solutions, 1 M NH4Ac (ammonium acetate) pH 4.5, 0.1 M HCl, 0.01 M EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) pH 6.5, and 0.005 M DTPA (diethylenetri-aminepentaacetic acid) pH 7.3 were used to determine the contents of available Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, and Ni in Andosols in relation to the organic carbon content. The results of the extraction analysis showed that by the use of 0.1 M H Cl high value of extracted heavy metals in the upper layers of the humus horizons were obtained while EDTA extraction yielded a large amount of the above mentioned metals in the high humus horizons. The extractable heavy metals contents were high and these metals closely related to the organic carbon content mostly in the humus horizons in the profile. Where, biocycling process may play an important role in the concentration of heavy metals. Based on the study, it was found that the total content of Zn increased towards the C horizons or pumice layers in the soil profile. Such a trend was also found in the case of the Mn content. While the Cu content in the humus horizons was much higher in the upper part of each humus horizon. According to this study the distribution of heavy metals, Cu (organic matter complexes) in the Andosols profile was more stable than that of Zn (organic matter complexes) in soils. It was shown that Zn in the surface humus horizon was enriched but that some amount was leached under buried conditions. The same phenomenon was also observed in the distribution of Mn in the profile. The movement of Co and Ni in the soil profile was limited, as evidenced by the sharp reduction in the concentrations of these two metals in buried soils.

Hence, it is concluded that the distribution of Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, and Ni was considerably higher in the humus horizons of the Andosols profiles.  相似文献   

Changes in soil microbial processes and phytocenotic parameters were studied in clearings made for power transmission lines in the subtaiga and southern taiga of Central Siberia. In these clearings, secondary meadow communities play the main environmental role. The substitution of meadow vegetation for forest vegetation, the increase in the phytomass by 40–120%, and the transformation of the hydrothermic regime in the clearings led to the intensification of the humus-accumulative process, growth of the humus content, reduction in acidity and oligotrophy of the upper horizons in the gray soils of the meadow communities, and more active microbial mineralization of organic matter. In the humus horizon of the soils under meadows, the microbial biomass (Cmicr) increased by 20–90%, and the intensity of basal respiration became higher by 60–90%. The values of the microbial metabolic quotient were also higher in these soils than in the soils under the native forests. In the 0- to 50-cm layer of the gray soils under the meadows, the total Cmicr reserves were 35–45% greater and amounted to 230–320 g/m3; the total microbial production of CO2 was 1.5–2 times higher than that in the soil of the adjacent forest and reached 770–840 mg CO2-C/m3 h. The predominance of mineralization processes in the soils under meadows in the clearings reflected changes in edaphic and trophic conditions of the soils and testified to an active inclusion of the herb falloff into the biological cycle.  相似文献   

The long-term (55–85 years) influence of pine forests on old-plowed gray forest soils (in the middle Angara River basin) has been reflected in the character of the biological cycle and intensity of the biological processes. The population of actinomycetes decreased, and that of fungi increased, within the whole profiles of these soils. The soil profiles became more differentiated according to eluvial-illuvial types. The thickness of the humus (former plowed) horizons decreased. The thicker differently decomposed litter with the abundant fungal mycelium was formed. The most conservative were relic morphological characteristics: plow sole, humus tongues, and the illuvial-metamorphic horizon.  相似文献   


A new method for microsite assessment of soil nutrient supply in forest soil was developed. The method involves the use of ion exchange membranes to assess differences in soil nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) supply rates in‐field over small depth increments in the forest floor (i.e., the L, F, and H horizons). Ion exchange membranes were buried and retrieved from the forest floor in an aspen forest stand in Saskatchewan, Canada. Small (6 mm diameter) sections of the membrane were cut out and ion concentration on the sections measured to provide a nutrient supply rate at that location. Soil nutrient supply rates at the site ranged from 4.6–6.0, 7.3–8.5, 11.6–21.5, and 122–196μg 10 cm2#lb2 h‐1 for NH4 +‐N, NC3 ‐N, P, and K, respectively. On average, the highly humified H horizon had the highest N and P supply rates, followed by the F horizon, with the surface litter (L horizon) having the lowest N supply rates. The simplicity and sensitivity of the procedure make this method appropriate for in‐field assessment of differences in soil nutrient supply over small vertical and horizontal distance and was especially appropriate for the forest floor horizons in forest soils.  相似文献   

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