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The two central pairs of permanent incisor teeth (l1P, I2P) were compared post mortem in sheep from two flocks, one of which showed excessive wear. Sheep were usually killed in groups of six. Excessive wear occurred during the winter and spring after the eruption of l1P. When l1P erupted at an early age it was also subject to that season;s wear but when it erupted at a later age, it was subject to less wear according to the amount of time it was in apposition with the dental pad during the high wear season. A small amount of compensatory growth at the root of the tooth occurred in some sheep when cementum was deposited on the apex. Apparent eruption of the crown of the tooth was actually due to gum recession. Normal reparative dentine was laid down in the pulp cavity of the crown of the tooth in anticipation of wear, but where wear was excessive unstructured dentine was deposited. In two cases the rate of wear was so great that the reparative dentine could not keep up and infection was able to gain access to the pulp cavity. There was no evidence of difference in the rate of wear of the molar teeth between the two flocks.  相似文献   

The formation of the crown of definitive teeth, the development of the definitive roots with the accompanying resorption of the deciduous roots, and the eruption of the definitive teeth, were individually analysed in 18 Dachshunds.
Weekly radiographs were made from all dogs between the sixth and twentieth weeks of life, using techniques applied in the human dental clinic. From this data a table has been drawn representing the radiological evolution of the entire dentition in young Dachshunds.  相似文献   

This report describes a rare case of congenital oligodontia of the deciduous teeth and anodontia of the permanent teeth in a cat. According to cat's veterinarian, the patient had only two deciduous upper canines and no permanent teeth had ever erupted. Post-mortem evaluation showed a complete absence of teeth in the oral cavity and inflammatory lesions were not found on the gums. Histopathological analysis of serial sections of maxilla and mandible revealed absence of odontogenic epithelium, inflammatory cells and odontoclastic resorptive lesions. Diagnosis was confirmed after both the establishment that there were no remaining dental structures and the exclusion of other relevant diseases that lead to tooth loss, such as periodontal disease, renal fibrous osteodystrophy, odontoclastic resorptive lesions, ectodermal dysplasia and trauma.  相似文献   

Major erosion of the labial or lingual surfaces was seen in histological sections of deciduous teeth from three of 208 sheep from two farms. In one, the erosion extended through both the enamel and the dentine and thus exposed the pulp cavity which had developed pulpitis. In the other cases the erosion affected the cementum and dentine of the tooth root, and did not penetrate as far as the pulp cavity. Dentine proliferation occurred on the adjacent pulpal surface, however, although pulpitis was not evident.  相似文献   

Pleural adhesions in 155 young (3 to 15 months old) and 474 older sheep were examined macroscopically and by light microscopy. The pulmonary tissue under the adhesions was also examined. Two major types of adhesions were encountered, and were called type I and type II adhesions. Stages in the development and resolution of the type I adhesions were called fibrinous, early dense, dense and thin. Except for abnormalities of the blood circulatory system, the type I adhesions were similar to those in experimental models. Type II adhesions were proliferative lesions with villous projections, strands and nodules. Abnormality of the blood circulatory system also occurred in these adhesions. Most type I adhesions appeared to have developed in association-with pulmonary abscessation and pneumonia. No relationship between type II adhesions and lesions in the underlying lung was obvious.  相似文献   

The clinical signs displayed by 96 sheep affected by the nervous syndrome of Phalaris aquatica toxicity and 10 normal sheep injected intravenously with the phalaris alkaloid, 5-methoxy dimethyltryptamine (dose range 0.01 to 5.0 mg/kg), were observed. The distributions of phalaris indole-like cytoplasmic pigments in nuclei of the brains and spinal cords of 9 naturally affected sheep were determined microscopically. Based on the relationship between clinical signs and the central nervous system nuclei involved in their production, the distribution of phalaris indole-like pigments, and the pharmacology of dimethylated tryptamines, it is suggested that the nervous syndrome induced by Phalaris aquatica results from a direct action of phalaris alkaloids upon serotonergic receptors in specific brain and spinal cord nuclei.  相似文献   

Many studies have been undertaken in rodents to study the pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE). Only a few studies have focused on the pathogenesis of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and scrapie in their natural hosts. In this review, we summarize the most recent insights into the pathogenesis of BSE and scrapie starting from the initial uptake of TSE agents and crossing of the gut epithelium. Following replication in the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT), TSE agents spread to the enteric nervous system (ENS) of the gut. Infection is then carried through the efferent fibers of the post-ganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system to the pre-ganglionic neurons in the medulla oblongata of the brain and the thoracic segments of the spinal cord. The differences between the pathogenesis of BSE in cattle and scrapie in sheep are discussed as well as the possible existence of additional pathogenetic routes.  相似文献   

The incisor teeth of 176 sheep of six breeds were inspected every two to three months for a year to record the shedding of the deciduous teeth and the eruption of the permanent teeth. In all the breeds the permanent central incisors erupted at between 12 and 18 months of age. In 96 per cent of the sheep the permanent middle incisors erupted at between 18 and 26 months; and in 92 per cent the permanent lateral incisors erupted at between 24 and 36 months of age. The permanent corner teeth erupted at between 32 and 44 months in 96 per cent of the sheep. The gingival redness and swelling accompanying the eruption of a permanent tooth disappeared within two months. In 14 cases two pairs of incisors erupted during the year, in 18 cases the incisors erupted asymmetrically, and in 22 cases no incisors erupted. Rotation of one incisor was observed in five sheep and was combined with dental deviation in one.  相似文献   

Studies on the pathogenesis of Babesia motasi (Wales) infection following blood transfusion of infected blood to normal or splenectomised recipients showed that the intact animal is refractory to infection but that infection in splenectomised animals caused weight loss, fever, anorexia, lassitude and a macrocytic hypochromic anaemia which coincided with the peak of parasitaemia. There was an initial leucocytosis, largely due to a neutrophilia. The prepatent period following blood transfusion was 2-3 days. Unconjugated and conjugated (direct) bilirubin levels increased from pre-infection levels to peaks of 1.43 and 0.70 mg/100 ml of blood, respectively. Serum glutamic pyruvic acid transaminases (SGPT) increased slightly but serum glutamic-oxaloacetic acid transaminases (SGOT) and blood sugar (glucose) levels did not show significant changes after infection. Total serum protein levels increased temporarily and then returned to normal. Blood urea nitrogen levels increased, with biphasic peaks (76.32 and 86.29 mg/100 ml) on Days 2 and 8 post-patency. Clinical infections even in splenectomised sheep, were mild and of short duration, although recovered sheep remained carriers.  相似文献   

Ovine pulmonary carcinoma (OPC, sheep pulmonary adenomatosis, jaagsiekte) occurs naturally as a contagious bronchioloalveolar carcinoma of sheep in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. The disease is endemic and economically important in Peru and apparently more common than previously suspected in the U.S.A. The tumor is a result of transformation of type II alveolar epithelial cells or non-ciliated bronchiolar cells of the lung. Clinically affected sheep develop dyspnea, tachypnea and often a watery nasal discharge that originates from tumor secretions. The course is progressive and death usually occurs within a few weeks. To study the viral etiology and pathogenesis of OPC in the U.S.A., the disease was experimentally transmitted to neonatal or young lambs with a success rate of 69%. Ovine lentivirus (OvLV), present in the inocula, was concurrently transmitted and induced lymphoid interstitial pneumonia in most animals. While morphological, immunological and other studies implicate a type D or type B retrovirus as the etiologic agent of OPC, this virus has not yet been cultured and the role of ovine lentivirus in the disease remains unknown.  相似文献   

Infection of sheep with the abomasal nematode Teladorsagia circumcincta can cause a relative protein deficiency and reduce growth rate in growing lambs. A key event appears to be the destruction of junctions between epithelial cells. If the infection is heavy or prolonged, this leads to increased mucus production, hyperplasia, decreased acid production, gastrinemia, inappetance and pepsinogenemia. The severity of the infection depends upon the extent of concurrent infection, the nutritional status of the host and genetically controlled variation in the ability to mount protective immune responses.  相似文献   

The development of permanent incisor teeth of sheep was followed from the age of six weeks to 116 weeks. The teeth were observed through the bud, cap and bell stages, and the development of enamel and dentine. At the same time that amelogenesis started, the papillary layer developed from the intermediate layer and the outer dental epithelium began to form the cell rests of Malassez. The ameloblasts went through secretory, transitional and maturational phases, and in due course disappeared, after which cementum was laid down over the enamel surface. Initially the connective tissue of the follicle surrounding the growing tooth was very loose, but was replaced from the crown end as the tooth developed, by more dense connective tissue. Around the time of eruption, melanocytes were found on the lingual surface of the coronal end of the follicle. The root was formed under the influence of Hertwig's epithelium, and the cell rests of Malassez appeared to continue to develop from the outer enamel epithelium. Odontoblasts, which arose from the pulp connective tissue, were initially cuboidal but became fusiform as the tooth matured. At the time of eruption, amelogenesis was almost complete and cementum covered the majority of the tooth surface. The cell rests and melanocytes of the tootth follicle appeared to migrate with the tooth as it erupted. The deciduous tooth was resorbed from the lingual surface. The junctional epithelium of the erupted permanent tooth may have arisen from the cell rests, remnants of the dental lamina or gingival epithelium, depending on the presence or absence of inflammation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the possibility that excessive maternal iron (overload) may contribute to development of congenital leukoencephalomalacia in captive black rhinoceroses. SAMPLE POPULATION: Tissue specimens and serum samples from 18 rhinoceroses in 2 kindreds harboring 4 (possibly 5) affected female calves. PROCEDURE: Fresh and archival sera and necropsy tissue specimens were evaluated to determine the nature and extent of iron overload in captive and wild black rhinoceroses as well as other rhinoceros species. RESULTS: Quantitative serum and tissue assays of iron and iron analytes, corroborated by histopathologic findings, indicated that these kindreds carried the greatest body burdens of iron yet found among captive black rhinoceroses. Fourteen of 18 rhinoceroses had the highest serum ferritin concentrations measured among 64 black rhinoceroses in captivity in the United States. Dams of affected calves had serum ferritin concentrations 2 orders of magnitude higher than clinically normal humans, equids, or free-ranging rhinoceroses. A neonatal serum sample from 1 affected female calf had a high ferritin concentration (approx 100-fold increase), but a male sibling of another affected female did not, suggesting a possible sex disparity in fetal response to maternal iron overload. Morphologic hallmarks of hemochromatosis were prominent in dams and grandams of affected calves. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Excessive maternal iron may affect female fetuses more than males, possibly inducing leukoencephalomalacia by catalyzing production of highly toxic hydroxyl free radicals during crucial periods of in utero development. Reduction of maternal iron overload may decrease the probability of developing leukoencephalomalacia and some other disorders commonly affecting rhinoceroses in captivity.  相似文献   

Peyer's patches (PPs) are the most probable sites of intestinal uptake of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) agent. The amount of PP tissue varies considerably between different age groups of individuals, and whether this variation is related to susceptibility to TSE infection raises an intriguing possibility. The purpose of this study was to determine the surface area of PP tissue and the number of associated lymphoid follicles in different age groups of Neuropathogenesis Unit (NPU) Cheviot sheep. Terminal ilea were obtained from 33 sheep of different ages. Samples of ileal tissue were collected for immunocytochemistry and immunolabelled for prion protein (PrP). Specimens were then fixed in acetic acid, stained with methylene blue and transilluminated. Image analysis software was used to calculate the area of intestinal and PP tissue. The number of associated lymphoid follicles was determined using a dissecting microscope. Results showed a marked fall in surface area of PP tissue and lymphoid follicle density around puberty (about 8-9 months of age in NPU Cheviot sheep) and both measures remained low throughout adulthood. Using the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, r(s), these two measures were found to be closely correlated (r(s)=0.899, n=33, P<0.0001). There was also a significant (negative) correlation between age and the two respective measures (surface area of PP tissue versus age, r(s)=-0.879 (n=33, P<0.0001); lymphoid follicle density versus age r(s)=-0.943 (n=33, P<0.0001). Immunolabelling for PrP was observed primarily in the light zone of lymphoid follicles. Results obtained from this study are useful for future oral pathogenesis studies of the NPU Cheviot flock. They may also offer a possible biological explanation for the apparent age-susceptibility relationship observed in natural cases of TSEs and might help to explain the young age-distribution of cases.  相似文献   

Of 1362 sheep examined during two years in Fars Province of Iran, 786 (57.7%) were positive for Sarcocystis spp. The prevalence was significantly higher (p<0.05) in animals owned by nomadic Assyrians (67.95%) than in those owned by local people (41.86%). More of the animals above 2 years age were infected (69.98%) than young ones (30.02%). Females had a higher prevalence of infection (61.07%) than males (38.93%) but most of the males were younger. There was no variation in the infection rate during spring, summer or autumn, but it was low in winter. The species observed were Sarcocystis gigantea, predominantly in oesophagus, S. medusiformis, mainly in diaphragm, S. tenella in the oesophagus, diaphragm, tongue and heart, and S. arieticanis in the oesophagus, tongue and occasionally in the diaphragm. In transmission studies, the prepatent period for S. gigantea and S. medusiformis and for the two microscopic species was 11–13, 10 and 8–12 days, respectively. The infection could not be transmitted to hamsters and guinea-pigs. The macroscopic species were almost non-pathogenic but were responsible for economic losses because of rejection of carcases or parts thereof at slaughter. The microscopic species caused tissue damage to the affected organs, resulting in haemorrhages, mononuclear infiltration and necrotic changes.Abbreviations DPI days post infection  相似文献   

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