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以帽儿山实验林场的森林凋落物为燃烧材料,在自行设计的实验装置中,进行阴燃实验,记录阴燃过程的温度变化,分析凋落物的阴燃特性以及含水率、松散程度、空气流速对阴燃传播过程的影响,用气相色谱仪来检测阴燃过程中的气体组成。实验结果表明:阴燃的主要挥发气体为CO、CO2。阴燃的传播速度随着空气流速、凋落物松散程度增大而加快,随着凋落物的含水率增加而减慢。该种凋落物具有比较容易引燃、燃烧时间长,蔓延速度较慢、高温维持时间较长的特点。  相似文献   

木质材料的燃烧木质材料的燃烧与阻燃系列讲座之一   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
木质材料的燃烧木质材料的燃烧与阻燃系列讲座之一刘燕吉(中国林科院木材工业研究所北京100091)1燃烧的概念燃烧(Combustion)是一种放热的氧化反应。伴有发光(光焰)和烟的称为有焰燃烧,无光、无焰的称为无焰燃烧,也叫阴燃。火(Fire)通常是...  相似文献   

一、火灾常识:(1)森林燃烧森林燃烧有条件,温度氧气可燃物。森林燃烧有特征,明火暗火有烟雾。森林燃烧三阶段,预热发光炭燃烧。森林燃烧有两种,有焰无焰来区分。森林火灾有三种,地表树冠地下火。(2)热传播热量传播有三种,传导辐射热对流。物质结构限传导,温度高低限辐射。冷热差距限对流,风大物燥快传播。(3)火的蔓延火的蔓延讲速度,两种类别来区别。线速度和面速度,均能反映火特征,火灾传播快与慢,均受自然条件限,火灾蔓延急与缓,植被类型紧相关,白天火旺夜间缓,植厚林密火燃慢。草原火快林火大,次生林火多变幻…  相似文献   

南方人工林地阴燃火温度变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阴燃火具有隐蔽性强、持续时间长、目测难度大等特点,它不但能烧毁树根和地下微生物从而导致树木死亡,而且在一定条件下会复燃,进而引发更大森林火灾,对森林生态系统的破坏性极大,当前对其温度变化特征尚缺乏深入了解,其科学问题亟待解决。笔者以南京市栖霞区丁山的地表可燃物为研究对象,针对不同燃烧条件(可燃物类型、风速、可燃物含水量),开展野外调查实验、燃烧床火烧实验、模型模拟等,通过室内外实验和数据统计,分析地表可燃物的阴燃温度变化特征和转换为明火的临界温度及其温度变化过程。结果表明:枯立木燃烧的温度最高,阴燃最高值可以达到690℃,腐殖质阴燃产生的温度和持续性远高于其他可燃物类型,因此复燃的概率高于枯立木、枯枝落叶、鲜活植物等可燃物阴燃后复燃概率;森林可燃物阴燃温度上升速度随风速的增大而逐变快;地表可燃物阴燃下温度上升速度与可燃物含水量成反比,即含水量越大,森林可燃物阴燃温度上升速度越慢,当含水量超过42.3%,可燃物能够复燃的概率极低。  相似文献   

本项研究结合各种火灾信息探测方法的特点,运用AHP法构建了贮木场最佳火灾探测方案及评价指标体系。研究结果表明,楞堆燃烧阴燃阶段和燃烧蔓延阶段是最佳火灾探测时期;由于外界自然环境的影响,在楞堆阴燃阶段,抗干扰性在火灾探测方案中占有重要的位置;在燃烧蔓延阶段,由于释放大量的热,耐热性占据了重要的位置;对于贮木场火灾探测,及时性指标占有很重要的位置;在所有火灾探测方法中,复合式火灾探测方法是最佳火灾探测方法,其次为感烟探测法,再次为感温探测法和气体探测法。  相似文献   

对不同压力和温度下压制的加拿大一枝黄花燃烧块的燃烧特性进行了实验分析,结果表明:不同压力压制的燃烧块其燃烧效率、有焰燃烧时间差异显著;不同温度下压制出的燃烧块其燃烧效率、有焰燃烧时间有极显著差异,总燃烧时间和无焰燃烧温度差异显著;其他不同压力、温度和两者交互作用与各指标间的差异均不显著。经多重比较,各种压力下60℃压制出的燃烧块是最优的,可以为用户提供优质的燃烧块。同时,压制燃烧块过程中,加温不应超过70℃,超过此温度,燃烧块的燃烧特性会明显变差。  相似文献   

舒立福  施德法 《森林防火》1998,(3):14-14,16
森林火灾属于固体可燃物的燃烧,分为预热、热分解、气体燃烧和固体燃烧阶段。发生森林火灾时,在外界火源的作用下,先将森林可燃物热分解为可燃性气体,然后与空气中的氧气结合,并燃烧。可燃物的热分解反应吸收能量为吸热反应,即外界要向森林可燃物输入能量(火源)。...  相似文献   

为进一步了解森林凋落物的阴燃特性,为科学地防控森林火灾提供理论依据,用自行设计的燃烧试验床对云南油杉Keteleeria evelyniana、藏柏Cupressus torulosa、黑荆Acacia mearnsii这3种年凋落物积累量大的树木的凋落物进行了阴燃试验,对阴燃过程中的温度变化数据进行了实时采集.通过分析凋落物的物理性质、可燃物床特性及阴燃过程中的温度变化数据,研究了3种凋落物阴燃的引燃特性、持火力和蔓延特性.结果表明:3种凋落物的阴燃特性差别较大,但都具有难以引燃、蔓延速度较慢、高温维持时间较长的特点,朽木具有保存火种作用.根据凋落物的阴燃特性提出了相应的森林消防措施.  相似文献   

华山松朽木阴燃特性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用自行设计的燃烧试验床对华山松Pinus armandii朽木进行阴燃试验,采集阴燃过程中的温度数据,通过分析朽木的物理性质、阴燃过程中的温度变化数据和现象,研究了朽木阴燃的引燃特性、持火力和蔓延特性.结果表明,华山松朽木具有易引燃、蔓延速度慢、高温维持时间长的特点,朽木具有保存火种作用.根据朽木阴燃特性提出了相应的森林消防措施.  相似文献   

杨树与落叶松原木中应力波的不同传播速度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过应力波测试仪对健康的杨树和落叶松原木试件进行检测试验,研究应力波在这2种原木试件中径向、弦向和纵向(原木心材和边材)传播速度之间的关系以及径向传播速度和直径、弦向传播速度和检测角之间的相关关系.结果表明:在这2种树种中,应力波径向传播速度和原木直径呈正相关,原木纵向边材传播速度比相应心材中的要大,弦向传播速度与检测角呈现二次函数关系.通过试验分析得出应力波在原木纵向心材和边材传播速度与径向传播速度比的域值.  相似文献   

用自行设计的燃烧床研究了华山松林细小可燃物含水率、载量对燃烧初始蔓延速度的影响,通过分析试验过程中各测点的温度变化曲线,提出了可燃物层燃烧的初始蔓延速度的计算方法,即试验台水平方向上两热电偶的距离除以两热电偶测定到最高温的时间差;华山松林细小可燃物层燃烧的初始蔓延速度随可燃物含水率的增加而下降,载量是影响华山松林细小可燃物燃烧初始蔓延速度的一个重要因素,含水率为5.68%的华山松林细小可燃物的平均初始蔓延速度为0.0227m.s-1,该速度接近华山松林细小可燃物层在森林防火期燃烧的最大初始蔓延速度。  相似文献   

In southeastern pine–oak ecosystems, ecological restoration targets oaks for removal by chemical, mechanical, burning, or combinations of treatments. Managers often pursue oak removal indiscriminately despite the poorly understood historical structure, cover, and ecological function within these ecosystems. Restoration treatments often cite the impediment that oak litter represents to prescribed fire spread and effectiveness. We evaluated the burning characteristics of eight southeastern Quercus spp. by burning collected litter under controlled conditions in a combustion chamber. Replicated burns consisted of 15 g of litter on a 35 cm × 35 cm grid of xylene-soaked cotton strings. Burning characteristics measured included maximum flame height (cm), flaming duration (s), smoldering duration (s), residual ash, and mass loss rate (g s−1). We compared all 8 oaks using ANCOVA, with litterbed depth as a covariate. The oaks differed for all burning characteristics measured (P < 0.001). Rank comparisons placed Quercus stellata and Quercus laevis as the species with greatest fire intensity, sustainability, and consumability, equivalent in many measures to longleaf pine and other fire resisters. Quercus virginiana and Quercus hemisphaerica burned with the least intensity, sustainability, and consumability, burning similarly to sand pine and other fire evaders. These results show that oaks common to southeastern United States ecosystems have litter properties, similar to pines, which vary in their ability to sustain fire. Understanding the pyric properties of oak species also suggests that managers prioritize removal of species that hinder prescribed fire effectiveness for restoration of southeastern USA pine–oak ecosystems.  相似文献   

竹木及稻壳等炭化过程中,炭化温度和炭化时间是十分重要的工艺参数,除此以外炉内氧含量对其炭化效果也有非常大的影响。通过改变炭化温度以及调节进入炉内的氮气和空气流量,并采用氧传感器实时测定并控制炉内氧分压,研究了炭化温度和炉内氧含量对竹木及稻壳等炭化的影响。试验结果表明炭化过程中炉内氧含量一定时,随着炭化温度的提高,得炭率逐渐降低,导电性能更佳。炭化温度一定时随炉内氧含量的提高,得炭率下降。  相似文献   

用隧道式活化炉取代焖烧炉生产活性炭的试验结果表明:按照活化工艺温度850℃,时间36~60h,粉状活性炭产品质量可达到部颁标准,颗粒活性炭延长活化时间,产品质量可达到载体炭的质量,隧道窑焖烧法用以生产颗粒炭是可行的。  相似文献   

采用王正非和毛贤敏的组合模型,以Visual Studio2008作为开发平台,使用C#3.5语言实现计算机模拟运算,最终结合ArcEnginet9.3相应控件对模拟结果数据进行可视化呈现,生成林火蔓延图,实现对林火蔓延的动态模拟,可视化地表达林火的燃点位置、蔓延趋势、方向及不同时刻的燃烧状态。由于在模拟运算时对所有数据都采用IO流操作,较读写栅格数据提高效率,同时通过动态生成林火蔓延速度来更加合理的描述林火蔓延,充分发挥王正非和毛贤敏的组合模型,在风速、风向和地形上,对林火蔓延速度描述更为准确。通过对模拟结果的分析得出,在起火点位置数据合理的情况下,模拟效果很好。  相似文献   

THOMAS  P. H. 《Forestry》1967,40(2):139-164
This paper describes some recent experimental and theoreticalwork on the growth and spread of fire in the open and discussessome examples of field data in terms of the theoretical calculationspresented. The lengths of flames from laboratory fires have been relatedto the size and rate of burning of the fuel by formulae derivedfrom a simplified dimensional analysis. The effects of a windblowing across a long fuel bed on the length and orientationof flames are also described. The scaling laws for flame heightsuggest that in the horizontal spread of fire, heat transferfrom the flames above the fuel bed is important primarily withshallow fuel beds. It is suggested that the main effect of a wind on crib firesis aerodynamic. The wind deflects the advancing fire front fromthe vertical, but perpendicular to this deflected front therate of spread of fire, at least for cribs, is roughly the sameas in still air. However, a theory of spread allowing for heattransfer through the fuel bed and radiation from the flamespredicts that there can be a stable ‘fast‘ spreadas well as a ‘slow’ spread. In ‘fast’spread the flames are thick and control the spread. In ‘slow’ spread radiant heat transfer from theburning zone is usually responsible for the spread. The flamesare thin and of low emissivity. The most important factors determiningthe rate of ‘slow’ spread R are pb the bulk densityof the fuel bed and ø the deflection from the verticalof the front of burning fuel which varies with wind speed. Rpb cos ø is approximately constant over a wide rangeof conditions with an order of magnitude of 5–10 mg cm–2s–1.  相似文献   

We review current knowledge about the use of management treatments to reduce human-induced threats to old ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) trees. We address the following questions: Are fire-induced damage and mortality greater in old than younger trees? Can management treatments ameliorate the detrimental effects of fire, competition-induced stress, and drought on old trees? Can management increase resistance of old trees to bark beetles? We offer the following recommendations for the use of thinning and burning treatments in old-growth ponderosa pine forests. Treatments should be focused on high-value stands where fire exclusion has increased fuels and competition and where detrimental effects of disturbance during harvesting can be minimized. Fuels should be reduced in the vicinity of old trees prior to prescribed burns to reduce fire intensity, as old trees are often more prone to dying after burning than younger trees. Raking the forest floor beneath old trees prior to burning may not only reduce damage from smoldering combustion under certain conditions but also increase fine-root mortality. Thinning of neighboring trees often increases water and carbon uptake of old trees within 1 year of treatment, and increases radial growth within several years to two decades after treatment. However, stimulation of growth of old trees by thinning can be negated by severe drought. Evidence from young trees suggests that management treatments that cause large increases in carbon allocation to radial xylem growth also increase carbon allocation to constitutive resin defenses against bark beetle attacks, but evidence for old trees is scarce. Prescribed, low-intensity burning may attract bark beetles and increase mortality of old trees from beetle attacks despite a stimulation of bole resin production.  相似文献   

脉动燃烧是指在一定声振条件下发生的一种周期性燃烧,其燃烧室内压力强度、气流速度、温度及热释放效率等参数随着时间呈周期性变化,是一种特殊的不稳定燃烧过程,具有燃烧效率高、燃料经济性好、运行环境友好等优点。研制基于脉动燃烧技术的林业作业装备对于提高林业生产效率、促进环保高效燃烧技术的发展具有重要意义。文中概述了脉动燃烧技术的工作原理、特点及发展现状,介绍了脉动燃烧技术在林业病虫害防治、木材干燥和土壤消毒中的应用,并在分析脉动燃烧技术的不足及其在林业作业应用中存在问题的基础上,提出脉动燃烧技术在林业作业应用中的发展方向。  相似文献   

麻丰年  苏伟 《森林工程》2000,16(1):28-29
本在介绍高炉炼铁工况的基础上。分析了高炉炉体砌层-炉衬的侵蚀机理,对高炉炉衬侵蚀的检测方法进行了探讨。在重点研究了国内外高炉炉衬侵蚀检测方法的前提下,对目前较先进的“触发脉冲响应法(FMT)”的原理和优缺点进行了分析。  相似文献   

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