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张娟茹 《野生动物》2001,22(5):38-39
大火烈鸟属鹳行目、红鹳科,主要分布在中、南美热带与亚热带的湿地生态系统中,在我国一些大型动物园和野生动物园,作为观赏鸟类引进。由于各地气候环境的差异,对大火烈鸟的繁殖行为产生一定影响。国内有关大火烈鸟饲养管理方面的文章有过报道,但对其繁殖行为研究较少。上海野生动物园于l995年从荷兰引进大火烈鸟59只;于 2000年 3月1日~8月 31日期间;进行繁殖行为的观察和研究。 研究地点的概况 上海野生动物园位于东经120°52’,北纬30°42’,属于中亚热带的湿润季风性气候。冬冷夏热、四季分明、雨热同…  相似文献   

从2006~2010年,对石家庄市动物园古巴火烈乌的饲养繁殖情况进行了研究。主要从古巴火烈鸟的饲养环境、日粮配制、繁殖行为、自然育幼、人工育幼以及各阶段的注意事项等,对于圈养条件下火烈鸟的饲养繁殖进行了比较系统的阐述,同时提出相应的手段和措施,对饲养繁殖提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

大火烈鸟 (Phoenicopterusruber) ,又名“大红鹳”或“红鹤” ,属鹳形目 ,红鹳科。主要分布在亚洲西部、非洲北部、欧洲南部以及美洲的大西洋沿岸一带 ,多栖息于人迹难到的浅水地区 ,主要以淤泥和浅水中活动的小型甲壳动物、蠕虫、软体动物等为食〔1,2〕。列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)附录Ⅱ中。广州动物园于 1996年从巴基斯坦引进大火烈鸟 (幼鸟 )2 0羽 ,断翅后散养在面积约有 2 2 0 0m2 、半陆地半水域结构的火烈鸟散养区里。该群火烈鸟于 2 0 0 0年达到性成熟 (约 4 .5岁 ) ,出现发情交配行为 ,并开始产卵 ,到 2 0 0 2年…  相似文献   

试验采用分子方法鉴定武汉动物园未知性别的54只古巴火烈鸟的性别,并测试CHD基因和EE0.6序列上的6对引物,其中EE0.6上的3对引物使用多重PCR的方法进行扩增。结果显示,武汉动物园有18只雌性火烈鸟和36只雄性火烈鸟,雌雄比为1∶2。研究表明,使用2550F/2718R和混合USP1/USP3、CPE15F/CPE15R引物能够准确鉴定火烈鸟的性别。  相似文献   

本文以人工饲养条件下的大火烈鸟为观察对象,对繁殖期气候因素进行初步分析,观察研究表明繁殖期充沛的雨量、适宜均衡的日光照射时数及温度是大火烈鸟成功繁殖的重要因素。  相似文献   

从进境大火烈鸟中检出衣原体病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江某公司于2001年1月从坦桑尼亚进口40只大火烈鸟,隔离期间先后死亡7只。从翅膀静脉采集大火烈鸟血液,用间接血凝试验(IHA)检测衣原体抗体,结果发现抗体IHA效价大于或等于1:16的有27只,小于1:16的有6只。而该批大火烈鸟从未注射过疫苗,可以证实该批大火烈鸟正在发生衣原体病。根据《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》对阳性大火烈鸟进行了销毁处理。现将结果报告如下:1 材料和方法1.1 衣原体IHA诊断试剂:购自湖北省农科院畜牧兽医研究所。批号为200010080。1.2 鸡胚:7日龄,…  相似文献   

采用瞬时取样法对圈养的2对蓝鹇和2组白鹇繁殖期行为的时间节律进行了初步研究,分别选择蓝鹇和白鹇繁殖行为较为明显的时期,各记录15 d,即蓝鹇为2008年3月30日~4月15日(12、13日因故未观察),白鹇为2008年4月16~30日;每天观察12 h,即从7:00~19:00。结果表明第一组蓝鹇和白鹇的繁殖行为都明显少于第二组蓝鹇和白鹇,蓝鹇和白鹇的繁殖行为的发生次数随日期出现波动,两物种繁殖行为的高峰多在早晚时段。蓝鹇和白鹇的产蛋周期分别为3~4 d和1~3 d;两物种雌性个体在产蛋前均有较多繁殖行为发生;两物种的繁殖对配对个体日间发情的同时性要求均不高,白鹇的繁殖与配对个体繁殖行为发生的绝对频次多少也无关,蓝鹇的繁殖与配对个体繁殖行为发生绝对频次多少的关系尚不明确。  相似文献   

哈尔滨北方森林动物园于2005年6月5日从古巴引进古巴火烈鸟80只,其年龄在13~23个月之间,雌雄比例为1:1。在饲养近2年半的时间里,通过对火烈鸟饲养环境的改善,饲料的调整以及对饲养方式的改变,总结了在不同季节火烈鸟对环境温度、湿度的要求,以及采食量和营养需要量。越冬季节平均温度为13.2—14.7℃,平均湿度为69.7%~74.7%;平均每只鸟日采食量为226.5g;5~10月份平均温度为18.3-19.4℃,平均湿度为38.5%-49.1%平均每只鸟日采食量为209.7g。越冬季节平均每只鸟每天所需营养物质的量为:代谢能471.23千卡、粗蛋白60.87g、粗脂肪8.58g、纤维素3.41g、无氮浸出物57.15g、钙3075.99mg、磷1633.11mg。  相似文献   

哈尔滨北方森林动物园于2005年6月5日从古巴引进古巴火烈鸟80只,其年龄在13~23个月之间,雌雄比例为1:1。在饲养近2年半的时间里,通过对火烈鸟饲养环境的改善,饲料的调整以及对饲养方式的改变,总结了在不同季节火烈鸟对环境温度、湿度的要求,以及采食量和营养需要量。越冬季节平均温度为13.2—14.7℃,平均湿度为69.7%~74.7%;平均每只鸟日采食量为226.5g;5~10月份平均温度为18.3-19.4℃,平均湿度为38.5%-49.1%平均每只鸟日采食量为209.7g。越冬季节平均每只鸟每天所需营养物质的量为:代谢能471.23千卡、粗蛋白60.87g、粗脂肪8.58g、纤维素3.41g、无氮浸出物57.15g、钙3075.99mg、磷1633.11mg。  相似文献   

火烈鸟在人工饲养条件下,国内繁殖成功的为数很少。无锡动物园于2009年引进一批火烈鸟进行养殖,经过两年多来的努力,成功孵化出4只雏鸟,现将亲鸟自然育雏行为的观察情况初步总结如下:  相似文献   

Genotype x environment interaction (G x E) effects on live weaning weights of lambs were studied by using the 2 breeds Norwegian White sheep (NWS; heavy, long-tailed) and Spel sheep (Spel; lighter, short-tailed) as genetic groups (G). A total of 37,338 NWS lambs and 30,075 Spel lambs born from 1989 to 1999 on 40 farms that kept both breeds together were included in the analyses. Environment was characterized by farm x year (E). In a mixed linear model framework, significance of the random G x E effect and breed-specific environmental variances were tested by using a log-likelihood approach. Directions and magnitudes of the effect were described through variance component estimates. An across-genotype environmental correlation was also used. There was a significant G x E effect on lamb BW; significant breed differences were found for variance of flock x year effects, indicating different phenotypic plasticities with changing flock x year environments, with the NWS being more sensitive to environmental change. Further, the breed-specific residual variance was greater for NWS, indicating that the effects of environmental variation were larger for the weaning weights of the NWS breed within flock and year. Further, the correlation between flock x year effects for the 2 breeds was significantly different from unity (0.82 +/- 0.02), indicating that the common environment is "perceived" differently in the 2 breeds. The best environment for one breed is not necessarily best for the other breed, and vice versa. Solutions of flock x year effects may be used to describe how environmental characteristics such as climate and topography affect the production of different genotypes, and for clustering of environments, thus facilitating improvement of breeding programs and management schemes for domestic and wild ungulate populations.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 2,310 mature sheep in 3 Idaho range flocks were examined by agar gel immunodiffusion to determine the prevalence of ovine progressive pneumonia. The prevalence ranged from 58% for all ages combined in one flock to 90% of cull ewes in another flock. Age-specific prevalence rates increased from 16% in yearlings to 83% in ewes greater than or equal to 7 years old. Rambouillet sheep had a significantly (P less than 0.01) lower prevalence than sheep of 5 other breeds, whereas one-half Finnsheep crosses had a significantly (P less than 0.01) higher prevalence than sheep of other breeds. Within breed and age, there was no significant difference in reproductive performance between seropositive and seronegative ewes.  相似文献   

A mixed breed flock of lambs, consisting of Suffolks, Hampshires, Columbias and Finnish breeds, were vaccinated with binary ethylenimine inactivated bluetongue virus (BTV) serotypes 11, 17 and a mixture of 11 and 17 in aluminum hydroxide. Agar gel precipitin antibodies were used as an indicator of immunity. Sero-conversion of Hampshires and Suffolk lambs was poor at 43% as compared to 84% in the Columbia and Finn lambs. These results indicate a breed difference in immunological response to inactivated BTV vaccine.  相似文献   

As avian health professionals, when there is an increased morbidity or mortality in a waterfowl flock, we are often concerned with disease diagnostic and treatment regimens. However, one area that should not be overlooked is waterfowl husbandry, especially if we want to develop preventive medicine strategies for the flock. Husbandry aspects need to be considered because certain management factors may predispose the waterfowl flock to certain diseases. Avian health professionals should also be aware of the common duck and geese breeds that are commonly kept in backyard flock. This type of information can provide information on flock personality and unique anatomical characteristics. In addition, understanding the different breeds will allow avian health professionals to assist in recommending the appropriate waterfowl to our clients. Waterfowl have unique husbandry requirements when compared to other poultry species, and having a better understanding of husbandry aspects like housing and feeding can help to prevent diseases from reoccurring in the flock. By having a better understanding of waterfowl husbandry, we can ensure that our waterfowl patients receive the best medical care and continue to remain healthy.  相似文献   

The reproductive tracts of turkey breeder hens from five flocks were examined grossly and histologically. Hens from one flock had a normal reproductive history, but hens from the four other flocks had poor records in both egg production and hatchability. Nodular growths occurred in the oviducts of birds in all five flocks. The incidence of lesions varied from flock to flock and from bird to bird. In four flocks, lesions were small and consisted of areas of dysplasia with adenomatous change. Histologically, the lesions in some birds in the fifth flock were adenocarcinomas. No metastases were observed.  相似文献   

Longevity in livestock is a valuable trait. When productive animals live longer, fewer replacement animals need to be raised. However, selection for longevity is not commonly the focus of breeding programs as direct selection for long-lived breeding stock is virtually impossible until late in the reproductive life of the animal. Additionally the underlying genetic factors or genes associated with longevity are either not known, or not well understood. In humans, there is evidence that IGF 1 receptor (IGF1R) is involved in longevity. Polymorphism in the IGF1R gene has been associated with longevity in a number of species. Recently, 3 alleles of ovine IGF1R were identified, but no analysis of the effect of IGF1R variation on sheep longevity has been reported. In this study, associations between ovine IGF1R variation, longevity and fertility were investigated. Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) was used to type IGF1R variation in 1,716 New Zealand sheep belonging to 6 breeds and 36 flocks. Ovine IGF1R C was associated with age when adjusting for flock (present 5.5 ± 0.2 yr, absent 5.0 ± 0.1 yr, P = 0.02). A general linear mixed effects model suggested an association (P = 0.06) between age and genotype, when correcting for flock. Pairwise comparison (least significant difference) of specific genotypes revealed the difference to be between AA (5.0 ± 0.1 yr) and AC (5.6 ± 0.2 yr, P = 0.02). A weak negative Pearson correlation between fertility and longevity traits was observed (r = -0.25, P < 0.01). The finding of an association between variation in IGF1R and lifespan in sheep may be useful in prolonging the lifespan of sheep.  相似文献   

To determine baseline variation in blood plasma concentrations of free amino acids and l-lactate, samples were collected at a single time point from nine flocks of different breeds of ewes at a common physiological stage and monthly from one flock of crossbred mule ewes over a 12 month period. Significant differences were detected between time points in the concentrations of all plasma metabolites. With few exceptions prion protein genotype had no significant effect on the plasma metabolite concentrations measured.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the breed identity and leadership in a mixed flock of sheep. The flock consisted of 89 Suffolk adult ewes and 250 Columbia ewes and 45 Columbia rams. The animals were kept in the pasture during the day. Each hour the flock was allowed to feed for 20 minutes, and then was moved for 40 minutes to a small paddock near the grazing area. In the afternoon, all sheep were taken to the night pen. The animals were observed for 120 days, 4 times a day (480 leadership breed positions), with respect to the following conditions: (1) leave pen at front of flock, (2) return to pen at front of flock, (3) first to move to the grassland, (4) return to the paddock, (5) drink first (on arrival time at the night pen), and (6) preference for an area in the night barn. The Suffolk breed were first in leaving (94% of the times) and in returning to the night pen (65%) (P < 0.05), and 35% returned with the Columbia sheep. The Suffolk breed were first to move to the grazing area (90%) and 10% moved with the other breed (P < 0.05). When returning to the rest area, the Columbia sheep were first to reach 54% of the time, the 2 breeds were together 29% of the time, and the Suffolk sheep were alone 17% of the time (P < 0.05). When comparing who drank first, 50% of the time both breeds went together, 28% of the time the Columbia sheep were first, and 22% of the time the Suffolk sheep were first (P < 0.05). At night, most of the Suffolk sheep had a preference for 1 barn area (P < 0.05). The results of our study suggest that most animals of each breed performed activities together. Suffolk sheep were leaders when moving to the grazing area and when selecting the place to rest.  相似文献   

作者对2014年国内、外家兔的传统育种、分子育种和繁殖技术等方面的最新进展进行了综述,以期给家兔育种者和研究者提供参考。2014年国外家兔传统育种主要集中在不同肉兔品种性能比较,而分子育种以毛色和生产性能为主要性状,同时在家兔基因组特征高通量测序挖掘和遗传多样性分析方面也有涉及,当然,高效繁殖技术依旧是国外研究的重点,主要是精液冷冻保护剂开发和胚胎冷冻方法研究两方面。而国内传统育种研究内容重点在地方品种、培育品种种质评定以及与国外品种比较等方面,亮点是国内已经较为重视家兔配套系和现代育种软件系统开发。毛皮、生长、胴体等性状的分子育种则仍旧为国内遗传育种研究重点,繁殖相关研究较少,且方向分散,是国内繁育研究薄弱环节。总体来说,国内、外各有侧重,但中国家兔遗传育种研究特别是高效繁殖技术和生产性状分子基础方面还需进一步提高。  相似文献   

The latest research progress on domestic and international rabbit genetics and breeding in 2014 were reviewed in the present paper based on three aspects of traditional breeding,molecular breeding and reproductive technology,so as to provide references for rabbit breeders and researchers.At abroad,the researchers focused on the analysis of productive performance of different meat rabbit breeds in aspect of traditional breeding,on fur color and productive performance in molecular breeding,meantime rabbit genomic structures were studied by high-throughput sequencing technology.While the key point was still efficient reproductive technique in foreign breeding studies,including semen cryoprotectants development and embryo cryopreservation technology.In domestic rabbit genetic and breeding,molecular bases were still the point of importance for traits of fur,growth and carcass.Secondly,traditional breeding mainly contained evaluation and comparison of Chinese local breeds,cultivating breeds and imported breeds,meantime rabbit cross-strains and modern breeding software development have become two spot light of internal genetic and breeding field in 2014.While studies on rabbit reproduction in domestic rabbit fields were less than these of foreign countries and disperse.Overall,the genetic and breeding studies focus on partial different aspects at home and abroad.For our country,researches on efficient reproductive technology and molecular bases of productive traits should be given further emphasis.  相似文献   

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