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The management of freshwater fisheries in France is generally entrusted to angling associations, which are in turn grouped into departmental federations. These associations, act under State supervision to protect the aquatic environment and develop recreational fisheries. The National Fishing Council has developed a general method for the formulation of departmental fishery management plans. More than half the departments of France have been involved in this programme since 1995. The approach focuses on the potential number of adult wild fish in each homogeneous ecological unit called a 'context'. The cost of any rehabilitation work needed to restore habitat and to place the context under self-sustaining management (called 'patrimonial management') is estimated. Examples of the way in which cost-benefit analysis helps determine the economic viability of management plans are drawn from the Indre and Hérault, two departments with contrasting ecological and fishery situations. The analysis takes into account the value of wild fish in relation to stocked fish.  相似文献   

长江河口生态系现状及修复研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
2000~2003年5月和8月对长江口及邻近水域的水质、表层沉积物、浮游生物的监测数据进行了综合评价,计算2000~2003年水质综合指数得分4,年平均为2.15,年得分逐步增加.参照水质参数污染等级划分标准,显示长江口水域水环境综合质量已处于严重污染水平,且呈逐年恶化趋势.其中油类、锌超标程度明显逐年加大.计算2000~2003年表层沉积物综合指数得分4,年平均为0.78,参照表层沉积物参数污染等级划分标准,显示长江口水域表层沉积物环境质量处于中污染水平.但2003年得分为1.06,显著高于前3年,表明2003年表层沉积物质量已处于重污染水平.计算2000~2003年浮游生物多样性综合指数得分4,年平均为0.53,年际变化幅度较小,参照浮游生物参数污染等级划分标准,显示生物环境质量处于中度污染水平.对2000~2003年水质、表层沉积物和浮游生物生态质量进行综合评价,总得分为1.15,2003年综合得分显著高于前3年,参照综合参数污染等级划分标准,长江河口综合环境质量处于重度污染水平,2003年综合环境质量进一步明显下降.相对应,自1995年以后,长江口捕捞产量一直趋于下降,目前除凤鲚资源尚属稳定外,其余均已形不成渔汛;长江口的蟹苗在2000年以后已没有蟹苗汛出现,蟹苗产量降至谷底.针对长江口生物及非生物环境现状及所面临的胁迫压力,提出建立以长江口生态系统为基础的管理机制,开展对污染物控制、关键种群和重要生境的保护及修复等对策,使退化的长江口生态系尽快得到修复.  相似文献   

Policy analysis for tropical marine reserves: challenges and directions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Marine reserves are considered to be a central tool for marine ecosystem‐based management in tropical inshore fisheries. The arguments supporting marine reserves are often based on both the nonmarket values of ecological amenities marine reserves provide and the pragmatic cost‐saving advantages relating to reserve monitoring and enforcement. Marine reserves are, however, only one of a suite of possible policy options that might be used to achieve conservation and fisheries management objectives, and have rarely been the focus of rigorous policy analyses that consider a full range of economic costs and benefits, including the transaction costs of management. If credible analyses are not undertaken, there is a danger that current enthusiasm for marine reserves may wane as economic performance fails to meet presumed potential. Fully accounting for the value of ecological services flowing from marine reserves requires consideration of increased size and abundance of focal species within reserve boundaries, emigration of target species from reserves to adjacent fishing grounds, changes in ecological resilience, and behavioural responses of fishers to spatially explicit closures. Expanding policy assessments beyond standard cost–benefit analysis (CBA) also requires considering the impact of social capital on the costs of managing fisheries. In the short term, the amount of social capital that communities possess and the capacity of the state to support the rights of individuals and communities will affect the relative efficiency of marine reserves. Reserves may be the most efficient policy option when both community and state capacity is high, but may not be when one and/or the other is weak. In the longer term, the level of social capital that a society possesses and the level of uncertainty in ecological and social systems will also impact the appropriate level of devolution or decentralization of fisheries governance. Determining the proper balance of the state and the community in tropical fisheries governance will require broad comparative studies of marine reserves and alternative policy tools.  相似文献   

长江口及邻近渔业水域生态系统重建及管理对策   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
本文通过对长江口生物及非生物环境现状及所面临的胁迫压力的分析 ,对长江口及邻近水域的生态系统保护、重建和管理对策进行了讨论。本文认为 ,应建立以生态系统为基础的管理机制 ,贯穿于关键种群的保护及恢复、重要生境的保护及修复和污染物控制等修复行动计划 ;在长江口建立长期、动态的环境监测体系、政府管理部门间的协调机制及相关生物修复技术在重点水域的推广是目前有效、可行的生态系统管理计划。  相似文献   

  • 1. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are expected to function simultaneously as biological conservation and fisheries management tools, but empirical evidence linking biodiversity conservation with fisheries benefits is scarce. Around the Medes Islands marine reserve (Spain, NW Mediterranean) patterns of fish catch diversity, catch (CPUE) and income (IPUE) were assessed and the economic value of diversity for local fisheries was explored by combining a Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis with geostatistics.
  • 2. Catch data were derived from the trammel net fleet operating around the MPA to gain information on species diversity, functional diversity, functional redundancy, CPUE and IPUE.
  • 3. Results revealed significant impact of both the fishing prohibition in the MPA and the presence of seagrass beds on diversity metrics, catch and income. Clear differences in functional redundancy in fish assemblages were found within the study area, indicating greater resilience of the fish assemblage against fishing pressure or human impact close to the MPA (?2 km). In contrast, fish assemblages beyond 2 km of the MPA border are more vulnerable to disturbance. High values of diversity, CPUE and IPUE overlapped close to the MPA border and close to seagrass beds.
  • 4. The spatial approach developed suggests that, in addition to the more commonly studied effect of density‐dependent spillover of adult fish, increased levels of ecological diversity and economic diversity can also result in fisheries benefits of an MPA. Hence, the fishing regulations in and around the Medes Islands marine reserve have shown that biological conservation and fisheries benefits can be complementary in the long‐term, which should be considered in future policies for MPAs or MPA networks.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

工厂化循环水与静水养鱼模式综合效益分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在工厂化养鱼车间静水与循环水养鱼2种运行模式的基础上,运用经济预测与决策技术,根据随机型需求的投资模型决策的分析方法,建立了2种风险决策模型,设定相应的技术指标体系,分别从利润贡献、运行成本、设备利用、效益风险、生态效益等方面进行了综合评估和全面分析,阐明了循环养殖模式节水降耗、提高设施设备利用率等优势,为工厂化养鱼节水降耗、规模化、可持续健康发展提供参考依据.  相似文献   

  1. Removal of instream woody habitat (IWH) is one factor attributed to declines in fish populations worldwide. Restoration of IWH to help fish populations recover is now common; however, quantitative predictions about the outcomes of these interventions is rare. As such, quantitative links between IWH and fish abundance is of interest to managers to inform conservation and restoration activities.
  2. Links between instream habitat attributes, especially IWH, and selected fish species of recreational, cultural, and ecological significance were explored at 335 sites spanning eight streams across south‐eastern Australia. Data were collected on fish abundance and length, IWH density and a range of other habitat attributes at a scale that incorporated at least one of each of the major mesohabitat types (functional river elements). The data were analysed using Bayesian hierarchical generalized linear mixed models to examine fish habitat associations and used to make quantitative predictions of responses to future restoration.
  3. Strong positive relationships were found between fish abundance and IWH density and the strength of this relationship varied between species and waterways. Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii), a species commonly targeted by IWH interventions, displayed the strongest association with IWH density. River blackfish (Gadopsis marmoratus) also showed a significant relationship with IWH, but this effect was waterway specific. Fish length was only related to IWH for river blackfish. These results may reflect differences in the life histories of these two species. We suggest that differences in habitat association through ontogeny may be more relevant at smaller spatial scales.
  4. The results generated in this study can be used to guide waterway restoration and develop quantitative predictions about how fish might respond to IWH interventions across south‐eastern Australia. This approach provides a powerful quantitative framework within which to explore management options and objectives, and to test our predicted responses to habitat restoration.

The implementation of ecosystem management requires ecosystem modelling within the context of a natural resource management process. Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) is the most widely used modelling platform for investigating the dynamics of marine ecosystems, but has played a limited role in fisheries management and in multi-sector resource decision-making. We review 10 case studies that demonstrate the use of EwE to support operational resource management. EwE models are being used to inform tactical decision-making in fisheries and other ocean use sectors, as well as to identify key trade-offs, develop appropriate policy objectives, and reconcile conflicting legislative mandates in a variety of ecosystems. We suggest the following criteria to enhance the use of EwE and other ecosystem models in operational resource management: (1) a clear management objective that can be addressed through modelling; (2) an important trade-off and a receptive policy context amenable to trade-off evaluation; (3) an accessible and well-documented model that follows best practices; (4) early and iterative engagement among scientists, stakeholders, and managers; (5) integration within a collaborative management process; (6) a multi-model approach; and (7) a rigorous review process. Our review suggests that existing management frameworks are as much or more of a limitation to the operational use of EwE than technical issues related to data availability and model uncertainty. Ecosystem models are increasingly needed to facilitate more effective and transparent decision-making. We assert that the requisite conditions currently exist for enhanced strategic and tactical use of EwE to support fisheries and natural resource management.  相似文献   

Pander J, Geist J. Seasonal and spatial bank habitat use by fish in highly altered rivers – a comparison of four different restoration measures.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 127–138. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Abstract –  River regulations have resulted in substantial modifications of the characteristics and the diversity of stream ecosystems. Fish habitat use in the context of species life histories and temporal habitat dynamics are crucial for the development of sustainable measures of habitat restoration in degraded rivers. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of introducing four different in-stream structures (bank ripp-rapp, benched bank ripp-rapp, successively grown riparian wood and artificial dead wood, nine replicates each) on the seasonal fish community distribution in a heavily modified stream ecosystem. Species richness and diversity, fish biomass and density showed strong variation (i) between habitat types, (ii) among replicates of the same habitat type, and (iii) in different seasons. The current low abundance of historical widespread rheophilic and migratory fish species in the study stream suggests that technical bank habitat restoration measures are only of limited use for the restoration of highly specialised target species in conservation such as Barbus barbus and Chondrostoma nasus . However, introduction of particular artificial stream structures (in particular of artificial dead-wood fascines) was found to concentrate biomass and density of none-specialised fish species like Squalius cephalus , Alburnus alburnus , Gobio gobio or Rutilus rutilus .  相似文献   

基于Ecopath模型的巢湖生态系统结构与功能初步分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为分析和掌握巢湖生态系统结构与功能的特征参数,结合2007—2010年巢湖渔业资源调查数据,应用Ecopath with Ecosim 6.1软件构建了巢湖生态系统的食物网模型。模型由16个功能组组成,包括初级生产者、主要鱼类、无脊椎动物和有机碎屑等。结果显示,巢湖生态系统食物网主要由4个整合营养级构成,系统规模总流量、总生产量和总消耗量都较大,分别为41 003.08、17 937.42和4 486.67 t/(km2·a);能量流动主要发生在Ⅱ、Ⅲ营养级间;参照Odum的生态系统成熟程度判定指标发现,巢湖生态系统高的生产量和呼吸比值(TPP/TR)和净初级生产量(NPP),以及较低的系统连接指数(CI)、系统杂食指数(SOI)、Finn's循环指数(FCI)和Finn's平均路径长度(FMPL)都表明:巢湖生态系统结构与功能的特征参数远没有达到成熟生态系统的标准,且劣于富营养化的太湖生态系统。从生态系统结构分析发现,导致巢湖生态系统退化的关键原因是浮游植物生物量、生产量过高,被生态系统利用的效率极低,从而导致生物多样性下降、食物网趋于简单、能量流动不畅。  相似文献   

The concept of ecosystem‐based fisheries management (EBFM) has been subjected to debate since it was introduced in the late 1990s. The development of the concept seems to follow two separate but simultaneous trajectories of increased popularity but also sustained critique. This paper offers an analysis of potential mechanisms behind these disparate trajectories by drawing on a theoretical framework from science and technology studies (STS) centred around "black box" and actor‐network theory. To support our analysis, we perform an exploratory literature review of how the EBFM concept has been used in a selection of high impact fisheries research papers. We find that the popularity of EBFM does not guarantee its integrity, usefulness or analytical insight, but also that persistent critique of how the concept is used seems to be driving some change. We think that a continued trajectory of increased understanding, contextualization and discernibility of EBFM can help overcome the considerable ambiguity associated with the concept and make it increasingly useful to fisheries management. This means moving away from routine use of the term towards a practicable and tangible approach to improve fisheries sustainability.  相似文献   

Meta‐analysis has been an integral tool for fisheries researchers since the late 1990s. However, there remain few guidelines for the design, implementation or interpretation of meta‐analyses in the field of fisheries. Here, we provide the necessary background for readers, authors and reviewers, including a brief history of the use of meta‐analysis in fisheries, an overview of common model types and distinctions, and examples of different goals that can be achieved using meta‐analysis. We outline the primary challenges in implementing meta‐analyses, including difficulties in discriminating between alternative hypotheses that can explain the data with equal plausibility, the importance of validating results using multiple lines of evidence, the trade‐off between complexity and sample size and problems associated with the use of model output. For each of these challenges, we also provide suggestions, such as the use of propensity scores for dealing with selection bias and the use of covariates to control for confounding effects. These challenges are then illustrated with examples from diverse subfields of fisheries, including (i) the analysis of the stock–recruit relationship, (ii) fisheries management, rebuilding and population viability, (iii) habitat‐specific vital rates, (iv) life‐history theory and (v) the evaluation of marine reserves. We conclude with our reasons for believing that meta‐analysis will continue to grow in importance for these and many other research goals in fisheries science and argue that standards of practice are therefore essential.  相似文献   

We have developed a set of tools that operate within an aquatic geographic information system to improve the accessibility, and usability of remote‐sensed satellite and computer‐modeled oceanographic data for marine science and ecosystem‐based management. The tools form the Pelagic Habitat Analysis Module (PHAM), which can be applied as a modeling platform, an investigative aid in scientific research, or utilized as a decision support system for marine ecological management. Applications include fisheries, marine biology, physical and biological oceanography, and marine spatial management. The GIS provides a home for diverse data types and automated tools for downloading remote sensed and global circulation model data. Within the GIS environment, PHAM provides a framework for seamless interactive four‐dimensional visualization, for matching between disparate data types, for flexible statistic or mechanistic model development, and for dynamic application of user developed models for habitat, density, and probability predictions. Here we describe PHAM in the context of ecosystem‐based fisheries management, and present results from case study projects which guided development. In the first, an analysis of the purse seine fishery for tropical tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean revealed oceanographic drivers of the catch distribution and the influence of climate‐driven circulation patterns on the location of fishing grounds. To support management of the Common Thresher Shark (Alopias vulpinus) in the California Current Ecosystem, a simple empirical habitat utilization model was developed and used to dynamically predict the seasonal range expansion of common thresher shark based on oceanographic conditions.  相似文献   

Assessments of fisheries by‐catch on marine megafauna are important for developing effective management strategies. For sea turtles, impacts may be evident in nesting population trends, but generally only after a lag, as turtles are slow to mature. We examined 850 loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) by‐catch samples collected over 14 years throughout the western North Atlantic to identify source nesting populations. We identified proportions of turtles from 19 distinct management units (MUs), using mitochondrial DNA and mixed stock analysis, considering population size. We found a significant split in the distribution of small versus large loggerheads to the north and south of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (latitude 35°N). North of Cape Hatteras, large turtles came from south‐east Florida (SEFL; 44% ± 15%) and the northern United States (33% ± 16%) MUs, while south of Cape Hatteras, the major contributors were Central East Florida (52% ± 20%) and south‐east Florida (SEFL; 41% ± 20%). Small turtles in the north came from Central East Florida (64% ± 14%), and in the south, south‐east Florida had the highest representation (56% ± 25%). There was little contribution from Mediterranean and Cape Verde populations, indicating low risk from western North Atlantic by‐catch to MUs in the Mediterranean. Understanding where threats may impact source populations is important, particularly for larger size turtles, as these individuals have the highest reproductive value. These findings allow more informed threat assessments to be conducted for loggerhead turtles considering spatial and demographic structure.  相似文献   

采用相关分析和通径分析这两种方法,来研究缢蛏的表型形态性状对体质量和软体部重的影响。随机抽取缢蛏100只,分别测定其壳长(X_1)、壳宽(X_2)、壳高(X_3)、体质量(Y_1)和软体部重(Y_2)5项贝壳表型性状参数,并分别计算了各表型性状间的相关系数,以及表型性状作为自变量,对体质量和软体部重作为因变量的通径系数和决定系数。结果表明,通过缢蛏表型性状间的相关分析对两性状间的关系进行明确的定量,有利于制定合理的多性状选择方案,为缢蛏选育提供理想的测度指标。  相似文献   

Meta‐analysis of marine biological resources can elucidate general trends and patterns to inform scientists and improve management. Crustacean stocks are indispensable for European and global fisheries; however, studies of their aggregate development have been rare and confined to smaller spatial and temporal scales compared to fish stocks. Here, we study the aggregate development of 63 NE Atlantic and Mediterranean crustacean stocks of six species (Nephrops norvegicus, Pandalus borealis, Parapenaeus longirostris, Aristeus antennatus, Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Squilla mantis) in 1990–2013 using biomass index data from official stock assessments. We implemented a dynamic factor analysis (DFA) to identify common underlying trends in biomass indices and investigate the correlation with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. The analysis revealed increasing and decreasing trends in the northern and southern NE Atlantic, respectively, and stable or slowly increasing trends in the Mediterranean, which were not related to NAO. A separate meta‐analysis of the fishing mortality (F) and biomass (B) of 39 analytically assessed crustacean stocks was also carried out to explore their development relative to MSY. NE Atlantic crustacean stocks have been exploited on average close to FMSY and remained well above BMSY in 1995–2013, while Mediterranean stocks have been exploited 2–4 times above FMSY in 2002–2012. Aggregate trends of European crustacean stocks are somewhat opposite to trends of fish stocks, suggesting possible cascading effects. This study highlights the two‐speed fisheries management performance in the northern and southern European seas, despite most stocks being managed in the context of the European Union's Common Fisheries Policy.  相似文献   

The effects of the replacement of marine oils (MO) with canola oil (CO), linseed oil (LO) and soybean oil (SO) on growth, feed conversion and major muscle fatty acid (FA) classes were quantified using a meta‐analysis of published results. There was an absence of relationships between levels of MO replaced and effect sizes for all outcomes. High heterogeneity when combining effects sizes according to fixed effects models imposed the stratification of values in MO replacement categories and the use of random effect models to calculate the summary statistics. Limited values at 50% and 60% hampered clear tendencies when compared to 100% MO replacement. A medium mean effect size (?0.3773, 95% confidence intervals = ?0.7325 to ?0.0222, n = 22) for growth was obtained when replacing all MO with CO, whereas LO (?1.5609, 95% confidence intervals = ?2.3584 to ?0.7633, n = 19) and SO (?1.0589, 95% confidence intervals = ?1.7197 to ?0.3980, n = 22) resulted in high negative effect sizes. This study quantified the extent of differences in production parameters caused by dietary MO replacement with VO and could serve as reference for future experimental studies.  相似文献   

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